(1) Managing God's Blessings

(2) What will you do with Jesus

(3) Who is Jesus

(4) John's Witness John

(5) Jesus Christ is the only way to Salvation

(6) Witnesses of Jesus, John 1

(7) Witnesses For Jesus, John 3

(8) Witnesses For Jesus, John 4

(9) Witness For Jesus, John 5

(10) They Worshiped Jesus

(11) Allowing Jesus To Be Lord

(12) The bread of Life

(13) Jesus Keeps us Safe

(14) The Holy one of God

(15) His Brothers Did Not believe in Him

(16) Doing my Fathers Will

(17) The Living Water part 1

(18) The Living Water part 2

(19) God’s Love

(20) Forgiveness

(21) Focus on Jesus Salvation

(22) Jesus troubled in Spirit

Through Forgiveness the arms of Jesus lift you, and His Love changes you

Turn your heart towards Jesus. Pray to receive Him and His Forgiveness by faith today… He will come into your heart and make all things new.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: the old has gone, the new has come!"

II Corinthians 5:17

To know the Different meanings of LOVE! audio

Read: One Man's Journey,

to  Find God!. Gary O’Hair

Audio messages

Pastor J. Gilbert Hammond,

email: wiok107.5@begottenson.com

“All To The Glory of GOD” 1 COR. 10:31