“All To The Glory of GOD” 1 COR. 10:31
One Man’s Journey To find GOD!
Who am I? What am I here for? What’s to become of me?
Author: Jesus Christ (Yahshua)
As dictated to Gary O’Hair
Who Am I?
Hello, I'm not a writer by trade. But I love to write. I guess this is due to my desire to be understood. To be liked and accepted as to be a part of the whole. Where do I fit in? I wrote long ago about an accident that occurred to me when I was but 14 years of age. I was hit by a car, at 60 mph. And was bleeding to death. I begged God to spare my life (& prevent me from going to hell). I made God the promise that if He would spare me alive. That I would live the rest of my life for Him. No questions ask, I was His. Well thank God, He answered my request to live. And I gave my life wholly unto Him. Well I'm the kind of person that believes you should keep your word, even if promised under such distress. That you believed (& I had no doubt) as I did. I was but a short distance from death. And I also believe that whatever I do. I should strive to do it as well as I possibly can. So as best as I knew how I was going to keep this promise I made to God. So immediately I became a student of the Word of God (Bible). I wanted to learn all I could about God & how I could please Him. And as this was what I promised (to live the rest of my life for Him). I was determined to see it through. So I set out to be one of the best Christians (followers of God) that ever drew breath. It was my desire to please God, even if it required all that I had. And all I could get or be. Even to submitting my life for His Will-to even my death. I was possessed with the thought to please God. And therefore I must learn what was displeasing to Him. I soon learned I had a lot of questions. That I was very much in doubt of the correct answers. And this troubled me a lot. Because I didn't want to be on the wrong side of not even one question. So this set me on a course of I must know the Truth of all things. I thought this is a most impossible task. Yet to please God, I had no alternative. But to pursue that Truth at all cost. Even to my own death. It seemed no matter who I ask (spiritual leaders) I was getting no where. But only producing yet more questions. How many times I read the bible from cover to cover? That's a very big book. I began to believe it was impossible to understand it all. Yet I had made this promise to God. And no matter what it took. I had to try & please Him as the best I understood to do so.
Then one day, as all days I spent all free time studying & pondering the Word of God. But, on this day the sky fell in on me. Let me explain how this happened. In 1964 the Lord began to Speak to my wife. Oh this was such a wonderful blessing. I soon learned I could pray & ask God questions. And He would Speak to Anna & she wrote them down. Even the answers to many of the questions I had ask in prayer. This built our faith very high in the Lord. As you might guess it would. Then one day the Lord Said unto me, (as He had Anna to write). That I should become One with Himself. I was thrilled He had Said this unto me. But to be truthful I didn't have a clue what He expected of me. He repeated this many times for the next few years. I was becoming increasingly more troubled. As to what He wanted of me? And little by little I began to realize. He was Asking me to give my identity to Him. The more He persisted that We must become One. The more I became alarmed. And I questioned God, what's to become of me (myself)? Was God Asking me to give up my soul? My identity as I knew myself. And be dissolved into Himself. Therefore losing track of who I am? I was becoming more frightened with the passing of the days. Does God really want me to just disappear? To not be any more? Not even a memory of who I am? I was really scared. What kind of God is this anyway? I had never heard tell of such a thing. And then as I said the sky fell. I just realized I had asked this question to God. Who are You? This sent a chill, as cold as the grave up my spine. I began to cry out & weep. God forgive me! That instance I forgot about what was right. And what was wrong in my pursuit to worship God. I cried on & on, please forgive me, please don't reject me. For I have been worshipping an image of who You are. I don't have a clue as to who You are. Please forgive me I didn't mean to be an idol worshipper. Please don't hold it against me. Because I really don't know who You are. God have I crossed the line, can You ever forgive me? Can I ever feel secure ever again in my walk with You? I was actually much more scared now.
Then when I was 14 years old & bleeding to death. Had I already crossed the line of no return? Would God ever forgive me this terrible sin I had committed? Was I really (my soul lost to hell forever) without knowing it? Had I gone to far to be saved? This would appear laughable now these many years later. For I was ignorant of so much of the Word of God. And I still have very much to learn. But at the time I didn't know. But what I had committed the unpardonable sin. But I also didn't have a clue. Of what terrible unbearable trials that lay ahead of me. As I went head long into the unknown. To discover how to become One with Christ. These many (40 plus) years later. I understand He wanted me to give my free will to Him. And accept His Will for my life. In becoming One with God. He was inviting me inside His (Christ) Own Mind. I have been there 5 times to date. But don't know how I got there. This very long & very terrible journey is all but over. As Our Lord has reassured me. That I will soon learn how to come. And go into His Mind of my own free will. Even His Own Mind that I find indescribably wonderful. Beyond words & comprehension. That He Himself describes as the Information Center to the Universe.
I dedicate this to My Wife: Anna O’Hair
Thanks to Rhonda, my daughter. Who set this type
And a Special Thanks to:
Jack & Geneva Williams
To make this to become a book.
How can I thank you enough, for what you have done to assist myself?
To make this writing possible. Even sent of God, to bless all the earth. Amen!
Table of Contents
The unbelievable drama of one man’s journey to find God!
My Son, We must become One!
My Son, you must die!
What’s—the Ah –Struck Mode?
It’s appointed unto every man to die once. Heb. 9:27.
Dying out to my sins!
Death of my cares of this life!
Death of my doubt of God!
Death is going to the void!
AH— STRUCK MODE - revealed
Entering into the Mind of Yahshua. Rev. 7:3.
And the many lessons, Yahshua taught me about TIME.
Rev. 7:3-8. & 14:1-5.
They are indeed a Mystery, for the End Time. But now revealed!
They are the first fruits (of the early) harvest. Of the Son’s & Daughter’s
Born Again of the Spirit of Yahweh! They are Born Again of the Spirit—
not by faith! These are the Chosen—the Elective. Chosen before
the foundation of the earth.
These are they spoken of as the SEALED! Rev. 7:3.
These are Sealed in their forehead, with the Mind of Yahshua.
Yes these have become one with Yahshua. One Mind!
As soon as the very first of these is Born Again of the Spirit of Yahweh.
The very first permanent citizen of the Kingdom of God has taken up residence. Of the
Kingdom of God on this earth. The world as we know it. Is very near the destruction of this present kingdom of satan & men. These will reveal all sins of this whole earth. These will deliver the message of the First Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Which will be preached to all the inhabitants of the whole earth. And by these, will the Kingdom of God be expanded to take over the control of all the earth.
Until Yahshua 2nd coming.
(MAP). For the other 144,000 that follows.
Taking your dictation for Your two books.
It’s appointed to every man to die once. Heb. 9:27. For the 144,000 this is the
revealing of the void. This is very, very painful, as one is dying to all the cares of this life.
Then the receiving of the Mind (Sealing) of Yahshua. This is the Seal in the forehead.
Rev. 7:3-4 3. Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed
the servants of our God in their foreheads. 4. And I heard the number of them which were sealed:
and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.
Finishing my commission to record the two books, & my empowerment.
The breaking of the dam. Which is the same as the later rain.
And the second Pentecost. Joel 2:23.
Myself entering the All in All.
Counting of the days. These days will very soon be revealed unto us.
Dan. 8:13-14, 12:11-12, Rev. 11:3,14, Rev. 12:6, Rev. 13:5
The revealing of the A/C anti - christ & the false prophet, the pope.
Yahshua’s 2nd coming. 1 Cor. 15:52. The 45 days of Yahweh’s wrath,
starts at 7th trump. And we will be caught up to the Marriage Supper.
This may take place on Dan. 12:11, the 1,290 day.
And then back to earth, at Jerusalem, to reign with Yahshua for
1,000 years. Dan. 12:12 or the 1,335 day.
The Great White Throne Judgment & punishment. Rev. 20:11.
The New Jerusalem, the End of Time, & eternity begins Rev. 21:10-27.
I entered into Yahshua’s Mind - 7-19-05 - as Promised me.
Nanna’s Healing Oct. 22, 2005 --- the same is the gate to the end!
The T- Speech,
2006, will be the beginning of the end!
The Truth of worship revealed. The keeping of the
4th Commandment. To keep Yahweh’s, Sabbath – Saturday. Rev. 22:14.
The maturity of the Born Again’s growth. The receiving of
the All in All. This will occur upon looking into Yahshua’s eyes.
We shall become a complete Spirit Being. The great fight to ensue.
Rev. 12:17. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her
seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
The pope has reaffirmed, by announcing
the catholic church. Will worship on Sunday. Indeed the battle lines
has been drawn. The catholic church is the whore of Rev. 17,18
The great falling away, has already occurred. II Thes. 2:3. All the Protestant
churches has been deceived. As these are the whores daughter’s. Rev. 17:5 To also deny
the keeping of the 4th Commandment. To keep Yahweh’s Sabbath of Saturday.
They have been induced to keep satan’s sabbath of Sunday.
All men have yet 7 years to depart from this sin. Or be lost, die in their sins.
All men are a product of his or her environment This is the unknown
journey to producing your unique personality of Identity, called the maze.
Some would call this hell on earth.
Yahshua’s proof of Identity—It’s the icing on the cake. Mosely Adams,
Paul Livingston, the James & John, the Clemons, kids in Mi. Revelation, & etc.
Yahshua’s direction to myself, to make this recorded writings, to become a book.
That shall go out unto all the earth.
Yahshua’s Identity
The timeless zone, is Yahshua’s Own Mind
Take notice of Yahshua’s (shocking ) humor. My guess is you never knew this
about Yahshua. The key to receiving Yahweh’s Power. Yahweh I receive the
Will of Your Perfection, Yahshua! Yahshua, reveals this life is no more than the
living death. Who’s end is the void.
Hope & faith are now dead to the 144,000. They have received Yahshua’s faith.
Which is His Spoken Words. Yahweh, is even now Teaching His New Law, of the
1,000 year Sabbath. Even Love of Yahweh, love of neighbor, & love of your
brethren. And set no judgment on any man. Yahshua’s lesson to destroy doubt.
Ask Me, Yahshua nothing. It really works!
Yahshua’s Revelations
Yahshua’s Great Revelation, of reactivating our brain cells. The Secrete Place!
Satan’s lie uncovered, THERE IS NO SECRETE RAPTURE!! When is Yahshua’s
2nd coming? Do you know the Word? Do you believe the Word?
The Truth will stand, as long as Yahweh is conscious of Himself!
Why do we believe? Thou shall not kill! Thou shall not steal! Thou shall not lie!
Of course we believe it, because Yahweh Said it. Ex. 20:13-17 And it’s part of the 10 Commandments. But, did you know that in those same 10 Commandments. Yahweh tells us to KEEP HIS SABBATH, SATURDAY HOLY! And to rest, do no work, & worship Yahweh on Saturday the Sabbath. Which is no less than the 4th commandment.
Did you know this? If, that answer is yes & you do not keep His Commandments.
And if this is not repented of, & you start keeping this Commandment.
Guess what? You are in contempt of His Law! Once brought to your mind as a sin,
it must be repented of. Or your name will be blotted out of the Book of Life.
Rev. 20:15 And you will in the end, be cast into outer darkness. Oh you may say! It’s nothing to get upset about, or my Pastor. Would change our worship from Sunday, to Saturday. WHAT I SAY! Are you calling Yahweh a liar? Perhaps you should study. Ex. 20. and Deuteronomy 5:6-21 for yourself. As, your Pastor will
also give an answer to Yahweh’s Commandments. Children this is a great part of
the great falling away, spoken for the End Time. II Thes. 2:3. I’m speaking here as seriously, as life or death. This is what the 144,000 will soon be making known unto all the earth.
The 144,000, will be known lovingly as the blessed of all the earth!
There are yet many, many more Revelations you will yet discover
as you read this book.
Have you asked yourself, who am I? What am I here for? Or what's to become of I or Me?
If so read on, and you will discover those answers.
This is a true story form as I have sought to find God all my life. My name is not important. But, you may call me Gary. My hope as you read these pages that your name is or has become the one who now seeks to find the One Living God, Yahweh. I am 64 years old. And since I was 10 years old. I have desired to find this One Living God that I may know who He is. No one could have told me that God can not be found. For you see, when anyone person desires to find the Truth of all things, its then God who finds you. Not that you were ever lost from His knowing. I have learned so very much on my life trip to discover God. Yet, it was God Himself that taught me not to look for Him in the starry skies. For God will reveal Himself to anyone who so desires, even God will be found in your own mind. No, contrary to common belief God is not a religion, nor is He found under any name of a church, temple or under synagogue, or place of worship. For you see God can not be contained by the universe or a word, idea, religious doctrine, or any house used as a place of worship. For you, your own temples, body, soul mind is where God will meet you. So what is religion? Is it a form of Godliness? Is it to go to a place of worship more or less often? The Bible tells us what pure religion is.
James 1:26,27 KJV. Verse 26. If any man among you seem to be religious and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
Verse 27. Pure religion and undefiled before God the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
Now there's the Bible definition of pure religion. How many people qualify to be called religious? You see most people don't know religion is to take care of the afflictions of fatherless and widows. And the same is true of the helpless elderly or anybody else in need (poor). But, nearly all people who go to a place of worship are called religious. But, as you can see this is not worshipping God. The word religion means to ease the suffering of helpless mankind. So, as you can see there are very few people who meet the definition of religion or qualify to the meaning of religion. There’s probably more people who qualify to be called religious outside the established houses of worship then is inside them. So what I'm desiring to do in this writing is to reveal the stepping-stones to cross over the cares of this life to the other side to know God's true Identity. So what I'm showing here is step by step of the Truths to discover God's true Identity. As I crossed this river of life, even stone by stone (of truth to truth) I found it was also necessary to at times to walk on the water. I ask is it possible to know God as He really is? I ask again what need do you have to discover God's Identity? I'm going to startle some of you now. God does not desire any (so called worship from any man). For he has angels to do this. In fact very few people know what worship is, maybe less than know what religion is. Once you discover who God is, you will find all Truth of Himself, is most simple to express. After He shows you that Truth of Himself, otherwise you will never know these simple Truths, unless He Himself reveals them unto you. But, let us be clear as to what God desires from us, in what we call worship. I tell you for this is the Truth. God desires our fellowship, because if we really knew God’s Identity. We would realize He is Our Father. And Fathers don’t want their children's worship. A father wants the enter actions of family, to touch, or feel, to mix as one, one family. And how can any have fellowship unless they speak face to face with God? I am not speaking of searching for God by prayer. No, I meant what I said. Praying to God can be worship. Worship is the expression of ourselves delivered to God, as prayer unto Him. Even as He will express His Identity back to you for your understanding. This is what you will be reading here, is my life experiences of step by step, Truth by Truth to discover my identity as God's Own Identity. As you read you will see plainly my struggle to find the true worship of God. You have never read any other writing of human emotion like this, even all my struggles to meet God face to face. You will scarcely believe the, ups and downs. The trials and tribulations, of the mammoth struggle. That, has gone on for forty five years. I speak of desperation as life itself. As, you read it is obvious, had not the Father sustained us. We could not have made it to the present. But, now witness also the triumph, as we now enter the end time days. I invite you to also see that you also can know (fellowship-worship) and speak to God and He will Speak to you. I never plan to market this writing. It will as far as I can see be limited but free. I will make no profit of this what so ever. I tell you I have walked a path that God has lead me to discover and His true Identity. And if you will trace my steps carefully you will also come face to face to the One Living Father God Yahweh. Please come, if you will. His desire is that all men would approach Him in this manner for He has a world to reveal unto each of you.
Please note !
I want to make it perfectly clear as to what I’m saying bought worship & fellowship. For I use to worship Yahshua for hours on end. Even as to pray as many as 5 hours, at a time in the unknown tongue. Before Yahshua Taught me how to fellowship, with Himself.
Worship – is the act of directing your speech (prayers) to God. And, this can be uttered aloud, or thought form (silent). God, of course will not spurn your worship. But, He much more prefers your direct fellowship. As, we are His sons and daughters. Fellowship – is the mutual conversation of two or more. And, can be expressed, with all known emotions. To fellowship with Yahshua and or Yahweh. Will take place in your mind, as thoughts. These, should be recorded with pen and paper. As they will bless you over and over. And to those that Yahshua will allow you to share them with. If, you learn to fellowship with Yahshua. Be sure as the great Teacher He is. Yahshua will Teach you! Even all you could desire. Go with God!
Dear reader this is the last of five volumes I have written, on my path to discover God's Identity. I will record most of this fifth volume for your (witness) reading. You will not fail to be amazed by what you read here. You will plainly see my speech & the Speech of (Jesus) Yahshua and our heavenly (Father) Yahweh when He Speaks, both will be in red ink. If you can believe what you read, you will also know the Father & His Son as I do.
Note please, I have capitalized words that pertain to God & or His Speech. So as to help understand who’s being spoken of. His Speech is printed in red, scriptures are printed in blue. Orig. KJV.
Special note.
For understanding this writing. It was written, in a diary form. Each message # is like a chapter.
Father, I give You praise and thanksgiving in all things. Father, what would You bring unto my attention this day? I need not remind You my known own goals? 1. Nanna's healing. 2. To know You as You are. Father, I know Nanna is now waiting with hope of her healing. What say You Father? My Son, (me Gary) I have lifted a burden from your shoulders. As you have done all you know to bring about Sandy's healing and her understanding of all you have tried to teach her. Son, well done! But, now watch what I shall perform of this faithful friend of yours. Even, My Own Daughter. Okay, now your faithful wife. Who has of late attacked you viciously in the hope that she can make contact with her healing. And in the hope that I Yahshua do exist. "(I call Jesus (Yahshua) Son of God as My Father. Because all things were made by (created) by Jesus. So, I see Jesus as My Father and Yahweh as My Grandfather.)" And even as she attacks you, she wants you to not falter. No matter how much pressure she could bring against you, she only hopes to gain a glimpse of Myself (Yahshua). And thereby renew her hope, that even as you say, she shall be healed, and not long from now. You My Son, have knowingly produced these hints to her. So, as to enact just this response from her. For you know what hell it is to live in this present life without hope. Son, she wants the same in life, to want to believe she's not sacrificed all she is in vain. She mourns her loss of time, her health as wasted. She longs to live, to experience happiness for a life lived in lost expectations. She desires her youth and perfect health and a carefree happy life. That she feels should have been hers from the beginning. Son, you know I have Promised, and oh how you wish you could share all of this with her. But, it's her healing as I Said, is the act that will summons all into your lives. This you desire as your own life. This My Son, with very limited hope, is what she waits on. Son, you now see and understand My feeling for time. And you would plead & have for just the one exception, to break My Own rule. And to show you when she will be healed, a date. I explained to you, that its impossible that I could do this. Yet, for you to see & finally witness her healing is all you ask for. Yet, you know I AM unlimited in My ability, to do all things. Son, you know this. Therefore, you can not, nor will you give up the pursuit. To gain this knowledge to the satisfaction of your own eyesight. Even you are feeling that unknown wall approaching your face. That barrier that no matter what you have tried you have not been able to penetrate it. Son, I did tell you and you can be sure. That you stand at the door to all you & Nanna wish for. You are close enough to touch it with your nose. And this has always been the place that My Words cease to your hearing. And you stand utterly helpless to proceed any further. But, you wait awhile hoping for anything, to advance you to your targeted goal. Even as you wait now, really based on the many other times, this is where it’s going to end once again. You are actually somewhat surprised that My Speech is still coming thru to your hearing. For this is usually where it stops. And you begin to start your vigil to wait and wait, to strain to hear. Your mind searching for an avenue previously undiscovered before. You wait, you pray, you beg. You collectively apply all that you are to be given the grace to enter. Yet you wait, is My Voice gone, you ask yourself? Ah you wait for silence. Yet, you wait, but where's the cold silence? How much longer will it be before it comes? Ah-you pray in tongues. As you don't know what to ask for. Still no cold rejection, but your hope is once more fading. How much longer will you wait before you give up & retreat, to a world your more familiar with? And to wait yet some more in this place that you endure day after day. You can't wait for another sun to arise. So, you can root for its end. Yes, this is the life you know, and detest so thoroughly. Father, is it over? Shall I retreat, to try again tomorrow? I don't trust the tomorrow any more than I trusted today, what an impasse. What say, You now Father? That this is not the set time & I should go my own way? Has the silence fallen? Father, I'm sorry I can't give up. As I live, I intend to return again. I wait, is it silence except for my own voice? Which I, was much less aware of before other tries. And I didn't feel the cool rejection this time. I chuckle, am I making headway? Well it was different. Goodnight Father. I signed off 10-19-04 2:00 AM Tue.
Mes. #2: 10-19-04 - 4:16 am. Tues.
I’m back after 2 hours to resume the struggle.- Researched past messages for answers.
Barrier is moving - I’m knocking on the door of Yahshua’s Heart.- Yahshua’s Speech is
instantly done, the moment it is Spoken.- Nanna’s Healing, is the gate to the End.
Father, I'm back. And I, wish to thank You, because You have let this situation touch my life. I know in the end it will make me stronger. And I, know You are revealing both Our Identities of Yourself. Father, on other occasions when I experienced this blockade. That I keep getting stuck at. I've gone away embittered & a sour stomach. But, things were different this time. It seems in the past, You disclosed very little of Nanna unto me. This last time it was obviously different. But, didn't go unnoticed of myself. Also I didn't experience the cool rejection. Which still does not resonate to my mind. But, before I was unable to perceive my own thoughts. As these also went dead silent. So, what really went down this last time? Where am I really? Where is the origin of this scene? Am I really unknowingly, at the door of Your Own Heart or Mind? Why do I run out of capacity of mind to reason? When, my hearing goes silent? Father, I think I understand enough of this time situation. To accept Your reluctance to discuss Nanna's healing in a time reference. I also know, that You Said, I could see her healing in the Information Center of the Universe, even Your Own Mind. Which is completely devoid of anytime & all time. Father, do I have to penetrate the barrier (Your Mind)? Which I'm definitely aware You Will do & not I. Or is Nanna's healing to appear before I can be welcomed (of Yourself), thru the barrier? Father, if I have understood You correctly in Your Speech to me. I must enter Your Mind first, (before Nanna's healing). Is this correct? My Son, only (2) hours of set back time. And you go not away embittered. But, return in (2) hours giving the proper thanks, that you must do. Son, would you say, We are making headway? Yes, Father, I do believe You are allowing me to advance into Your Identity. (These following references is made from book no. #4) 4th book page 120 "But, Father I'm not worried that I'll miss the date. For my Nanna's healing is first to come before I’ll know Your Identity. That's right, My Son.” Page 125 "as I was speaking to the Lord about Nanna's healing, this is what He (Yahshua) Said. My Son, as this is none other than the gate to the End, that you wish to enter.” Page 126 "My Lord, You hinted unto me that the way around this time matter is to go thru Your Mind (Timeless Zone)" Page 127 "Father, why is it that when ever I seek this (Nanna's healing) answer, it's as if my nose is against a cold impregnable wall? Where it seems my voice is pushed back into my face. Is this wall my own doubt? I don't see how that can be so. My Son, you have stood at this very (wall) as you call it many times in your pursuit to know Myself. And to find the answer to (Nanna's healing), this question over the years. Son, how could this be found as your doubt? Since you have repeatedly come to this same (wall), over & over many times. If you didn't believe the answer was there. Okay, you want to know how to come thru this barrier. My Son, you are knocking on the door of My Own Heart.”
Page 129 "and this last time You was to let me view (her healing), even as You view it completed. Yet, that didn't happen, did it Father? My Son, you will soon understand My Speech. For when I Speak a matter, it is already complete.” Page 138 "Son, I Spoke to you, of the log jam to be released upon your sight of Nanna's healing" page 139 "As the gate is ready to open wide (Nanna's healing), for your entrance into My Mind.” Page 141 "Son, you could never leap the time barrier. I had set in place before time was. Son, even as I Speak unto you, the gate (entering My Mind) is removing." Page 143 "You would like to see how far the gate has moved.” Page 144 "Son, if you can accept this, this is the door into (blank) My Own Mind. So, I allowed you to your own understanding (by your own thoughts), to advance to the very door of My Own Identity. Yet, at that very point you are no more aware of your own existence. Not until you were awakened again, did you realize that I (yourself) was seeking-fade to gray. Son, I have just shown you the pathway to My Own Identity. Where it seemed to you not only didn't you know, but was completely unaware of your own identity. Plus or minus anything else. All went blank-except for a low-grade light. You were at a point you didn't know anything. Yet, I Say to you, you were there, right at the door of who I AM. I Say, this to your knowing. You will knowingly pass thru a corridor of immeasurable distance-pass innumerable light years & much, much faster than the speed of light, (128,000 miles per second). But, just short of the speed of thought. And you will enter My Mind. And to move by thought, in & out of My Mind as swiftly & willfully as the action of a light switch.
Mes. #3: 10-19-04 - 1:27 pm. Tues.
Continue to seek NH & Our Identities.- Sequence, which NH or entering into Yahshua’s
Mind?- timing, set time?- the earth is rotten - you will establish My Kingdom - that’s why
you are here.
I had Nanna to mail out Sandy's last package today. A total of 48 pages. Father, what would You like to show me today? My Son, naturally you continue to seek Nanna's healing & Our Identities. Son, as you went back to check what I had Said on the matters. You were trying to see if there was a sequence, & which followed the other. Yes Father, I spent sometime on this last night. Father, they appear to occur simultaneously. Is this correct? Son, as you know they are both for a set time. Of which you obviously believe to be any day now. Father, I have to believe this, for Nanna's healing-yes I do. Otherwise, why do I struggle? I hope not in vain. For a time, set date that is not near at hand would be meaningless, which has been now for 11 years. Especially if I had knowledge to that effect. Which is what I seek. So, why seek if it is not near at hand? And son, you give thanks, for the very low appraisal for your property, you received today. Yes Lord, & the fact Alycia has the flue & Nanna could get it. (I was being sarcastic be sure). Father, I have much to give You praise for. And especially for the fact that I seek You for Nanna's healing. And many yesterdays, today and the tomorrow’s yet to come. Father, do You have any other Revelations to reveal to me? Son, I see you fighting back your bitter feelings. As you wait on for years, to dreams of great Promises. Which seems as delightful as an empty grave, & just as promising. Lord, You know my true feelings, just let me out of this whole mess. Would appear reward enough for time served. Father, You know I'm tired, You know I'm so weary. Yet, I must keep a face, so as not to dash Nanna's small flickering ray of hope. Father, I remember Your Words from long past. That this breakthrough (the barrier of Nanna's healing's), and my commission for Your Service. Could come at the most cheeriest moment (this would be Nanna's healing, praise God), or our darkest hour. Lord on the rare moments that I get an ever so slight peek for the Promises. That You have made over the rumble of garbage pile of this life. Doesn't generate much happiness nor hope of anything else. Father, I can not exist forever on dreams & Promises that I never see. Father, I must give You thanks, for the lowness I feel, that touches my life today. In spite of how low I feel, I want to wish to my enemy (satan) the hottest of flames to you. Yes, Father, I feel low & some self pity. But, I always feel sorry for Nanna, because I can't help her. Father, again I thank You because You always forgive me, when I'm weak. But, I can always wish for unconscious sleep for my relief. Only to awaken to resume the fight to keep ones nose above the water line, and thus life goes on & on. Son, I Say, surprise to you. Yes son, after all I do believe you see the world as it really is. Everything is foul, & corrupt, & most miserable, & most undesirable, & most inhospitable, & no lasting peace can be found. And you awaken to find yourself right in the middle of it, with no route of escape-but Myself. Son, I fault you not that you see all that is detestable to your sight on the earth. A blind man would give the same testimony. Son, hear Me, that's the reason you are here. For in your identity, you have the forthright desire & compassion to change. Or to make a difference upon the face of this earth. And you shall do so-yes I Said, to impact the face of the earth. You were placed here of Myself, (at this time). So as to experience this undesirable & despicable mess, that has been created of men. Which is contrary, to all I created for mans pleasure & happiness. You are here to usher in My Kingdom on this whole earth. And you will do this to bring Justice & Truth to all men, everywhere. To justify your constitution of righteousness, to all, even for My Own Glory. Therefore you must have endured all you hate & reject as evil. And seek to purge the earth of its blight. Son, you had to experience all of this. To be found of Myself. To be led, trained & finally released to set in motion. My plan to establish My Kingdom, & heal the whole earth. Daniel 7:18. Unto all righteousness, to all inhabitants even for ever & ever. Amen! Son, you will play no small part to bring all of this about. Son, you had to experience it all, with no fore warning. As to be objective, fair without prejudices, & pre-altered perspective. All gathered by your experience upon the earth. Now you know why you are here. You have desired to know this your whole life. Now that I have revealed this unto you. Will I cause you to yet suffer the more that you may learn? Learn what I Ask? That you hate this place. You got the picture in hand. Son, its time for you to start the motion, to destroy all sin & evil from the earth. And to establish My Kingdom on this earth. It is the set time to begin. Then My Father, You must drop the barrier to Nanna's healing-is this not so? Son, it is time, it is done!
Mes. #4: 10-19-04 - 10:00 pm. Tues.
Why is the Spirit not barring witness to NH?- Son, you are at the door of My Mind!-
take a rest, as you have struggled hard for NH.
Even so My Lord, my feet move not, until You cause my eyes to behold Your Glory. Even so Amen! Father, that's all I have to say about my eyes. Now do You wish to make me aware of anything else? Father, I would ask, why this fact of Nanna's healing does not resonate to my spirit? Something as big & important, I would expect the Spirit to bear witness. Son, you mean, do you yet wait? Yes, Father, I guess that covers it. Father, I really don't want to rehash the time thing, unless You can complete my understanding of it. Son, I awakened you out of your sleep. And even before your eyes were open. I was Speaking unto you. Yes Father, I recall this. Son, you avoid asking questions as much as possible. That would lead you back to your (wall) of no penetration. As you do not like the feelings that you experience. Even to risking your embitterment toward Myself. As you are not sure what is occurring. And seems to be beyond your control. You understand, and by My Speech, that you are at the door of My Own Mind. Yet, you're not mindful of any door, or known logic of what to do, or might be expected of you. This door will appear & will open up unto you. Son, take to you yet another rest. As you have been pushing hard of many hours seeking a break thru. I Will Speak with you more.
Sign Off 10-19-04 11:30 PM Tue.
Mes. #5: 10-20-04 - 3:20 am. Wed.
Son, you saw a night vision, you will see more of these. - Yahshua, You will not
Speak of NH in mans time. - How am I to know when she will be healed?
Son, I have not ceased Speaking. And you were seeing scenes that were yet viewed of you in a time past & reviewed again. But, in really is a time yet not occurred, but futuristic. Once again on waking up, you can't remember what you saw, only people running. Son, I Promise you will see by your own selective choice of any person, place, or thing of any era. Oh you say, yet to seek & to know the Truth as it is. Yet, I Ask you My Son, have you seen Nanna's healing in these dream visions? Son, as a matter of fact you have, many times. But, you can't recall them. Now you remember some scenes you were with a young woman. You would consider vile & unclean, if not shared with ones mate. Yes son, you saw your Nanna, but yet in your future. Father, that's a relief & fantastic. Son, as you remember Me Speaking. I Ask, of your wife's healing. And your reply was, Father, even as You Said it's time, it is done! Father, do You mean past, present or the marriage of a fact & when? And of course I now answer you. And I Say, son, why all three to My Own knowing. Father, I laugh! For I can't pin You down to a time recognizable for my own understanding. Now that You have explained the time matter to me. I know You see it done in all 3 times. Even present & before time was, until even after time is gone. But, Father, that still leaves me holding the bag in a snipe hunt. As to when I'll see NH, to my own eyesight? Son, you had to stop in mid sentence, as now that I Said, you had already viewed her healing. And you thought now what do I really mean-as I don't mean to lie? So how do I say it, to be correct? Son, you now understand My Speech even better. But, Father You are still picking out (as yet) a set date or time in my future, & hers a moment when she will be healed. But as I understand You, You're not recognizing it in mans time. Is this correct Father? Son, you understand enough now, of how I don't observe your time, as something I'll submit to, nor adhere to. So, where am I in understanding this Father? As I understand in this case of Nanna's healing, You won't adhere to a date of my understanding. Father, I think I'm confused again. Wooo-I feel myself approaching the wall again. Father, this drains all my strength away & I feel very tired-too tired to try to go on. Sign Off 10-20-04 4:28 AM Wed.
Mes. #6: 10-20-04 - 7:56 am. Wed.
The Spirit of the Lord came up & covered the earth! - I’m being led into Your Mind.
another vision - you will see more healing -. I Yahshua Teach you, & you will live!-
The barrier - the door to Yahshua’s Mind-
Even now the Spirit of the Lord came up & covered the earth.
What did you see My Son?
Father, I saw very much but I don't know what it was. I heard the words, I recorded
there were many other words but, I recall no more. My Son, this has not ceased since I told you to take your rest at 10-19-04 11:30 PM Tue. That's true Father. Whether asleep or awake you hear My Voice. Where am I leading you My Son? Father, some how, some way, I think You are leading me into Your Mind. That is correct My Son. Father, please lead me on. Son, from what you can recall, you have seen before at an earlier time. And you think maybe more than once. Yes, son, you are seeing visions of scenes. They are vivid to your sight. And, what appears many peoples in constant motion. Yet, when you awake, you can recall almost nothing. Son, as much action as you saw you would like to participate in it. What ever it was that was happening. Of course this will continue to become much more clearer. And, soon you will recall all you see & hear. Father, what a trip! But, I'll be glad & very happy to receive anything & everything You wish to afford me Father. Father, I can see when You Say I shall live, of what action I viewed. Truly I now realize, You have shared these visions with me for many years. Yes son, My Son, now I tell you where you saw them, even in My Own Mind. And I have made you aware, that very soon you will come & go at your will. And call up any topic, you so desire. Wow! That's just unbelievable, My Father. I'll never know another minute of boredom. Son, it is so apparent now, that this logging is nearly over. As soon as you can start recalling more clearly. This will amass way too much to record. For then you can recall, by ordering up anything you desire. Son, you can only guess as to what this can, & will do in your work for Myself. Son, I Say, you are most welcome to My Mind. And only now can you see the volume of work you can do. And yet, you know nearly nothing, of the volumes of knowledge, you can retain in the instant of a thought. Did I not Say, you can stop any mouth that opposes you? Or leave their thoughts scattered, as if a mad dog had torn through their minds. Son, I told you not nearly the half of what is yet to come. Son, you are only beginning to grasp who I AM, & therefore who you are. Son, today your care is Nanna's healing. When very soon, healing will ascend from the point of your tongue. A stare of your eye, & from a pointed fingertip. Oh yes, My Son, you are going to live. My Son, you have known much of this for many years. Yet, today you are to your own knowledge, beginning to live it. Whether is no end, even forever. Son, now & only now do you see why I have set you apart from all others. I Teach you, and I would have no one, to contradict My Speech, or level their opinion. Son, all will seek you, but they shall not adhere to you. I Am Your companion, and I will allow no one, to try to control or govern you. Nor to make any decisions for you what so ever. You will always stand-alone with Myself. Oh yes, you will meet and share much fellowship. But, I repeat, no one shall mount any amount of control or dominance over you. And yes, you will always remain, the simple Gary that you are. You will never see any need ever to take on any role regardless who you meet. You will never live a lie, for anyone ever. And believe Me, they will respect you as you are. For they will fear, to do otherwise. When any ranking or otherwise would attack you. You will deal according to them, as comes into your heart. Son, I Say I AM-who are you? Father, We Are One. Father, I must keep pressing for Nanna's healing, I'm sorry. But, I couldn't ever begin to think that it was any length away from this day. Father, I believe until I see her healing, that nothing You Speak is available unto me. And son, you are correct. So Father, when can this very tired body of mine, leap for joy? And upon this question, I feel I'm being drawn to the wall. Well Father, it appears I must locate a door or corridor to enter. Father, I don't know why I don't want to approach the wall. Except I don't feel comfortable there. Is it because it's all unknown to me Father? And I've been there too many times with no results. Son, it is the very last of who you are, to be resolved into Myself. Yes, it is your reaction of what you don't understand or know. It is even Myself. Son, this is nothing for you to be concerned about, what so ever. For no harm can come close to you. As I Say, it’s all that's left of your human precautions. And they are virtually gone, as I Speak. You will no longer fear to approach the wall, as your uncomfortable feelings will vanish. Father, I see I could fill this large book very quickly at the rate of this Speech. Father, remove the barrier so that I may enter, please. Son, you see I've walked you step by step, to the very door of My Mind. Son, and I do bid you to come in. Father, just show me the door or corridor. I will, I must enter for Nanna's sake. Thank You Father. Sign Off 10-20-04 10:17 AM Wed.
Mes. #7: 10-20-04 - 12:41 pm. Wed.
You are Teaching me - teach to NH -Yes, son write it, the 144,000, these are to establish
My Kingdom. - I plead for NH - Yahshua Your Mind is paradise-
Hello Father, how many more days can I hold out? Father, I have lain here until I'm sorely weak. Yet, where can I go, but to You, for the answers I need? Father, as I just re-read this book, skits, flickers of recognition flashed as I read. Of scenes, while I was in Your Mind asleep. Like little tid-bits of fire works going off (as I read), of many flashes of scenes I had viewed earlier. Father, again a sensation I've never witnessed in my life. And yet You Teach me. Thank You My Loving Father. Please Teach on to Nanna's healing (NH). Son, you realize that as each should, that is now be brought into the knowledge of My Mind, & their identity, as being One with Myself. Is Sealed, to Myself & each as yourself, will stand alone unanswerable, but to Myself only. Yes, My Son, you must write it. As this is the third time, it has by My Spirit passed thru your mind. These indeed are the 144,000 called & Sealed. And you see why I break off your writing, to the public. These Words will only be allowed, to those I Speak unto you. That is also why you will go to the T – (telepathic) Speech, shortly. There could never, nor will there be a paper trail left for any, to amuse or abuse My Speech. Yes son, by the Spirit you heard a whisper of 44,000, thrice you have heard this. As if the Spirit were making you aware of this word was coming. Actually, this is exactly what you have been looking for in the Spirit to do, to home you in on (NH). And you have been carefully watching for this. As you would take this as a signal that you were approaching her healing. Yes, son all I give you is to be shared with your wife. As you are one, as We Are One. Father, I am so humbled, by the magnitude & depth of Your Speech. Yet, I see clearly, I could never get enough of it now, as life itself. Father, Teach on to my (NH). Father, what else could possibly pass thru this poor mind of mine? And extend to the point of this pen. To become Truth, yes amazing Truth, of great Revelations. Hidden, from the foundation of the earth. Son, as you know this is the appointed time (before time was), to establish My Kingdom on the earth, therefore the End of Time. So, there will not be with held from you one iota. Father, You have taken me deep. But, I realize, nothing yet, as to what I shall find, once in Your Own Mind. Father, the thoughts that whirl in my mind, scream of life & to live! Who can believe? Who can believe? Thus Sayeth the Lord! To the depth of His Mysteries, to the height of His Love, to share life. Who can bear my report? Father, let Us go on; oh tell me how close do I approach (NH)? Even the door of my life. I must, have this life; I must share it with my Nanna. Father, please, if it be Your Will, give her a huge old fine house. That she may go about happily caring for, & to share with others. After she gains all the knowledge written here. I don't know what her mindset will be. But Father, I'll give You thanks for my comfort. But, outside of that, & to share Nanna's life. I don't feel possessions will matter but little to me. But, to do the Will of You, My Father. Son, as I Said, she will stand by your side in all things. Father, I could never ask any more. Surely My Father, You have not brought me to this point. When her healing is months or years away. Oh My Father, Father, Father, make me whole thru (NH). Oh Father, shall I approach the wall once more? Father, I can scarcely stand to be turned aside yet again. Father, bring me to the most cheeriest point in my entire life. Even to the millisecond of her healing. I will not, nor could I ever view this life through the same eyes. Father, the fact that You are not turning me back. With the words of its for a set time. Endears my heart to hope. That I'm at the door, the very door of seeing it with my eyes. When indeed, I have arrived at that set time. Son, you are applying yourself with all that you are, to see this thing, Now! Father, I'd gladly take death now, this second. If I thought this was not the season of her healing. Father, I’m trying to reason in my mind, if there's anything You can Say. Even, that her healing is here now. Let my eyes see it. Please! Son, shall We walk to the wall again? For sure Father! I'm now pretty certain that I have to find the door or a corridor. You Spoke of, to enter this Your Mind. Lord, I don't care how uncomfortable I feel. I believe now that's the way, lets go. Not another time, but lets go now. Father, I've been to hell, I've been without hope; I've been thru death. Yes, I'm a little frightened because I find Your Mind to be a place I've never knowingly passed thru. Yet, inside Your Mind, is nothing short of paradise. And if I could get there on my own. I still can't see why I would ever want to come out. Father, I say please, guide me thru this wall. Because, if I understand. When I succeed to enter Your Mind, with my understanding, as to how I got there. I will have to my own sight the proof of (NH). Yes, lets go to the wall, let me enter with my knowing. Father, will You do this now? Show me the way into Your Mind. Father, I hear silence, but I'm not at the wall, or I'm not aware of it anyway. Please Father, Speak with me, show me how to enter. Father, I can't go away, there's no place to go. You Father, are the Life I seek. You are the Bread Of Life. I go to sleep 10-21-04 1:00 AM Thurs.
Mes. #8: 10-21-04 - 8:54 am. Thurs.
Thinking of the path - another phase - speaking of entering Yahshua’s Mind – our
assignment, of His Kingdom - the election, & the rottenness of politics - looking for
the door into His Mind & begging for NH.
Good morning Father! I've been thinking of the path You have brought me. From We must be One, to that I had to die. And the introduction of the AH-Struck Mode. That I have since learned is Your Mind. As one is the same, as the other. And the end of my journey is to enter Your Mind. For the accomplishment of my life. Father, as You introduced me to each phase of this journey. I had none, or very little idea what You were asking of me. Yet, through the years, I now finally find myself at the end of the journey. And that being to enter Your Own Mind, yet even as the other phases, when Spoken unto me. I had no idea (at the time) how to comply to Your request. And thus I find myself now. Trying to understand how to enter Your Mind. As I no more am adverse, to solving this phase, as the others now past. This one shall also be Taught to me, of You My Lord. The struggle has been very real. But, I'm confident, as You have led me thru each phase. You in Your Own time, will to my understanding, show me as to how to advance into Your Mind. And the only question I have, is when? For as I know by now, my (NH) is found in this Your Mind. I have waited & sought of over 11 years for her healing. Not knowing when it would occur. But, now that information is now known of me. As to how to enter into Your Mind. Not that I finally know how, & when Nanna will be healed. I want no time to elapse. Because I haven't done my part, to complete this mission. Thank You Father __, for Your patience with me. And also that You saw fit to share the most sacred treasure of all with me. Entering into Your Mind. Good morning to you My Son. Son, what you have spoken is all true, to your knowledge. Really Father, I'm so humbled to have been picked of You, for this discovery. Father, the only question left is when will You allow me to enter? Father, I've been very careful to monitor Your Spirit, for any signal that I'm very close to entering in. It appears unto me this is the season. Yet, I can’t get any read by the Spirit. This bothers me, as does the Mystery of the Father's Speech going silent. But, I am sure, I will learn the whys. Even, as I will learn how to enter into Your Mind. I also realize, that once inside the Lord's Mind, there is yet another mission. And that's to bring about His Kingdom, on this earth. Which will be our assignment. Now as this elections for a leader of our nation is only days away. With all its corruption (by both sides), as also it's injustices. Our two party system, is bent on staying in power, to rule our nation. They will pass any law; perform any act, to kill the rise of any opposition. I am registered, as an Independent. Yet, there is no such party. Therefore you are forced to vote between the two of lesser evils. Which do I believe to be the lesser evil? Republican Party. Who is the rich mans party. And they form the law for the control & benefit of the rich or big business. Such as oil, gas, drug manufacturers, insurance, banking & etc. But, does as a rule recognize God, (however His limited role) & support life, against abortion, stem cell research, gays, & lesbians. Which God hates & I hate. Or you have the choice to vote Democratic. Who is anti-God (openly), and stands for those things which God hates. They support anything immorally against God. And in the name of free speech, they are openly pro-socialistic communist, who is all so anti God. But, this is as I, say the rule today. But, the new government is coming very soon, as we are in the end days. And our Father, is going to rule not only the USA, but the whole earth with true justice. So, this is my final job, that Our Father has been training me for, all my life to fill. And that is to bring this warning, to the whole earth, not to resist His Kingdom. But, to acknowledge, to accept & support God's Government. This is why, I was born. This is why, I'm here now. Even to discover the avenue to His Mind, to learn, & to finish my mission. Praise God! Father, what Say You? My Son, you understand well as I Taught you over the years. It is true, the end time is here, & My Kingdom will be. And you My Son, want to finish this phase of your life, so as to enter into My Mind & finish your mission. But, as you say, you have a very personal interest & that's (NH). That shall occur or be released upon entering My Mind. So, this is very urgent that you finish the course very quickly. Yes Father, that sums it up very nicely. There's only one slight hang up, as this is for a set time. And I desire to know, if we are near, or at this marked set time. So far, My Father, my understanding fails me, to make this discovery when this set time is. If I ask You, My Father, was it yesterday, today, or tomorrow? You Will Say all three. Because, You are yet training me to see time, as You see it. And basically Father, You don't see it at all. As something You must observe. You have explained this to me, which I accept. But, what I ask of You Father, is to let me see what You see. And You could do so this second. But, You tell me, I will see as You see, once I enter Your Mind. But, I don't know how to do this. Nor, do I know if this is the correct time, set before creation. I'm trying to find by having You Father guide, me thru to Your Mind, but is this the set time? I ask that question, & You Say, yes. Yet, I can't find the opening into Your Mind. So, here I am Father. I have tried to explain all I know about it. Yet, it appears I stand at a wall (I can't advance thru) & to me a strange silence from You My Father. That I don't understand. This is truly a new experience to me. But, as I say (yet when), will I see this as history soon? You will Father, see me thru this as all other phases. What I could wait for, (final phases) with a relaxed mind. Is now clouded with the same time, Nanna will be healed. So, of course this takes on anything but a relaxed mind. I have waited for over 11 years. And now to learn that yes, (by Your Word it’s time). I'm really struggling to control my emotions. Father, I'm sure You understand. So, what now Father? Son, I can't say wait, for your understand of time. Wait is not relevant, nor acceptable. As you desire to see, as I see. I have already told you it is now, the set time. Which only leaves you entering into My Mind. Which, you have repeatedly tried to do. And then you have encountered yet another mystery, of a cool rejection, & silent Speech from Myself. What is the meaning of this, you ask? Yes Father, Speak on please. Son, you have faced other many things, that did not make any sense, to your knowledge of understanding, to bring you this far. And now, what is involved, is the highest stakes of your life (NH). And you say, Father, I'm with You, lets do away with time & heal her now. Father, there is no more to be done as I see it. And that is for me to beg You for her healing. Which I gladly do & offer my life in exchange. I have no more to offer. Father, will You Speak? I believe I hear silence. Sign Off 10-21-04 10:42 PM Thurs.
Mes. #9: 10-22-04 - 4:36 am. Fri.
Coded message for NH - Son, you know you are My Son. - Check out preacher on
prophecy - you are learning My Identity - politics & the raving of a fool-
Hello Father ____. It is yet a new day & I must give You praise, for all that has touched my life & all that is about to. Father, I believe I'm just about talked out, as to how to proceed or what to say, or how to try to interact. Son, you do remember speaking with your dad. And he was looking at a paper for a bus schedule. And you ask him, when is our bus due? And he said, they run between 10 to 2. Then you went about trying to see what time it was. Yes Father, there were many men & some few women moving about (always milling about). I thought it was a place where we worked. And it appeared to me for some reason, we all had to go home. Yet, I was not aware why we couldn't drive our cars. And there we were waiting for a bus, that ran to our area. So, why do You bring this to my attention, Father? Son, there is a Coded Message here for you. And I used the memory of your dad, to deliver it to you. Okay Father, are You going to open it up to me now or later? So, the known facts are these. Working or a job involving many people, a problem we could not drive. And a bus schedule, to apparently to go home. And a time factor from 10 to 2, which doesn't make much sense for a bus line. Father, surely it didn't mean 10 min. unto 2:00 o'clock. As this appeared to be in the early AM or 1:50, did it? Son, in time you will know. My Father, Your Speech appears to be coming very slowly. I have no idea what's going on. I will check in now & then, to see if this situation has changed. Praise You Father for Your goodness, thank You for all. My Son, as you recall I've tested you for fear, when I delayed My Speech. And again you have passed the test. For tho I Spoke not, there was no fear or panic known unto you. But, upon searching your mind, you could not supply any reasoning for this silence. Son, you now know beyond any doubt, that you are the Son, of the Living God. Its not yet available to you, to all My Attributes or Personage. So, no fear can now arise in your heart. You are mystified of My Speech, as to how you may enter My Mind & the timing. But, again you went back thru My Words, to prove unto yourself, that I have directed your life always. And it is all but finished to your perfect understanding. Yes son, I will allow you to go check this man (preacher) out, on his end time beliefs. (Rifle Range Rd.) Son, all is but complete. The struggle is over-you will struggle no more with anything under the sun. For your knowledge of your identity is now but complete. Even, as (NH) is also complete. Son, if this was all you received her healing, & no more struggle. This would seem reward enough, of any reward. But, My Son, these are only the realization that your totals of reward are on their way. My Father, thank You for Your Speech, it really sounds wonderful to my hearing. Son, I know you was dumb founded, as to what had happened. Son, I'm proud you did not fold under the pressure or start running scared. Son, enjoy your day, no longer will you press for the discovery of what you seek. Son, be of good cheer, for you have arrived at your destination of desire. Rest My Son, & watch it open up unto you. Thank You Father, yet for another day. My Son, you are at the door of discovery, to all your heart could desire. Son, as I've Said often unto you, nothing is required of you in any way. So Father, let the show begin, as I rest comfortably in Your Speech. Father, I know no more nor less that You are readying for me. As I'll try my best to shut all time from this action or concern. Father, is there more You would declare at this time? Son, you are daily learning My Identity. Which increases the knowledge of your own. Son, you watch-as those would boast there is no God. And if so what possible role could He play in our government? In the running of this country. And you can hardly sit there & listen to this blasphemy. And want so very much to start your ministry to challenge these fools, and show My Hand to all. And deliver the message that My Reign & Kingdom is here now! Yes Father, so be it the sooner. Yes Father, I can't wait to harden their hearts for hell, or deliver them to repentance, as their choice might be. But, let's get this over once and for all, lets banish sin from the earth. Let, the fool be destroyed with his mouth, lest he breed yet more fools. Father, I've wondered over the years. When I finally get to go in Your Name, just what the message would be? Now that's becoming more clear, each day to me. And nothing could be more true & adequate for this day. No Father, I can't wait to get started, I can't stand their lies. I can't stand the sight of the sins they openly support & try to force on everyone else. I say repent, or be off to hell with you. This is at last the time for confrontation. For Truth, to win out over evil. As every fiber of my being screams out, (lets get it on), as this is the reason I was born. So, how soon will I be able or permitted, to carry out why I am on the face of this earth to perform? To banish all sin & evil. To establish all Truth, even for ever & ever. Amen. Father, I wait for this Coded Message to be revealed unto me.
Sign Off 10-23-04 12:07 AM Sat.
Mes. #10: 10-23-04 - 11:22 am. Sat.
Visited the little church - lot of sickness in the congregation - you wait for
NH, & your empowerment-
Father, I give You praise for all that touches my life. For this is Your Divine Will for me. I attended a church on Rifle Range rd. tonight. I seen this Bro. Clemons on TV speaking on the end time. And I desired to check it out. He had no written material to give me. But, said if I would return to the 2:00 PM service, he would have some stuff for me. He said, he gets his material from a preacher in Indiana. So, on the tomorrow being Your Will perhaps I can study this.
Now Father, I ask You, would You have me to share any thing that I have with him? Son, tomorrow that will be answered unto you. I do not have to remind you to view what you will, but accept nothing as Truth, unless I bid you to do so. Son, you can't keep from labeling them, as you know churches. And these would appear, as free will Pentecostal. Son, will these people play anymore roll in your life, than any of the others? You don't have a read on that as yet either. Be not overly concerned My Son, I have My reasons for your attendances. And you will learn these soon enough. Son, what little you heard him speak on TV, did not agree to what I've been Teaching you. But, go My Son, as you will not fail to learn. What is Truth, even as what is taught as untruth. Now to share with him your treasures, you will see. Now a completed day has brought you one day closer to (NH) & Our Identities being One in the Father. Son, you can bare up, & you will do so. In your wait for (NH) & your empowerment.
Father, it made me sick to hear all the sickness inside this little church. How can we be a light to the world, showing only defeatism? Where is the God of the Bible? Do we know You or not? We stand eye level in the cares & troubles of life. Where is the life of victory? I have sought it from my youth. When will the fullness of Your Word abide on us? Father, I await on the tomorrow for Your Voice. 10-24-04 12:02 AM Sun.
Mes. #11: 10-25-04 - 12:00 am. Mon.
I learned no new prophecy from them.- Father, You sent me to them. - Bingo My Son! Son,
now you know I’ll be the only One toTeach you. - The seal in the forehead of the 144,000, is
the receiving of My Mind. - What the 144,000 job is- I’m honored before Yahshua - a
scripture of thanksgiving 1 Thes. 5:18.
Father, I see why You with held of any positive statement on these people. Father, I like them a lot, & I would be more comfortable with these people than any I visited. But, My Lord, I don’t want to give up Our relationship. Nor, via yet second hand information, to seek You. What did I learn? They did confirm what You had already shown me. And I thank You for this Father. But, they didn’t answer one question in (my end time studies) that I’m seeking answers on. Father, as You know, I’m brash in my speech. They are doing a great service for the believers. But, I see it as an over priced business venture, of this preacher from Indiana. Of mostly speculation or selling printed copies. As I say, they are doing a good work, & I hope their intentions are honorable. But, I see clearly, its not for me. And unless You Say otherwise, I’ll see if they make contact with me, & I’ll proceed from there. But, I don’t believe I’ll learn anything new. For they are also getting their news from this (end time news agency). Father, this wasn’t for me, but them. Isn’t that correct? Bingo My Son! There’s no need that I should reveal all. But, what you gave them of your humble background, they will now consider this. For they have learned more of you in one meeting. Than in their search for the Truth, that has amazed them. Son, you will see & know the right course. Just follow My lead. But son, this is also to show you that you really don’t need any one else. Father, I see this clearer than ever. These people have access to many different publications, that they just requote & sell. Son, you know that much of the scripture has a bi-fold meaning. But, your not interested in metaphors & speculations. Just the simple Truth will do very nicely. Okay son, its time to open up to you the All in All, of all Truth. And I, now Say to you, I Will not allow any other to teach you, only for confirmation. Son, now you know unless you can help them the more upon them asking. It is over, as I Say, follow My lead. Son, you will no longer search outside of Myself. Father, I hear You. So, what Father, would You like to share with me now, if anything? Son, I’m not displeased with you, but now We have an understanding. Son, it is I, who will answer any questions, even all you can dream to ask. Father, I’m sure You Will remind me. Should I try to get off track again? Thank You Father. Son, this did serve to round out your view. But, I repeat, you learned no New Revelation. Son, as they have no concept to identities. You are nearing your own. And even as My Own, where all things are found. Whether are no questions, only answers. Okay Father, I’m now waiting on (NH) & this Coded Message. And whatever else You care to deliver to me. Son, the more today you see, this First Gospel has to be preached. But, what hell it will unleash. Son, prison is for sure. But, when your testimony there is done, there you will not remain. As they can not hold you, as you must take supper with Nanna. Son, when I Say, nothing is out of control. I express I AM! Then Father, I say, I’m ready for some action. Lord, I know You control all eternity. To in the beginning & back to the eternity. You knew all before & You know all now, & back again thru all eternity. The only place anything can be out of control, is in my mind. As I don’t yet see, as You see. Nor, do I know, as You know. Father, what Say You? My Son, you are ever seeing your future little by little, yet plainer & plainer. How many times have I Told you, nothing was out of control? Yet, you don’t want to become so relaxed, as to become complacent. Father, as I don’t have a clue as to what is pertinent for today, I rely totally on You. Son, as you recognize, I send a lot of New Revelations, not in bangs of loud noise, but, often in what appears faint ideas. That most of the time, is so faint that you take no thought. To give them a thought, and then they seem to vanish from your mind. Then as I showed you in your sleep, little by little, something else (bit of information). Is joined with first thought, that it becomes large enough, to get your attention. Then all of a sudden, it occurs to you, it’s a New Revelation. And was started by a planting before. Son, as this is in the 144,000 now you believe you know how these are Sealed. Thru the Ah-Struck Mode or My Mind. That is the Seal in their forehead, even the taking of My Mind. As you now can see, in number there are few to find this. You have been aware there were many other clues, to more Revelation here of late. But, none comes to your mind now. And your remembering these were virgins, (which you don’t understand how you would qualify). But, these followed only Myself where ever I would lead them. They follow no one else, (any man). Now you can see as this has come into your mind. Why I now Say, unto you. You don’t only not need any other to guide you. But, I forbid it! For you are Sealed with My Seal. And son, look at the path this has come unto you. None other than, Herbert W Armstrong. In the identity, of the lost tribes of Israel. I did guide you to the knowledge of the 144,000. Now son, I see your love for these My Children, Julius & Sue Clemons. If they proceed to question you. Are they among the 144,000? Have I sent you to them, to open their minds? Father, You know. Son, now you see why I sent you blindly to them. Yes, son you will see, that should they question you. You may share this with them. Then you will know, even as you are received. Thank You Father, for this information. Son, it is true, I showed you many hints & clues, of things to come. And now you remember well of this 144,000 coming up. In your mind 4 or 5 times to your remembrance now, for no apparent reason what so ever. Yet, it was I who was bring it to your knowledge. Son, what is the volume, I have delivered unto you, in the last 3 months? Even as you stepped into My foot print, I left for you to step into before time was created. Son, it will never slack off from here, but the more. Yes, son you hear Me. One of the primary jobs of the 144,000, will be to provide. All needs for the body, that is taken away by the a/c (anti – christ). And to encourage many as they go to collect their martyrs crown. Praise God! Father, I’m humbled to tears. Father, I truly weep, how honored am I to be recognized by God Almighty? Chosen from among the billions. To know You & to serve You. Me a no body, no education, me of little abilities, even me from the masses. Father, I’m honored to walk beside You, to carry Your Staff, with Your Name on it. Me the son of mountain parents, to walk beside You. And to bare Your banter, of recognition. Before the subjects of all the earth. Father, I weep, that I should dissolve to a puddle of tears. For I’m not worthy. Father, by the Will of the I AM. I shall bring no disgrace, or shame to the name of Jesus Christ (Yahshua), the Righteous. I pledge my life! Father, again I’m confounded. What could top this in glories to come? And yet, I know so very little, as to what I shall know shortly. Father, You Said it! You Said, I who hated this life since a teenager. I would live (LIVE)! And from joy to joy, and from glory to glories. And You have only begun to reveal Yourself unto me. Father, You even Said, I command you to live. Yet, I had no concept of what You Spoke. Now I see & not far off, & I love what I see. I see life, I hear live, & now I shall experience to live. Father, it will be all I could ask for to see NH. And to experience You, as the All in All. Father,Your Word is so true. Yet, the more Revelations I receive, yet the more I must have & seek. Son, as I Say, all is on course & all will come without delay. Even, to make you complete in Myself. Son, I see you straining, trying to recall those many bits & pieces, of information. That would lead you to yet more Revelations. Son, you saw these in the night visions, in the fringe of My Mind. These were shown you, not that you won’t see them. But, surely to let you know they are coming. Even all you could ask. Thank You again Father, for all that You let touch my life,
1 Thess. 5:18. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Son would you rest? Sign off 10-25-04 9:53 PM.
Mes. #12: 10-26-04 - 1:21 am. Tues.
The Clemons. - Son, man has the capacity of mind to receive all that I AM,
even the All in All.
Father, I had thought to rest. Then it occurred to me, I better get things together for the Clemons. So, 3 ½ hours latter I'm done with gathering. Father, my spirit tells me they will make contact. So, I'm prepared to meet them. Very well, My Son. Father, will You tell me the more? Son, I see you digging for your identity. For the more that is revealed unto you. The more you recognize who is receiving these Revelations. Son, the capacity of the mind of man. It's there, but, the knowledge of Myself is all that can fill it. Therefore it lays dormant & unused. Only waiting to be filled of Myself. For anyone with the desire to know Me. And of course to enter My Own Mind. Is to awaken your own sleeping mind. Please Father, awaken mine the more.
Mes. #13: 10-26-04 - 8:35 pm. Tues.
Son, turn to the scriptures of the 144,000. - Son, you have always been a maverick to
the church world. - Because you would never compromise the Truth. - The 144,000 job
– 40 years of travel thru My Speech. - The T Speech - Yahshua’s hot anger-
Yes, Father, Teach me some more. My Son, you have witnessed yet another day come & go. Yet, you wait quietly for you know not what. Surely NH, & anything else that would add meaning to your life. Yes Father, I await. Son, turn to the Scriptures (144,000) Rev. 7:1- 4
1. And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
2. And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
3. Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
4. And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.
Rev. 14:1-5
1. And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.
2. And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:
3. And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.
4. These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb.
5. And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.
yes Father. Now what has been Said, about these numbered? Father, it Says they were Sealed in their foreheads. With even Your Name written there in their foreheads. That's right son! And they were virgins. Not defiled, by any religious body. Known as the false church. These were redeemed among men (the earth) not the false church. And they followed Myself only. Son, you see clearly why you could never be normal. As you have asked so many be the times to be. I called you unto Myself, before the earth was. It has been nearly unbearable for you to walk a lone. But, now you know, you were never alone. But, only being trained. What did I Say, many years ago? Trained for the work of the last days. Now after all these many years, you can now see why, it was not possible to blend into the norm? You have always been a loner (a maverick), no matter how hard you tried. You were never welcomed or accepted. For you could never compromise the Truth in your heart. You were a reject, and this destroyed you. For your desire was to always build up the Kingdom of God. And finally you separated from their midst, for you could not tolerate their hypocrisy any longer. And to this day, can not stand to even look upon it. Son, as this is your role upon the earth. As having been Sealed in Your Forehead, even My Own Mind. Son, this you understand today, will be taught of you with a wide brush. It will help all in varying degrees, to learn of Me. Son, you will not be recognized by a title. (Which you have always sought to be free from.) But, all will see Me in you, as the others numbered, (the 144,000). For your mission is to teach all they will learn, (to their desire) & to lead. Even as I do thru you. I will supply any & all needs. Food & drink, shelter, warmth or shade, raiment, the tenderness of love & encouragement, at your own hands. And you will teach them to fear God, & nothing else. Son, you have spoken often of the many Mini Christ, that will arise in the last days. You were not wrong. Now My Son, all you have desired to accomplish for My Name & My Honor. It's yours (plus) in My Own Identity of unlimited. Father, how do I go about thanking You??? All I've asked for & more than I knew to ask, is now mine. And to mete out in righteous judgment to all. Father, I am speechless! By the way Father, when can I go to work? Son, I howl with laughter. That's My Son, I know you well. You would naturally forget to be clothed & run to do My bidding naked. Son, I Am all but done in dressing (preparations), to send you on your way. As you know, you will never give answer to any man of any matter. For it is My Will you carry out, I'm the only One you will look to ever. You will seek no approval or permission from any man ever. Father, 40 years of travel through this writing has delivered me home. And I thought it would never end. I am today in my own mind with understanding. Thank You, thank You Father. Tomorrow I shall be in Your Mind & understand All in All. Shall I live? That's right son, if I never uttered another word for your writing, you have arrived home. Tomorrow We will go to the T Speech, not written. (Telepathic) of which is not affected by time, distance, or scope. Which shall become the tongue of all the 144,000. Wherefore it is undetectable and untraceable. Shutting out all enemies from your communications. Son, I defy all mans endeavors, to use these devices against My Own. Their technology will fail them, to track My Own. They can never see into My Bosom, or to spy on Mine. Son, this angers Me. I will blind their spying eyes. Even, as they can not gather the sound of Our Speech. Let them blow, let them rave, let them boast, let them make their threats. I AM, Say I will bring them to their woeful end. And none shall be wise to their own defeat. Let, the whole earth rave against Me, for I will silence you in your own death. Let, the fool declare that I am not. Let, those that burn with desire to lust upon their own flesh (own kind) (homo & lesbian). That say in their mind, I defy You God. For I will seek, I will do as that, that is in my own mind. I will! Yet, I Say (I AM), I Will pour 12 more diseases upon you, I Will waste you. I Will, I Say, break your I will & feed it unto the flames. Father, I feel the heat of Your Anger. Son, I Say, they will come out of the false churches. They will give up their immorality, or I shall see them roast in the lake of fire forever. They have but a short time to turn from their sins & seek My Face. Lest they seal also their fate, upon their own heads. So be it! Son, I have opened your understanding to many more things this night. All things are nearly complete, to your eyes My Son. I bid you good night. Sign Off 2:05 AM Wed.
Mes #14: 10-27-04 11:45 AM Wed.
The Father is still angery.
Good morning Father, and good morning to you __ __. No My Son, My Anger has not cooled. To those that say that there is no God. The I AM Says, from the flames of the eternal, you will cry out My Name for mercy & forgiveness forever. And to those beasts that destroyed the innocent. I have something special for you, & you will reap your reward. Even as these you destroyed, will sing beautiful chorus to Me. My Son, I grow weary of these that sin willfully against Me. My mercy is yet for a short time. Enough Said for now. I have much to Teach My Faithful.
What would You Teach me today My Father?
Mes. #15: 10-28-04 - 12:42 am. Thurs.
Exposing every lie - the revealing of the All in All-
My Son, your love to know all Truth is sharp, as you near My All in All. Son, I Ask, what kind of message & what kind of messenger will you be? With all the knowledge & wisdom at your disposal of all Truth. Son, that can only be equaled by another such as yourself. But, this is night & day over any as past history. And son, you will use all to confirm the Truth at all Times. This is a personal gift! You have desired, and no gift could match, or exceed it. Again welcome to Myself. Thank You My Father ___. Father, I desire to reveal & expose every lie known to man to the light of the Truth. For all to know what the whole Truth is in any matter. All shall see You Father, as the full measure of all Truth, and offer You praise. This I delight in, is to stomp the liar’s head (satan). And to silence all lying tongues. Let the Truth only reign now & forever. Praise God! Father, Thy Kingdom & the Truth are the same & inseparable. For it is none other than Your Identity. Thus it will be impossible that all Truth will not be revealed. For upon the sight of Your Face, all will be known. That's who You are, even All in All. Praise God forever! Father, is there anything You wish to discuss with me today? My Son, how close are you to (NH) & all? Father, today would not be too early for myself. Father, this day or any other means nothing to me. Unless You expand my knowledge, or it brings Nanna's healing. Otherwise, I pass it as history as quickly as I can in my mind. I feel the same of any tomorrow until I see (NH). Not any life at all. But, I have Your Promise & my eyes shall see (NH). Then I will live an unbelievable life. But Father, comforted by Your Words, I keep passing day after day. In the belief that I am much closer to (NH). Father, if it should be that I will never see it. I can't change not one thing, this is what I believe. This is the way it will remain, until I know longer have control of my thoughts. Then nothing would matter anyway. So Father, I'm locked down in this Your Trust for You as seen or unseen. Here I am and thus I have passed into a new day. And let it also pass me by, if I see not (NH), even quickly.
Mes. #16: 10-29-04 - 9:36 pm. Fri.
Giving thanks- I’m trapped – waiting - give your all unto Me - satan the arch enemy -
you had to live this day -
Father, today I give my daily praise unto You. I Thess 5:18. In everything give thanks: for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Father, Your Will may not be known unto us. But, You didn't Say to give thanks if known or don't know. But, just give thanks for all things known or unknown. Father, I don't know when You Will allow me to break through this barrier to Your Mind, nor when NH will come. But, I give You the thanks never the less. Father, I don't think there's anything I can say about this, that I haven't uttered. Yet, there is no interest that I'm aware of. (unless Revelation) under the sun that I have any interest what so ever, that I wish to speak about. My Son, you most certainly don't want to discuss waiting for these events. Father, if I could have what I would like. I'd say turn off my light & bring me home. But, even to say that I might as well say bring on the waiting, for I love it. As is for me, to awaken & wonder what day of the week it is? Or what day of the month it is? It doesn't make one iota difference to me, except let's get what ever day it is over with. So, I can be one more day closer to my goal. Yes, I'm locked up in a prison that I can't get to my goal of life, I'm trapped here. Father, what Say You? Son, you win your case. For you do not know when these will be unlocked to you. But son, as you are now a current prisoner to time. Which man is not? And you have to occupy your space, in this time you are here. Your Grand Father couldn't be here waiting on what you're waiting for. For the years would already have taken him. So, this time you wait is not his time or any others time. But, it is uniquely yours. So, what I'm Saying is this time you wait. Is like none other gone in the past. This is your time, this waiting is your time to wait, & can never be repeated. Even as Simon (waiting in the temple daily) was Promised to see the salvation of Israel before his death. Son, you do not wait for a meaningless time. But, the time of My Kingdom to be revealed. And established as also the salvation of all righteous. This time could not have been viewed by any other generation, other than yours. Son, this is the end time of the reign of sin. And you are My witness that will see it. Son, stop this moaning & complaining. As if you were in a wake for something you'll never see. Even as you live this, the I AM Says, you will see it all. I know son, this I Say. Neither of you will remember any of that suffering but soon. Father, just don't ask me to forget it now, because I can't. Okay, that's fair son. But, are you going to continue to cry your eyes out? Does this bring yourself any relief? Son, if you could see you are blessed ever so greatly. To be among this generation to see these things completed. Son to say, you have not waited in a prison for a very long time, would be a lie. Yet, day by day, I appeal unto your senses. To reveal unto you My Identity & what time it is. Son, I AM Asking of you, to give the last (though it be small) portion of your identity unto Myself. That We may be One. Father, I'm going to give You permission to take me all of myself unto Yourself. As I don't know how to give myself. I do know that I resist You thru doubt & concerns. That I let my mind dwell on. Father, I can only ask You to remind me always, not to allow this diversion into my mind. Father, satan is deceit to deceive, to lie or make a lie. Father, as this is who he is. Let Us give no space for his presence. Father, I think it is absolutely remarkable that We could after all these years, be talking about Our arch enemy. As if there was anything new, that could be discovered of satan what so ever. Yes son, but it is time now for you to reign over him, even as I do. For We Are One, & there is no portion what so ever I give unto satan. This must be known of your own mind also. As We could never be a complete union. Son, I know you understand this. And you also understand this is the final knowledge. That I'm making you aware of, so this union is complete. Even Sealed, with My Own Mind. Son, this Revelation to I Thes. 5:18 is a very great Revelation. To help you acquire this goal. No, this was not only for Sandy & you. But, the whole of believers to make them complete. This is to remove all, known or unknown, fingerprints of satan from your identity. As I, will receive no portion of satan unto Myself. Son, therefore those I receive will not have spot or blemish, (lame or bruised) of satan. I will make you 100% whole. There will be no scars left from satan, none! Once again My Son, you have been zapped. As you could never have guessed, this message was coming your way. But, also son, this fills you with great hope that what you wish for, is ever that much closer unto you. Because, you know what I Speak unto you, is the Truth. And this is the true avenue that you must take to get to that, that you wish. And there is no other way to gain it. So son, as I know you see this, is to say. That now I have, revealed unto you even the last bit of information. That now would make it possible to have your very request. And son, I Say unto you, you had to pass by this way. And this day, to receive (NH) & My All in All. So, you see now it could never have happened before at any other time ever. Until you experienced this day.
Mes. #17: 10-29-04 Fri.
Now son, is there anything that you must experience? Yet, before your eyes shall see NH. I Say, nothing! Now son, do you care to try to guess when she shall be healed? Son, you know I've already revealed this unto you in the Coded Message.
Sign Off 10-30-04 12:02 AM Sat.
Mes. #18: 10-30-04 - 2:27 pm. Sat.
Coded message - daily thanks - pre-set time - keeping a pure mind-
Father, yes I believe the Coded Message is concerning (NH). But, I don't believe I as yet understand it. At any rate Father, receive my daily thanks for Your Will in my life. Father, I ask You, to remind me to keep my speech & my mind positive and to keep satan out of it entirely. Thank You! Father, I'm not sure I understand, if I now have passed the preset time of NH or not. But, if I do understand, I have now passed that set time in my waiting. And I leave it at that. For to go on questioning, is to doubt. And as now is this moment in my mind, I am aware of this. Therefore I, resist this (doubt) from my mind. I must hold my body & mind in check. So, as not to give the deceiver anything that belongs unto You Father. Father, I wait & I give You praise that Your Will is being done now. Son, I Say, you have only to come into My Mind & you shall see NH. Father, I await You to guide me in, thank You.
Mes. #19: 10-30-04 - 11:16 pm. Sat.
Night vision - looking for the Truth - sequence revealed - assured of His All in All-
I just awakened from sleep. And I want to try to capture what I saw. A sunset thru a window. And counting in micro bits. And sand grains, searching for a Truth. And was just about to move to yet another form of measurement & deeper, when I awakened. I was probing very deep for some Truth. This time I was aware of what I was doing. And didn't know I was sleeping, until I awoke. I really thought I was awake. As I could hear Nanna on the phone talking & moving about down stairs. I remember, I was wondering what she was doing. Father, that's all I remember. I have a feeling that I was looking for a way into Your Mind, or NH or both. But, I was aware I had a goal in mind. My Son, you were searching for My Mind. As her healing is assured you upon reaching My Mind. And you were deeper than you can imagine. And was examining things that were unknown to you. You were aware that you were in unknown territory. But, you were searching systematically & with purpose. Father, take Your Son into Yourself & reveal all unto me. Son, you know you could never have been where you were at, if I had not directed your spirit there, never! Son, I Say, I will complete this. And you will have My All in All, & NH to your eye sight. Father, I thank You for this day & always. I Thess. 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Son, you know your life is going to be altered forever upon entering My Mind. Son, you can't imagine just how much so. You & Nanna will become a New, nothing like you are now. You will vibrate with joy and life. You will glow with jubilant Life. Your words will dance with laughter. All will be astounded who see you. How could anyone's body contain that much joy they will say? Yes, son not only what you can think of, as any problem to be gone. But, the thrill of travel & excitement of discovery is yours. Father, so be it. For my Nanna Lord, for my Nanna. I offer You praise! Son, you know you are on the verge of losing this speech & recordings. And all the other questions you desire await you there. With all knowledge, of all answers. Son, again I welcome you to Myself.
Mes. #20: 11-01-04 - 1:38 pm. Mon.
I live for NH - Clemons - your witness undaunted - now I will send them to you –
the flood! – debt free-
My Son, welcome to My Voice. Son, you see you are wasting away. As you have no desire of this life. Son, I will not waste the time to Say, you will live & name the Promises. For you believe this or you will die. That's as real as it gets. You will have your desires or you will die waiting for them. And what little you can muster. You say, but for my NH I yet live today. Outside of that, there is no other regard. As you would welcome coming home, if it were available unto you. Son, I Say, you will understand the message your father delivered unto you. As you will see it fulfilled, (NH). Son, you are also some what surprised that the Clemons have not yet made contact with you. As you went back to double check My Speech, as what you were (course of action) to do. Yes, I Said you’re done until they make contact. Son, this is the way all future contacts will be done. You who have run day & night, to any location. To make witness to anyone, anytime. This I Say, is over, I Will send them to you. You will follow My Speech at all times, in all matters. But, I Will no longer have you (with heart burning) to chase these down. So, they can reject you. Son, some have already heard your message for the last time. As that as you would say, was a time to be marked (passed), until the end. But, now they will come, because they wish to hear & to seek the Truth. And I will send them! This will be such a blessing unto you. As you wish to share all that I AM, with all you meet. Son, these will come seeking & they will go (leave) over flowing. Yes, son as a few you can not get out of your mind, these will come. Then comes the flood, and then you will be freed of all debt. Then free to satisfy your mind, travel. Then on to the All in All, even complete. Son, I Say, you are now adjoining to My Mind. This Speech is all but over.
Sign Off 11-01-04 2:21 AM Mon.
Mes. #21: 11-08-04 - 10:10 pm. Wed.
Father, I offer up unto You. I Thess. 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. And I praise You. As I see Your Will is to give us yet space to repent, with Pres. George W. Bush. Father, I praise & give thanks as I watched You stop the months of these God haters. Even these that love all lies & abominable filthy vile ungodly deeds. That they did boast they would bury Your Name under their feet. They now stand confused of mind, (though unrepented) mouth ajar, but void of speech. What happened say they? We were at the kill, we saw the death of the righteous before us. And they received salvation even deliverance (from) our destruction. And have mounted above ourselves. Thanks be to the One Living God. Who has shown unto this present world even His Own Hand. My Son, & so it is. Yes, not all see as you see or know as you know. But, the righteous have been delivered from their filthy and bloody hands. Son, you know how much these hate righteousness. And will despise the message of My Kingdom. And will fight as savage beasts against all Truth. Yes son, the faithful hold back even the punishment due the wicked. As you now know nothing is out of My control on the face of the earth, nor ever shall be. Yes son, the religion of humanism has now pushed back My faithful. To the point of resistance unto blood. There can be no compromising their trust in Myself. Thus the stage is set & ready to play out to the end. Son, I see how your heart burns to the delivery of the First Gospel. As this must be delivered to the whole earth, before the end can occur. Son, the open confrontation is at hand. You can't wait to be empowered with My Spirit, unto all Truth. To warn these, even their last time. Even to run to engage them, to pull their pride down to hell. To challenge them to repentance or death. To put to shame their fame, power, prestige, honor, intellect, renown, as their wealth, for all will bow their knees. And confess I AM Lord of all. Yes son, the wicked don't want to entertain Me, even in their thoughts or speech. But, ever so soon that is all they will hear. This shall plague them with the greatest of pains & drive them mad. Father, tho another day has passed. And I await NH & the entering into Your Mind. Father, I do thank You, that Your Will is being completed in all the earth. Father, I'm so very, very thankful that You would not permit the wicked, to rule over Your righteousness. How blind are they, (US citizens) that You called the righteous, to vote down the evil from power. Father, I do truly offer You the praise You are worthy of. Father, what ever short time I have to spend in waiting, please continue to Teach & Train me for Your Service. As this new day of Thursday has arrived. Keep me from entertaining any form of doubt. As I await NH. Thank You Father.
Mes. #22: 11-04-04 - 6:25 am. Thurs.
God’s movement on the Williams family, has begun.
God has moved, Paul Williams called me at about 9:00 AM this morning. I returned his call & also talked to Aunt Ruby & Dan. Aunt Ruby desired me to visit tomorrow at 3:00 PM at her house. Father, I have obeyed Your Speech unto me. And I give many praise of thanksgiving. That You had them to make contact. Son, I Said, I guard you in My Jealousy. I would no longer allow you to be hurt or turned aside. Son, I Say, go & you will follow My directions. And your speech will no longer fall on the deaf. They will hear, & I will hold them responsible to choose life or death. And they will choose, let there be no mistake, they will choose. This Word I leave for the Williams family. I the great I AM, Say come now & make peace with Me. Or you will come after I break your heart, by taking My Own home to Myself. I Say, this choice is now yours. Come now & rejoice with the living. Or I, will put a hook in your jowl & crush your hardened heart. And bring you unto Myself in great sorrow. I warn you, do not defy Me. I have Spoken this to your learning. I can not lie! You will come to the foot of My Cross. In joy or deep sorrow, but you will come! Where by you will know I AM God! Of all healing, of all living, & of all the resurrected.
Sign Off 11-05-04 4:59 AM Fri.
Mes. #23: 11-06-04 - 4:59 am. Sat.
The poplar church leaders - vain pride - Nanna going thru the void - Yahshua Speaks
to Aunt Ruby - I’ll give you, your whole household!
Father, in all I give praise. Father, I have so much to give You praise for. Yes son, I know how you feel about this popular church leaders. Who have no want to travel the earth. Father, let them build Your Kingdom as they will. But, Father, I envy them not in any way. I guess I've been alone with You for so very long. I could never fit in with these in any way. And Father, I really have no desire to hear them or be around them ever. You have made me so very different Father (I can't lie). I don't want anything at all to do with them. As I believe this is what You have delivered Me from. This is true My Son. As you can see there are those who can settle for less of Myself. But, rather seek the praise of men & crave to be recognized of men. Son, let this always resound unto you. When wealth is increased, it as a rule also increases mans ego. It’s so much harder to remain meek. Son, even tho you will lack in nothing. I will not allow your personality, to ever change to this. As you hate this expansion of vain pride. Puffed up by temporal material assets, & advantages afforded them. Son, they also have their reward by Me. But, you don't want to trade for theirs. (Oral Roberts, Ken Copland) Son, what did you find? Even, as much as you expected to find. Nothing! Son, are you convinced yet? Do you still desire to chase after others to find My Wisdom? Son, I draw you closer to My Own Identity. My Son, do not any longer seek as you would say, for any second hand information. Be content I Say-You will learn all Truth, straight from Myself. As this is now becoming apparent unto you. You're not going to find what you seek outside Myself. Son, come unto the recognition of My Own Identity. Do not seek any longer outside Myself. I'll supply all you could ever ask for. Son, I am but tenderly forcing you to see Myself. I Say, I Will finish, and complete your perfect knowledge in Myself. Even, the same as All in All. Oh yes, you will enter the fields of the earth to reap. But, you will only be trained of Myself. Son, I placed in you the desire to know Me, before the earth was. Son, I Say, not many have this desire of such magnitude. Son, outside your own wife, there has never been such a person in your life. That you could call a true friend. And of course this has been severed. As she has also traveled after yourself, through this death. Son, this is over even her time to be raised from this terrible death. And now you both will know & share true Life together. Father, I can't await NH & Your empowerment. Son, take her & enjoy this day. I know your needs, and I will supply. Son, I Say, also you will be void of any needs, but soon. Son, to your Aunt, I Will Speak. My Daughter, tho it appears it was long before you were found of Myself, this is not so. I have been as near unto you (in your life struggle), as your own breath. You have never been out of My Sight, not even for one instant. Satan, has desired to attack you so many be the times. Yet, I forbid it. What you faced of this life has made you strong. My Daughter, because you offered your own life for your children’s salvation. I the Lord Your God, shall give you your whole house hold. All of them unto salvation. Now you set your heart to know Me. Shall I hide from you? Never I Say! I Ask you My Daughter, because you are advanced in the years, of this life. Can I yet fulfill the desires of your heart? What is time to Me? Does time limit what I can perform in your body? Does time (forbid Me) to give you excellent health? Does time control how much, I can share of My Own Identity, to yours? Who? Or what restrains Me to do as I Will? My Daughter, who is young in My growth. What would you have of Myself? Are you afraid to ask of Me, are you to shy to ask? My Daughter, you have nothing to fear of Myself. Or are you under the impression that you are unworthy? Are you telling me, that My Own Blood has made you whiter than snow. And yet you are unclean or not worthy of all that I AM? Let Me introduce Myself unto you. I AM Jesus Christ. The Creator of all you see & know. I AM unlimited in all that is in My Will to do or perform. Yes, it is I who made the sacrifice of love. That you may be Joint Heirs with Myself unto Our Father. Even, as you would give the best of gifts unto your children. Shall Our Father (who is unlimited), not also give unto you because you ask? What will He refrain from you? I Say, nothing that would bring harm unto you. My Daughter, dare to ask, dare to believe you shall receive what you ask. My Daughter, time is short. All things will be moving faster to completion. Come My Daughter, let Me embrace you in My Peace. Let Me wrap you in My Radiant Love. And you whisper into My Ear, your hearts desires. In My Peace I close you in.
Mes. #24: 11-07-04 - 11:40 am. Sun.
Father, receive my thanksgiving & praise in all things. My Son, you had a couple of busy days & fruitful also. Son, you watched Me as I worked as swiftly & accurately as they would say a swiss watch. You saw it & they saw it. And you were troubled, as to make answer unto your Aunt Ruby, concerning the disc. Yet, you were all amazed as to how I worked it out. Not only were feelings not hurt, but, gloriously raised. To give Me praise, this I delight to show Myself unto all men. Son, listen well unto Me. It is My Will that your Aunt Ruby take a reward in the fruit you gather. Forbid her not! Son, I know you well, you have never sought any financial support. You don't want to be beholden to anyone. And I son, will be the first to Say. You never will, to any man. But, son if I lay it on any heart that would desire to reap in your harvest of souls. There's no way you can deny them. Even, tho you are afraid of what conflict can arise over money. And would like to remain separate from it. But, now I remind you My Son (remember well). I Said, I would send them unto you, to administer to your needs. Can you stay My Hand? No way Father. But Father, I not only ask You to bless them over abundantly for their gift. As I feel guilty to receive money from people who can really not afford to give it. I ask You, to over supply for their needs. Father, please do not let them be in want of anything. Son, I grant your request. My Son, your Aunt feels she got cheated in a late start for My Kingdom. Son, this that I (& it was I) have put into her mind. I the Lord Say-she shall reap in rewards in My Kingdom even greatly. For it is with her heart she gives. No one will deny this her blessing, not even you My Son. Son, I Will have this debate that is going on in your mind right now to cease. Son, I Ask you, when you worked & now that you don't work. Have you ever measured your money to Me? You take no thought to use the money I supply, to you then & now retired. That I, give you health to earn or now tho limited? Son, I Ask you, have you ever said this much is Yours Lord & I will spend no more? Son, this has never happened at any time in your life. Now do I Trust you any less with this money, I have only begun to send to you? And when I Say, only just begun to send unto you, this I mean. Son, I Am aware of your question. And I Will answer you this way. You know you can't go into My Ministry. Because I, told you 40 years ago. You would not go until you owe not one farthing (1/4 of an English cent.) Son, have I changed My Mind? In no manner is this so. Now you have learned that the state says they will not buy your house for 2 more years. But, son also remember this. That's to go full time into My Ministry. As soon as you receive your empowerment. You will no longer be grounded here to your home. But, can't go full time until the house is paid for. So, what I'm telling you to answer your question. Of should I pay any portion of it on your house? Son, even as you are pushing the very limit of your income, to pay $170.00 a month over your house payment. So, as to get into My Ministry as soon as possible. Son, take no great thought as this money is for that purpose as very soon. It will be apparent unto you as this flow increases. That's what its intended for. Now son, that which I Said unto you would happen, it has begun. Now I bid you, to contact your Aunt Ruby. And tell her to write on paper down all that she would desire in her heart. That I, the Lord God, should perform unto her. Tell her no need to ask for her children’s souls. They are Already Mine, just offer thanks. Nor does she need to request to know Me, for this is also hers. Aunt Ruby's request unto God for. The Holy Ghost-her healing- a cottage & a car. Father, how I thank You for all. My Son, tis My good pleasure to reveal Myself at this time. As all is now at the door of completion. Son, all I have Promised & all that I Am, is now here. And you will not fail to see it all open before your eyes. Son, as I readily prepare to be seen by many. I Will amaze all who come in contact with My Works. These will easily be seen as beyond any mans abilities, to orchestrate & accomplish. Son, give no thought to your entering My Mind. NH, your empowerment, your healing, & your debt paid in full. Your full time or your part time ministry. Nor, to anything I Say, I will perform for others. You have no need to try to keep from forgetting something I Promised. I Will keep all I've Spoken & Will Speak unto you. And nothing shall be left undone. And no son, I have not forgotten that I Will Teach You, All in All.
Mes. #25: 11-8-04 - 8:12 am. Mon.
The Truth easily understood - mission for Rhonda - perfect timing – Clemons - 144,000?
they will make contact - you will witness the correct order of completion –
carry My Mission out-
Good morning Father, & so it will be My Son. My Son, you now wonder how you can bring all things concerning the Truth together. To its simplest form, to be easily understood. Son, I Say, when it is finished. You will marvel at its simplicity & through all knowledge of all complete. Son, you have long suspected that Rhonda will be used of Myself in this capacity. You are correct-but do not advance it upon her, I Will do this. Son, though there is overwhelming work to be done, do not fret to accomplish any of it. Even, tho it appears precious time has been lost, this is not so. For all will be at its perfect time of Revelation. Son, you won't believe how rapid & how precisely this will happen. So, continue to take each day as it comes. But, you will not fail to see My moving. Son, think not that I sent you to the Clemons for naught. They will make contact & will want to know all you know. Now as NH & all My Son. It is all as complete as if you were seeing it today. Son, all of this must come together, in its proper order. So, give no thought as to how or when? All will fit beautifully as a hand in a glove. Son, this is not an effort to stall for time. No, for you will see Me at work every day until all is complete. My Son, but very soon you will have confirmation, to the witness of your eyes. For all Truth & the correct order of completion. As you will view all in My Mind, to Your complete & perfect understanding. Then you will ride upon the earth with swift wings. To finish all that I prepared for you from the beginning. Son, I know this is your only desire to accomplish of your existence. And it shall be done in perfection. For My Honor & all Glory. Father, so let it be, toYour Will.
Mes. #26: 11-9-04 - 2:53 am. Tues.
Completing your training- lesson on time- entering My Mind is next - then NH
- not half cocked - My Seal in your forehead - center of My Will-
My Son, I know you desire to be about, to deliver the Truth, to the whole earth. Tho son you are well on your way. You still do not possess the knowledge. Of all Truth, nor do you have My empowerment. Of My Wisdom to deliver it. So yet, you will stand in place until All in All is yours. So as, you can see I'm not cruel as some might imagine. But, son I Your Lord & God Say. None will turn you back, not a step. When I Say, you are ready & be on your way. Son, even as you watch Me at work. This will not be an extended time in final preparation. So, do not say, I can not any longer wait for these things to occur. For you have no desire what so ever to go out. And spend all that you are, then fall in defeat. No, My Son, this you will never ever experience again in your life, never again. So Father, when will my understanding come to me about time? Son, you guessed it immediately. The answer is when time ceases to control you. But, you will control time. As it will no longer be an obstacle to you. Son, even as you don't understand yet the Coded Message. I delivered unto you of your father. Which, I sent to tell you when your Nanna will be healed. Father, regardless what You give me in Revelation. Of course I wait to knowingly enter Your Mind & NH. As I understand this is what is to occur next. So, I await & give You thanks day by day. Father, this is all I know to do. My Son, as I've Said not one thing is expected of you. To do knowingly or unknowingly, for all this is to be yours. But son, as I Say, you shall be changed profoundly. From who you are today, that is why you wait. As I Will not have you to go off half cocked to perform your duties. And son, that covers your part time work as well. So, now you know exactly where you stand. And will not remove from that very spot. Son, you will only answer any & all contacts as is directed unto you. You will say no more or do no more, than I bid You to do at that moment. Son, you are as tied down as a calf waiting to be branded. As surely as you are waiting, for My Seal in your forehead. There is no escape for you in this matter. Nor do you desire one. Son, even as I made you aware you were to receive mail yesterday. Which you have already devoured from cover to cover. What I Ask, shall accompany you for this day? Son, I Say, that this day I find you in the very center of My Will. And thus you will remain forever.
My Son, you knew Arafat had to go, before there could be a peace treaty. And it is now so. Son, watch for you shall not fail to see the a/c (anti-christ) appear. And you will know his identity for sure. Yes son, We are nearly done with sin having rule. You have the time for the signing. Just watch the process now develop to the signing. Son, that's an interesting thought is it not? That you should reveal to Matt Grudge these Truths of all earthly things. Son, I Will not confirm or deny this at this time. Father, the man appears to be after only the Truth, but I don't know him. Well son, you will know him. And you will see all things unfold. And yes, they must be delivered to the earth, as all Truth must be revealed. Son, as you now enter the season of the End, there is much to be discovered. Not least, your empowerment & NH. Father, I keep watching & waiting to find the way into Your Mind. As I, continue to see many scenes that You continue to show me. Which I, still can't identify once I awaken. But, I wait Father. Son, I Promise you not long now. Son, as this is the key to unlock all unto the End. Father, You know my heart. I do not want to recognize the day, without this blessing. Yet, day after day, I look & wait for this. Son, I know unto you it appears that I have revealed many, many things. Yet, I have not revealed Myself. And this is all that can satisfy your longing to know Me. Nothing will ever be to your satisfaction, until you know Me. Son, I know you have begun to despise this time matter. As now it effectively blocks your view of Myself. But son, I tell you, your time to master all time, is now here. Then all Truth will be revealed. Son, all who hide behind lies is going to have their cover removed. What a wonderful, wonderful gift to the earth I make. For theTruth shall set all free, from every bondage of men or satan. Son, see what I bring to you today? Son, your wait is over. Get ready to live! Son, think not when men escape men's justice. That they will escape mine, even here & now. Son, I AM going to shake this world from its slumber. Count those on this side that you gather. And yet those on the other side. Where is the perfect Truth?. This has something to do with Truth & I just dreamed it & that’s all I can remember. Symbol ____/__ that's what I saw. One of these is the Truth & it most likely will be the one toward the right of the dividing line. When I was seeing it, I thought I understood it, but now I don't remember anything when I awoke.
Mes. #28: 11-18-04 - 3:03 am. Sat.
My Love rejected - angles - which is real, now or the here after - total sum - oxymoron?-
Word failure - journey, tracking who? I am here! - Identities revealed, I am, so you are
- time lesson-
Father, receive my thanksgiving. Father, I am grieved of my spirit to try to make this world understand Your Truth. There is no hope for man kind, (if You let man be he would destroy all life), outside of Your Own Government. Son, how true it is. But, must be played out to the very End. As to seal all, to their choice of life or death. This I have determined before yet man was created. And though very depressing to watch man self destruct, it must be done. Otherwise you & all others could never be complete, as I AM. But, you are My Witnesses. Of My Love rejected of most men. Yet the gift was Spoken of life everlasting, to & for all. You who by your own free will, have chosen life. That My Witnesses of Truth & Justice is available to all. Yet, I Say, make your choice-for time is short. Yet, I will send you to (all) to give them a verbal last warning. Then & only then will all be complete. Son, to Say as the length of time appointed, is all but over. And the tests of this life, that set you apart from the angels. As they are so proud & marvel at you men. Who take on & resist the might of many angels or (demons) in your mere flesh. And they are dumb founded, by your free will. To resist by your faith in My Spoken Word. They root & admonish you to continue the fight until the End. To remain faithful yet, even a little while. For they also know the End is here. They watch you cry & struggle to understand the whys, of such trails of misery as your maze. I Speak of any persons, maze, to learn yourselves Identity. That seem endless, yet you refuse to give up the fight. They cheer you on, with much praise. They would love to take your place. But, they have a genuine fear. That if they had to give up their knowledge of Myself. And become as you are. Would they also make the right choice or fail to choose life? Son, if you take a poll here you would find no takers, none. None dare, to risk their positions to take that chance. For they may choose wrong. None here would take that risk. They are a witness to 1/3 of their kind falling into that trap. They want no part of it. Therefore they are ever grateful of their position. That can never be taken away from them. And they will never risk a bid to become man, ever. But, they truly wonder if they could make the grade. If they had to choose as men has to choose. Therefore their interest is ever upon you in the earth. They would give all that they are, if they knew they could make it thru to salvation. Even, as those who belong to Me. But, they will never risk it. Therefore they think you are far braver (than they). Because you are so weak, yet you win out. Against beings such as (themselves) with great power. This baffles them as they were not created with free will, as you know free will. Yet, 1/3 of their host rebelled against God. And has become the enemy of man kind. Yet, you overcome these-by your own free will, & the Blood of the Lamb. Son, you now see the depth of the Spirit of God. As common place in your life. Son, I Say, We Are One. Yes son, by faith you are Born Again now. Son, you can see I have given your brother, Bro. Meredith & his brethren much wisdom. And it has blessed you greatly. Even, tho he did greatly offend you. You hold nothing against him. Son, as you are in training of My Own Hand now. As I show you, the myth of time. As it has no more rule over you this instinct, than eternity itself. As it were to play with words. For once you obtain My Mind, what will you not now experience? To know as Truth, I Say, nothing will be hidden from you. You can explore to the limits of your knowing. Son, as you begin to see the hereafter. Which I Say, is the real you? Can you experience the New Body, Spirit Body? You already have, I Say. Tho very limited, what or who are you? When We yet become One, and you yet are in this life. What is real & what do you believe to be real? I Say, all things are possible, now as you live. Please determine what is not included in that? Son, the Truth is, you will only be play acting out the rest of the time. As you will be seeing it far removed from controlling you. As if you were seeing it all from future eternity. Son, I mesh not words either. I AM-the total of the Sum. Son, to be known of yourself. And yet will today you fight the cares of life, yet one more day at a time? But, I Say, that is all but ceased. Then you will know as you are known! Son, you see this closing in on you. Even as you knowingly enter My Mind, this is over. Son, come into Myself. Father, receive me. Father, I know now that time can not capture Your Speech. Any more than anything else can trap, capture, or contain You by any means. Father, I know that very soon I shall be even as You Are. Oh what joy to discover. Yes, I have waited many years for all things, even to be as You Are. Yet, I stand how close to that discovery? When all these cares will cease to ever enter my mind again. Not only can nothing ever again, can approach me. But, I will ever so soon forget these past cares. That plague me even daily. Shall be as real unto me as a fleeting mist. So, what is so very real to me today? With all my concern as life & death. Tomorrow they will be gone without a trace. Father, how can one praise You? Surely I gain the knowledge of Your Identity daily. And I marvel how simple, yet ever so Mysterious & beyond our grasp, You really are. What an oxymoron is this? How can it be discovered, how can it be discussed? Yet, there You are for all to see. And yet, it can not be explained to ones understanding. There is none or nothing to compare You to or with. What a most wonderful God You Are. "Be praised My Father.” Surely My Son, you are experiencing who I AM. Yet, you can not tell it, for words fail you. Son, you trace after Me as a large animal tracked in the snow. Yet, the trail would appear endless. Yet, the tracks are so very visible for you to follow. Even, to the ends of the earth you will continue the hunt. There is nothing else that matters to you of this life. But, to finally discover Myself at the end of those tracks. Nothing else matters, sun up, sun down, the trail leads on. Time itself no longer matters a thought. Just push on-follow the tracks, I left for you to follow. Breath by breath follow the tracks to finally, to locate Me (Myself) standing. At the end of those unbelievable all consuming tracks. Here I AM, My Son, just as you knew I would be. At the end of this life long trail. I AM here! Son, even as you will look on My Face & peer into My Eyes. I AM He who you look for. Son, marvel not that these words are endless. For the half has not yet been told you. Nor could it be told you. Even as you discover Me to be-so, You Are! Do you understand Me My Son? As I AM-so You Are. You remember these Words I Spoke to you many years passed. Even, as Your Father IS-so I AM-thus You ARE. I remember well My Father. And so it is My Son, even appearing before your eyes. Father, I await to grasp time & rip it asunder, to be no more. Even as You Are, so shall I be-unaffected. ___ My Lord & My God, I worship You. Father, I move to the unknown tongue to offer praise. As I can not find the words to utter. Son, as the veil unto the Holy of Hollies was rent. So, that man could enter in unto Myself. So, shall this last barrier be rent, to expose Myself. Now you know the name of this barrier, it is time, to be no more. For there is no want to wait without time. Son, I Said, that barrier is moving to be removed & it is. My Son, look upon Me! Even, the breath you breathe. Oh Father, receive me, receive me! Son, as time has hidden Myself from your sight-what enemy is left? None I Say! Nothing any longer can separate you from Myself. It is done! So, be it My Father. Wow what a most glorious Revelation. Time conquered, entering into Your Mind, & NH. Have I died & gone to my reward?
signals coming from? - The dreams & visions will become more clearer.
Son, you have seen the light on the Coded Message. That you wait for will be complete before you see March. Of which year My Father? Son, even as you now see time as an enemy that you hate, even as I Myself. It will no longer control your body or mind. Son, I am touched there with the scene of you & Nanna. Even, as I live, Sayeth the I AM. You both shall live unbelievable lives here after even forever. As this is the Will of our Father concerning you. My Son, as the barrier is now rolled back. Even, that silent wall of years past is now gone. Time! Yes, time that has held you captive for over 40 years, is gone from you forever. Even, as I used it, to bring all to pass to this set time. I have cut it short to rule you, No more! For now you will move about without restraint, to procure the Truth where ever it lies. Son, this will be the joy of your life, to search it out. And make it known to the world. For the Truth, of all matters could never be hidden, even as I know all. But, it will now be available to the inhabitants of the earth also. This will open a new hope to man. That yes, the plan of Creation (& Life Everlasting). Is now exposed to the world to see & to choose. Son, do not believe you will yet sit here for months. Waiting to meet My Identity. I jest, which bus will you catch? (Our private joke) Yes son, you heard the words uttered in your sleep. They were Spoken for you. Even, tho you can't remember what they were. My Son, these will only escalate in value, to unbelievable. And this writing will be complete. Except the most wonderful Truths. You shall record for men to know. No, not the story of your journey to find God, you now write. But Truths to set men free. Son, as I Say, the barrier is now gone. You will now experience the entering into My Mind, with your understanding. Now son, it is the set time to learn of Myself & My Identity. Son, as All in All is present in My Mind. Think it not strange that your mind is now picking up. As it was signals separate from your own mind. This is only proof that they are Mine & not yours. But, its what you will see & hear in this My Mind. That will change you forever more. Son, I Spoke, to you long ago that you would experience the ride of your life! Welcome aboard My Son! To the Identity of Myself. Son, as proof to your knowing the sights & sounds. Will now be remembered by you. You are entering into My Mind. Son, you are welcome to write what you will. But, you will soon give it up as hopeless. Son, come on in, I welcome you to see NH for yourself. Son, it will be ever so apparent to people you meet. That your mind is some place else, some place most wonderful. Come into Myself-My Son.
Mes. #30: 11-15-04 - 1:09 pm. Mon.
Father, please receive Your praise due You. Father, I want to catch the next available bus. No more waiting, no December, January, nor February, please now Lord. The Father, has told me many times, that if I depended on a date. He would see that it failed every time. The Father, is breaking my dependence on time. Father, I claim Your Word. I'm free from no more waiting. Father, can I not claim what is now my own? My Son, I Told you to come on in, do I mean-stay off or out? No, My Lord, of course not. Will You guide me in now? Father, there can be no more resistance, as the barrier is gone. Please receive me. Please receive me now! 8:45 PM I got a call from my brother Ralph, that my sister Debra had died of about 5:30 PM today. I felt no sorrow what so ever. Therefore I take it her soul is with Our Lord. I only wish it could have been me. But Father, I am concerned that I didn't hear it from You first. Father, isn't it time I should know these things? Son, be not concerned for your sister. Nor be ye concerned about what plays out of this. For it is I, Working My Will. Son, when I Say, do not be concerned about any thing, this I mean. As I am orchestrating all & each for My Own Will. You will play out your role, be yourself. Son, you know from experience that I do not tell you the details. That you will react as I Am Working My Will. Son, when I Say, do not be concerned about anything. This I mean, so that you will react as I Will. But, as you know this will not be this way anymore. As you will know All in All. Son, this will set the scene for all your whole families, march to the End. So, as usual this was no out of the way accident. But, even My Own Divine Will. Now I, will have much to Say to you when you return. Go in My Peace. Jerry called me, he said he wasn't going to Debbie's funeral.
Sign Off 11-17-04 9:00 AM Wednesday.
Thank You Father, for a safe trip & for all. My Son, you see Me dealing with Jerry! Father, I see him as very bitter, that we have turned our backs on him. And of course he blames You for his condition. My Son, even as you were tried & came forth as pure gold. Son, is Nanna in her last leg of her journey? She is once again beginning to see My Hand! As she is returning from her death. As you can see son, even each death is much different, but just as deadly. So, also is now Jerry, also lost to know Myself, & to receive his life. Son, you know it well, as no hope, & do I Exist? Jerry's death as yours & Nanna's is long in duration. And tis the darkest before dawn. Father, I am concerned for his contempt for Your Word. Son, I the great I AM Say. None shall love & embrace My Word like Jerry will. For it will be his final proof that I loved him always. Son, I Say, the stage is now set for your family. Even as I, Will use yourself to lead them swiftly to Myself. This has always been your goal. To somehow to protect & preserve them & guide them to Myself. Son, you paid a great price for this, & it shall not be denied you ever. Even for each one of them. Son, yes I got their attention, & this will be what it takes. For them to seek Myself & to heal this family. And son, you will delight with the unity. And love, each shall have of the other. This was always meant to be. And thus your own reward also, finally begins to manifest. Son, even now as I lift you up, for all to see. And you have no idea how many will turn to Myself because of your faithfulness. For all will realize the commitment you have stood for all of your life. And I Say, they will now, not fail to see Myself through you. Son, this has been the greatest of your desires. And now you will see your harvest. Son, your day to be made manifest to the world, is at hand. You now will marvel & joy at the fruit of your labor. Even, as they will lovingly & finally accept you. Son, they will see your love for them. Even, as you could never love yourself. Yes, I gottcha-you! You have never really thought about this. But, you are much aware that you could not experience your own identity except in others. As you have never known self worth. Nor an identity outside of serving up yourself to others. Son, yes it is such a very great virtue to be humble & self sacrificing. But, not to the point of self identity denial. To only live in the life of another’s joy you made possible for them. Son, let this be well understood of yourself. This is My Role, & as you can see this is greatly rewarding. To Myself & yet I know My Identity. I wish to share My Identity with mankind. As it gives Me great pleasure to receive (free will) love back from men. But, son you have sought to learn your identity by serving others. And you could find no joy outside of this endeavor. Son, do you see your life as modeled after My Own? I seek pleasure by giving to all freely. So, that they may know My Identity. You gave your all in search of your own identity. Son, this is an unequaled virtue. And shall be greatly rewarded. Son, be not concerned that once praise & love & thanksgiven is heaped on yourself. That you will become proud & boastful & self serving. No son, I wouldn't have that to spoil your identity. You are just now becoming aware of. No son, as We Are One, this can not, nor ever will be. For here in Myself, you will finally be complete. To live in joy you never knew existed. My Son, where was the sting of death, of your sister? There was none, nor will you ever find it in the face of My Own. Son, get ready to live in plenty, with no want of anything. This is to live, when shared with Myself & so it is. And I Joy in you greatly, to fulfill even My Own Identity. Son, what do you yet wait for? I Say, nothing! And you will for the first time in your life. Live in the abundance of that life, even with great joy. Son, I AM moving so rapidly now. But, watch as I turn up the heat. It will boil over even everywhere, & can not be contained. It is so, for I have Willed it. Watch now! As you enter My Mind. Son, you will do My work in perfection from here. And will We Speak of power, AH! None can challenge nor equal. Receive My Identity, the Sum of all. No son, you will never argue to convince anyone. Ever again, but will challenge them by My Power.
Steve - I’m so tired - the life I have, I find in Your Words-
Son, collect yourself for I will Speak with you. Good morning Father ___. And you My Son. My Son, you ask if you should send to Steve the letter you wrote him? Son, give Me a chance to Speak to him first, keep it on file. Son, was Nanna not amazed that it went down this well? Son, as I Said, I have awakened all of them. So, as to see what I shall perform in yourself. In this be ye patient, to receive a response. Father, what ever, as I also am along for a ride. AH you remember yet again why I would Ask you, to relinquish yet for a time. As you are rooted here, to wait for your visit into My Mind. Therefore do & say as little as possible until then. You know what is proper in both actions. Father, I have no reluctance to follow Your Voice always. Your work is that of My Own. My Father, in my heart I have addressed the problem. As I see it, with Steve. Steve, as I see him as only self serving. How can he see what harm he has done? I only attempted to get him to look deeply inside himself. Father, I know You can perform this much better than I. Father, truly I could care, as I am very tired. And don't want to face any of it, from any of them. So, no problem, I back off. And I await further contact from them. Yes son, this is My Will that you do so. As you have already given your all. In every effort to be one with them. Son, yet do not think that you can not settle down. And return to your posture of nothing but waiting. Father, unless You desire that I live, I wait. For there is no life within me, to be exerted. And to come into contact with them. Only brings floods of thoughts. I want nothing to do with. So Father, We agree this is Your baby, to care for as You Will. Father, I am tired, so very tired. I have so little left that in this frame of mind I don't care of Promises. They bring no joy to me. Nothing much matters unto me. And I wish I could also come home. Father, I know that unless You cause me to live. There is no life for me. Father, I await Your Will to be done. Father, I find that what life I have is in Your Words. That they are useless to convey of my effort & understanding. So, I gladly keep my mouth closed. As much as I can muffle Your Witness. Which is all I see to save men. Yet, I can't effectively deliver it to any man. Nor are Your Signs present to do the work. So, I remain motionless & silent to Your bidding.
It will remain to be seen, but, I declare the Spirit just Spoke unto me. The Truth of
Worship is now set to be known of yourself. I Speak of that which you have sought the
meaning of since 1960.
St John 4:23-24 But the hour cometh, & now is, when the True Worshippers shall
Worship The Father in Spirit & in Truth: for the Father Seeketh such to Worship Him.
Verse 24. God is a Spirit; & they that Worship Him must Worship Him in Spirit & in Truth.
I was doing some dishes, when suddenly God Spoke to my spirit. And Said, what is the true Worship? This was not at all like when the Spirit Spoke to me about the 144,000. This rang loud & true. I said, Father, I believe after all these years, Your going to answer my questions. Father, here I am. I want all the full Truth of how to Worship You. Now let me list some things that I know are not correct in God's Worship. Let us start with the Catholic church & all it's pagan beliefs. What is out of the range of God's Worship? (1). Christmas, (2). Easter, (3). Mary the mother of Jesus as a worship, (4). & all idols. (5). They changed Saturday the early day of Yahshua’s self proclaimed day of rest & worship, to Sunday. (6). They killed countless millions of Christ believing Christians. There really is no end to their sins. As the Catholic church is the whore in the Bible & will receive her end. Christmas is not any part of God's true worship. And should not be observed, nor condoned, Easter is the same. And in time we will see if the Passover (which was replaced with Easter) should be observed. And if so, how? Mary, bless her heart, she should not receive even a second thought, she has her reward. As is the same with idols, all idols, statues, crosses, symbols, all saints, & all pagan customs. Now Father, do You desire me to Worship You today Saturday, that’s fine with me? But, I also intend to Worship You equally on the other 6 days. Now Father You tell me. There is no church or group of churches. Who have shed more innocent blood than the whore, the Catholic church. So, I have two questions to ask of You Father. (1). The pass-over should it be observed, & how? (2). Is Saturday the day You want us to recognize as the Sabbath? Like I say, for many years, I’ve not held to any one day. As the only day of Worship. Father, if it makes a difference to You, then tell me how? And they say (to believe a lie) ignorance is bliss! And while we are here I'll also ask You of the 10 Commandments? Which I love, but, shall I observe those or do I only look to Jesus for MY SALVATION? There my friends is the lie we have been taught, & have believed. John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. (There is no question, that we must keep the 10 Commandments, & therefore the Sabbath of Saturday.) And if You Father still have a true 100% true name of a church in existance (He doesn't)? The 2nd Pentecost will be the last Church that Yahshua will have. Father, as much as I would like to believe that this is the church. That Herbert W. Armstrong built, is that church. I don't believe it at all. And please continue to reveal all unto me. Both about the Spirit as well as the Truth. Son, this is Truth that you have been in pursuit of. Even, this Truth, as soon as you discovered it existed. Father, I feel this is vital as I must know that Truth, so as not to broadcast any lie. Please offer proof to all You show me. My Son, who seeks the Truth as if it were your life. Shall I withhold 0% from you? Now you ask, can it be heard & understood in this realm? Or shall it be revealed in My Mind? Son, all will be confirmed in My Mind. As there is no lie to be found there. So, there is the proof you desire. Father, are we still your sons & daughters of the 10 lost tribes? And thus it would be expected of us to keep Saturday the Sabbath. The 10 commandments, no pork, & all the feast days? Father, I want the whole Truth. And where is the perfection in Christ Jesus? But where is the line? For I know You don't want us to offer blood for a sin offering. Father, where do I miss the mark, to Perfect Worship? Son, the reason this issue was never addressed of Myself unto you. Was you were never to walk in & out of My Mind, unto this day. For son, what is being readied for you, is the Pillar of all Truth, to your knowing. So, be not anxious to receive the answers. For you will enter My Mind. There you will also find the answer to that, you don't know to ask now. Son, do not feel lonely, it's over My son. I Say, it's over. Father, I wait in my present tracks to receive it all. Father, all of a sudden it appears I felt Your Own Heart. That You have been lonely for a long time. As men could not receive You, in all Your Truth. Son, it is so. Son, you know it as the Revelation of My Identity. Son, as all of your life you have struggled to recognize, or find your own identity. I have also waited until this set time, to reveal My Own. Yes son, it is over. Father, receive my thanks.
I Thess. 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Father, how You have burst forth in Revelations. If I could understand what's coming down. I surely would be sleepless & tremble with excitement. But Father, I am a virgin to the whole of Truth. So, I have no experience. Yet, I don't discount all You have shown me over the years. But, wonderfully praise You Father. Father, here am I.
It is done! - I serve one! - you will take My Report, before many councils-
Father, yet 2 more questions, I would ask of You. Armstrong rejects the trinity God head. And says, it was changed by the Catholic church long ago. Also his belief that we can not be born again, until the resurrection. Father, by faith we already are Born Again. Father, I have found that he is correct with much wisdom on many things. But, these others things he holds to be the Truth. I can not see, nor believe, unless You correct me. Father, I see You have locked me down, to wait to live here as I stand. Everything & every one has been severed from myself. As I have You & only You, to deliver me to that Promised life. And if I really knew You. My Son, well said. But, will soon be your reality. And it will be the best of your life forever. For We shall never be separated. My Lord & My God be praised! Remember My Son, I've Said it, many times. Once inside My Mind you will never be the same. For you shall become as I AM. Can I Say, Perfect in all Your ways. You couldn't be as I AM, if you were not. Now you worry as to what to say & whom to say it. You now search your mind for the correct words. And the wisdom to deliver them at the right time. Son, hence forth you will never be aware of this again. For Perfection Will only exist your mouth. Son, you see Me & will recognize that I AM compacting you to a smaller dimension. Why? Because I Am gathering you from all that has affected your life. To this very time slot, to enter My Mind wholly & non scattered. Therefore I'm destroying doubt from your life even as I Speak. As I bring you complete unto Myself. I Say, nothing of you will remain outside of Myself. Son, you must see that I'm preparing you, to become One with Myself. No time is wasted, you are moving forward to meet Myself, even as I AM. Oh My God, how blessed I am. Son, it can not as yet be said to your understanding. But I, Jesus Christ shall live in your being. Father, so be it to Your Glory. Son, I utter no word in useless fashion. It is done! Father, I receive it as You Are. And I will not move until I see Your Glory. Please show me the way into Your Mind. Father, I care not whether I live or die. I shall behold Your Glory either way. And I can not live without viewing Your Glory. Father, do I care one whit what any say or believe of me? Not I say! For I serve One! Even Jesus Christ the Righteous! And unto You only will I make any answer of any matter. And it is so My Son. Lest My Ire be raised to any man, who would question this. And son, this will be manifested to self evident very soon. Father, I tire, make me One with Thy Self. My Son, take courage for you must yet stand before many councils, to deliver My Report. My Son, there is no use in you pursuing this vigil. To seek your death, or to find Myself. Son, this is as sure as you breathe. Son, I will no longer have you confined by time. Nor, in any way giving servitude to it. Son, you will no longer mourn for what I Say is so, for this is doubt. And I Am destroying this from your knowing. Now be up & about with you. Son, doubt can not enter My Mind, nor any other unclean thing.
The battle at home - nothing is beyond My Control - recipe for disaster - maze, your environment - rewards-
My Son, you seen My Hand in action. And how satan would have destroyed, if he had been allowed. Son, your battle is over here at home. Nanna saw it this time, for what it was. Yes, you have been attacked over & over through the years. For this was your weakest spot for so many of them. But, not any more for I have taken control over your life. Father, I don't understand why Nanna would rave on me. To provoke me to hurt her. Son, satan is vicious is he not. Son, you will thoroughly understand this & all in My Mind. You know I was with you greatly today. But, after all if you are ever so great, & like the I AM. You can take anything & should also be attending to her healing. Son, you were most differently being tried. Son, you hate to admit that satan has taken this much control over her life. She is most angry with Myself. But, son you do well to remember that nothing is ever out of My Control. As I Say, her 100% healing lays just before you. Son, & yes after so many years, she will no longer make challenge of you for control of anything. Son, I appointed man to rule his own house. And satan has turned this into a lie. By the feminist movement. Eve was taken from Adam. Therefore beholden unto him. Yet, they were complete together. Son, this thing of embarrassing you before others (by her speech) is all the same. Son, I have taken the weaknesses of each the other. And yet, you made it without killing one another. Yes, this was a recipe for disaster. Yet, I used it to mold you to overcome & make you both strong. Son, you ask, why has she always challenged you like this? Was you ask, it because her father domineered her mother? Son, ask yourself did he also try to dominate yourself? You have your answer. Yes, I will show her this & all as she will follow you to Myself. And son, as you have cried so many times. That, I should show her your love for her. And would defend her unto your death. She will see it & know it. Yes, now you both were the product of your environments (even as all people are), by misguided parents. But, as you can see that's nearly normal for this world today. And as sin advances it only grows the worse. So, think it not strange that your lives went down as they did. Yet, I Say, you will love & live as you have never experienced. Son, you do see me putting the finished touches. Of your completed life for My service. Son, it would seem so belittling to Say. Your whole life was staged to meet this end. Tho the End was the goal. Yet, you amassed very great riches even before the main event. And as I Say, you both for services rendered. Shall be greatly rewarded in this life & untold in the next. So, enjoy My Son, for We now move to the event of all ages, to be completed. Even, at this, it's very set time. Behold My Glory shall break forth in all the Earth. This is what you have seen & heard in the Fringe of My Mind over & over. Why? Because this is My day, to reveal My Identity. Son, let no car (cares) touch you. For you will know Me as I AM. This I delight to show all, watch what I do now.
Father, be praised. Father, I am speechless. It would appear I have lived up my allotted time. To finally come unto Your Mind. There can be no greater event for any man on this earth. And it appears I have arrived. Father, I am most definitely aware of Your Peace, that I abide in. There is not one ripple to be seen on life's lake. As still & smooth as glass, & appears as stable as to walk on. I can't believe I'm not even anxious. Son, you are describing Myself. There is no turmoil here with Me. Even, a place to kick back & enjoy the rest. Son, abide right there. For you are experiencing the Aroma of My Mind, as it flows over you. Son, I Say, abide right there. For you can be no closer to entering My Mind. Even, with your knowledge. Peace I AM, Peace I give, come in peace, into My Peace.
I just awakened & this is what I saw. Us as peoples were under attack. And we were moving by ships to a safer place, many peoples. And we were so very thankful. And knew the true meaning of salvation. This appeared to be street by street warfare. This was a profound deliverance. Son, you only remember but a small part of what you saw. Yet, you took it as providence or Myself in this delivery. And your emotions & thanksgiving were very sensational & real. Son, I was letting you feel, what it is to be alive. And all that you experienced was very real, and My Hand was obvious. My Son, today looks bleak as finances goes. Nothing much out of your ordinary. Son, how can I show Myself any plainer unto Nanna? Son, as I Said, watch now!
Father, I am here & I await Your All in All.
Mes. #38: 11-27-04 - 5:21 am. Sat.
Alycia - healing your house-
Father, ___ please receive Your due praise. I was so very sleepy about 1:00 AM when I went to bed. Yet, I don't believe I have been to sleep as yet. I have been remolding Alycia’s life, as Nanna could no longer deal with her. And she was staying here & there & doing as she pleased. And was coming close to a run in with the law. So, I had to re-establish my place as head of the household. And really crack down on her. Father, this is hard & would seem unrewarding work. To keep a child inside some limited barriers in this day & time. Not to mention our age & that we are tired of this fight. Son, My Son, __ __. What would it be to have you enter the All in All? And NH finally realized. And have your child running wild! Would this family be complete? So, again you see My Hand at work. So, is any thing at all going on? I Say, I AM moving all things to their completion, even as I Speak. Son, how could you be at peace? And this house hold with NH be at peace? If I leave Alycia outside that peace. It is time that she shall also come to recognize Myself, for herself. So I AM, moving to make this house under My Peace. In other words My Son, I Heal your house. Now it's My All in All, NH, and Alycia’s introduction to Myself. And your blessings of finances. And the new life you shall all receive in Myself. Son, you ask Me why you could not sleep? Is there something special, I wish to reveal? You say, Father, take control over my doubt. And all that displeases Yourself of me. So, I have & I do. Take no thought of any matter now. As I, also control any doubt you had. It is also gone. Son, this has to you been very long in coming. But, all is finished now, done, complete. Come into the Joy of Your Lord.
World politics - no faith in time - seeking by the Spirit - I hide in Your Peace-
Father, ___ be praised in all things. Father, I see Arafat dead. I see the Roman Catholic & Greek Orthodox churches kissing & making up. I see the waves roaring in the seas of men on the earth, heaving one against another. There is no great leader to soothe the people. Surely it's near the time of the a/c to come forward. And Father, I wait for Your All in All, NH-etc. And I'm guessing that the Coded Message means from Oct. until Feb. That sometime in between there Nanna’s healing, and me entering into Your Mind is to take place. Father, I have no faith in any time frame what so ever. Yet, I wait in hope. As I understand (& that may be very lacking). There is nothing else to be overcome in my search. Father, shall I yet sit here & wait for months? With no assurance that it will yet bring these things to my sight? I have seen many time lines come & go & yet I wait. Father, why would You yet give me another time slot? When I am to believe this will also fail like all the rest? Father, You know I have only hope of life in Your Words. Yet, how long shall I yet wait? Father, my understanding fails me. Can not only the Truth dispel doubts? This I can not overcome in myself. Father, it would appear that You are careful not to reveal. Anything that would afford me any faith. Father, I know there's no place to go outside of Yourself to find the Truth. Yet, waiting means nothing unto me, but death. Oh how I hate it! And I am so troubled because I can not locate Your Holy Spirit to reveal & guide me thru. My son, __ __ who knows there is no life outside Myself. You ask, is there yet anything at all to be learned from waiting? Father, is this Your Will, that I should wait? Father, is there yet a darker hour? Than all I've suffered to yet endure? Father, I know You can not fail me or any other thing You Will. Yet, my mind continues to fail me. I seek as to all I know, yet, I do not understand. Father, what comfort is to be found outside the Truth? Father, I return to Your Peace to wait. Father, for me to pass day after day in total indifference is called waiting. If I think there's yet a happier time to be obtained. Otherwise, one only waits for death to release oneself from idleness & indifference. Father, in my own mind I speak the Truth. I can not, nor will I try to hide my mind from You, as it can not be done. Father, with all that I am. I don't understand, nor know Your Will in this matter. All I know to do is endure & wait for Your Promises. And I, thank You for the world of Your Peace, that preserves my soul.
Paul Livingston, who is he? - tracks end!
Now Paul Livingsworth or Livingston carries My short term Will. This is for a short combined space. This is what I write upon awakening from sleep. Father, do You care to explain? My Son, do you not want a positive touch from Myself? Son, watch for this name to appear to your hearing. Son, I blame you not that you want to see Myself as proof. That this life, is worth the pursuit of your time & energy. That you should trudge on in a blind search. Of Myself the Truth of all that exists. Father, all I know is I wait here. Where You Said do not move. And here I am, for Your pleasure. And here by Your Grace I will remain. For the tracks end, as far as I'm concerned. Because I, have received Your command, do not move from your present location. Father, here I am, & I wait to know Your All in All. Father, I await for these volumes of Words to leap from these pages. Otherwise, they are only My own. But, not understood, (& without You they are worthless) of myself. Father, only after I see & know You, will they become alive. Now they are as useless, as I am able to do Your Will of myself. With name Paul Livingston green, yellow & blue, football? I'm guessing semi truck? Helicopter? Also guessing. #41 preacher? I have no idea who this man is or if he exist.
Mes. #41: 12-02-04 - 5:48 pm. Tues.
Father, I offer to You my thanks for Your Will being done in my life today. Can You share with me what that Will is? Father, I can't believe anything else at all. But, You are hiding Your Identity from me. As I now thought that time was now behind me, this leaves me in confusion. Did You give me this name? And if so for what reason? Father, what word can be uttered to replace Your Identity? To my knowledge, nothing under the sun that can be said. I have volumes of words, meant to bring me unto the Identity of Yourself. Yet, I do not know You. And I still don't know how or when. If ever You will make these Words come alive. Father, will You Speak to me in terms to my understanding? Father, I feel what little bit of hope I have slipping away again. Is it Your Will that I should experience the void again? My Son, fear not. Son, I did Ask you what could you learn? That you have not already experienced. That you should go thru such things again. Could I, have such satisfaction in those things? Son, as you have passed all tests, including time, you ask. Where is My Lord leading me to now? Yes, Father, where to now? Why more delays to finally meet You? Father, truly what is the point served by more waiting? Father, today is the day I believe in. I do not trust Jan. nor Feb to show me Your Identity, nor any other day or date. Today Father, be real unto me today. Father, when ever You Choose to Reveal Yourself, it will be today. Even, as today is my salvation. I can not live yesterday or tomorrow without Your All in All. Only You can make that possible. Father, I'm trying with all that I am to understand Your Speech. Why can't I know You now? Is it because of my doubt, as I understood You to Say? That also, as a barrier was gone. Father! Father! Do You hear my voice? Please come & rescue me from this hell of separation of Your Identity. Father, please make me complete in Yourself. Father, why is it that my spirit can not gain any hope of relief? How can it be that You seem so very far from me? Father, what wall, what barrier is blocking my way now? What forbids me to know You now? There are no more words to seek You. There is no more I can do or say. Please receive me My Lord, unto Yourself. Surely I have no more to give of myself, I am spent!
Dear Father, I offer unto You Your praise. For Your Will being done, in my life. Just so I don't forget let me list what I'm thankful for. Let me start with Nanna's hatred of myself, & that Alycia is gone. That we are down to ½ a car to drive and that we are paying 350.00 a month for car insurance. And no less that they have raised my house insurance by 525.00 a year or 60.00 a month. And I can't forget Aunt Ruby's health. Father, truly I have a lot to praise You for. Hello My Son __ __. What do you see My Son? Nothing to live for Father. Son, this is true of all life, whether realized or not. For this life would appear to be very short, & in the end. All one has accomplished is separated from him by death. And only what treasure one lays up in Myself will not pass from him. Father, in that case, I would come home to my reward. Yet, You Say, I shall live here in this life with joy. That means that my problems & wants have to pass from me. Father, in fact, I nearly don't care for the things of this life. As I have never seen lasting joy in this life. And I really don't care to make the effort. To find this joy in this life, even if I knew how. For in fact I can't believe it's available unto me. Father, I wait on, in vain, I know not. I really wish I could leave here, my life is void of meaning. As I can no longer live on Promises. Father, You know where I wait. Yes, laughably in Your Own Peace. Father, I pray Your Will be done.
Mes. #43: 12-18-04 - 3:18 am. Sat.
Bills! Bills! Bills! I Shall move Mightily, before the month is over.
Father, be praised. My Son, I have as you would say, been quiet this month. But I, will Speak to you My Son. As you wait for the time I have Spoken unto you. To be the best you have served on this earth. Yet, Nanna raves upon you. And all your wheels are broken. And you just learned they would raise your house insurance out of this world. As to where you can't pay it. And I, have revealed nothing & you feel very alone. Yet, you hold on the best you can & try not to rail on Myself. So, son how much longer? As I Say, now watch what I shall perform. And you say, Father, just let it be. As I, can not stand to watch what You will yet perform. Son, surely I laugh. What else your sister's death, your family dead set against you. No transportation, bills raised-until you can't meet them. And a very sore toe. Just what do you wait for now? Father, I dare ask You to Speak on. Son, it's not that you have been faithful. Do I, allow these things. But, I have placed Nanna to where she can not but see My Hand at Work. But, still the one & only question you have. Is when will I allow you to enter My Mind? And then you know you shall have all your desires. That's right Father, without entering into Your Mind. All is nearly a waste unto me. What of this man Paul Livingston? Who is he? And where can I find word of him? Father, what would You do now to bring my mind any relief? Father, if it is Your Will Speak to me. My Son, where would you ride My Words today? Lead on Father, for I know not what. My Son, all is nearly finished that We shall knowingly be One. Son, I Promise you this month shall not end until you will see Me move mightily. Father, here am I. Father, I seek not more Promises, but Your Identity. Will You also add this to the sum of Your Mighty Moves? Father, with all that I am, I want to believe this. But, the Truth is I don't believe this. For as I see it nothing brings me lasting peace until I see You. So, what else will You Promise me instead? Father, I repeat, I do not seek any more Promises. Only Yourself will do for my healing & well being. Father, I repeat, here is where You Said for me to be. And it is here I wait to know You. Many questions I would ask when I enter Your Mind.
Mes. #44: 12-22-04 - 9:41 pm. Wed.
Surprise! Surprise! relief from those bills - 12” of snow-
Father, You very pleasantly surprised me. Nanna with a full time job & benefits & and a part time job. And can I now work 26 hours a week? And Nanna with her Cadillac, You Promised her. And cut our insurance in half. That’s very impressive My Lord. (A heavy snow fell tonight 12") that’s most wonderful. Yet, how soon will I enter into Your Mind, before March, I hope & pray? Father, will You Speak? Son, it was true, I was quiet the first of this month. Yet, when have You seen Me move like this? Father, I would be hard pressed to recall a time of blessings like this. Son, stand by & hear My Voice. This My Son, is only the beginning of the time, I Said you will live. Son, be not content to think even this month can bring no more pleasant surprise. For I Say, it will be seen of you. Hold fast as you are in My Peace. Son, the end of what you know, & could expect is nearing its end. And that, that you only have been told of will now be the norm. For I Say, You shall Live. And I shall make all marvel as to your rise from obscurity. Son, remain faithful as you are. I delight in you, My Son.
Empowerment at hand - are You hiding from me? - last separation- Lonely - seeking
with every atom of your being - destined to see God’s Face-
My Son, you did ask of Me to send to you positive events, things you can see. Son, this will be so until you enter the most positive place in the universe. Where you will not only see but know All & All. Son, by far the best is yet to come. The man I Spoke of will now appear unto you. Yes, & I showed your Aunt that I & I alone will care for you. And son, will I keep that, that I Spoke of her? I Will Indeed! Son, I Say, your long struggle is now over. For all will now identify you as Myself. Son, your empowerment is now at hand. And this life of waiting in want will be no more ever. My Son, My All in All, NH, yours, and all I have Promised is now by you. And still you can not feel the witness by My Spirit, & why so? This you call hiding from you. Son, this is for your own protection. Lest you should mount above & rave of those things that are about to appear. Only to bring the negative down from all onto yourself. When all appears this will stop this in its tracks. And it will not come upon you. My Son, My Spirit will not fail to meet your spirit with confirmation. This you have always sought & knew that this must be. For it will be My Spirit that will guide you, to all Truth. So, be not concerned, as you now know. Why it has not occurred as of yet. For they have to reject Me. As well as you in their doubt of your speech. This as I Say, I Will forego. As it serves neither of Us as We Are One. But, you have long wondered why this was so. But, now you also know this Truth. As you will soon know all Truth. Son, I repeat, My Spirit will soon bare to you. This witness of all you will meet of Myself. Son, we will no longer Speak of the long unspeakable past. It has served its purpose well. Tho unseen of yourself, it's over. And it's gone as a trap to hold you, until now. But, waiting in confusion is now over. My Son, it still appears that I Am Speaking unto you from a far off. Why? Am I over stating what I just Spoke? Not to let you arise above? Son, you can't put your finger on it. As the Spirit brings you no clues. But, you are very acutely aware of this. And can not reason the why. My Son, I reveal unto you the why. For this is the last time you will ever be aware of this separation. I Am showing you your identity that is about to merge into One, with Myself. This has been very keenly felt of yourself. And with great wonderment as to the why? Son, you are experiencing the last of your former life. Son, this will be a lost memory. That you wish to never recall. Son, you have wondered many, many times. How this would all come about? And you had no clue. Son, feel & know the loneliness of your former identity. For this is not you, never any more. It is true, I have separated you. From all you know, even as you were. Seeking My Own Identity with every atom of your being. My Son, you know where you have abide, as hell on earth. And you know you spent all you had to find Myself. Yet, that was by far not enough to find Me. You now know that it was I who sent you on this unspeakable trip. So, you would be spent. And then find that of your own it could have never happened. Yet, you were destined to always see My Face & know Me as I AM. As I Say, you now at this time, will see Me, & the past will gladly be forgotten. Son, I welcome you into Myself. Yet, you leap not in the Spirit. And you yet do not know the day. But, son know, & know it well, that I had you to experience this separation. As the last act of your former life. Behold the new, the now, & the forever, Myself.
Digging the car out of 12” of snow - where’s Paul Livingston? - branding iron-
My Father, I praise You for Your Will for my life. Father, as You can see & understand that I can only. Be entertained but a short time of spiritual Promises. As I, must meet You & know You the Sum of all. Before I, can know pure joy & true living. As it appears working & making extra money was never an option for myself. And I, could use some help in delivering the car out of the (12") of snow. As what additional blessings now await me. Father, please Speak with me. My Son, sore you are on top of your sore foot. Son, tho it appears that I Am a far off. You know this to not be true. And you are scanning your TV in search of Paul Livingston. Son, you ask what blessing do You Speak of today? Yes Father, even as Nanna is also watching for Your Hand to be seen of her. Son, neither of you will fail to see Me. As I have granted from the beginning that you will enter My Mind. Father, that’s more than I am capable of realization. Yet, I am here to receive all that You Are. And if that be here in Dec, I'll not wait long. But, I have no assurance in myself to see it ever. Only a hope of that this is so. Son, you are cut off from the entire earth. You have not one to lean on in this time of Promise. Yet, you sink not, you falter not. Neither do you dare to question My Truthfulness. Son, I Spoke, of you as a calf before the branding iron. You have only Nanna to witness that branding. And she knows not to even look for it. But, I Say, the world will soon know it for a fact. But, Father what is in store for my today? Father, I need Your help today to dig the car out. Father, bless me today I pray & let the branding proceed. I offer You advance praise.
Unlimited power - limited by your now present capacity of thought.-
Residing at the door of Yahshua’s Mind.
Father, as I was much in doubt that I could dig the car out. Please, I thank You that You made it relatively easy. I do thank You much. My Lord, surely one must not lie to ones self. I didn't believe I couldn't deliver the car. Yet, without outside help, I was doubtful. But, Father to know & assess the circumstances is one thing. To consider of my advanced age & abilities of my flesh. But, here is another world to view any problem from. And that can be applied to any problem, this present world can present. For now I will become acquainted with Your view. And the unlimited power that goes with it. But, surely Lord I'll have to take on Your Mind set. So, I can see past my now present very limited fiscal abilities. My Son, this I welcome to you Myself. For truly you now don't know what to believe of any problem. Son, I AM making you, to consider what your near future will be. For your common sense will not diminish nor fail you. But, truly your instinct will be. To please Myself in all things, and at all time. That will become your true common sense. To be in tune with Myself. Even, My Own harmony shared with you. Yes son, for what one would presently consider, would become a lie. When advanced into My Own Mind. For the natural course of action of very limited courses. Will be replaced by totally unlimited choices. Son, again I Say, welcome to Myself. Son, tho as limited by your present capacity of thought. You can see you are going to become another rejuvenated person, than you are today. Father, I say, let Your Will always reign today & forever. Son, I Ask you, where is the lost identity you feared? Are you any less? No way! But, your identity will become unlimited in Myself. As new to you as creation it's self. Father, is there any wonder that my mind (presently) can not perceive these Words You Speak? Nor My Son, were you ever able to find Myself in your search. Even, tho it consumed your existence, and being. Are you today any closer to My location & My Identity? Of yourself all spent, this is a resounding No! But, you believe according to this My Speech. You are the son of I AM, You Are __ __. And you are at the door of My Mind. And this is where you have taken up residence. Forever, as your life expectancy. And will not look back, nor move from this point. That I command you to occupy. This is the full sum of your present existence, past-judgment & reward. Future-I AM-your future, with great joy & Life. Father, so be it. Amen!
great bright light - Yahshua visit - predetermined before the earth was-
I was awakened, by the force of a great bright light! I heard these words Spoken. My Son, I AM, He the Son of the Living God! What will, shall predetermine My Own? (I wept), I was literally jarred awake by the force of this light. I have been ever so lonely here of late. As the Spirit of God was with-drawn from me. That I may see myself as I am. And that I may remember from whence I have come. As I go forth to enter My Lords Own Mind. Oh My, God how unworthy I am. How could You choose the man that I am?. I am honored & humbled above speech. My Son, could I have chosen yet a man who's heart was far from Me? Even, over ones heart who was predetermined to know Me? If surely I did exist? My Son, the force of the light you saw. Was the same force released upon the words you spoke at the tender age of 10. My Son, you were predetermined to be here today. And forever to walk with Myself before the foundation of the Earth. But, when you spoke from your heart to find & know Me. Was the moment of this your life, that became predetermined of your own consciousness. Son, I approach you for your sight & knowledge of Myself. Father, so be it. Amen!
I have no faith in time. - your will son, or My Will? - spent, used up - my tracks also end
right here. - I wait-
Father, thank You for Your Will in my life. Father, I would ask You where am I? And what is the meaning if any of my life today? Father, I do not believe Jan. or Feb. will bring Your Identity to myself. Why would I think so? Father, will You Speak? My Son, nothing changes, regardless how many Promises you receive. Father, that's the way I see it. My Son, would you rather your will now be regarded than My Own? Father, I am numb. I wouldn't know or have an idea of what to ask for. So, I wait & You know my true feelings. That I feel like a fool in doing so. But, what other option is available unto me? Father, I don't understand any of this. And I'm tired of empty promises, as well as this life in general. Yet, I have no say, as to which way it will go. I have books of Promises, yet they seem to mean nothing. Father, You know I'm spent. I have nothing what so ever to seek with. I am only reduced to wait right here & nothing more. Father, You tell me good is coming, yet I see nothing, but hopelessness. Father, I receive a little hope of good. But, is soon dashed by only unfruitful waiting. And this is the story of my life, for many years. Father, I plead for Your mercy. Father, all I can do is only hope. I felt Your Spirit on the 29th. It had been some time that I since witnessed it. And it felt very good. But, Father, I can not live nor, know joy unless I know Your Identity. And the years have taken their toll on me. For I have nothing to fight back with, nor to renew my hope. So, the only thing left unto me on the face of this earth. Is to wait here in my tracks, with or without any hope. And Father, if I didn't know Your Peace, I fear to think on it. Father, I can only pray that the course of the maze of my life is nearing its end. Father, there are only two ways to end, each of us our maze. By death, or by Life in Yourself. As You tell me death is not available unto me. I wait for the deliverance of Your Life. Father, forgive me that I belly ache & complain. But, I am blind to see as You see. And to know as You know. So, I wait here am I.
The system attacks - Yahshua answers - the barrier - in time, no faith - a speech problem-
Father, I give You praise for taking care of this charge by the city. That we had to move the RV. I really was worried about this. Because, I couldn't move it. Lord will You Speak? My Son, truly you heard Me Say. Do not worry for I will move on this matter. This is a positive action you have been desiring to see. Son, I have Spoken often of how close you are to entering into My Mind. Many times I have Spoken of this, yet you wait. I have explained about those things that were blocking you. Time, the barrier of time was the greatest. And I have had you to reflect on your former life here of late. Now you are nearly entering into the month of Feb. And you ask, will You do this thing here in the month of Feb.? Is this what the dream was meant for? Father, tell me straight up. Will the Feb. date fail as all the other dates? I have no faith that it will succeed. And I feel no leading of the Spirit for any direction at all. Father, its very hard for me, but I try very hard to understand the fact that You do not observe time to keep it. Therefore You are timeless even as Your Speech is timeless. But, when My Lord will I understand Your Speech? What good is speech if one can not decipher what has been Spoken? As with this Paul Livingston? Why Father, did You tell me 2 months ago, yet it has not occurred? Will You tell me the reason for this? Father, is my time to struggle here in the unknown maze about over? Father, I am here where You told me to wait.
Hello My Father. And to you My Son. My Son, has My distancing Myself from you caused you to be alarmed? Father, You know. Son, it appears that nothing is going to change. And you will suffer this loneliness the rest of your life here on this earth. That indeed you will never know Myself nor enter My Mind. Father, I am truly devoid of life, without the knowledge of Your Identity. Father, I am at a loss to explain. (Paul Livingston & Mosely Adams) To reason, to understand what's going on. I have no meaningful words to communicate any reasoning. My Father, I know You have withdrawn Yourself from me. That You have hidden from me. Father, You say so I'll remember from whence I came. Father, I should be thankful to forget the pains of this life. I really don't want to recall them. But, put them behind me. Father, I can go no farther. I am here where You Said to wait, please how long?
Mes. #52: 3-2-05 - 9:00 am. Wed.
I write, last night the Lord ___ Spoke with me. I have been waiting for our Lord to invite me into His (AH-Struck Mode) Mind. I assure you this is the ultra destiny of a very, very long, & terrible journey. To me there is no known records of any other person in the history of the world. Who has made this journey. I don't believe for a minute that I'm the only one to experience this. For as I understand there are 144,000 now presently making this journey. But, I can only speak for myself. The theme of My Lord's Speech is. You My Son are getting (ready) to cross over from this time zone, to the Timeless Zone. Even My Own Mind. You will not bring any luggage of any kind. Only you as the person I __ __ , shall come here. You will not enter with any cares, problems, questions, no turmoil & no thoughts. Of any (ANY) person or their concerns. As naked as you were born into this life. Shall you appear before I AM. I could see myself sitting in a straight back chair. That was placed in a place devoid of everything but a floor. And a spot light that was shining down on me. There was nothing else to be seen. As all else was darkness. It was as though I was at or in the process of being beamed. From here to there (His Mind) unknown location. This is what I saw & heard. My Father, I am greatly comforted by this vision. I have been pressing for a time. But, I believe You are showing me that how does one track time? Whether is no time. Yes Father, I have been asking for a departure date to Your timeless Mind. My Son, that you have indeed. My Son, how would you go about telling someone? That they must give up any & all thoughts to time, and to experience timeless. That they can not comprehend. I assure you, you don't plant the very thing time. Into their mind as the controlling factor. Son, again I welcome you into I AM. My Son, you are as close as you can be to the history of time. As a controlling factor to your own mind. I told you I was reducing your bulk, to compact you. Now you know why & reduced to what. I Am showing you the path to enter My Own Mind. Son, seek to shed all luggage from your mind. My Son, continue to honor My Will for the care of yourself. Nothing else is required of you. My Son, of all the travels of this journey. You have never seen or known this Revelation. This is the blank you have experienced in other attempts to visit into My Mind. You were checking your (thoughts) luggage before entering into My Mind. Son, you will enter in! And know how you got there.
Mes. #53: 3-5-05 - 11:31 pm. Sat.
Nanna & I are starting our third week of being sick with the flu. I just finished reading Mystery of the Ages, by Herbert W. Armstrong. As of this time I don't know what our Lord will reveal unto me. Of this writing, to be the Truth. The things I question are these. (1). Will You require that I worship You on Saturday as the Sabbath? ( 2). Do You ___ want me to observe the 7 feast festivals? ( 3). My Lord ___ You will reveal unto me, whether any will be saved after your second coming? (4). I do not believe Armstrong church is the only church. The Lord has now shown me this is not so. I believe these are the major questions I have of his writings. My Father, will You Speak? My Son, does any of these questions arise above your desire to enter My Mind? Father, I desire no greater knowledge than to enter Your Mind. My Son, you do well. For this is the apex of all knowledge. There is nothing greater to be known. Father, I await with all that I am, to know all Truth. Son, what is wisdom & knowledge? If the Truth is Unknown they are vanity & nothing. And what is Truth, without the application of justices? I AM the Truth! And I AM, the enforcer of that Truth. With all righteousness of justice. That I AM & I come to mete out reward, & judgment of that Truth. There is nothing greater than the Father. Yet, He has established the Truth above all. Son, I know where you are at & why you wait. But, I Say, not in vain do you wait. As you shall behold Myself as I AM.
Mes. #54: 3-7-05 - 6:18 pm. Mon.
Give me life or death!
My Father, I have but one request of You. Give me the Truth in the Identity of Jesus Christ. Or give me the unconsciousness of my mind in death. I abhor this existence of endless void.
Mes. #55: 3-20-05 - 10:44 pm. Sun.
Father, I am here to hear Your Voice. My Son __ __, I AM ever present. Father, as you know Jack Williams has made contact. And I wonder what I can do or say to him? My Son, most faithful you are. As you have waited in silence that I had Ask of you. My Son, you will not seek or have duress in any matter hence forth. For I AM the Sum of your existence. I Said, wait until you are contacted & do not any longer seek them out. You have done as I Ask. My Son Jack, has a new hunger as you can plainly see. And My Word Says, he who hungers & thirsts for righteousness shall be filled. So, as you can see he will grow & learn much as he so desires. For this is the hour of all to be completed & My soon coming. Son, I know you want no other responsibility, to or for any matter. As you desire to enter My Own Mind. And outside of this there is no other desire, except for Nanna's healing. For all has ceased to exist as a care to you. For I know that you can not live unless you enter My Mind.
Mes. #56: 3-28-05 - 2:20 am. Mon.
My Father ___ , I break my silence for I could see nothing more for me to speak of. Father, as You had Rhonda to come to me. Again I see no seriousness to her questions, or desire to learn much that is available for her witness. And to find the reason she was sent to me of Yourself. So, this moves me not, nor does it perplex me. For this has caused me to re-read the last 3 volumes of Your Writings to me. That I had offered her to read. But, it is not the time today. Father, but You did have me to re-read them, and I see why. For I seen the Words in a new & different light. I feel a new sensation of closeness to You Father. As if they were Words coming alive. They were no longer an obstacle to climb over. But, seemed smooth as the correct approach to Yourself. Father, I now approach You not in fear, anxiously or in desperation. To see what You may have to Say to me this day. Father, if You desire to Teach me or what ever Your Will may be. Son, as delightful to you is the rain you hear on your roof. So soothing & supplying water for your needs. I move for your pleasure. Son, expect the Words I Speak to you, that's new to you. You know My Peace very well. Yet, you have never witnessed it in this fashion. As if it were a cloud that has gone out before you. And has engulfed this My Speech. My Son, hear this My Voice. This is indeed very new unto you. Son, you just now remembered what I Said in the fall of 2002. Yes, that you were about to be over shadowed. You saw it today as a sweeping cloud to compass the earth. As My Speech goes before You unto all the earth. That where ever you go, you can no longer move out from under My Peace. What does that Say unto you? That Says the Peace the unspeakable, you have received of Myself. Is now (& forever shall be) with you as an over shadowing force. Of protection that you can no longer be separated from. As We Are One & Our Minds are merging together as One. You are witnessing My Identity. Son, the most wonderful indescribable thing has occurred. You are witnessing My Own Mind. There is no equal! You have wondered long how this merging would take place. Son, you have witnessed merely the shadow. Yet, it has consumed you. As you will never know another day outside My Peace. So, thus it has begun to which there is no end. To advance into My Mind. Son, this is only the beginning of what you shall behold as new. As all things you now behold will be new to your understanding. Son, welcome home yet again unto Myself. Son, you went from Me in birth of flesh, now you have returned that your consciousness. Shall once again be reunited with Myself. Have you not been Born Again? INDEED! Spirit to Spirit. Son, you now know what is meant, to be Born Again. When you become conscious of My Mind. You are Born Again, of My Spirit to your spirit (reunited). Tho you are conscious of this the Spirit world. Enjoy! As I Say, you will now see all things in a new light. Never known of you in this life. You say uh-oh here goes the writing, its gone. For you know you won’t keep up. Son, you will learn to be selective.
Mes. #57: 4-6-05 - 12:00 am. Wed.
My Father ___, be praised in all honor, all glory, all power, & all that is due You. Amen! My Father, as You know I am void of speech. As of my pursuit to know Your Identity. But, would You come & comfort me? With Your Speech of wisdom & knowledge of Your Identity, even the Truth of all? My Son, in whom I’m well pleased. My Son, you sit as one marooned on a uninhabited island, devoid of all life. And your desires does not rate to be reunited with mankind. But, rather to advance among the stars, to find My Own (Jesus Christ) Identity. What a most grandiose of thought & thinking. But, that is the extreme of your abilities to locate Myself. This is true for you are powerless beyond your capacity of thought. Yet, it was I Myself, that planted that thought in your being long ago. It is also true that you have spent all you could ever hope to be, in that search for Myself. Yet, that desire to know Me has not dissipated a whit. But, has grown to consume your own identity. That of an assurance you can not exist. Nor live, nor know the joy of life outside My Own Identity. Your desire is as real, as I Your Father exist. And will never subside from your conscious mind. Yes, it was I Myself, who placed this in your own mind. Before you became aware of your own being. Because, you have always been aware of Myself. Even, before your spirit departed from Me to be housed by your fleshly body. Where by your spirit has sought endlessly & tirelessly, to be reunited with Myself. And will never know satisfaction outside of that reunion. Where by I have explained unto you. The frame of your own mind. Therefore you will never know rest until I reveal Myself. Or the actions to locate Myself. For it was I Myself, that put this burning desire there. And nothing short of observing My Own Identity. Can in any wise diminish this desire. So, think not that this seemingly endless journey. Is not known, nor is not fully in My control. Yet, you learn My Identity. Son, I Say, as the time served & now is a history to you. Is but all completed, is but all gone. That you should look upon Me. And this thing of time, that I alone have taught you. You do hate, even as I. For time has become an eternity to you. To close off Our reuniting of Spirit to Spirit. My Son, time is as if it were no more, to your understanding. For it will be but very soon it will cease to control you, by any means. My dear Son, that's all that currently separates Us, even this day. Now you can see & now you understand why. I have taught you to know what time is. And I, have taught & spent much time. To open up the Mysteries of the event of time itself. It is this event called time. That created this barrier between men & Myself. A time to be born of the flesh. Thus a separation of Our Spirits. This is the greatest stress to mankind. And is only the beginning of what one experiences in this life. As it were a banishment of each man's spirit, to go forth from Myself. That man may learn & experience life, as he develops into his own identity. By all that interacts to his thinking. The Word the Bible, I created & preserved to shed light. To draw men to choose Myself, by their own free will. Thus to become a Son or Daughter in the Family of Almighty God. Not by the creation of men (who had no say). But, by the free will choice of men to enter the Family of God. My Son, in the first beginning Lucifer, (satan,) was given this mission with 1/3 of the host of heaven. This will in its entirety soon be known of you. All the ways & where-fores. But, they destroyed the earth, that it became void & without form. Even as men would also do, unless I step forward & declared time to be no more. And yet, God the Father took. Yet, a race of men, lower than the race of angels. And planted them also upon a rejuvenated earth. And was also told to keep & expand the beauty of the earth. By populating the whole earth. It was well understood by the God Head, that man would also rebel against God. And as now satan, who had been given dominion as ruler over the earth. Would also see that man would learn to sin against, God by rebellion. Thus was the way made, that man could choose between God or satan. Or as you know it, good or evil. And that man could receive the Gift of God (by the death of Christ). And by the instructions of the Word. Even Myself revealed unto men. The way to God the Father. Where by the God Head, has been blamed for what this earth has become. Even tho, how much more evidence does one need to see who now sits on the earthly throne? Even, satan himself, yet God gets the rap, for the mess of this world. And what will be man's reaction when God sets up His Kingdom on this earth? Even, the very same hatred of men. The I AM, tells you that men because. They resisted God & obeyed the father of lies. By, their own free choose, has created this hell here on this earth. Most certainly against the Will of God Almighty, have they done this thing. And if I, should delay My coming, to receive My Own. Man would destroy all life from the earth. Where by you live & have your being. To broadcast My Kingdom coming unto the earth. You shall be among My Witnesses. And thus the plan of God is finished to have His Own Children. Even over coming all sin, to abide forever with (Him) the Father. Now son, I have shown you. Who You Are! And why, you were placed upon the earth! What, the mission of your being is! And,what shall occur after these things? As spoken in the forward. And, yet you wait as if tomorrow should never be. But, even as I AM the Truth. I have revealed unto you My Identity. And for this cause you do exist. I Say, the declaration, that I AM. Time for you shall be no more. And We shall be One again. Now son, as I seek to draw you away from the confines of time. I do not stress, an allotted time unto you. As if this time, was the salvation you seek. To the contrary, I draw your attention away from any & all time. For once you knowingly enter My Own timeless Mind. The yoke of time will be broken from your submission. Now son, I see you, that you seek a sign. Of the timing of these events. There is nothing that becomes conscious to your mind. That you do not explore for the tiniest speck of the Truth. So, as to reach & know My Identity. Even the (2) names I gave you Mosely Adams, & Paul Livingston. In these & all things appear to be against you. That you can not find a ray of light. To lighten your load, nor brighten your path. That there is no reason under the sun to rise to meet a new day. As to know & obey the Father's Will. Is all that is worthy of another living breath. Son, dare I Say, you shall live? And each preceding breath, shall bring a greater abundance of joy to LIVE! Yet, for another breath? For there will be no shadow of turning. From the twine of Our Identities. In only of course you will be ever learning. Think not that I boast or stretch beyond the Truth. For the half could never have been told you. Son, the cares you now experience & burden your spirit. Will soon, & I Speak this to your understanding. Will no more be thought of by you, then brushing a hair from your clothing. Son, I know & I realize that no amount or manner. Of Speech can substitute My Identity- for your understanding or comfort. My Son, I will not Speak of time. But, I will refer to the few in numbers of breaths that you breath. Before you will know & experience the timeless zone of My Own Mind. Son, I repeat, there is no care, that a new sun can reveal. That you make no thought to alien yourself for any preparation of any kind, to know My Identity. As your preparation to receiving (this My Mind) is non existing. Son, I see that you desire no end of this My Speech. And that I should open to your mind, many more great Mysteries. Yet, this can not bring to your mind, anything but a greater desire to know Me as I AM. My Son, think not that you can no longer endure. Yet, another day, without My Identity. For this I Promise you that once you discover My Mind, try as you will. You will no longer have the capacity to conjure up these thoughts of loneliness. They will be gone from you forever. So, if it is to amuse yourself with these utterly depressing thoughts of separation. Be on with it, I Say, ride it for all it's worth to torment your mind. For you will soon lose that ability to ever rediscover it. I Say, all things will become New! Son, I see you, you are struggling to ask of Me. What shall the time of tomorrow bring you? Yet, you know this is not the path you seek into My Mind. As you are learning it has nothing (that's My Mind to time) to do with Me what so ever. And you are very much aware that this is what I AM Teaching you. So, make no reference to time, as to My Will or Mind. For they can not be mixed. Son, you are learning this, even tho you still lack understanding to timeless. Son, I AM Teaching & showed you My Own Identity. As you ask to know Me as I AM! I will not even let of you to perceive of Myself any lie what so ever. As I AM, the Truth, you will never see or know any thing that is not the Truth. For it does not exist, in My Person. Yet, I Teach you, who I AM. Even, as I would Speak unto you in the simplicity of your tongue. Yet, you are discovering what is unknown of Myself to your own identity. So, son I Ask, not of you to wait on some length of time. But, to breathe even as I AM your breath. That Our reunion will be known of yourself, even Spirit to Spirit. For this is the Will of Your Father. Amen.
Mes.#58: 4-7-05 - 2:10 am. Thurs.
Rhonda - wait until your children discover who you are.
My Father ___ , I would ask of You. What am I to do with Rhonda? Surely under the sun we can not dwell in the same house. And yet she is without a home. And My Lord You & I know that she is responsible for the situation she finds herself in. My Son, I the Source of your peace. Even, I know that this is a greater burden than should be placed upon you & Nanna. For it is the Truth you would if it were possible. Move out of your home (that I provided you) & give it unto her. Rather than try to live with her under this roof. Today you wonder of what blessings could I possible be Speaking of. That she will bless you greatly. As she has been everything that has brought much sorrow into your lives. Son, she is of age & could provide her own keep. You have done all things in the past for her care. And I Say, I will deliver this (her care) from yours & Nanna's shoulders, to be no more. My Son, Trust Me to deliver her & heal her. For that cause that I had you to bear her. Son, it is time for the ending of all things. Son, even as I Spoke to rid you of any care, so it is to be. It is time for your children to know Me. It is a time they will all but worship you. As I shall show them, whom you both are. They will be impressed beyond measure. For they shall see you (even their own parents), are spiritual giants. And will then realize how blessed they are that you are their parents. This I know you look forward to their deliverance. And the love they will manifest toward you & their worship I shall receive. My Son, do I Speak into the wind? Is this just some more empty promises? Father, what am I to say? I control nothing. And I do know, I won't wait another 40 years. Father, either you will cause me to live. Or I'll remain in this hell. You will control my life, even as theirs. Or nothing will change what so ever. Father, forgive me, but the only thing I know for certain. I would not have You to release me from Your Peace. Father, I truly don't mean to burden Your Heart. I only know to wait on the life You Promised me.
Mes.#59: 4-10-05 – 12:42 pm. Sun.
Father ___, I am so hungry to know You. I abide & survive the day as each comes & goes. But, to know You or I should say, the hope I have to know You. Is all the life I know. Father, will You Speak with me? My Son, even as you live & breathe to know My Identity. If this were taken away. I Ask, what would be left? You would only be a shell of a dying man. Devoid of any desire to live, for the total of your life. This has failed to have meaning outside your hope to know My Identity. Father, no truer Words has been uttered, for my existence. So Father, what is Your Will? That I continue as I am? Or will You reveal the life that can only be found in Yourself? Son, it has been verified to your knowing. That no amount of Promises can change your existence. Son, as no person, or place, or thing, can substitute My Identity to bring you life. I Say, of a Truth this is so. Therefore is the humdrum of this life endured of you. And no false hope of a better day, outside My Own Identity. Son, the space you now occupy, is without any extension, the last stand you can mount. All that is relevant to your understanding, is to wait where you are. There is no act or thought you could possess to alter this. So, you abide as you are. Son, can you see that there never was, nor could there be? Any other way to reveal My true Being to you. You are at the spot and now possess the thought. That nothing is relative or supportive to sustain Myself. As nothing you know or can reason has any bearing to My Identity. That My Son, is the reason you had to experience all you have endured. Otherwise, it was impossible to know Me as I AM. I AM separate from all you know. Yet, all you know was created of Myself. The simplicity of that was known of you in common sense as of long ago. Yet, to experience of yourself first hand. The process by elimination of every act, thought, or reason, has knowingly failed you to perceive My Identity. Thus there is by elimination, nothing left. But, I Myself, even as I AM. Son, hear Me, as your will was to know Me as I AM. You unknowingly could never have walked any other path. And you had no way to know what hell. What anguish you had determined on yourself. To follow & know the Truth as it is. Thus to even know Myself as I AM. You, My Son had to experience all you have endured to learn that I AM separate from all you know. Is not, nor ever was, or could be, My Identity. All, you know has failed utterly to reveal any portion of My Being, to your understanding. As you can now see, the why of the very, very long & terrible trip you have endured. This was to separate My Attributes from My Person. This was your wish, this was your hearts desire. Had you known in advance that this was your lot. My Son, I Ask You. Would you still desire to know Me as I AM? Son, I will answer that for you. Son, if you could have known in an instant & felt the total hell of this journey. Son, I Say, to your understanding. That you would have died instantly of the shocking horror of this Revelation. And even to yet endure more or repeat any portion of this experience. You utterly refuse to contemplate. So, in Truth, you would have passed on the idea, to know Me as I AM. My Son, now you know as a matter of (Truth) Fact. That it was I, My Own Will. That I planted the thought in your mind to know Me as I AM. You were chosen before you knew your own being. For I know your (free will) choices. Before your spirit departed from My Spirit. Son, yet the reward of My Identity can not be told you. But, as certain as you lived thru this hell to know Myself. You will now LIVE in the knowledge of, My All in All. Son, now you have lived to see your life emerge from the maze. Even to see yourself (known identity) as you are. I Say, it is over, it is complete? Now all your self awareness will be New. Even as you, yourself will now experience it. Devoid of the restraints of time. Son, as you walked among your comrades yesterday. You felt My Presence most wonderful. And had to consciously restrain yourself. From orally breaking forth in praise to Myself. Yet, you were most thankful that you could commune in Spirit with Myself. Son, dare I Say, this will now become the norm for your walk among men. For you will not any longer know, nor experience Myself from a distance. We Are One! As you have finished the journey of hell, to know My Identity. Son, the life of My Identity will now grow daily, to your consciousness. Son, truly the path of your existence has been now completed, to the door of My Mind. There is no more to be learned, nor experienced, in your pursuit to know My Identity. It is done!
Mes. #60: 4-11-05 - 9:33 am. Mon.
This is not your thought, this is My thought. - Yahshua makes a house call to Aunt Ruby’s.-
Will you learn the hard way? - No more lip service - I called this family -
Son, good morning unto you. Like wise ___. Son, your heart was stirred within you, Sat. as you birded with your fellows. It is all but verified by your heart. That the Words I Spoke unto you, that behold all things shall become new to your understanding. What you perceive in your mind, is not your own thought. But, was supplanted of My Own Mind. Son, you will not try to reason by your own mind. What this idea is that has occurred there. Follow the leading of myself to your own understanding. (I record that thought here & now). I just conceived to call Aunt Ruby. And together her sons for a meeting to share these Words with them. And to obey My Lord's Speech to my understanding. Son, again I remind you, you will in no wise make any commitment, to any other than Myself only. Until or unless I Speak, to you otherwise. I am present to minister to all who come. Son, you will advance to My Commandment. Regardless how you are received. I will also be as real to any who hear you, as they do, or do not desire of themselves. I will no longer allow you My Son to give excuse, or answer for those I send you to speak with. If My Speech sounds stern, you have beheld it correctly. I Say, to all behold My Speech, for your own growth. Or put you fingers in your ears, if this seems good for you. I have no longer any time to send one with My Speech to amuse you. Hear & move up or refuse & learn the hard way of your own flesh. You are blessed, that I should have made this way available to your own sight & sound. To reveal My Identity to you, by one, who has sold all he ever could be. In the search of My Own Mind. But you answer Me, show us a sign. Will you provoke Me, as to prod Me with a sharp stick? You are My Witnesses before the Fact. This is not that My Son, would be here to seek any glory. He has no such thoughts. But, he does always obey My Speech. But, this is to edify your own faith. As I would smile upon you by My visitation unto you. My Children, think not, that you will please Me in worship, as it suit yourselves. This day I will require much more, from you. Then a mere token of the movement of your lips, to worship Me. I Ask you, will you settle to be among the least in My Kingdom? Or will you seek great rewards? That you should render your heart, & mind, & soul, to please Me here in this life. There is now but a short time left. Yet, plenty of time to amass great riches in My Kingdom. I Say, unto you think not of your selves, that you will continue to drift as (the trash is) blown of the wind. Nay! You can not any longer expect to repeat your years past. That is to live them unto your own selfish desires. Have you committed your being unto me? I have called this family unto Myself. Why? Is it because you chose Me first? Is it because you have great learning? Is it so, (or do you wish it to be) because this family has great riches? Is it because you hold great offices with men? I call this family. I choose this family, because of this My Love. You have learned of Me, having no great promises in this life. That you may seek great riches of My Own Kingdom. For I did send the gospel to the poor. That they may gain the riches of the next life. I would in no wise encourage you to rebel against My Speech. For you see it is by My Own Divine Will that you may choose the course of your existence. But, I Promise you (you will rebel) no longer. That your flesh will not pay the debt of that rebellion. Now! I have yet again delivered by (the spokesman of My Own Mouth) to your hearing these words of life. What say you?
Mes.#61: 4-13-05 - 2:16 am. Wed.
Obedience alone is your judgment or reward. sanctify my mind - nothing will be left
Undone - New Creature - check your mind -
My Son, I know you did not enjoy the task of delivering My Words. You knew you were going to be met with mixed attitudes. You were amazed of Aunt Ruby & Paul's enthusiasm. But, equally disappointed with the rest. Son, I know you are tired & fed up with those who won't hear you. But, that does not determine your reward. Obedience alone, is your judgment or reward. Son, you know I meant the words I had you to speak. As would I have sent you to lie in My Name? Son, be sure the blessings were received. Now I will also Teach My Identity to those who refuse to hear My Speech. And I Say, swiftly will the rod of My correction be felt. I Said, I would no longer allow your abuse by those I send you to. Son, as the time remaining is swiftly passing, I will deal accordingly. Do not take this to heart. For you can do nothing for them that you have not already done. So, remain free of this until I Speak further. That's right son, hold this until I Say differently. My Son, continue to clear your mind of all persons & their cares. And your cars & all things that plague your mind. Son, realize what I'm Saying. I will not have these cares to enter My Mind. I receive no such clutter, by no means. Father, sanctify My Mind to be Holy, that I may enter in. Son, know you not that I have already begun to do this very thing? For what you have begun to experience as New. Will continue until all is New, all things. Just resist to dwell on anything. That does not bring joy to your mind. Now you see, now you know where the doorway is! Son, just resist the old-I'll provide the New. Son, this bears witness to all things. As the time grows shorter. All things will be advanced accordingly. Nothing what so ever will be left undone. So, it is also right to dismiss time as a care. Son, when I Say, you have no care. I Say, welcome to My Identity. My Son, you do see the Truth now. You know where it's to be found. You now know where My Power is stored. Yes, in My Own Mind. You now know how you will become complete. You now know where perfection is to be found. You now know what was Said, to become a New Creature in Christ Jesus. You now know where all things are possible & can never fail. Son, you will know Me (My Identity) I Say-even as I AM, and very, very soon. Now for the first time in your life. Your attention is removed from the stars. For to find Me (Myself) I've always been present in your mind (consciousness). Now behold the glory of Your Lord. Even My Own Son-you, __ __. Children all spiritual things will be found in your own minds.
My Father, please receive my thanksgiving for all You mean to me. Father, I approach You for instructions for Rhonda & Alycia’s car. I confess these are cares, that You have already told me to dismiss. Father, both of these are pressing at us now. As well as Nanna's blood pressure. Father, I am asking if there is anything You wish for me to do or say for these 3 matters? I will have to speak with Rhonda. I'm asking for Your direction to address her & in what manner? My Son, yes, I would Speak with you. As you recognize there is no where else to go for the Truth. My Son, you ask Me what is the proper way to approach Rhonda? Son, what can be said or done? That you & Nanna have not already applied? Father, I know without a doubt that this will not work for Rhonda to move in with us. This would further damage Nanna's & my health. Father, I as head of this family can not permit this hardship on Nanna. Son, you know for sure that I control all things, at all times. But, you want to know if I should have you to do anyone thing. And also how to respond. Son, I'm going to Ask you to trust Me on this one. Son, yet it has been Rhonda who has brought all of this down on Rhonda. Yet, as she is your child naturally you desire to assist her where you can. The only trouble is, you can not see a satisfactory way to handle this. As you have done all in your power to make herself sufficient. Son, proceed as you have to speak with her. What goes down, remember I'm in control. I would that you stay within your own borders or control. I Spoke to you, as it was time for your cousins to awaken to My Identity. So, is the same for your own children. So, son what I Am Saying is. This impasse you & your family find themselves this day, had to come. Son, remember that now My Peace over shadows you.
Mes.#63: 4-15-04 - 6:12 pm. Fri.
Rhonda - I shall reverse time, to keep My Promises. - the end is near - you will
joy to see another day-
Oh Father, how I thank You for this day. That Nanna & I have shared. And how can I thank You for making the way for Rhonda? My Son, one phone call & your mind received instant relief. And yes son, you joyed this day in the presents of My Spirit. Son, now at this time I Say, is the time you have waited many years to see. For you feel now a very small tingle to be alive. Son, with the covering of My Shadow. All things shall become New. And invigorating with Life & Joy. That I Promised many years past. Son, I know that you think many of My Promises were in vain. As the time has passed. But, My Son, I will turn back the hands of the clock. To complete all that has been Promised unto you. You can now visualize how this could happen. As I have Taught you that you also will become timeless even as I AM. Son, when I Say, they march to the End, need not be repeated. For it is becoming visually for all to see. Son, I Say, without a doubt you have begun to live. Of which the end of such can not be told. Son, watch the Williams family, watch your own. There can be no doubt that the End is near. But, what is that to you? When you will very soon know All in All. Son, I Tell you, you can not begin to imagine. What unbelievable life is over taking you. Now! Even, as I Speak. My Son, you have been most faithful. Behold My Glory I bestow upon you. Behold, as you look upon My Own Identity. Son, you will see why We will move to the T Speech. As this current Speech can not cover. What is to be uncovered to your witness. Son, you see Nanna yet again reaching out for My Hand. Oh how she wants to believe your speech. My Son, hear Me. She shall witness your entering into My Mind. Then she shall know with no doubt that she shall be made completely whole. Son, I Say, to you, who hated another sun rise. You will now glory with unbelievable joy to see yet another day. So Say I, the Lord Your God!
Mes. #64: 4-18-05 - 12:40 pm. Mon.
The promise is great, but, I have to have You Father. - see the Truth, know the Truth –
not adequate to sustain life - to know yourself, is to know Me - We Are One-
My Father ___, be praised. My Father, I can not convince or fool myself into thinking. I can be content even one day without knowing Your Identity. For I fail over & over again to be satisfied with that Promise, that I must know You. Because, it is impossible for me to live by any other means. For there is no meaning for me to find, anywhere else. If I can not know Your Identity, the day means nothing. But, a time to endure without life. And I can no longer imagine a life outside of knowing You. For it does not exist. For all that means to me is to live in meaningless obscurity, hell. For My Father, I miss You more than I can tell. For there is no life outside Yourself. Therefore there is no other way to evaluate this life. For there is nothing left to evaluate. It is totally without meaning. If there was no hope of knowing Your Identity. We hope, we live, we die! My Son, there be few who have walked the earth. Who see the Truth more vividly. Otherwise all is in vanity, vain, meaninglessly vain. Son, when I Say, that few see & understand the Truth, I mean very few. For this is the Truth. To know this is the Truth. You have not only read it. But, have lived it, to know, to have experienced this Truth. And to testify that there is no other way or Truth, to your known existence. Son, could I, or anyone else disway you? That indeed, you know the Truth. Only life itself can convince you. And you know I hold the Sum of all Life. Either you live or you are in the process of dying. And you have been dying for a very long time. And nothing short of a joyous life. Will by any means convince you otherwise. So, what can be Said? The Promise of life, this entertains your thoughts momentarily. But, the reality of the life you endure. Soon pushes that hope aside. And you have to admit though the thought is grand. The Truth is now this instant, you do not have to your own possession. That joyous Life now to witness, nor it's pleasure. But, only a hope there of. This is not adequate to sustain life. Son, of a Truth this is to know. And pursue the giver of that life-Myself. Son, again I Say, very few know Me in that capacity. For that is to know Me as I AM. And those to know, to realize that unless they make contact with the giver of life. How can they expect to have that life? For life abides no where else. So son, do I Say, behold I see you as a cry baby? Son, I see you as you are, chosen of Myself, before the foundation of this present world. Even, as you were, & even as You Are, My Own Son! By the process, to learn your own identity. Have I, revealed to you My Own. And only to look upon My Own Person. And to reason assuredly, that you can not again be separated from Myself. Will you have, to hold, to know, the eternal joyous life of My Identity. This is the only identity, you can ever be content with of Myself. No, Promise, nothing can substitute My Identity! Do I unbraid you, as you cry, I can not live without You? Never, My Son, for you have discovered to your own consciousness, My existence. And will never give up that hope to know My Identity. That is all the reason you have (to hope) & will never turn loose of it. That to you now (this day), is the sum total of your existence. And you now could not possibly see how you could live without this. And My Son, you could not! Nor will it be expected of you any longer. For I Tell you, We Are One. Son, I know you, you are elated. That all doubt can be erased from your memory forever. And that nothing can be hidden from you. As all Truth, will be known of you. And to have the power to improve the lives you come into contact with. This is to Live! This is truly who I AM. Now son, as I Promised you. I will not Speak unto you in the frame of time. You have already beheld My Speech. That I would, remove the cares of all men from your mind. You are My Witness. But, now these thoughts are strangely absent from your mind, behold My Words the Truth. So, how far are you from entering into the Timeless Zone? Son, I Say, unto you. The wrestling of your own flesh is now behind you. For I Say look, all things have become New. Son, the moment you step into My Own Mind. All the old will cease to approach your mind again. Therefore, I have Said it. Come forward to see for yourself. Behold as I Live, You Live! Son, understand I can not reason as to time. I AM-therefore, You Are! Even, as I AM, Timeless! Now behold My Being, even as I AM.
Mes. #65: 4-22-05 - 10-12 pm. Fri.
Father, I have gathered once again into Your Peace. As at times I think I can not endure yet another day without Your Identity. Father, I believe You Spoke unto me today in a dream. That You had something You was going to show Me. My Son, I have much to show you. But, yes I, was Speaking unto your spirit today. Son, it is My Will that you share yourself with Nanna thru these bird trips. As you see only the beauty of nature. That yet thrills & surprises you. And yes son, I would be pleased to supply you with greater blessings, in numbers & locations. But son, this stops, nor slows down nothing. For you are now at the door to many new events. Upon which you shall enjoy. But, I repeat, I move as the correct timing is now here. Son, as you have known life, it will be no more. For many things will now come forth to your witness. You have just witnessed their new pope! Son, is he the false prophet? You do ask yourself this question. I Say, Watch! Son, as you know you will soon know all these things. As you will witness it by future sight. Son your life will never be the same with the passing of this year. So, when I Speak, I have something to show you. You will see that it is only the beginning. Of all things I show you. Son, I know, that you have waited endlessly for any action what so ever. But, not any more, this is what I wish to show you. You do remember the dream appeared to have something to do with growth. Indeed, I Say! Son, are you not pleased with the functioning of your mind? You are pleasantly surprised & very pleased. Son, it is I, Say growth. For all is coming to be new & full of joyous life. As indeed, you now enter My Own Mind. Son, all time to wait is now spent, gone! Welcome to Myself, My Son. Son, I Say all, that is All in All, things will now be New. The old hate to wait is gone! Father, I indeed, receive Your Words of Life. I still of myself can not conceive of what You Speak. Yet I receive Your All in All unto myself, as We Are One. Father, I live to do Your Will. I praise You. Son, see if it is not New. I Will delightfully surprise you.
Mes. #66: 5-15-05 - 1:57 am. Sun.
I Teach you separately - but, you arrive at the same Truth- the sensation of standing alone
with Me. - I love it! - I would except this as My Reward! - Yes, you are in My Mind-
Son, I would Speak with you. Were you not delighted to hear your brothers voice? And you have since tried to reason what to share with him of My Speech? As you just witnessed to your own satisfaction, that is not necessary. You know I had you to separate from each the other. That I may Teach you both individually. As you are not the same identity. Thus I Teach you accordingly. As neither of you perceive as the same, in all matters. Yet, you both arrive at the same understanding of My Identity, even, as I AM. Yet, you both see the same I AM. I will not be viewed by any man to appear differently. How you all come to this understanding may differ greatly. Yet, I shall have a repoire, with each person as a one on one relationship. As you see son the route of ones death is very personal. But, all shall see Me as, I AM. This is the Truth, for all shall see, hear & understand My Identity even as I AM. So, the path of each is unique to that individual, and may vary much. You may share the concepts of your journey with each the other, as they will differ. But, each is perfect for that individual. So, therefore each has the greater understanding of his own path. Even, as he lived it, this you will agree on. Now son the book Jerry speaks of. I told you I would deliver the Truth to you Myself. So, you will also seek the Truth & only accept it as the Truth. When I Say it is the Truth, so have no reservations. My Son, you felt it again. After it has been absent from you for several years. Even that, that you ask of Me, to never let it depart from you. Even, tho it was for one split second. You felt again the sensation of standing alone before Me. Nothing have you ever known is more real & sobering. Nothing is known of yourself but I (you) stand alone. And you have no other knowledge what so ever. I Say, nothing what so ever is known of you, at that moment. Not even your name is known of you. Son, you crave this feeling Yet, there is only you standing alone. Why would you desire this feeling? I answer you, because when you stood before the Great Bright Light. That you knew as I AM, (1965). And when you came back to yourself, you had this same feeling. Son, when I Say, you will enter into My Mind. As naked as you entered this world. Where are your thoughts? When you have this (experience) feeling of standing alone? Son, hear Me, I Say We are not strangers. You have been inside My Mind many times. This is the door you entered, even as I Said many times frozen without time. Nothing you know is more real than this sensation. Son, you have only to blink your eyes to see Me. And to know the All in All. Now I Ask once again, how close are you to knowing My Identity? How close are you, when you have already been there many times? You have desired to experience this at your own will. Son, this is what awaits you. And you know that outside of you (I) is the only thing known of you. Now I will open your eyes to see, I AM & yourself (I), to be Face to Face. This is the tunnel & the door I Spoke of. Son, you know this is going to impact your life. As this is all you will be aware of. And will soon have at will to visit with Myself.
Father, what can I say? Let Your Will be done.
Mes. #67: 5-18-05 - 1:32 am. Wed.
Yahshua Said yes to my bird trip. - I will take care of your family.
My son, you reacted correctly to the doubt that was trying your mind. You were very surprised that I answered you affirmative to your trip. You all ready know that My Peace is with you always. So enjoy! Son, take no thought as you leave your family. They are in My care. You even now see Me Working with your children & wife. My Son, I Am near you. And you will feel My Presents. And what else you ask? Son, it is time that I should reveal Myself more fully to you. And you will not fail to see this. Yes, you will know it is I AM. Go and see!
Mes. #68: 5-25-05 - 4:04 pm. Wed.
Yes, I moved you to be in Linwood, Mi; this morning. - Why? 3 reasons - Mike, Ryan & Lisa
Yes son, I would Speak with you. As far as this trip that I ordained, is now complete for My bidding. Yes, you were compelled to leave the area last night. And you knew not why. But, did know you were not to stay there. But, be here (Linwood Mi.) this morning. Son, it takes little to get your attention. And without questioning to obey. For you have moved at will. But, felt troubled last night to stay. Now you are at liberty to proceed as you will.
Mes. #69: 5-30-05 - 11:08 am. Mon.
The reason for the trip. - My Gospel - Yahshua makes introduction of Himself.
I am Jesus Christ the Righteous-
My Son, you want to know from Myself. What guidance, you should offer Mike, Ryan & Lisa. Son, as you know this was as much the reason for your trip, as the birds you viewed. For I, the Lord Your God, directed you to these youths. Why? For I have need of them to broadcast My Gospel. These have questioning minds, & desire to know the Truth. And you son know there is no Truth to be found outside Myself. I would Speak directly to you Mike, Ryan & Lisa. I have sent My faithful servant (son) to open your eyes to all Truth & My Identity. I AM the only God (Living). And I have come to you to introduce Myself, to each of you. I AM the Creator of all you see & know. My Word (Bible) I have recorded of Holy Men, to introduce Myself unto all men. You are also My Sons & Daughter. Yet, you do not know Me as your Father. But, your spirits were with Me, before they were housed in your fleshly bodies, even as all men. I can not be separated from you. As your Life force (Spirit) came from Myself & is inseparably a part of Myself. And like Myself this (I) even each of you know yourself as I, this is your identity. Now let Me re-introduce Myself to you. For I desire greatly that you should know My Identity. Even as I Live forever, so shall your I, Live forever. I call to all men that they see & recognize Myself as God of all Creation, even the Universe. Yet, sadly most men will spurn My call. As yet, you do not know Me. Yet, I call you My Children. For now you will seek My Identity, even to view My Face. And I Will be found of you. Now I have already Spoken unto you that you (your spirit) is a part of Myself. I will reveal to each of you, via your mind, who I AM. So, therefore regardless what ever you see, hear, or feel, shall be recorded in your mind. As I Say, this is where I Will commune with each of you. I Will also use dreams & visions, to Speak with you. And you will on occasion hear My Voice, as if it was Spoken inside your head. But, even now as My Son writes this to you. I AM Speaking to him in thought form. Of which you shall also learn to receive & record with pen & paper. For I have a world to reveal unto you. But, I would that you know Me personally, even as you shall. My Children My Love for you is greater than you can know. What! Do you question you now hear My Voice? I Will prove beyond any reason to doubt, that this is I AM. Even Jesus Christ the Righteous that is Speaking with you now. I Say, as proof, your lives will from this day, begin to change. You shall be amazed! Children I abide with thee.
Mes. #70: 6-6-05 - 10:45 am. Mon.
Good morning My Son. Father ___, good morning to You. My Son, how you have changed. No more are you the restless questioning soul. Son, it is because you are learning My Identity? Father, I desire to know Your Heart. And My Son, I Say, there is nothing that can prevent you. Father ___, as You know, I now wait to enter Your Mind & Nanna's healing. Yes, son you have waited long. But, now you are completely in My Peace. And My Son, did I not Speak the Truth, to your hearing? That indeed, My Peace has now over shadowed you. And that people were entertaining you. As if they had only your well being for their interests? Son, it is truly My pleasure to perform for you. But, I know that to return to your world at home. Produces very little excitement or entertainment for you. But, that My Son, will not last. For would I, have you free & happy for only a few days of your life? Not so, My Son. Son, you do perceive that all things are moving forward. You see many signs that this is so. Son, as you have waited long to enter My Mind. And Nanna's healing & the selling of your home. Yet, all these are drawing closer by the day. And then you will realize these could not have occurred before they did. For your lives will turn to a course much different. From your now humdrum lives. Son, I know, there is so much more for you that you will know. And you are at times tempted to charge Me with many questions. And son, as you can see all things. Are on the move, toward the end. But, of course you desire to see these for yourself in My Mind. My Son, even now do you wait in peace. What is to be Said when you will know all Truth, even Myself? My Son, there is no burden for you. Do as you will & give no thought to a better (price) outcome for your house. I know that down inside you My Son. There are feelings of uncertainty & the unknown. Son, I as your Father Promise. You more joy by far then you have ever known. I also delight that you trust Me, without questioning doubt. Freely My Son, I see & I know all your feelings. And I also know, what still lies before you. My Son, I do not expect you to live on these Promises. But, My Son, you have much more than My Promise. For you have all that I AM. My Son, I Spoke to you, that a new year will see you & yours. In a place you have never been. And that is knowingly you will know the time & the hour you now live. As it will now have opened My Words. And as I Say, this will now be the norm for the whole of your existence. What about these children that I had you to meet? My Son, there is no small stir among them, as they reason among themselves. They can not believe this thing has happened to them. They reason what kind of man are you? How did you become as you are? My Son, they reason of the many things you spoke unto them. And they reason can a man know God as you speak? They are overcome with emotions & wonderment. Son, even as I Spoke, that your life was at the door of a great change. I Say, of these youths, it will be the same. For there are now questions that has awaken to them, they had never envisioned. My Son, in all you have obeyed Me to the fullest. And in this also you will retain your peace. Even, as you will with each day. Son, for these days are now few, as you will enter into My Mind. And I Say, there you will never experience another question. But, Live in pure Truth.
Mes. #71: 6-07-05 - 4:55 pm. Tues.
My Son, I see you would like to chat with Myself. As this day holds nothing of interest for you. You think on a time to be free once again. Yet, that can not be any time you would call soon. Yes, My Son, each day serves its absolute purpose to My Will. Tho you may & do frequently try to pass your day with as little attachment to time itself. Yes, you hate this (time). And do all in your power to ignore it completely. As it offers no joy, or serves, no function to you. As only the fares of that day, must be paid at the end of that month. No son, I don't contend that this is living. But, you do realize that each day that you are forcibly required to live (reluctantly). As it seems most days offer you nothing worthy of your time or effort. Yet, as each day that was determined before the earth was. Must come, & go to mold each humans environment. Even, as each day sees many, who have that very day completed their earthly lives. As well of the many births of lives, that have started their journey, to evolve their identities. So, My Son, no day is wasted. For each day many learn more of My Identity. As this is the very purpose of life. And that is the journey, to the unknown. And to experience the unknown, to mold you thru the environment that each experiences. And all for the purpose, to develop the unique identity of each living soul. And for the sole purpose that each soul. Will experience in many times & ways. As I present Myself, for their knowing. And as you know that each may choose to be My Sons & Daughters. And thus spend eternity with I & My Father. Or sadly, they choose not to share in the family. That each day, many are born into the Family of God, by their choice. But, as it is their choice to not seek (or spurn) this call from the Father. That all should receive eternal life as Children of God. So, very many will refuse this offer. So son, as this day of sun shine, or rain, or snow, is witnessed by the inhabitants of the earth. To very many this is the most important of their lives. As this day, many will have a date to answer before God Almighty. As each shall answer. (What have you done with My gift of life thru the sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ?) That question will be ask ever soul. That has passed thru this life. Regardless what your name, or position among men. You can not escape this question. But, My Son, each day & even as I've determined for that day, will be played out even as if the whole world were a stage & every person an actor. But, as you know well these days are numbered, and will have there end. But, what I have had written (Bible) will come to pass. Even, as it is written. This is a very great Truth. And is sure to occur as I AM, tho not well understood, but of a few men (persons). Even as I have determined of yourself. Yet, you wait for the number of that day, to be revealed unto your identity. For you My Son this is as real to your own life. And is the sole purpose that you wait each day. If no more than to endure that day, by living & breathing. As you live with the expectation. To be used of Myself for the glory of the Kingdom of God onto the earth. This is your know goal, & will live your life accordingly, to see that end. Son, you just perceived of your spirit that this message is for Mike, Ryan & Lisa. Yes My Son, this was the purpose of this My Voice, has been recorded. I Speak, to My Young Children. I have lain out and opened up the purpose of your beings. As is My most & to the point divine reason that men walk the earth. I wish to share eternity with Sons & Daughters. Born into the Family of God the Father. Children do you see it so bizarre? That Your God (yet unknown of you personally) has sent one to your very door? That I may Speak with you? As this has caused you to wonder. Yet, I Your God Say, you have seen nothing. To what your future holds. Now tell Me Mike, have I forcibly, demanded that you will become My Own Son? My Son, Mike you know not the prayers that have been offered up to Myself. That I reveal Myself unto you. So, you see I come not against your will. But, to fulfill the concerns of others. Who care a great deal about you. So, I answer their petition in your behalf. No, I have not forced Myself upon you. For you will always remain free to make that decision. But, I now Promise you, you can not deny. That I AM, has called you by name, to consider My offer for eternal life. No matter, where you go or what you choose to do. You Are Mine! For I know all things & I know your choice. As I Say, you are absolutely free to resist Myself. But, My son, because the time is now very short. If you were to decide to resist My Offer. I Declare you will suffer in your flesh greatly. Make no mistake about this. I have chosen you before the earth was. You are Mine! Now what say you! My Son, the ball is in your court, you may do as you please. But, My Son, I reason for you. Bring not any harm to yourself.
Letter to Mike, Ryan & Lisa - I find my life in offering up Yahshua‘s Identity.-
I spoke heart to heart, with these youths. - Children you have a date to know God.
Hello, children as my grand children call me Poppa. I hope I offer no offense, by calling you children. You may call me as you wish. Even, if you should decide to never give an answer to these writings. Yes, I would miss having a relation with you. But, you see my mission can be complete as of this moment. Or this can be the beginning of a most beautiful relation. At any rate you see, I have obeyed My Father (God). To deliver His Words for your hearing. If you ever know me. You will find I have no ego to feed. I am brash at times in my speech. For I have little time to kill. I will speak of My Lord. Or I have very little to say. I love My Lord, with all that I know. And this life affords me very little outside of Him. I find my life, in offering up the Identity of Himself. Now the Lord has Spoken unto my spirit that I have caused all of you. To ask many questions that you know not the answers to. My Lord tells me you are in answer to reason, wonderment, & amazement. Even, as to what kind of a person I am? And how did this relation evolve with Our Lord, come to be? I am a very, very plain man. I wish my words to be received as Truth. I have journeyed a course of life, I would not wish on an enemy. I would rather die now. As to repeat any of this unspeakable journey. I have never resisted God in my life. I would be scared to death to contemplate that. I love & respect Him above all I know as life. I would die in a heartbeat. Before I would ever, ever deny Him in any way. He has allowed many things to occur in my lifetime. So, I would evolve to a person, to understand many peoples. And that I may offer an alternative life style of hope to many. I do not go per say to church, I worship God in My heart. My mission in life has been to offer help to the helpless. The outcasts, homeless, whores, drunks, dope slaves, jail birds & etc. The people who have no friend, no hope, no life, nothing. I have witnessed lives turn around with a mere pray. Drug addicts cleansed in a moment of time. I know a former whore who sold her body to feed herself & her brother. And she is this very day one of my best friends in this world. And I would rather have her to pray for me as anyone I know. For she, as I hears from God. So you see, our Father has allowed much pain on myself. So, I can care for others. Is that more than should be anyone's lot? I tell you after 50 years of service. I still can not fathom His (God's) Grace & Love for mankind. You do realize it was His Jesus Christ love for us? That compelled His suffering & held Him to the cross. That to say, there is no force known of man that could hold Him to that cross. But, His great love of all men!! This is no small thing. But, He readily gives this same Life Force to His Own Children. Thus the training begins that He (will). Show His Identity to those who love Him (Jesus). And my dear children this is now what you face. His Promises are sure. You have a date to know His Identity. To each of you personally. Please understand me, if God were to Speak unto me. And Say, your mission with these kids in now complete. You would never hear from me again. That's how I obey My Father.
I know I’m shunned by others, because I speak Your Name. - You no longer rail on Myself.-
With little you are content - With your new residence, you will be the happiest of your life.
Hello My Father ___. My Son __ __, I welcome you. My Son, you have thought & sought many conversations. Yet, it would appear that you are not welcome to their conversation. At a time past this would have made you very unhappy. But, now you are quite familiar with this action toward yourself. Father, You are my true friend. I know that I am shunned of others. Because, I speak, Your Name before them. And they do not believe my report of Your Words & ways. So, this has now become to me as. If you do not like what I speak, then don’t hear me. And now many do not hear me. Father, I pray that it is not because I’m offensive to them. As I do not desire to be. But, My Father You are all I care for. And You are the purpose of my Life. So, if they do not wish to hear of You. Then they surely do not wish to hear myself. My Son, You Speak the Truth. But, I will most certainly Speak with you My Son. My Son, upon coming home you had many contacts to make. Yet, nothing has come from these. Even, the kids I had you to Speak with. My Son, you are ever learning. When I Ask, you to speak, you speak. When I give you a message to speak, you deliver it. Tho I know you seek companionship. You have learned to back off, if they do not receive you. My Son, if I Said, you were not one of a kind, it would be a lie. You are always looking to find another you. You have found no one even close. But, My Son, you are like Myself. Only you do not as yet have the wisdom to deal with others. Because, you don’t know their thoughts yet! My Son, this will be a very great Revelation unto you. For tho they do not agree with you. You will understand exactly why. And you will be very careful not to be offended of them. Without just cause & I Will always show you the correct way to react. Son, you have just realized that when things go wrong, or don’t turn out as you expected. You are fast learning not to give your enemy any room. You are learning not to rail on Myself, for the lack of your understanding. That is the understanding of what’s going on. But, to Trust Myself even when you don’t understand. My Son, you know & have witnessed the change in you & Nanna. About the cares of this life. With food, raiment, & shelter, & your mule (car) you are content. Son, as I have placed you in a position of very little contact of others. As protection from the stresses & cares of life. But, as each day comes, it is very real for most lives on this earth. Yet, as I Say, your needs are already met. So, the day means little unto you personally. So, you are quite bored with lack of obligations. Son, I Say, enjoy these. For they are now few in number that are left for you. Son, I know you are thankful for the peace I have surrounded you with here. My Son, you know all things will be much different once you enter My Mind. And you will enjoy life as never before. But, you will never have this kind of time for yourself, as you do today. I know you are full of many questions. And much earlier in your life you could not deal very well with the unknown. But My Son, this will be totally gone & replaced with pure joy. As you will know all things, at all times. So, My Son, I Ask you, to continue as you are. And never again give way to the fear of the unknown. I know you are concerned that when the house sells, what & where will you live? Son, it will be perfect for you & Nanna. And you will be more happy than you have ever been in your lives. Son, that time to know all is coming swiftly. Son, until then remain as you are pleasing unto Me. Father, what ever the reason that You do not make known unto myself these many things. Surely it is to complete my training. And I want to be faithful in all my life for You.
Thank You Father for all things presently.
Mes. # 74: 6-15-05 - 11:22 pm. Wed.
To find your Identity - Will I enter Your Mind this year? - I reason to enter Your Mind.
My ___ I do praise You & give thanksgiving for all You mean unto myself. Father, it is strange that all have spurn me. But, of course tho strange. It is also natural behavior I've always received. Father, this seems to have a touch of your super-natural flavor to it. As if indeed, you were orchestrating this personable. Do You care to share anything with myself? Son, every day you close the gap to the day you will enter My Mind. My Son, you are now on a course to find your own identity. In that one by one, all is being eliminated as cares of this life. As I have Spoken often & earlier about, being dropped into a hopper. That has a set destination to enter My Mind. And there is no other way out what so ever. So, at some point you will slide to your destination. And as your path does continue to always narrow. There is less & less that surround you. As even you will also testify. That life as you know it. Has almost no desire left to entertain you. Which as you state, is consistent with those about you. Son, you have gone as far as you can go. Not to know & visualize who you are, with physical reality. Or to say, what you see & experience. Can no longer keep from revealing your & Mine Identities. Indeed, you are this close, to the Truth of all. Son, My Son, you would ask. Will I enter Your Mind this year? As you can not know life outside of Myself. Is this the very next thing to occur? As Nanna can not be healed before this. But, you reason the house selling can occur. And you believe this spring will see that thru. And you reason the 7 year peace treaty. Has no bearing on you entering My Mind. So, what other matter is left, before this occurs? Son, nothing, but the moment always selected, refrains you from entering in. Father, this is what I'm trying to say. When will life be worth the living of it? When will I know that I am the Son of God? Can this occur before I enter Your Mind? Father, is it when Your Words are synonymous or same time with the action? Thus I see Your Words, as I hear them. Father, no matter how hard I try. I can not break thru with words. I can not reason for what I wait for. Father, I must have Your Divine guidance after the house sells. Even if I could travel, this will still fall so very short of what I seek. Father, as You know this is My attempt to reason when I will enter Your Mind. I don't believe I could in any way be content outside of this mode. The answer can not come until I enter Your Mind. But, isn't the knowledge of the questions? Yes! Yes! this is to banish doubt. And that is to live unobstructed from the Truth, all Truth, even Yourself ___.
Mes. # 75: 6-18-05 - 10:47 pm. Sat.
Father, I confess that I am lonely for You. And as You know I desire the Truth of all matters. Oh, Father I desire to know You as You Are. I miss yes Your Teaching Secessions, I miss You. My Son, I AM here. Father, please be real to my understanding. Father, I must have more of who You Are. What can be said? I need You for life as I have been seeking Your Identity. Father, what have I to boast of ? I know more about You than any man I know. For You have revealed all of this unto me. I'm most grateful, & thankful. Yet, I must know You the whole Truth. And think lest, I dwell in doubt of the answers. I hate doubt & I wish to know as I am known. Father, may I have a few crumbs today? Father, I know You Said that if I knew more. That I would start to recognize Yours & my own Identities. Father, I laugh! I will take that chance. Father, it appears You are quiet tonight, I would know why? My Son, I repeat-I AM here. Yes, Father, I believe You always hear me. Father, have I displeased You? No, My Son. Father, I'll take of course whatever You give me. But, You know I want all. Yes, you do My Son. But, if the set time was for tomorrow. How can it be revealed today? Father, You know, in Your Mind the Timeless Zone. Son, this is true to your understanding. But Father ___, I do not understand why You are so quiet? My Son, you are so close. Should you discover by My Speech, & My Identity? Father, if it truly was tomorrow, I can wait. But, if it's 6 months from now, I'll still have to wait, but not willfully. Father, I do not know what to say. Do You wish I should let You be? Son, I desire what you desire. No, son time does not control Me. But, I Willed a time to be. I control what will be, as well as its timing. Father, there is no lot for me, but to trust You always. Son, as I Said, unto you. Shall you see My Lips move & hear My Voice? And not recognize My Identity? Father, I've never been here before. No, My Son, you have never ever been this close before in your life. Thank You Father for that information (Revelation). Father, receive my praise.
Mes. #76: 6-22-05 - 12:19 pm. Wed.
My Father ___, will You Speak with me? My Son, I know you do not understand My ways at all times. Father, what I know for sure is I desire Your Identity. And I know more questions are entering my mind. As I have just read Bill Hawkins material. Father, it appears that Your worship does include the Sabbath & perhaps the feast days. And the 10 Commandments. But, Your ordinance of 613 laws sounds like, living under the law, which no man could do. Father, my spirit doesn't bear witness to this man. My Son, you will very soon know all Truth. My Father, I wait on! I must for the Glory of God record this. After I spoke with ___, I spoke to Him, in my mind. I said, Father, You Promised to show Yourself to us via undeniable ways. Like in when You Spoke that Nanna would get her a Cadillac. I ask You, for a blessing today? I then went down stairs & fixed Nanna & I some breakfast. This was Nanna's day off. I said, you are going to the J store aren't you? She said no, I really don't have any money. It was at this point. I felt of the Lord that she should go. I said, take some money I have saved to get my car fixed. She said no, I don't want to take your car money. I said, you had better. Then Nanna ask me, do you feel like I'll find something today? I said yes, take some money. She came home about an hour later, she was beaming. She said, I was so very lucky today. She said, as I pushed my cart down the aisle, a worker came out in front of her pushing a cart of bras. She said, as she hung them up, she took them down & put them in her (Nanna's) cart. A total of 22 bras brand new & Nanna's size. Nanna got those an a new pillow, new can opener, & a nice pair of shoes all for 17.00. She had taken 20.00 with her. Nanna said, that was the price of one new bra. She only had 4 bras (which I did not know). That she had to wash twice a week. She was so very happy. As if she had won a very nice prize. She said, can you believe I got right there as she came out with the bras? Otherwise, they would have been gone in a flash. She said, it was unbelievable. I just said, Nanna give the Lord thanks. He told me He was going to bless you today. I praise You Father, for showing her Your Identity. Even, as You Said, You were going to do with my whole family. Thank You Father.
Father, I see You moving. And I delivered Your Words to the Williams tonight. Father, I see new life in Dan & I praise You for this. Father, I have withheld these (2) writings from Dan. As he was not near ready to see them. Father, I can not (by my spirit) reason to all this rave about the EU. I know the whole earth (all inhabitants) will be effected by the End. Yet, as many are saying, watch the EU. I say watch the middle east. For I believe You have shown myself that the a/c & the 10 kings will arise from these parts. Father, You know how much I hate a lie. Therefore I have no choice to believe anything else. Than what I believe You have revealed unto myself. So, if You desire I should share these (2) writings with the Williams family? I ask for Your approval? My Son, you will not oppose your mind, where I dwell. I told you, I will not let you believe a lie, to be the Truth. Need I Say more? Now what you do not as yet know. I will open the whole for you to explore. I Speak of the moment I decreed before time was! Son, you do see My movement of the Williams family & your own? This will only escalate. Be surprised of nothing you see or hear. For it is I, who works this work.
Mes. #78: 6-29-05 - 8:49 am. Wed.
Father, I am not surprised that the tire on Nanna's car blew out. Because You must show her that the things in this life are very temporal. So Father, You gave her the desire of her heart. Yet,You reason with her. It's not what she expected. Father, I am thinking of offering the day, to fellowship with Dan, would You Speak? My Son, with Nanna's car you see the Truth. It would appear that this is an unnecessary set back. But, as you know & Nanna knows, this was to show her I AM in control. For the matter could have been much worse. But, the damage was enough to alter her pride in this which I gave her. Son, even as I Said, be not surprised of what you see or hear. For it is I moving to bring all about to My Own Will. Son, make your offer to share the day. Of course I Am present to perform as I Will. You look for special instructions, be yourself.
Mes. #79: 7-1-05 - 12:20 pm. Fri.
Walking contrary of My Commandments - Mystery revealed - counting of the days -
later rain blessing of power - What do I God need of your money?
My Son, I would Speak with thee. My Son, that which you have long sought for (for My Worship) is now yours. You can scarcely believe these turn of events. That has over taken you. You have desired to know My Identity all your life. I God, have been the driving force of your existence. Now that, that you have now entered shall all be new to your existing knowledge. You were walking contrary of My Commandments. Of which to disobey is sin. But that, that you had no knowledge of. Was never held against you, but now is the season that all Mysteries shall be revealed. For indeed, you are approaching the counting of days, to My return. It is true even though you did not know the full Truth. Yet, when all My Word is obeyed. Thus shall also the blessings that are Promised shall be given you. And all power will also be released unto you as before. Yet, it shall be released (that, that has been held in reserve for this hour.) Even without measure, to those who keep all My Words. Son I Say, behold even as I have Spoken unto you. No, I Speak not of money. For what need do I have of any money? But, do remember your brethren & his needs. In doing so, I will bless you in all your ways. I have Spoken It! This day, was our keeping of our first Sabbath.
Mes. #80: 7-04-05 - 3:15 pm. Mon.
will you bow to the authority of the pope? - Mark of the beast, are you concerned?-
Am I not Speaking of the First Gospel? - War is about to start!
Yes son, I have Spoken unto your spirit a great Truth. Anyone’s understanding to the Revelation that the whore changed My Day, of worship from the Sabbath unto Sunday. Hear My Speech, with this understanding, let it be complete. For any with this revealed knowledge that will continue to bow to the authority of the pope. To keep the day he set aside, contrary to My 4th Commandment. Is in grave danger! For this is in part, is of the Mark of the Beast. Rev. 13 For this is the beginning of his authority. That Will be induced upon the whole world. I will soon make your understanding to be complete. But, to resist his authority will be to bring his wrath. Hold to what I show you, and back down from nothing. For you well, know not to bow your knees to any other. But My Anger will be felt by those who refuse this Revelation. To cease bowing before the forces of darkness. Now My Son, you are becoming aware of the contents of the First Gospel. You know I will guide you to all Truth. And I repeat this is now a great Truth, now known to you. The battle line has now been drawn. And you will meet great resistance. In making this known to the believers. But, this is the time I Say come out, from among her. Lest you also suffer her damnation. So, as you can see you will be fought on all sides. From the enemy & your brethren. I Say, Hold Firm! For I yet will arise up My Army to resist this, cursed force of darkness. Whom I shall destroy with My soon coming! I Say, again to Hold Firm. For all My Power is coming to your aide. Of which they have no answer.
Mes. #81: 7-07-05 12:21 am. Thurs.
Flood- who will believe your report? - Mystery opened- the Sabbath!- A secret & no body to tell!
Father, my spirit is restless today. Father, is there a reason I should be thus restless? My Son, you reason that I must now move. So, that others will now believe. Yes, Father that is so. Son, I realize you are tired of waiting. For what you do not yet see. For of a Truth you know you can do nothing else. You know the flood will break forth with Nana’s healing. But, first you must enter My Mind. So, even tho I have opened a very great (Mystery) Revelation, unto your small party. Yet, what can be done? For who will believe your report? As you reason, there is none who wishes to hear. The opening of this Mystery. So, your spirit is perplexed with in you. For you have waited 45 years for this very Truth, to be revealed unto you. And yet, there is know one to witness this very great event too. Son, I Promise you, you will now very soon Speak this Message. With all boldness & with the manifestation of the fullness of the Spirit. Even, with all signs to follow. For as you know this was not revealed unto you, that you should hide it. For I assure you, in a very short time. This could never again be hidden from the inhabitants of this earth. Son, as I’ve Spoken, I Will not ask you to wait any longer. But, you know you can not work outside My Spirit. So, of course you will be led accordingly. I will meet with you again this Sabbath. And you will not fail to see My movement. Think not that I Am not breaking these that are resisting My Voice. For you will not fail to see proof of the Words I Speak. I know you long within your spirit. To see even one more, who will give their entire life over unto Me. And yes, you do not know yet the blessings. You have brought down on yourselves. Because, you have obeyed My Speech. Believe Me, I meet with you, & you will see My presence! So son, gather again unto My Peace & Watch! For I Say unto all 3 of you. Come expecting for you will receive of Me.
Mes. # 82: 7-09-05 12:18 am. Sat.
My Son, I Will Converse with you, what did you see tonight? Even, that I had you to witness to (2). And the witness of the message that was read. Now I, could have told you that this was to be received by faith. But, yet I manifest Myself into your presence. To show you the Truth as a whole. Now could I have Spoken unto the early Jews? To keep My Word by faith? They would have no idea of what I Spoke. So, they had to keep it literally. But, would I suffer you to wreck your house to keep this My Speech? I mark your will to obey Me. Even, to the destroying of your house. But, you heard Me loud & clear. For what would it profit you to wreck your house? And still harbor sin in your own temple. You are now learning the meaning of these annual feast days. These as all things, are to be received by faith. This is a memorial to remember Your God always. You can now see the Plan of God, was delivered to the world. Tho the meaning was hidden from those who received it. Now the world will know the Truth. That God had always intended to Birth Sons & Daughters, into His Own Kingdom. Remember all My Truth & Words must be received by faith. Until you can walk with Me by sight. What profit would it serve to have you keep useless traditions & rituals? That would burden you souls. Is this what I desire as a form of worship? I Say, never so! Now concerning your families that I have called as My Own. You have now made them to become aware of the Words I Spoke of them, and they believe it not. Now I will deal with them in their own flesh. They will now be taught to fear God, for I Speak not in vain. As I Say, they have been duly warned, and they laugh in My Face. Now their sorrow will come. Be not soon moved because you do not see these things, for I have Spoken It. I know all of you want speedy results. Time does not abide that this could be afar off, so watch & listen. Now for your blessings & health to be. Remind you one the other that time is all but now numbered. What therefore is a far off? I will continue to open up to the accomplishment of all Mysteries. Even I, set before you My Joy. Because, I have you as My Witnesses to My Speech. Remain faithful & do not be weary. For I Smile upon you.
Mes. #83: 7-9-05 9:59 pm. Sat.
Paul Williams- stand firm- see My Glory!
Hear this my brethren. My faith has been challenged. Satan tells me I’m a fool for writing this. These were the words I almost spoke out loud. As I left there last Sabbath. Let it be for the Glory of God. For He Spoke to My Spirit, that yet one more will be added to our number by next Sabbath. Even, the name Paul Williams. I did not speak this before Paul. For I did not want to harden his heart. But, now I say so what for no matter how hard his heart. The Lord will melt his heart this week. Satan says now you did it. For now you have recorded it. And now you can’t destroy these Words. I got news for you (be damned) no one can destroy God’s Words. I reflect the last 4 lines of God’s Speech in the last message. Which I now rewrite. Quote: “Even, I set before you, My Joy. Because, I have you as My Witnesses to My Speech. Remain faithful, & do not be weary. For I Smile upon you.” Father, I can not disbelieve You. By not recording the Truth. So judge my speech to see if I be of God? Father, I commend my spirit to your rest (Peace). For I will not falter to embrace You. Even, tho it should cost me my head. Son, even My Son. I Am not surprised that you stand by My Name. And will not back down, nor give into doubt. For you reason I AM God, or there is no God. And I can never fail. Even, as you speak, I have Spoken it before you, Stand! Stand firm. And see the Glory of Your God.
Mes. #84: 7-12-05 6:59 pm. Tues.
Father, I would speak with You. And collect my thoughts & record them. Father, most Righteous & Holy, please receive my praise. And I do __ __. Father, I have waited very long to do Your bidding. Now I witness a great influx of movements. But, yet My Father, I refuse to rush You. Seeking answers, nor do I intend to by any measure. To deal with the many things that is touching my present life. Nor will I succumb to approach any of it with doubt. Even tho the unknown & many new events will have to be dealt with. Father, You Said, for me to remain locked with the many things that is touching me, & approaching me where I stand. I have not gone out on my own seeking for new involvement. Yet, You are sending them to myself. Therefore My Father, I refuse to bow to any fear. Of the unknown, nor to doubt any action, Word or deed, or situation of any matter. That I’ll not trust You until I have the proof of Your knowledge. For any matter that occurs in my life. I absolutely will not surrender any portion of my known being to nothing or anyone. I therefore recognize Your Authority as my own. As We Are One, I can not allow any reproach upon Yourself. Son, I have just now to your own knowledge. Received the last of who You Are in Perfect Union. To Myself by your own knowledge. Even, to say you have thrown off the luggage that could never enter My Mind. Therefore My Son, you can now enter in. To My Mind with Impunity (without punishment, freedom from punishment, penalty, harm or loss). Father, how Oh how, can I praise You? But, son you are doing just that. For you refuse all for Myself. What higher form of praise can be offered? Son, even now your knowledge is made perfect. Even, in that My Son, you walk in perfection, even as I AM. I repeat all things are now New. Father, I receive it in Your Name! I __ __ receive the Will of Your Perfection. Yes My Son, you are now free from the bondage of time. For you refuse this also. You will now never bow to or give any respect to. In regard of only My Speech or Person. Nor shall you regard any power, nor of anyone, entity, or spirit being. And Your Authority is you confess My Name. Nothing therefore can stand before you, for My Names sake. Yes son, you know the key to release My Power. “Yahweh-I Receive the Will of Your Perfection-Yahshua”
Mes. #85: 7-19-05 1:18 pm. Tue.
After a life time, the day has arrived, I enter Yahshua’s Mind - Praise God!-
7-19 2005 now we can see Nanna’s Healing! - record the path - smug or egotistic?- Never!
Son, this pleases Me. Also Father, as Sandy Williams is up from Texas. I thank You for her safe trip. And I look forward to meeting with her. Son, this act is no accident. I Say, continue to watch & listen. Son, be not concerned that you are entering into My Mind, did not go down as you reasoned. For your nights are now much different. Son, I know you couldn’t reason any way. How this was going to go down. (I entered into God’s Mind today!) You were very much surprised. Because, you thought you would see proof of My Speech. That you had entered into My Mind. Son, be not surprised of anything, that you hear or see. And you thought this meant concerning your group & families. But, this is also true. Son, you know My timing is perfect. And it would not do for you to have all knowledge immediately. Remember you are recording this for others who follow. But, I Say, it will continue steadily. As it will keep advancing to know all. Son, as you know I have not thrown the door open. That you know (as yet) not what the tomorrow shall bring you. And I have surprised you greatly here of late. As I have had you to be yourself in meeting these surprises. Son, take note of what I AM Saying. This is the way I would have you to act. Even when you know all things. You will learn to contain your excitement. And not to come off as over bearing. Or to put it bluntly, to appear to come off, as a know it all! Son, I know you don’t want to appear this way to others, as smug or egotistic. So, this is the reason this is coming to you in this fashion. And I Say, for no other reason. Son, I take note that you (tho tempted) have ask Me nothing. Nor will you entertain that thought, but dismiss it quickly. This is so pleasing to Myself, for this is proof you Trust Me completely. So, at this present time I will not Speak to you, what lies, just before you. So Watch! To know Me, is to be void of doubt.
Mes. #86: 7-22-05 1:13 pm. Fri.
My dear friend Sandy Williams - Sandy, moving deeper into the void. -
One must die, before she can be Born Again, Spirit Born! -
lesson on the 144,000 - these will see no more death!-
The Secret Place-
My Father, I give You praise for another day. I met Sandy Williams 6:00 PM yesterday. At Ponderosa in Newport, KY, for supper. And of course to share God’s Word. We talked about 2 ½ hours. Sandy is so struggling as she is going thru the spiritual death. To become One in Christ, or Born Again Spirit to Spirit to Himself. I can testify this death is very real. Even, as Nanna & Jerry are experiences the final stage of theirs. This is so terrible that one wishes for physical death. To come & deliver them from this living hell. And this was very recognizable to see in Sandy’s demeanor today. The true feeling of this death is. Life is no longer appealing enough to endure this feeling of living death. And one loses all desire to live. His or her daily lives any more in this world. One is so fed up with this life. That the only thing left to inspire them. Is leisure to relax or travel. All else has lost all appeal. As I say, even natural, death is desirable as an escape from living in this world. Why are certain believers in God experiencing this living hell? Believe it or not! This is a mark set upon God’s Chosen or Elect. But why & for what pleasure can God receive from this our near unbearable misery? No, this is not God’s sadistic pleasure. This my friends is real birth pains to be Reborn of His Spirit. Or to say, to become One with Christ. Thus our spirit is once again rejoined with His. After it was separated from Him at our own natural (fleshly birth). This will occur to each one of the Elected 144,000
Rev. 7, 14 ch. These are in all reality receiving permission to enter Our Lords Own Mind. This is the Seal there of spoken, to be received. In each of these (their foreheads). That our minds shall merge with His Mind. And then we shall know as we are known. Or to say to know All in All, all things. The reason no other believers of any other era. Has never experienced this death. Is because this has been reserved unto the End Time. And Exclusively only for those Elect of the 144,000. Why not all believers, why just the 144,000? It’s because God knows every heart. And those Elected 144,000 will walk perfect before God in this life. And these shall Receive New Bodies. All other believers are not willing to make the sacrifice to deny their flesh unto Him. They will not be Born Again (only by faith, as we all are). Until the resurrection or 2nd coming of Christ. That’s when these shall receive Their New Bodies, Spirit Bodies. I can not today, say what kind of body these 144,000 will have. But, I do know they will defy time. As all over the age of 33 years of age. Shall return to that age (33) with great vitality & perfect health. If you think I’m nuts, all I can say is hide & watch. I speak this not of myself. But by the knowledge of the Most High Yahweh! My Son, you were not expecting any of this. Yet, I have only begun to reveal what lies ahead, for all My Children. Yes, My Son, the 144,000 will know that they have passed from death, unto Life. As My Own Sons or Daughters into the Kingdom, of Everlasting Life. Now presently! This is none other than the Joy of Your Lord. And THESE WILL NOT SEE ANY OTHER DEATH! For thus they have already tasted death, but never again. There is much more I Will reveal on this very soon. As the time of the End has now shut you in. The days are numbered. I Will also reveal this unto the body of Christ, (or believers). My Children hear My Voice. For I will receive your attention. The volumes of My Revelations for the last 40 years. Will now be surpassed in months of your time. So, you think it is hard to believe what I have thus far Spoken? I now will add the sights of your eyes, for My Witness. Even as you hear it with your ears. So, I Ask you, will you call into question your eye sight also? For can you believe even what you shall witness? Children, I Will no longer walk a far off (out of your sight). But, you shall recognize My Identity more real with the passing of days. Until all shall see Myself coming in the clouds with all My Glory. But, the Elect shall see Me even as I AM now! For they are the begotten Sons & Daughters of My Father, Born Again. And not by faith, but by birth, Spirit unto Spirit. Even My Own first born, into My Kingdom. My Son, I Ask you, do you see Me expanding your mind into My Own? Yes My Father most certainly. My Son, this is merely one leaf that has fallen from a very great tree. To what lies just before you. I need not remind you of the T Speech. But, you see now the volume can not be transferred by this speech. My Son, this you all (so far) have made mentioned in your living death. To escape, to a place of peace & rest. Let Me Speak of this for your understanding. This is none other than My Secret Place. That your spirits crave for rest, peace & safety. Do I Speak of an illusion? Of course not! For an illusion is a lie, make believe, false. This is indeed, a place reserved for the righteous of heart. To come into at your own free will. For rest (relaxation) & peace & safety from pursuit. Son, you may speak of your spas & royal retreats. But, wait until you see My Secret Place (My Hide Away). You will see your speech is not adequate. To describe what awaits My Children. My Son, as your knowledge shall become more complete by the day. Unto My perfect knowledge of All in All is known of you. See what is to be revealed unto you. My Son, as this is My Own measure of love. Who can say I will measure the length or breadth there of? Even as sin, let to grow & devour knows no limit, or measurement, or containment, or satisfaction of desire to destroy, or to make waste. If not contained & eradicated, would destroy all. So, I can or would be judged of mere man. To call into question, My Motives, My Character, My Honesty, & My Integrity. You flea of the sea (many peoples), by what authority do you address Me? You judge Me not worthy of love. Because, I hate your iniquity even your defiance of My Speech. Even, your blatantly hatred of all that I AM. And because I raise My Hand against your sins. You Say I AM a bully & without affection (love). I Say, duly you shall receive your just rewards. And shall be put out of My sight, forever & ever without end. I Myself, created you (you worm) to choose for yourself. To receive Eternal Life with My Father. Or to live your eternal death in separation. Of all that is righteous I Say, who is it, what do I hear of your judgment? You the product of your father satan. You have judged yourself to be unworthy of My presence. I Say, I the creator of all that is. Will purge all sin & sinner from My sight forever. Rave on you nothing, for My grace & mercy you spurn to your own destruction. Go, in silence from My Hearing & Sight. For your remembrance will go with you. Amen! My Son, they count My Word (Bible) is an offense unto them. Know they nothing? They eat upon their own flesh to devour themselves, as mad dogs! What can be said? Consume yourself! My Son, I now Speak of Sandy. I will meet with her in her return. I Will approach her with My Peace. And I Will answer many things to her questioning mind. Even, as she nears her Rebirth of Spirit. As the knowledge of her identity, becomes known of her. Son, I know you tried very hard to make her to understand. But, I had you to remind her. I will meet her in the way. It is I who will make her to understand, My Will for her life. Son, be sure she shall realize My Joy. Give no more thought. Now to those you know that are willfully resisting My call. I told you this is escalating. As I Work My Will for their deliverance. This will even this week, be seen as proof of My Speech. Son, they will soon turn their attention to the discovery of My Will.
Mes. #87: 7-23-05 1:26 am. Sat.
Jerry’s report - I stand firm! - Teaching the Truth – dying out to sin, the sting of death, the void.
Father, I praise You most worthy Yahweh. Father, I am made to rejoice in Jerry’s report. Son, have no fear that your spirits shall collide. For you will in no wise back down from not One Word of these Words. So, how will you approach Jerry to stand on My Word, against Jack Nelson’s bible. Father, I would go as far as to challenging it with Your Fire on high, even the Baal test. I will not back down, nor alter Your Word. I stand firm! Very Well My Son, but this is not to test your faith in My Word. For I know what you believe. But, even in trusting Myself, you can not raise the question as to how I AM going to handle this thing. True My Lord, I trust You fully. And my satisfaction is thus guaranteed. Son, even more than you know. Son, even as much as you would like. You can not raise the question of the Mystery delivered unto you of your dad. This is also true Father, as I would know this meaning. But, I will not ask. As this & all things are mine, by Your Words. My Son, what you have recorded of many years. Is My witness, as present speech. For you to bring many to the knowledge of My Truth (only Truth). You have suffered long, and recorded each step from your youth to follow My path. I have already Spoken this to you. But, I reaffirm to you the reason. So, that you can teach My Truth to many others, yet to follow. Not by faith do you teach. But, from your life experiences you will teach. As you know your calling has always been to teach. And Father, I do & not by my great skills, of which I have none. But, by the desire of my heart to share Your revealed knowledge of Yourself. This is why I teach. Even the conviction of my soul. Well said My Son. But, even what you suffer, in the search of the Truth. You suffer for the knowledge to be revealed to others. For I have Spoken, that you have even now all that I AM, by Promise of My Speech. Yet, you record the step by step process to enter My Mind & to guide others. But, now I have opened you, to your new understanding what it was. 1. To become One with Myself. St. John 17-21-23.
21. That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
22. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
23. I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.
To suffer unreal death.
To approach the Ah-Struck Mode. Son even as the seed is sown in the corruption. And it is raised in incorruption I Cor. 15:42-45
42. So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:
43. It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:
44. It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
45. And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
So My Son, what you & others are going thru is the sting of death of sin. And all of you testify that it is most terrible to experience. Yet, the fleshly body must die out to sin that it can arise again (Born Again). In the Newness of the Spirit of God. I Say, once this sin has died in the flesh. THAT PERSON WILL NEVER AGAIN KNOW ANY DEATH!. Only the joy of Your Father will you know always. My Son, as I call you to lead others thru this fiery trail. Even, the Elect of God- 144,000. I Say, their struggle (of the death of the flesh) even the death of sin, to view the void. Will not be 10 plus years as you & Nanna have experienced your deaths. Their allotted time shall be very short. The sting of sin unto death, they feel, will be no less. Only in time shortened. Tell them above all to trust Myself. That I, shall see them thru this death. And to the other side (Reborn of Spirit) of Life Everlasting, and the Joy of the Lord. But, for the Elect Sake they shall experience this pain. Of the death of the sin in their flesh. Even, now as I call each unto His (or Her) elective service. To follow Me into perfection, in this present life. Of these they shall shout, death where is thy sting? Oh grave, where is thy victory?
I Cor. 15:54-58.
54. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
55. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
56. The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
57. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
58. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
For these will never again taste of death. Even, so comfort these by My Promises. Even, as I over came death. So shall you also conquer death. Even, by My Spirit, that shall raise you from this death. So Say I, the Lord Your God. Be faithful even a little while. I Will raise you up. Shall you rise up to give praise unto My Father? For the plan of your salvation? Then shall you enter the joy of My Father? Even, the world without end. And in this you will know His rest everlasting. Amen!
Mes. #88: 1:27 pm.
The 144,000 are truly the first resurrection of the dead. Now! -
Satan’s lie, the secret rapture!- In heaven? No!- the first harvest -
after death, reward or judgment - who has a monopoly of My Spirit?
I would Speak unto you My Son, even of the 144,000. You now will know the identity of each the other. As the Spirit shall bare record of that indeed. Each has died out unto his own flesh to sin. And has arisen again in rebirth of My Spirit. Son, it is here, I reveal to you the Truth. Even, as your brother Herbert W. Armstrong has concluded. This is the 144,000 Sealed with My Mind. But here is where he missed the Truth. They truly are the first resurrection of the dead. But, his timing was off. For these will not raise at My 2nd coming . For these shall be raised as My witnesses unto all the earth. And They Shall Never See Any More Any Death. So, indeed the first resurrection is taking place Now! As you are My witness. And this is not to be confused with the secret rapture. The Lie! Or as you say the fire escape religion. The Lie! For the 144,000 will arise from death. To bare My witness upon the earth. So, of what need do I have that you should be here with Me? (In heaven). No!, for it is you the 144,000, that shall lead the whole body of believers to Myself, with all Truth. As of course you will meet Me of My 2nd coming. But, you shall not be arisen from any death. For this has all ready occurred. In receiving My Spirit of Life. So in fact, of the annual feast. Even, of the feast of the first (lesser in abundance) harvest. What is the symbol of this harvest. Even, My Son, I Say, this is the 144,000, begotten as Sons & Daughters into the Father. This is the Elect of God, the 144,000, or the first harvest, first fruits. As were an offering unto the Lord. So, this puts the question of any man rising again in his fleshly sins out of the question. For truly this is the 2nd death. No chance of redemption ever again. Thus again a correction to your brothers thinking. For once, after death is the judgment. And no more grace is to be found, for the repentance of sin. So, I Ask You, My Son, in answer to your question? Is the Armstrong church, the only church to know all My Truth? Let there be no doubt, no one knows all the Truth, as yet. It can not be received, but, by My Spirit. And who has a monopoly of My Spirit? And who shall the whole of My Truth be (first) revealed to? Even the 144,000 shall receive My whole Truth. So, the soul, who has not died out to all sin. Can not receive all Truth. That’s the reason I Say deliver this My Truth, with a wide brush. For most believers shall not receive all Truth! Until they look upon Myself, at My soon coming. So, do not despair yourself. Because, of their understanding can not be completed. Until they look upon Me, the Truth. That is also the reason, that the 144,000 shall behold Me now. Even, as I AM the Full Sum of the whole Truth. Now I have at this time answered some very deep questions of most importance. And son, these shall continue until you know all things. So son, I repeat, Speak the Truth, of all things. But, be not surprised if all can not receive the whole of that Truth. Nor suffer any of these, unto any abuse. I Say, do not condemn anyone’s walk before Myself. Because, their understanding is not complete. As My grace is sufficient unto the End. A man’s fruits shall judge him correctly. Let, no man be puffed up, as if he prepared his own path to Everlasting Life. The Truth shall surely set you all (who believe) free. From any doubt, large or small, unto My Identity. Amen! So, I speak My Father, to my understanding. The church is our body the temple of the Holy Spirit. And we can not know all Truth. Until we look upon Your Own Identity. The Sum total of all Truth. As sin can not share Your Identity. As no darkness can share it's space with light. Or to say, your faith made perfect. What is happening with the 144,000 is this?. The Holy Spirit has (to those Elected), Impregnated these of His Spirit to our (Mind) Spirit. To be Reborn of the Spirit of God. As begotten (born) as Sons & Daughters into the Family of Our Father. Yahweh! Not sometime at Jesus 2nd coming. But, Now! By the renewing of our minds. From death (sin) to Everlasting Life, the whole Truth of God, Yahweh. Even now as the Lord Liveth, so We also by His Spirit, Live!
Mes. #89: 7-23-05 7:34 pm. Sat.
Yahshua’s Words, is all the proof we need. - No hope, no faith –
confound the wisdom of the elders. - Aunt Ruby & Dan, of the elect.
My Father, I am totally amazed by Your Revelations of the Mysteries of the Truth. My Son, indeed much has been delivered unto the little group. But, now you know, you can never be satisfied until you view My Face. And only then will the longing in you subside. Son, as now you can not ask Me, what tomorrow holds. Nor, who will do what & etc. For you know longer except My Speech, by your faith. But, you now know Me well enough. Of the Words Spoken unto you, is proof enough. That it shall be even as Spoken unto you. You are swiftly by passing faith as the standard of your believing. For you know longer regard hope as part of your belief. For the Word Spoken of Myself is all the proof you need. Son, truly you are now accepting My Utterance, as proof by your sight. Thus your faith has been justified by your sight. And also resisting time as a barrier. To block this from your view. So, truly you have moved to a higher level of trust. For as you know the moment it leaves My Lips it is already done. As time now plays no factor at all. Nor, is it necessary to wait for your eyes to tell you it is so. As is even now coming to be as your ears hear My Speech. So, will your eyes witness those Words, to be the Truth. As this is very fast approaching all your witnesses. Now I Will Speak unto My Daughter. I Ask you, what were you cheated of that all these things should come unto you in your years? Would you so to speak, be any further down the road? Had I allowed you to sink deeper into the mire, of the so called church? Even, to become more anchored in their unbelief? Nay I Say, but My grace has been held out. To you as this time will reveal all Mysteries of My Truth. Even, you now know where your perfection lies. That you shall look upon My Face & see the mirror of your reflection there. Thus you shall walk in perfection. Now the path of your journey is now known of you. Now that this has been revealed unto you, what I Ask? Could you ask the more? Now you see me performing My Speech. For you are My Witness. Have I not raised up mere babies (as yourself, young in myself?) To confound the wisdom of the elder. Who are made to be exalted by the praise of men.
John12:43 For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.
Yet, shall be brought low, because of lack of knowledge, of the Truth. So, what profit is it of these seniors in years? To be brought low, by the word of a child. So, you see unless one is humble & thus not seeking to be exalted in men’s eyes. Can one be led astray by their own wisdom? Indeed! But, then I Will Ask you, will his pride forbid him to yield, to the proven Truth? So, you see My Daughter this is not a place you would wish to find yourself in. And by My grace this is not so. For I Say, the great falling away is already.
II Thes. 2:3. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
For the whole world has been deceived to trust in lies. And the Truth is not found in them. For I Say many will not confess their faults (sin). For their pride will not allow them to confess their sins. Once the Truth is brought to their consciousness. This is so sad to Say, but, so is the heart of men. For they will not receive the Truth, when learned of themselves. So Say I, unto you, are you blessed to be a Child in My Worship? I Say indeed, you will only learn the Truth of Myself. So, I now Ask you both is your hearts set to walk in perfection with Myself? Even, to have your flesh die from sin. As to receive My Spirit, to be Born Again? So, how simple are all My ways? Once I open your eyes to the Truth. Even of such this world can not receive. Children I’ve Spoken of the dam to break. To coincide with Nanna’s healing. Be sure you have heard the Truth of My Speech. Even, as I have Spoken unto My Son __ __. I will also not address you in a manner of time. Even, for your healing & etc. For you have also chosen the route of the Elect. Therefore you must also learn quickly. Not to reverence time, as an authority, that you will bow to. As I reserve your knees unto Myself only. My Son, take your rest 2:5 4 AM for I Will continue this My Speech.
Mes. #90: 7-24-05 3:24 am. Sun.
Ask Me nothing, that I may destroy your doubt.- free will - Who are now the
Fathers of the faith? - I shall exalt you before the Host & your brethren-
Now My Children, because you will choose to seek Me with all that you are. I Will receive that gift of yourself. For now you will discover all that I AM. To the viewing of My Face. But, this I Will allow of you, ask Me anything you like as a question? And compose it on your lists. This I Will permit for a few days. Then My Children I also Say of you. Ask Me, nothing more what so ever. For I also will destroy the doubt from your lives. Otherwise you could not continue to approach (to advance) Myself. Even, as you have now the knowledge, of the path that is sit before you. I definitely meant My Speech. That you, by the knowledge that has been given you. Gained by the accounts of experience of 40 years. Is now yours to receive (over night) in comparison. So, study My Words for your advancement. For I would have you to know how & why? You make this journey to My Mind. For you also will lead others, that are Electives, to My Truth. But, ever remember that it is one’s choice (by heart). And you do not know the hearts yet. As I Say, judge the fruit of that person. Then you will see if he desires the Truth. Or he speaks from a double minded heart. And speak no more than what that person is willing to receive. For as in all things nothing of Myself is to be forced, on any person (for the sake of his free will). For there are as people, many varying degrees of rewards. So, think not, that they shall be rewarded. Above that which they choose to receive, by a willing heart. For I AM not deceived, by anys speech, for I judge the heart. So, you will also accept this with respect (of his free will). And receive Him as your brother, by the confession of his sins. And by faith, has received Eternal Life. Lay no more on Him than He can carry. And judge Him not, for He’s your brother. Thus you shall live in peace with your brother. For having gained the maximum of the Truth. Where will you boast? For in who’s strength do you stand? Now I Speak, to your understanding. Where are these you have looked up to as fathers of the faith? Gloat not that you have received Truth, that they stumble at. Or have no knowledge there of. For I, would now lay to your charge. Their intercessory prayer, at this time. For soon you will ask of Me nothing. And yet, I Teach you My Children. Remain you humble that I shall lift you up in the here after. Even, that I shall exalt you, before the host & many brethren. To obey My Speech, there is no greater reward. So, I Teach you, to know the Perfect Will of Your Father. And have compassion of the lost. Who by your fear of God, have gained great wisdom. So belittle no one, nor judge his ways. For are you not conscious, by who you have Life? Even the hope of the Eternal! So, therefore let your minds be transformed, by the Spirit of Truth. Wherefore you have His Life & the Promise of Life with Him. So, learn you & teach others the same. For you will receive a meek & gentle spirit (new nature) toward all men, with your new nature. Children, I have to your knowledge revealed the law, of the Kingdom of Your Father to come. John 15:17 These things I command you, that ye love one another.
To live at peace with your neighbors in My Kingdom. Amen! In that you are blessed in the knowledge of the Eternal. Follow as much as possible peace with all men. You will react to My Speech. For knowest thou, will you win your neighbor? And ad to the stars in your crowns. Children, I AM Teaching you the New way, of the Kingdom. For I give you time that you can absorb My Speech, and consider it. For I have very much more to reveal yet unto your knowing. That is in preparation to mold your minds. To receive all Truth yet to approach your minds. That you may walk in perfection. With Myself-always, unto the viewing of My Face.
Mes. #91: 7-24-05 7:48 pm. Sun.
Record My Words son, by pen & paper. - This was a witness unto Aunt Ruby & Dan.- The proof is in My Speech.
My Son, I do Speak unto you even as I have commanded. You to record My Speech even as these make witness of My Speech. What would you My Witness, that I should Speak unto you? Receive, this I have told My Son, to record My Speech of many years. That the Truth of My Words, be known of men. I have also told him to teach by example. This you witness My Speech. What I Ask, did you hear? Even nothing? So, were My Words Spoken aloud? No! What My Children, did you learn of this procedures? Now do I desire to Speak, to you the same? By all means, this is so. And you have heard My Speech often. And yet you can not receive it. This is why I now Speak to your knowledge & to be thus recorded. Why? Do you reason that I should only desire to Speak to My Son? This is no for sure. This is the reason I put on the demonstration for your witness. So now Father, what would You that I should record for their learning? Son, I know you will obey Me regardless of what I Speak unto you. So say I, My Lord. Father, it does please me much to do Your Will. I have no regard for what others believe of me. For I will follow always to obey You. For I have no other hope of this life. Son, you are waiting for Me to make proof of this My Speech. When I have to your remembrance, already told you & you declared. The proof is in My Speech.
So, what Father would You require of me? Enough Father, it is enough!
Mes. #92: 7-26-05 12:30 am. Tues.
You all shall suffer some eye strain.- Fast track of the discovery of Myself.-
Father, none of us could scarcely believe our eyes. As to the amount of Revelation You brought before us. But, that is exactly what You Said was going to occur, we did marvel. Yet,You Said, could we believe our eyes to what we could witness? Father, I answer, even scarcely could we do so. I’m sorry that I slipped & ask You a question. Even, now I can not ask for Your forgiveness. Even, tho I know I have it. Be praised Father! Father, what You are doing with Dan & Aunt Ruby has me nearly speechless. Father, I have never witnessed the likes of what You are doing. Nor the swiftness You are bring it about. My Son, it is My good pleasure to perform for all of you. But, if you marvel today. What have you to look forward to, in your near future? Father, with great anticipation do we look forward to Your movement. Well son, you all will suffer some eye strain. This you can believe. Son, you were nearly startled when I Spoke unto you to go get your paper & pen for their witness. Father, I really was, even tho You had given me warning to this effect. Son, I must instill to their witness your obedience, to comply to My Speech immediately. Without questioning, or the slightest resistance. As you will understand, that if the practice can be instilled into those you train. They will indeed be on a fast track to the discovery of Myself. Son, so your immediate response was just as important. As the demonstration of how to receive My Speech. Son, none of you can imagine what events, your obedience, has triggered for many lives. Nor the faith that was released. And they will not fail to see this & offer My praise. I Say, for one simple act, of your swift obedience. Has set off a motion of actions, that will see no end. Let this be a lesson unto you all & those to follow. I Say, again none of you could believe the volume of the blessings. This one single act has released. Let, this be witnessed for the duration of time. It is so! Yes, My Son, these now have a direct line to Myself. That they will now realize they can reach Me in a moment of their time. For any response of any need or to receive My comfort. Yes, son this will (My Words) be as precious unto them, as they are to you. And I did Speak unto you. That their own (family) will be moved by them. Where they will not hear you. Again I have Spoken it! Did I not Say, to watch & listen? You are My witnesses. Now My Son, what speaks more rapidly the beat of your heart? Then to mention your Nanna’s healing? Father, You have my full attention. So My Son, why was this brought up for consideration? Even, among this your group? Of course My Son, why wouldn’t I use a matter of these years (11 plus) to finish Nanna’s fleshly death to sin? I Say, as she has suffered so shall she live. I shall release such power in her life for healings & miracles. That she shall be renowned far & wide. Yet, again My Speech amazes you. So, now you see why it was brought up. Son, you have been burned on dates several times. So, you approach them with much caution. As you refuse to have any contact with time itself. But, you can’t help to be heightened as you draw toward yet another October. No, this never leaves your mind. But, I Say, to you (by the Word) watch. What has been released to your group, you will find most powerful. So, you are willing to leave the matter of time with them. Nanna's healing, for you already have My Promised Words. And you have Jerry to day & make your call to Sandy. And I will have very much more to discuss with you. Take you another rest. 5:01 AM.
Mes. #93: 2:24
Perfection - the FATHER is Teaching - is My Plan fair? - Truths, never previously known to man. -
The T Speech - a great army - NR, they shall wear your colors.
Father, I thank You for this day with Jerry. It has been most wonderful as You have reunited us our spirits together. Even, with understanding of each the other. There were many Revelations that Our Lord shared with us today. Now My Father we turn our attention to our dear Sandy. Father, I Trust Your Words that You had me to speak to her. Father, I sense from her voice that she doesn’t know. You Spoke unto her spirit in route to her house. Son, I know You Trust Me, so be on with your call. I called Sandy. As it turned out the answers to her question from the Lord. Were answered to the negative. Of which she would not receive. What if anything I have learned in my travels of my life upon this earth.? Is that if you can get them to listen to your speech at all. That you are absolutely powerless to change their minds. Regardless what you mount to be the Truth. For they have received as the free gift of God Almighty (by their free will). That not even God has the right to trespass on their free will. Yet, & one reason God does. And that is by the intercessory prayer of another, in their behalf. I have literally spent my life to expose the Truth to all who would hear me. To try to convince them to receive God & His ways. I can unequivocally make this statement. They will not hear you! You are wasting your breath & energy, as well as a life time (in my case). Your fruits produced shall not justify your effort. For in my case I have self destructed, this my life in that effort. Yet, I shall have my reward in the here after. Because, I did this with an honest heart. But, if you can hear me. Do not repeat this my efforts. First of all because we have very little time left, to make our witness. Do I suggest that we shall discontinue our attempts to make God’s witness? By no means, am I saying this. But, if I have your attention please hear me. There is a correct way to witness of God. Keep silent until the Spirit bids you to Speak. #1. I now tell you a more perfect way to make your witness. Since you know as well as I that they will refuse your speech. The answer is to intercede to Our Father, on their behalf. This gives Our Father permission to trespass on their resistance. Why? Because, it is written, what so ever you ask in My Name-I Will do it.
John 14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.
That’s the Truth. So He, God will make His witness unto them. Because, we ask Him to do so. As always God’s ways are most simple to understand. When He opens our understanding. What shall we do after we have offered intercessory for another? This is also very simple. God is not hard of hearing, nor does He forget. To approach Him with the same matter again is disbelief. #1 is one to call into question. Did God hear me? #2 To question has He forgotten my request? #3 To question whether He will keep His Promise? That what ever you ask in My Name, I Will do it. This my dear friends, put in its most simple form. Is doubt! So I say, be ever so careful, why? What is your motive to repeat a question unto Yahweh? So simply to say, you are wasting your time. As if you under took to, to witness to the persons yourself. Now this is very simple to understand. If we repeat our partition once again. What we have not succeeded, to accomplish is to remind God. I assure you, you have not reminded Him of anything. Why? Because He has not heard any other attempt. Why? Because the second or whatever number it is, is not received of Him. Why? Simple! For you have approached Him in doubt. Which is sin & darkness. Which can not approach Him period! Have we got that? So, why are our prayers not answered? Simple! Because, He can not be approached with doubt. So, do not annul (divorce) your first prayer request. Received of Him by your faith. That He is just to make you an answer. By then approaching Him again in doubt. That will not be heard of Him. My children it is time that we receive the PERFECT FAITH of GOD. Learn you now, even His simple ways, of God. For to question Him the second time is none other than to question. Are You the God who You Said You were? Children, this will magnify our faith. For we will receive our request. Let not any man, who is double minded think to receive anything of God. Because he is unstable in his thinking. Or he is not even sure of what he has asked. Children, this could not be revealed to us, but this given time. Even, tho written of Our Father, & recorded in the Bible, yet not understood. Until all Mysteries are unlocked unto us. Today! And so is the whole of the written Word of God. Now go back and read it with new understanding. For the Revelations are now there for you to discover. No, the Word changes not. But, now our understanding is being made perfect. So offer praise to the glory of the Father. That it is time, for all things to be known, with perfect understand. Even, so I say, Amen! Father, I thank You yet for a most simple, yet amazing Revelation. Oh in what darkness we have walked. Praise be to the glory of Your light, revealed unto us. Worthy of all praise & thanksgivings, I bow to Your Holiness. Son, Say I not, that you shall walk before Me in My perfection? Even so My Father. This I Say, to all your understandings. I reveal My Identity unto you. I AM which even now approachs you, that I should reveal unto you. Who you are! For you could never Identify Myself. Until you discover who You Are! Whom I now make you aware, even as you are Reborn into My Spirit once again, United with Myself. To discover you are indeed the same as I AM. And always have been & will always be One with Myself. Only eclipsed by the separation of your birth of your flesh. Thus your mind was not wholly conscious of Myself. Yet, the longing of your spirit can find no peace. Even, as before you were aware. Did your spirit cry forth, to be reunited with My Spirit? And now you have been made aware of this fact. Even, as you have gained independence to the knowledge of your spirit. Even, by this plan, have I made complete with this knowledge. Now I Ask you, what shall you do with this freedom (newly found, your identity)? What will you, I Ask, do you plan to do with it? Let Me remind you, that if you do not elect to return to Me. In fellowship with your new found freedom of identity. You will be forced to make your own way. Once the curtain of Our Unified Identities has been dropped thus, eternally separated. By your choice to go it alone without Me. This is the Plan of My Will to have Sons & Daughters of My Own. Reunited by your free will, to do so is complete. Even rejoined your spirit (Life Everlasting). To My Spirit the Source of that Life. Or as I Say, will you take this your identity? And refuse to share it with Myself? Unfortunately to your discovery, it will not be to your liking. For once your spirit is permanently separated from Myself. You will never find any peace. And I, as your kindred (mankind) has repeatedly tried to reason with you. I on the other hand, have already Spoken (My Spoken Word). Which shall stand forever! If refused of yourself (by your free will). There remaineth after death no other way to be reunited to Myself, even everlasting. For you will have gone on your way to fulfill your everlasting life. So, there will be a gulf of separation. You nor I (by My Promised Word) can bridge that, that we should ever meet again. So, therefore be sure in your thinking. Will (you, yourself) I, be separated from My presence Forever? Even, forgotten of all that is with Me. Now I Ask, does the Plan of My Salvation take on new meaning? Or can you wave My Speech from yourself even as you have waved the witness of your brethren? (Mankind.) You need not give any more an ear to My Words. Who, you will definitely proclaim to be the manner of the speech of men. Even, to your own sorrow. For I have created you in My Own Image, complete with Eternal Life. But, it is surely your own to do with as you will. If you will hear Me, come & join Me & Mine. But, if your choice is to go your own way-to it, I Say go. For I shall not lower Myself to meet any condition what so ever you make of Me. These are My terms set before all mankind equally. Now choose as to that, that seems to offer you your pleasure. For We Will Meet, Yet One More Time. And you having determined by (your free will) decision. Even, locked in by your own death. You have even chosen the 2nd death. Which let there be no doubt, is the Eternal Separation. From Myself forever & ever without end. Now I Ask any man-even all men. Tell Me, is this a fair plan? Tell Me, how would you have proceeded to let men choose for themselves? What they shall do with the gift of Myself? Even Life to Live Everlasting. Tell Me, where My Plan is not equal, nor Righteous? And what would you change of My Plan? But do remember this in your consideration. Your life, even your consciousness is a part of Myself. Even My Own to do with, as I should have determined. Not even so much, did I have to make you aware of yourself. As I Say, You Are Me. And who Says that I must do any other way then, My Own reasoning? For I Say, in making your knowledge complete. Whether you believe or refuse, is your own choice. And with the knowledge of My Plan of Salvation. You will be held in Contempt if you Refuse. I Say, unto you, when you would return (if it were possible). To ask forgiveness, I Will Not Hear You. Call it what you desire. For yet there is left a little space for you to repent. And receive life with Me. But, once this small time is spent, you will make your nest far from Me. I Say, go then, do your own bidding free from Myself or My Plan. Do I Speak to you cold, & uncaring? What do you suggest? If the Gift of My Son, to make away your sins. Is not found to be satisfactory, what do you suggest? I AM open to hear your argument. But, I’m sorry you will have to stand somewhere else, other than My Sons Blood you now wade in. For I AM made bitter, that you count this nothing or inadequate to meet your demands. I Say, of you, to your hearing, for these Words are apart of Myself. You will never forget-therefore, for they go where you go. As My Life you take with you, this is the line I mark. Who will cross over to stand with Me (line-even Jesus’s Blood)? And who shall remain, that stands against Me? I Say unto you, go your own way, receive even as you have chosen. But, I repeat, to your hearing, you have but a very short time, to Seal your decision. So, choose as you will, I grant this of Myself. To honor your choice even as you will it. I have Spoken to your hearing. Amen! Even do as you will. My Son, I Ask you, could I be any more fair? Father, I doubt not a Word of Your Speech. I only offer all that I am to make Your Praise. I Say, even everlasting. My most Holy Yahweh. My Father, words are beginning to lose their value to meet Your Praise. And also to describe what You are presently affording our eyes. Even, in Your Words am I being made Perfect. Even, to come to Your complete understanding. Father, I am so sorry, I ever doubted You. In all my ways, for I was ignorant of Your Identity. Father, I ever feel my spirit drifting ever higher, to meet You Face to Face. My present understanding, is slipping away from me. As if my past were a dream. Shall I say, not real? But, I am awakening to things I knew not that existed. Father, we are very fast receiving the Words of Your Truth. NEVER PREVIOUSLY KNOWN UNTO MAN. Father I wait with great expectations. Of the manifestations of Your Holy Spirit to Perform the Works. That we shall soon be the witness to. Father, I offer Your Praise, to what I just heard in the phone call with Danny. Father, all my prayers & all my efforts. You sum up in the Joy I Receive. In the Words You are presently making available unto my eye sight. Son, there be no need that I reaffirm one word. Of My Promises, this soul I have given to your reward. But, I do Say, to your remembrance. That I would make you proud. By the Word of My Speech for him, in this you may joy. Son, I Spoke, to your (now) limited mind. You had no idea what power you had released. Upon your obedience of My Speech to get your paper & pen, before their witness. But, even on the 2nd day from that Word Spoken. Behold what do you see? Son, hear Me, I now offer you help to receive the masses of My Revelations. To be delivered to all men. As this will do until the T Speech is enacted. Which even as all things is not now afar from your vision. I need not to tell you, what is coming. For now My Faith is made perfect in you. As I took your faith as of long ago. As I will not, waste your time or space with words or promises. For now this short time is reserved to make all Truth, revealed to your eye sight. Son, you are beginning to experience the joy of this new trust of Myself. Not to make any utterance of (unbelief) made by your speech. Shall I tell you now? New Revelation! That, that is the reason for the T Speech. As I have already shared with you. This shall do away (with this corruptible present speech). As the T Speech there is no where, nor will there ever be, any lie to be found. Nor will anyone or thing ever defile this Speech. Yes, heavy-but true! Son, now do you get a feel of My Speech, when I Say unto you? Behold now all things shall become new. Which now you have a flicker of understanding. And I Say, only a flicker to be sure. For truly I Say unto you, I AM has begun to turn on the cells of your brain, by My Enlightenment. Which by all means (even as I’ve Spoken unto you). Shall shut down this speech, (capacity of thought). That if any will approach you in conflict, to dispute. These shall go silent in confusion. Son, if you had the luxury to go back and study My Words unto you. You would find them, to have sprung into life of their own. But, you do not now have that time available unto your (leisure). Even, as I Spoke unto you. For now all of your time (present) is only available to receive My Truth. And I Say, it must yet be recorded as My witness. As proof unto all men, will all be delivered unto men even to completion. In this My Joy is shouted abroad. Son, I have added new scribes to assist you, the job is large. But, will be completed. To & for the Truth of all knowledge to be made unto men. Now consider the Words of My Speech recorded 7-23-05 . Tell Me, what new thing have you discovered there? You felt in your spirit, it was to release some of the pressure off of your shoulders. Yes son, I have given you help now, that you have never had. At anytime in your walk with Me. For these are being taught of Myself to be your first fruits of the fullness of My Identity. That I have long been sharing to you alone. Son, I Say Watch! Yes, even as I arise one after the other to come & stand at your side. I Say, even a great army. And I receive your immediate response of praise. As your spirit shouts. I need not to marshal, nor train, nor organize, nor keep unity, nor to repair broken ranks. Son, I Promise you, for I know your diligence to per -mote My Kingdom. Son, this is not your responsibility in any manner. For I shall lead all of you. And all shall receive the same Word, Spoken of Myself, T-Speech. There will not be any confusion nor misunderstanding. My Son, faithful have you been, with an impossible mission. Even, all of your life you have spent trying to organize & unify. My Son, you have your reward. For you stayed true until your strength ran out. And I have Promised you, you will never struggle with other men again, ever. For you will tell them the Truth. And leave all else to their own decision. In blessing, I will bless you, before the witness of many. Son, I will show you the honor you have brought on My Name. For many will wear it. By your Speech, to the witness of the world. Even, now you can not grasp, the value of My Speech. Son, hear this, (New Revelation). They shall wear the colors of your identity, (badge). As even it shall be with all who obey My Speech. For to their wisdom do they win souls, to My Kingdom. Son, you are starting to tire as you have been writing for hours. Lets take a break. Yes Father 11:39 PM.
Mes. #94: 7-26-05 8:26 am. Tues.
Father, I can not rest for I hear yet a (NR) New Revelation. You are Speaking in my mind. Our Father, just revealed to my understanding. That our brain cells that has lain dormant since our fleshly births, 95% of our brain. Are now presently as He has just described to Me. Are being activated by a charge that has been activated from His Own Spirit, to ours (mind) Spirit. Even, one by one these cells are being lit up & or activated for to receive His Life. This is not complete by no means. But, this has most profoundly something to do with the changes. That is going to effect our present bodies. The reversal of ageing to be sure. To become invisible at will. To be anywhere by mere thought. To read minds, to read hearts. For this new mind shall, defy all the laws of physics. And to command this body to do likewise. This mind is now awakening to receive all that God is. And it does have the capacity, to receive All in All. Once all the cells are charged, of His Spirit. Even, as this mind shall possess all that God is. It shall command this body, by total obedience. To comply to any order delivered to this body. The fullness of this brain (mind) shall lastly be fully activated, the moment we look into Yahshua’s eyes. At that very moment, we shall become Identical to Himself. And I say, in no other words. But, perfect even, as He is, the same in all respects. And this is not long in our future. But, when our brain is fully activated, charged of His Spirit. We shall be like Jesus in all respects. In knowledge, perfect, in power, perfect. Even, to create by our spoken word unto perfection. Even, the same as He is. So, I ask what manner of men are we? And not by any question do we receive all that He is. Unquestioningly we shall possess this earth, by His Name. I Say, even the New Kingdom of God is ours, to present at His coming. Did He not already Say I will give you power over your enemy? Who is our enemy, but the father of lies? Yes, satan had bitten Adam in his heel. But, we shall beat, (bruise) his head. Take power over his head. To strip him of his throne & his rule of men & this earth. By the Will of the Father, all power shall be relinquished to our control. Of which we shall make a present to Our King, even Yahshua. Earth prepare to meet Your King. For His glory reigneth over all creation. Holy unto His Holiness, the Righteous. Who shed His Blood that we may reign with Him. Be praised forever, & ever without end. Oh My Father, what more in Truth is to be revealed unto your servants? Father, I am sorry I didn’t mean to ask that. Son, that one shocked you, that it slipped past your guard so swiftly. Son, name the number of times I will forgive you. No My Son, you are not yet made perfect. But, I expect no less from you. For you are My example before many. Yet, you shall be made perfect, as I AM. Thank You Father. Son, again I make known to you. Even, things that were hidden before the earth was. Father, with those words I felt something so big. So massive, I can not reason what it was. Son, it was Myself yet to be revealed to all men. Father, I started to ask another question. I thank You for stopping me. Son, this will keep yet for another day. But, you most definitely felt something you could not explain. Son, you are searching your mind for more Truths. Let it rest for a little while. 1:50 AM. Time.
Mes. #95: 7-27-05 2:36 pm. Wed.
lacking nothing from My Likeness. - NR on Truth & Fact - the Truth will stand by my
consciousness. - T Speech-
I think Our Lord is having some fun with me. I had barely closed my eyes. When I heard Him Say, OMNI PRESENT. I said oh no not that too! Then the thought came across my mind. I will, will it to be written on paper even as I sleep. I said oh, I can’t stand this. I just had to turn the light back on to see if anything had been written. I scanned it & to my surprise there was nothing added. Then the Lord Spoke unto me. Son, could you be like Myself, if you lacked any of My Attributes? Then He Said, I meant My Words. You shall be lacking in nothing, from My Likeness. Father, I most certainly can not grasp that knowledge to my understanding. Yes, I can say the words, but I do not know their meaning. Son, I will quickly expand your mind, to receive all My Speech, with perfect understanding. No, My Son, this is not a Promise, but a Fact, to be realized. Oh yes, hear Me. Even a promise can be made to be broken (but not of Myself). But, My Son, how do you break a Fact (NR)? Father as I see it, that could only be destroyed if it could be erased by the death of one’s consciousness. Son, you are partially correct. The correct answer is, it must be erased from all. I Say all consciousness, My Own included. So, a Fact is a Truth, & can not be changed, by any power. Even, as I Spoke unto you. For the Father, has decreed of Himself. Who is, the Sum of all Power. So, a Fact or the Truth will stand as long as He is conscious of Himself. Indeed, as one is the same as the other. So, you can trust on the Truth. For it shall never fail. Son, I AM putting on a demonstration for you & others. First of all the proof that I AM always Speaking. Secondly, that there is no end to what could be Spoken. And thirdly, all My Words could never, ever be completely recorded. So, to the T Speech We will go. As in the batting of an eye, it shall be transferred complete in its volumes. Of which the volumes, are also without end. Father, that does not compute. Son, what does not compute today, shall be common knowledge tomorrow. Of which training & learning, there is no end. Father, You have Spoken of these things unto me, many times. Yet, I still can not perceive Your Speech. To be My Son, to be. Oh yes, My Son, this is Our future Speech to be certain. Of which there is no barrier to break it up, nor hinder it. So time, nor distance has no effect what so ever. And only those who have passed from death to life, by the Rebirth of Spirit. Will send & receive this T-Speech. Therefore, no man, nor evil spirit being can practice this T-Speech. So the earth shall become silent to this T-Speech. Even, as it is today. For they can not learn what they can not hear, nor receive. (Intercept) Son, you just saw a glimpse of the mass again. Even, in regard to what is being Spoken unto you. Even, something so large that it is not conceivable. So, is it what your brother Jerry spoke of? Father, it could very well be. For I can not reason to either or the same. I will have to say my spirit bares witness to Jerry’s speech. But, I do not comprehend it. Son, you remember how you were playing with Dan. Be sure I AM with you. For I know well you can not reason My Speech. Tho you are reaching for the answers. They are not now present with you. To make you aware of what is soon coming. I’ll try to see if I can now rest. 4:40 AM.
Mes. #96: 7-28-05 Thur.
Teaching on doubt - 5th Commandment honor father & mother, divorce, & family break down - lesson on our brains-
My Son, you will teach, to be not weary, fear, dread, or doubt nothing. For this is the opposite of the Truth. These can quickly be mastered. When their time comes when they can ask Me nothing. So, My Son, this is I Teaching. For this is a tool to use against doubt. And as you witness it works very effectively, to destroy doubt. Which as Adam would quickly agree. I Say, let there be no fear named among you. For all fear is reserved only for Myself. Son, this must be stressed. As I will have none of Mine who will walk perfect before Me. Will know no fear, yet you shall fear Yahweh only. Why? Why would I desire you. As I AM the God of Love, to also fear Me. Did I not give example in My Word? That if you disobey your earthly father, if he loves you. Will chastise you, for you dishonor your mother or father. Even the 5th of My Commandments. Even, as I also gave honor to My Father, before men. But, this is a great break down in the earthly family structure. For a parent must be honorable, to receive honor. Therefore the children of today, knoweth not to give honor to Your Heavenly Father. For they know no honor. But, to satisfy their own lustful will. Now I could Speak volumes on the condition of the modern family, most broken by divorce. What I Ask, is the example shown the children? There is very little love. No structure, to reveal what is right & what is wrong. So, the child is thrown to contend (for his life), with the beast of men. Even, with those that will exploit them for their lust or gain. But, I will set this right when I come. So, occupy this little while, & teach all that will listen. And that brings us to the present social order or disorder. For the bed or foundation of present man, is based on lie upon lie. There is no Truth to be found in them. For they lust to devour one the other in competition. And seek ever more for power, to rule by what ever means. And behold their greed has devoured to consume them, yet they seek the more. Even, who’s nature has turned as the wild beast, to devour or be devoured. Children, you are My witness, if I do not cut the time short. They shall destroy all men. But, let none of this trouble you, by any means. For I have prepared the way before you, that these can not follow. You may lean on all My Truth (Word) for it will not fail you. Take no thought for any provision (survival) of your earthly needs. For I care for My Own. This indeed, means you will ask for nothing. For your needs shall be provided you of Myself. I will complete your understanding, to Trust Me without asking. This is such a great Truth revealed unto you. Fear nothing! Yes son, something that has orbited your mind several times has lit. As you just reasoned that Adam & Eve. Because, of their disobedience, suffered a great change in their body structures. Yes, it was My Spirit with drawn from their mind (brain/Spirit). That drastically altered their bodies. Even, the same, procedure that shall revitalize your bodies, or reverse effect. This withdrawal 95% of the capacity was removed. Which resulted in a deformity of their bodies. Or to say 95% of their brains were deactivated. Which is the same 95% of your brains reactivated. Shall once again change your bodies. Into the body Adam was created with. That is the reason you can not determine what changes will be made in the bodies of the 144,000. Yes, they shall return to Adams original form. Even, disease free, & can never die. That remains to be viewed & experienced. So, what is it, this body? Since flesh & blood can not enter My Kingdom. It will not contain flesh nor blood. For remember I Said, you shall be even as I AM, perfect. Yes son, this body shall totally be changed, upon viewing My Face. All your brain cells shall be active at that moment. Thus you also shall be changed in a twinkling of an eye. I know this sounds impossible, but you will not question Me. Yes, My Son, you shall be identical. As Myself, when you look into My Eyes. Even, joint heirs to the Kingdom of God to come. Now remember those who survive the 45 days of My Fathers wrath. Shall indeed be flesh & blood. But, they shall not inherit the Kingdom. But, all of the redeemed, shall be even as I AM.
Mes. #97: 7-29-05 2:20 pm. Fri.
our minds. - How to win!- lesson, judge no man - lesson on double mindedness - lesson you establish your own reward - lesson on leaven - putting satan to flight - & off the throne- creation by speech - My Glory will break over the earth. - Sin to be revealed & destroyed- cry for your sins, for your judgment is here. - Your curse, will return upon your own head!
My Son, yet but, a few days, remain thou faithful. And I will heal your house. Father, receive my thanksgiving. Father, to walk in the newness of your life is all I desire. My Son, yes you have learned of Myself, by no aid of any man. And you have walked a path, that few could believe. For this path you walked has been to locate Myself, from your earliest knowing. Son, I do not bring this up to torment your mind. For have you not already lived it? It’s still very real, but My Son, you have to your witness (a testimony). That few have passed thru. Why? Is it not your identity? Who can steal your identity? Know you are indeed the one living witness to the path you walked. But, My Son, in that process, have you not learned very much about human nature? I Say, indeed you have, yet you have nothing to boast for. My Son, you could never have made that journey, had I not been with you every step of that way. But, the knowledge you gained from living it was massive. But, My Son I Ask you, who (how many)? Had the direct benefit of My Speech. With explicit instructions delivered unto them in this form. That can be recorded & not miss a word. No, I will not deny that your path in direction. Would not, have been altered, without My Speech. For it would have been much different. But, understand what I AM Saying. I became a force in your environment. That molded your identity as it is. Father, I realize this as the Truth. But, My Son, I Speak this not only for your hearing. For this gives credence to those you speak to. For son, they truly wonder, why you are the way you are. And how did you become that way. And now the answer is known of you. And I repeat, you are, because I interjected Myself, into your environment from your birth. Thus what they see is the results, that has produced your identity. Son, you can no more deny Myself, than you can yourself. For the Truth is I have been molded into your identity. Even, a great part of your environment have I always been. My Son, this is even now more clear unto you. Yes Father. So in all Truth, it must be said. My Will has been worked into your environment, that developed your identity. Now I have made the ground (all I’ve Spoken) work. That I may now Speak to those. You have made My witness (revealed Identity) to, and will always do. Now you who have ears to hear, give Me your ear. I Ask you, to retrace your path walked of yourself. Even, your lives journey, I Ask you to search it. (Now as you see how I interact with men.) I Say, search your life. And see where I interacted with you. Not necessarily in My Speech, as you hear it. Even, tho in your search you will realize. I have Spoken unto you often thru My Words, yes, in your mind. And thru others, thru events, thru nature, by the clouds, & by the stars, & countless other ways, I also Spoke, to you. Do not judge so quickly! But, allow yourself some time to retrace your steps. I Ask you, about those time, in the silence of the night. When your minds searched for answers. I was there! And how about the times when death approached you. Even sometimes, unexpected & suddenly. I Say, I was there! Do not think you have (thus not like My Son). Not heard & seen Me, for I Say truly you have. I Say, long before you now witness My Speech directly to you. Should I call you by name? I have already, for many of you have already answered My call. That you have chosen Life everlasting with I & My Father. Children, I call to you the question. Have I not also walked with you on your life path? I Say, indeed I have. For what I Ask you has brought, you to the knowledge of the Truth of My Identity? But, to those I have brought to this knowledge. Of his (My Son) witness (speech) what do you hear? I Say, you hear directly My Own Speech, and not thru cause & effect. I Say, you are blessed. Tho long has been your understanding to receive this Truth. For I have had (MS) My Son, him to witness many, many times to this family. Why I Ask you? That he (MS, My Son) may boast of his exploits? I Say, never so. For even tho he stands at your door today. He has stood there many times. Now I reason to you the why? That you may as (MS) be made complete in the Identity of Myself. Oh yes, he (MS) does boast in Myself. For he knows Me well. But, Children, hear Me. I Say, for no less will you know Me also? For all that I AM is for your receiving. In this you may rejoice always. For in Myself is only found the full measure of life. Children, realize I have now Spoken to you, to your understanding. Even, deeply, to the root of your birth of the flesh. Unto the richness of your Spiritual (not only by faith) Birth, into the Kingdom of God. Know that I have now revealed to each of you (your identities) the knowledge of My Own Identity. Now I Say-(by My Spoken Word) you shall now Live! And to those of your whole family who do yet follow after you. To also know My Truth. You have this written witness for them. I indeed, this day have Spoken directly to the Williams family, and all who will hear them. To your everlasting life with My Father & I. Amen! Father, You amaze me often. For I could not see where these Words were headed. Son, yet a few days & you will continually be astonished. By All in All that is approaching you ever so swiftly now. Son, how many be the times? I Promised you that you would not wait any more? You now do not wait, as if these words. Were some empty promise, never to be realized. For today I Speak, to not your hearing. But, I Speak to your eye sight. Thus My Faith, is justified to your eye sight. For you no longer receive My Words by any faith. For Spoken of Me is all the proof you need. You know it is done that instant. This will soon resonate with all you who believe. FOR a SHOUT SHALL go up, at the SOUND of MY VOICE. Indeed, receive mine now Father, even so now! Son, as you recall, I stated this My Speech, of your household. As your daughter refuses to hear your speech. But, resists every word that proceeds from your mouth. Indeed Father. Son, you have tried to reason with her. But, she will not receive it. Yet, she approaches you to approve of the use of the cars & etc. Son, it was I who placed in your mind to give her your car. But, before you could present it to her. She raves on your speech. And this is the worst part, your wife also raves on you. When you attempt to correct her. This breaks your heart. For you would never allow them to speak to her in this manner. Son, I repeat I heal your house, not many be the days, that I Say. I shall return them to your heart, even made whole. Again, I Will not Speak the direct way (to your knowledge), that I shall perform this act. Which shall make your earthly (being) to be in peace. Yet My Son, you refuse to (battle) this in your mind. But, even you receive My Peace as your answer. (I Speak to all who hear these Words) even the same. Do not yield your members to the will of your enemy. Do you hear Me? By accepting this as a place to do battle, even in your mind. Have you yielded to the will of satan? Yes, then on the words you hear. Hear Me! Your mind is also My possession. Given of your free will to be entrusted to Myself, as I receive all of you. At the acceptance of My Blood offered for you. Yes, hear Me! I AM Speaking louder than I usually do. Will you give Me your bodies? To refrain from fornication. To the abuse of substances that harms your temple. And (by what other means) to the cutting of your flesh to worship you enemy? Hear Me! I will & have received your mind also. Will you allow satan free reign to enter there (your mind)? To impose his will? Is that your mind, not also your free will gift? You made unto Myself? Children, surely I AM a jealous God. Wherefore, do you dare do these things? For I Ask you, is not your mind, as your body not Mine? I AM hot with jealousy. Do you boast this day that I have been delivered to the Truth? That even the senior elders & the world does not know. Hear Me! For you are not guiltless. And they are guiltless until the Truth is revealed unto them. So, I Ask yet again, why do you speak (as if you can not understand)? Why they yet do these things? That has been opened up to your understanding. Behold hear Me! You are ignorant of what you speak. For they have yet to repent of those things. Not yet known of them to be the Truth. Hear Me! They are guiltless of what you say is a sin unto you. Children this is a great Revelation that you now witness. Why do you boast of your ignorance? Did I not Say, to judge no man?
2. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
And did I not Say, to judge not your brother? For he is My Own possession, even as yourself. Hear Me! You have been duked by your enemy to believe a lie. Wherefore do you now boast? Even, your sins are laid at your own doorstep. Can not men see these things? And say of a Truth you are a hypocrite? Yes, I tear you down that I may rebuild you. With the newness of your mind. Am I angry with you? I Say not! For you were guiltless before this was revealed unto your mind. Children, surely you see Me, guiding you to the full Truth. Now what have you got to say in condemning yourselves? I Say, repent, & move up. For it is impossible for you to live this of yourselves. You receive yet another measure of My Mind, to the Truth. And your abilities to live in that Truth revealed. I Say, think on this often. For in this you will find your life more abundantly. I love you the more, for today. You now know My Identity yet more clear to your understanding. I Say, you have received a very great Truth. So, cease to condemn yourselves before those you make My witness too. This is double mindedness. As if your walk before men, is it not seen? As you stagger to & fro, as your mind is torn within you. You have not failed to receive the Truth of My Speech. Now this part (your mind) you have reserved to with hold from Myself. I do wish to you, to re-evaluate. Now that I have revealed this unto your minds. What is your action to be? If you ignore this My Speech, you have stopped your growth. And you will receive no more Truth. So Say I, establish your reward. Where & for what will you conclude you have reward enough? Are you content with this measure of My Truth? Then so be it, to your free will. Do you not now see what measure of reward will you receive of Me? You & you, alone will determine that measure. I know I Speak, this of your understanding. What you have received, tho Spoken in great detail is My Word. You have not, until now, realized the Truth of these Words. And to all that will receive it, this is the path to the Truth, Myself. But, any can sit down on the path. And they shall be rewarded to that mile marker. So I Say, reason with yourself, what your reward will be? Now you see why you have adequate time to yet receive the reward of your choice. Have I yet again blown you away by the simplicity of My Speech? Did I not Say, not even a fool can err in this way? Is not the door wide open, to receive all that you may desire? Tell me where is My Favor seen on any man? Yet, My favor is on those who obey My Speech. Did I not Say, there is no greater reward to be found? Than to obey My Word? Tell me by the judgment of My Speech, do I lie? Children, in My Promise in you, am I made Complete. Even, a Family of My Own. Do I receive your love by your own free will? I Say, in this I AM complete! Son, yet I make a (NR) to you. When you perceived that I entered into the temple. On the Sabbath to read My Word. What I have anchored in your mind of My Truth. As now you stand & read the anchor (Bible) of My Word. Will now My Words, delivered, directly to you, from the throne of My present Speech. Yes, you may joy in that Revelation. For My Words will never cease to be anchored by the Word. Yet, I reveal the Truth unto you all. Do not think that I will not destroy the hidden leaven from your temples? Even, as much as you desire, it is yours, by your obedience. And think not that all that hidden leaven has been revealed unto you, for it has not. Now I Say, bridle that tongue that is not free from all sin as yet. And make no longer a fool before the witness of others. By your double minded speech. So, you utter one thing to their hearing. Yet, they hear your split tongue. And know you speak lies? Now will you continue to boast? Yes, behold your tongue is split (double mindedness), yet the fullness of My Truth will heal it. Do you see now reason to offer Me, My praise? So My Son, who would believe you, if I did not Say it? As you have been before me, so intensive to receive My Speech, yet, near 5 hours. Who would do such a thing to receive My Truth? Take to you now a rest, for My Speech goes on. Yes, My Son, 7:46 that was about enough time for you to feed the cats. And you halfway devoured your own first meal of this day. But, yet you heard My Speech. And returned running to your room. This I record & the Lord Spoke as I was eating. He Said, I quote “son, be not surprised that your grand daughter can not hear your speech. For I Ask, of all of you, when you have placed your fingers into your ears. What do you hear? Don’t Say nothing, for indeed speak & see if you do not hear your own speech. Hear Me Children, when you speak to others My witness. Why do they not hear you? Tho you speak often & long. For it is your enemy who has his fingers in their ears. And they hear only their own selfish desires”. Now that’s what I heard downstairs. Let us continue to listen in on Our Fathers Speech. Yes My Son, these indeed has the fingers of the evil one, to bar their hearing ( to cloud their minds). And let no double minded man think it to be strange, that they will in no wise, receive your speech? Not, that I Am asking you to forfeit your witness of Myself. For indeed, your double mindedness is in part, their reason they can not hear. So I Say, measure your speech before it exits your mouth. See if you are apart of their inability to hear you. Yet I Speak, to you yet a (NR) for your hearing. Hear Me children, for the time for you to know your own identities is here & present. Know you not that the evil one. Knows where you stand with Myself? For the time has come, that I Spoke, of time past. That satan & all his force shall steer clear of you. Once you are aware of Your Identity. I repeat, they shall upon your approach to make witness to any person. They shall abandon all holding of those persons. I Say, literally flee, from before you. In the anticipation for their eternal lives. Even, their destination to the lake of fire. So, know you not that you shall cast all evil spirits out at your approach? Marvel not that I Say, the spirits shall become subject to you. Not only will these evil spirits, will depart from these. But, upon your witness (if accepted of them) they will hear the Truth. That you reveal into them. For the cloud of their mind has fled. Now is this not also a very great Truth revealed? Of which you will receive the whole as My witness before men? Now you many boast of the Truth revealed unto you. But, only among yourselves I Say. For who else understands My Speech? Therefore do not be an offense unto them for the Truth’s sake. For when you learn to speak, when the Spirit bids you to speak, there is no offense. For when I bid you to speak, it is not an offense. For if they do not then receive your speech. It is not their offense, but My judgment you speak. I have much more I will reveal of this matter. Now the Words I Spoke unto you My Son. That indeed, the 144,000 will take & cast satan from the throne of this earth. What have you heard but the same? Even, that I give to all who obey all My Speech. The authority to tread the heads of all serpents, can I lie? Where has this Truth been hidden, that the world could not obtain it? I Say hidden in Myself, (locked up as Mysteries). Which I now make My Identity known before this whole world. Oh wise ones, tell me now why your wisdom has failed you? Have I not revealed it of babes? And as you would say the poorest lot of this earth. Has this My Truth even revealed. Oh, I Say howl! For this reproach you can not bear. That has indeed covered your face to your shame. Hear Me oh earth, even as I Speak. My Glory spreads over all the earth. For these little ones shall possess this the whole earth. As they take the Kingdom, to present it to Myself. Did I not rightfully Say My Kingdom is not now of this earth? Lest My servants fight. But, now mark the time, for My servants do arise. With one mind to capture the throne from the evil one. Yes, behold My Glory covereth the earth! I’m going to attempt to finish eating. Get a shower, give myself a haircut and call Aunt Ruby. But, I take with me a note pad. 8:59 PM - 10:05. Now My Son, I Ask you, at what point will your own mouth speak? That your eyes shall behold the witness of your speech. Hear Me! I did not Say My Speech, that you now record. I Said, your speech. What I have Said here, to Say, by other words. At what point will your speech, that you speak? What speech? I Said, your speech. What is meant by this? I Speak of the power of your speech. What is this? I Say, hear Me! This I Speak, of, is none other than the creation by the power of your speech. You Say, to create what? (I Speak this not of you My Son, to question Me). Yet, what will you create? Hear this, even you My children shall create by the words of your mouth. Healings, miracles, to give life back to the dead. Even, to give, unto those what may be their needs. I Say, this shall be done (created) by the words spoken by your mouths. Now I Ask you? When will your eyes see, the spoken words of your mouths? How soon, is soon? But, the day is approaching you very rapidly. Children, this is My Glory We Speak of. The days can no longer hold back My Glory. For truly, it is breaking over the whole earth. Now My Son, I Speak of pulling down the strong holds. What do I mean by this tongue? Hear Me! I mean, that you My children, shall destroy every institution of the present world. That is a lie, or maketh a lie. Every lie, greed, exploitation, slavery, monetary, dishonest wages, thief by deception, secrecy political, religious, & every evil under the sun. Shall be exposed to the light (knowledge of all men). Even, all the words of their father, satan. Shall be revealed to this present world to see satan as he is. Where I Ask, shall they hide from the wrath to come? For I Ask, will not the seas rise up to consume them? I Speak, of the down trodden. Shall not the meek, take for a inheritance even the earth? How has it all failed you? Can you no longer call, pay, summons up an army of the sons & daughters of those that you oppress? Can you no longer order them to kill their parents? And the men of the earth at you bidding? I Ask you has also your wealth & power also turned on you to make you a waste? Behold I Say, it is time for you to give answer to your evil deeds. Shall not the meek & the lowly rip any thought of you from the earth? I Say, behold your day to give these an answer is upon you. Yes, these 144,000 come by the Name Most Highest. Even by the commandment of Yahweh, do they come to establish. My Own Name, Yahshua. I Ask you, where will you hide? That My wrath shall not find you. Call for the rocks & mountains to hide you in. For all your sins are before the whole earth to stand trial. What is your judgment? Cry, cry, cry for mercy to those you have shown none. To all those, you have lied, stole, cursed, maimed, killed, oppressed, starved, & has made their bed as it were hell. Now I laugh at you! I mock you, even when your fear is so real, in your face, I Ask you, you self appointed gods. Oh how I have suffered you long to do your mischief. But, can no longer refuse those who cry unto Me day & night. I Say, let all your curses that you have cursed them with. Now return upon your own heads. For this is your just rewards. My Son, all these things & days now approach the earth. I Ask, where is the control of time? That it should hold these things back. Time is also defeated-gone! You are My witnesses 144,000. And these things shall come at your hand. You & they only seek to do My Will-only! For they shall mete out My perfect justice. And shall cover the earth in My Truth. I Say, Amen! Amen! 2:40 AM.
Mes. #98: 7-31-05 Sat.
Another lesson on fighting satan from your mind. Throw your baby bottle away-
My Son, you for the first time in your life. You can now face a new day, without one question, nor any dread. Has not your life now changed, to something most new to you? Even a complete change in your nature, has now occurred. I Say, the days are few that there will be major changes in all of you. My Son, you can testify that even while you are under attack. That if you do not allow your enemy to enter your mind. That is to maul over, & over your problem in your mind. You are scarcely aware that you have been attacked. This is because you dismiss your enemy any hold or entry into your mind. As you now know this will very soon cease any attacks. For your enemy is watching the growth of your identity. When you know who you are. Behold My Glory & power you will have received. And no longer will satan attack you, by any means. For you now will actively be in pursuit of them. Even, to make their bed in the lake of fire. So I now Ask you, why do you suffer at his (satan’s) hand? Have I not revealed your defense? I Say, do not tolerate him any longer! But, dismiss him from your minds. By not allowing his attack. To occupy any portion of your mind. And therefore he (satan) can not unseat your peace of mind. Give into his attack, you are ignorantly punishing yourself, at his hand. Hear Me children, I Speak not things, that you can’t achieve your peace. Now you choose, for it is you. Who shall determine to have peace or a tortured mind. I have given you the Word. That you may be much more of an over comer. Now you choose your lot. And I do not wish to hear your moans. Nor your pleading for deliverance. To do this My Children, is doubt of My Speech. And I hear you not, when you approach Me with doubt. Let us now I Say, throw away your milk bottle. That you may gain strength by eating meat & potatoes. You have a great challenge yet before you. I Say, I train you that you shall arise to meet all challenges head on. And none can stop you, by any means. Let’s get on with it, My Children. And yet would I tell you these things, if you could not conquer them?
I Say, never so!
Mes. #99: 7-31-05 Sun.
Dream - fellowship in the pot! - A lesson on the book of Acts & tongues.
I just awakened, this is what I dreamed. Men were hiding secrets in the earth. And I understood that earth to be. Even men who had no hope of everlasting Life, earthly. Then I saw those who had everlasting Life, (forgiveness). Who were unearthing, all of these secrets that the earth was hiding. That’s what I remember, 6:27 yes Father here am I. I had gotten off the phone with Dan. I turned on the after burner to get done before sun down. As I explained to Dan, I was hurting in my desire to hear Our Father’s Voice. To amuse myself, I started to prepare next Sabbath, fellowship in the pot. By the Lord’s Will, we will be sharing potato soup. At any rate, when I got off the phone with Dan. I rushed back to finish dicing the potatoes, and then onions, celery & carrots. They are not going to be diced as small as last time. For I was in urgent need to get done in a hurry. I then took the garbage out. Checked the water level & opened the RV at Nanna’s demand. She has finally gone back to work, let the Lord be praised. So I AM here, to hear My Father’s Voice. There are (3) things He Spoke, as I was talking to Dan. #1 He Said for us to lay out our question list on the table. And gather around them to lay our hands upon them. And to agree that the Lord’s Will was being done, in all these questions. #2 The reason we were to do this is. Because, as He Spoke to me. He will reveal some of the questions to be answered to our eyes. Even as we agree. #3 He told me to speak before you in the unknown tongue. I do not ask Him why. And I do not know why. But, as I live I will do so. My Son, turn to the book of Acts. Yes, Father. I am pausing to call Jerry & Sandy & Dan. I made these 3 calls. And received much joy & confirmation by all 3 parties. Even to the same speech spoken of them, as the Lord has Spoken unto me. Why do things come in 3? I ask you my brethren? There is a reason that will be revealed. The 3 things that the Father Spoke to me, about the speaking in the unknown tongue. #1 Will I have those that hear to interpret? #2 Will I have any to receive My Spirit? #3 Will you lay hands on them? I bow to the obedience of My Father. “I read from Acts 1:4 wait for the Promise of the Father. Which (Sayeth He) ye have heard of me.” I just now to your witness have shown you the Promise of our Father, (Sayeth He), 0ur Father Says you have heard it of myself, I ask someone to please read, aloud the 4th thru the 8th verses. Someone please read Acts 2:1;4-15-21, 36-39, 42-47 4: I’ll read 5 th, 6th chapters. The 9th chapter, Paul conversion. Act 10:43-48. Some say no one else at any time received the Holy Ghost? This is believed, & taught by some. Because they say the rushing of the wind has never occurred again. So therefore, no one has received the Holy Ghost since.
Act 12, ch. I say read all of Acts- Why? For this is the acts done of the early church. These are now our witness. We the latter day saints, of Our Living God Yahweh. Shall do much greater things than these. And why has the Lord Our Father had us to reflect on these things? For as I speak, these things are occurring. And will be witnessed by this present world, by our hands. Wherefore it can not be denied that, Yahshua even now reigns in our hearts. And we have come in His Name. To deliver the earth, unto His, God’s Kingdom. Children, as I speak of the latter rain, the body of believers is coming together as One. And all Promises Spoken is presently ours to claim. We are learning our identities. And realizing what our mission is. Even, to claim the earth. As the inhabitants of the Kingdom of God. Let I Say, every man know his identity. And receive that which has been given by Promise to us, as His Priests. Fear Yahweh only! And fear you no one or anything but Yahweh. Now read the scriptures. Then we will obey what Yahweh Speaks of us to do. I stop here to do the Lords’ commandments.
Mes. #100: 8-1-05 12:41 Mon.
My Son, do you now see why I had you to deliver My Speech (36 pages) to them on Thurs? Indeed Father, I do see why. They were to receive that information before the Sabbath. And yet, I obediently follow Your instructions most assuredly. As to my understanding in speaking before them in the unknown tongue. And My Son, your obedience, shall be rewarded to your eye sight. This day, I the Lord Your God. Shall draw all eyes upon you, for they shall see the Glory of Yahweh in you. My Son, long have I had you to declare My Word before many. They will of this day no longer hear your speech. But, by their own eyes shall they be a witness of your speech. Father, yes, I have waited 40 plus years to see this day. And I, receive Your Speech, with my soul. That shall cry forth Your Holy Praise. I Say, before any the Spirit bids me to speak. Father, I prostrate myself before You, at this the sound of Your Speech. Children, as the day of Pentecost was my first church born. And yet, by this Pentecost, I indeed, will rise up the latter. Father, I will not question You. For I, receive Your Truth, even as my eyes have made Your witness. Son, I now Ask you, can it now remain hidden? Will they not come to see for themselves? That I Live in your temples? I Say, they will come. This can never be rebottled, it is out. Behold I Say, My Glory covereth this entire earth. Come I Say-come & see if I now presently reign. In the hearts of those who bare My witness. I Will show Myself, by these to this whole world. Son, remember what I showed you? Yes, Lord God Yahweh. Let not yet, these words to go out from among you. For it is I, who Speaks unto the heart. Darryl Williams in his garage, shall you worship Me? Father, I accept the Truth of Your Speech. And did I not Say, she shall lead him to My Truth? For her heart burneth within her. Son, it is the appointed time. For these have received My Truth. Son, reveal no more, than I have revealed.
Mes. #101: 7-31-05 Sun.
Son, you are pushing to hard. - No you are not lazy.- Father, I know You love me.
Father, I am not certain of my thoughts. For I expected to witness someone receive Your Holy Spirit. But, when I examined Your 3 questions on the matter. You answered these to the negative. So, I am not certain of what You Spoke. But, all so after re-reading it. I was reminded that I can not fear anyone or thing. Even of failure of my understanding. And My Father, I will not doubt You, nor Your Words. I repeat, I will not doubt You, no matter of any matter. My Son, this did test you. What can be said as to what I performed? Did I not tell you, the many times that Nanna was healed? Can you any the less believe Me now? Father, tho the world should depart, from beneath my feet. I stand on Your Word. Father, I’ve been pushing much too hard. I have become a spirit junkie. I know better than this. And if forgiveness is in order, I receive mine. By any means, I desire not to get ahead in any way of Your leading. Son, you know for a fact, you are pushing too hard. You know well you can not push anything or Myself. Son, no one could ever accuse you of being lazy. But, no one has to remind you that you totally self destructed. Of your life’s work for Myself. Son, there’s no damage done. Why has your peace been uncertain here of late? Indeed, you are prone to want to get the job, before you done. But, you are not so concerned for yourself, but your Aunt & Dan. Son, do I care any less for them? Will I not use all things to even Teach them? Is this not better that they learn, this behavior from you? Than each of them to suffer the same? Father, I will not question You by any means. Son, I only remind you, when My Speech is not certain. Stop, & examine the reason for this. Son, be sure My Will, was achieved today. Now, slow down to catch your breath, as all is well. Son, not all men could stand to be corrected, by the sight of others. But, you lost your pride long ago. Father, I do truly receive Your Peace. Son, you can remember a time, when you would have brooded over this. Son, you know you tend to become a run away train. Yes, you are embarrassed to be called down in front of these. But, as I’ve Said they will not fail, to take this to their own heart. Father, I know You Love Me.
Mes. #102: 8-01-05 12:41 Mon.
lesson on Truth- Who is willing to pay the price of all Truth?- The 144,000
Will! - The Truth is to receive every Word of Yahshua, & obey them.
Father, Yahweh, the Eternal. I will receive of You all Truth. For surely all men say they Speak the Truth. But, behold all men do not speak all the same things. For even they all speak against, each the other. Father, is there any wonder, that You Said? I must receive of You, & only You for all Truth? Father, it must be, or we shall all walk in doubt of the Truth. Son, even as I Said, none shall teach you but Myself. Now you see beyond any reason, this is the only place you will find the Truth. Even, not mixed with lies. Nor tradition, nor rituals of men. Heaped by many generation one on top of the other. That so much of the Truth has been lost. Plus the addition of all Mysteries, and Revelations reserved for these Last Days. Father, I receive nothing that You do not Speak unto me, to be the Truth. For all the elders & those of Your Wisdom, speak not the same words. Father, it was even Yourself that Spoke that all isms & schisms & doubt. Will be remedied from our minds. Replaced to alls hearing the same words of Truth, Spoken. By the Holy Spirit, Promise of Truth. Father, I desire this as my life. For there is no Truth in any lie. Regardless of ones wisdom, knowledge, nor name. For Your Word Says let every man be a liar.
Roman 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
For who knows all Truth, but Yourself? Son, the more you read & the more you hear. All contradicts on the other. This can not hold the Truth, not all Truth. For you also see men using the application of mixing good with evil. And they can not perceive which is which. For they seek not My Wisdom, but rely on their own understanding. So, is it no wonder each man is justified, in his own sight? And none can walk together, nor agree? But, are divided by the snares of the evil one. That they see not eye to eye. This is to mount to the believers. Divisions that they make all themselves to be of none effect. For who can believe their speech? When they rail on each the other. There will never be any victory over this satan’s kingdom, as long as this persists. Who is willing to pay the price, for all Truth? But, the 144,000! For they seek not their own glory, nor to be exalted of men. For truly these have but One Mind. To do the Will of Yahweh. So, to these will the full Truth, be revealed? For none other can receive this, except by the renewing of their minds. Son, I know you can not abide to walk, short of the Truth. But, push not, for of a Truth, it is yours, by the space of time appointed. Therefore, think not, that you shall not render all leaven from your temple. That delays the full knowledge of that Truth. Yet, your walk before Myself I find perfect. For these things yet not revealed, you will give no answer to. As if you were willfully hiding sin in your temple. For this is not so. And this desire to be rid of all leaven. Is what drives you, to push the harder. But son, what is not known of you, will never be held against any man. So, abide by My Peace always. And let not your mind be mixed, by perplexing thoughts. Be rid of these, that you walk singleness of mind. That there should even be any shadow of doubt. To be present, even as you seek all Truth. Son, you know what I Speak, push not! As if not all Truth is yours, even the fullness of Myself. Son, I know you well, for you never let up to discover My Truth. But, this is yours by time pointed. Just, watch the days as they will unfold all Truth, to the 144,000. Which will set in motion a force that no power can turn back, not a step. To this My Promise is sure, as heaven & earth. Son, receive all that I AM thru & by My Peace. Amen! Son, it is I who shall decipher all things, to your understanding, fret not! Son, you were hoping to receive something of understanding. Even as much has been revealed, unto you all. Yet, it appears the questions are mounting, faster, than you are receiving the Truth. So, I Ask, & so what? For I Ask, when would you know you have received the answers (Truth)? If there were not questions that sought that Truth. Of course My Spirit will always bare witness of any Truth, or non truth. Yet, I Ask, what makes you aware that indeed? There is Truth to be discovered. If there was no question of what is Truth? Yes, men wrestle one against the other. To convince the other by their knowledge of the Truth. Yet, they select of My Word, that backs, their stand. But, by selective knowledge, they rail one on the other as if to prevail. But, they can not receive the whole Word. Delivered by, the Spirit of Promise to all men. For many can not receive this Spirit of Truth. So, how can they receive the Truth? If they deny the Spirit of Truth? So, son think it not strange that any matter under the sun. Can be received as that of any mans truth. For every man believes his own mind, to possess the Truth. To his own understanding. So, is I Ask, the Truth, as each man perceives it to be? How is it so, when ever mans truth is against his neighbors? Why, I Ask could never the Kingdom of God, be received by believers? And the so called believers? Simple for they could never agree, at any time to walk together. As many are believing lies & teaching these to be the Truth to others. Why? I Ask, can they not see they oppose themselves? Who can believe anything spoken of them? So, by the rule of chaos, they spread their gospel. So, can one ask or not understand, why the world can not accept the Truth? For, who speaks the Truth, that it may be understood? So, crush no ones (tho it may be small) amount of the Truth. For I Say, you shall reveal all Truth, by the Spirit of Truth. By all signs & wonders that all eyes may see, the Truth as it is. Then will come reward or judgment. As to what each man has done with that Truth. The Truth is, to receive every Word of Yahweh & to obey His Words. For there is no other Truth, to be spoken of. Yahweh alone knows all Truth. So, you men of the earth, worry yourselves no more. To speak of those things that you have no understanding of. I say, yield to Yahweh, to hear all Truth. Or continue to be led as the blind, will lead the blind. Shall you not all fall together? Therefore My Children you will accept no speech, to be the Truth. Until Yahweh, by the Spirit of Truth, makes confirmation. So why, I Ask, are you in doubt of anything? For He shall never bare you to receive any lie. I, Yahshua, have Spoken by My Own Mouth. Even, the Will of Your Father Yahweh. My Peace, be with you all.
3:54 PM.
Mes. #103: 8-02-05 11:13 pm. Tues.
My Son, I know you marvel of the present day ministers. Even, if one should preach My second coming & the prophecies there of. But, My Son, I Ask, how many of these have gone thru the desert with Myself? To even learn of Myself, by My Own Speech? You, marvel as they preach the very I & II Thess. scriptures, of My second coming. Yet, they will conclude that I may appear even this moment. But, has the man of sin been revealed? You are My witness, for it is Written. I shall not return, until the earth has received My Message. That the Gospel of this Kingdom, must be preached to all men. And the man of sin must be revealed. If truly they believed, I return this minute. There pattern of their lifestyle, says they lie. My Son, as an event of men, as a race. Will that race be held in secret? By no means, this is greatly announced & packaged by advertisement. Why? Of course, so that their purse is made fat. And I Ask, who doesn’t know when that race is ready to start? Who is caught unprepared, to hear the blast or horn? To run for the prize. Are all not holding their breath, so as to hear? Where shall I be, even when My Father commands that 7th trump, to be blown? Shall My Father, send out the host to find My where abouts? In preparation of that blowing. I Ask, shall not all heaven, as it were be holding their breaths? In anticipation of that sound! All heaven is not blinded as to what time that trumpet will be sounded. “1 Corinthians 15:51- 52.
51. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.
52. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
Will not My Father, bide that angel to step forward with his horn? Even, to wait to hear My Father Say, even now blow your horn. And all eyes are they not watching to hear that command? And shall they then send for Myself, to awaken Me? Even, to know where I Am? I Say, not only heaven shall be watching. But, even My Chosen will know the second. That horn has been made in preparation to it’s sounding. I Say, these men who preach My coming. Even, they know the season. Yet, they don’t know My Word, that changes not. Yet, they say look today. But, shall they be weary in seven years? And are not watching? Son, once the 144,000 has spoken. They will have only themselves to blame. If they yet are not watching to know the Truth. I Say, there can remain no doubt to any who bother to listen. When that 7th trumpet will be sounded. For it is said correctly, that no man knows the day, nor the hour? But, will not the Spirit cry out? Even, the Spirit of Truth. Not revealed, of all those who know not the Truth. But, those who seek all Truth. Shall they not know, shall they not be watching? I Say, they will! For any who is surprised of any matter. Has no knowledge, & they are not watching (with expectation). But, while they (preacher) speak that I may arrive any moment. Yet, they continue to live their lives unto themselves. So son, I Say unto you. Marvel not that these will remain blind of My Word. For I will send My Elect, to tell them all Truth. Even, many shall watch the Elect, take dominion from the evil one. John 12:31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
In preparation to My coming. Therefore I Say, remain in My Peace. To be taught of Myself. Even, to the viewing of My Face. Even, then you shall be One with Myself. And what I Ask, will you not know? Son, even tho I Say unto you, make now preparation. Will I not send you help & money to make those preparations? Think not that this will put, your mental learning on hold. For I Say, that is not so. Son, the burden your wife (Nanna) carries. Think not that I lay additional burden on her. In that, that I have you to make preparation for. Son, this is not some obscure idea that you have. For it is I who has, called you, to now move on this. For you now have no idea, what is now in your near future. And this is I making you aware to make preparation. For this I do, is very great. And can not be hidden much longer. I will have them to converge on your present location be sure. Even, as all life is now temporary, until My coming. For your present location is now temporary. So, think not what I prepare therefore is a waste of time, effort or money. For you can not believe what is coming there! So I Say, My Son, neither would I have you to strain in body, nor mind. For, truly you shall dwell of My Peace. And never more wrestle for control of your body or mind. Son, do as you will, but know that all will be timed perfectly to My purpose. Even not many days from now. Son, if you have perceived I have excitement in My Voice. You see correctly, even as you have waited. Have I not also desired this time? I Say, once again, you can not imagine, what lies directly in your near future. I Say, share with your brethren. For I shall confirm every one of them. Surely I have Spoken thus!
Mes. #104: 8-04-05 12:59 pm. Thurs.
Preparations - no more will you walk blindly - watch & listen - Dan - the witness of 3, the
perfect witness. - Another great blessing, lesson on time - lesson on death - the 144,000-
My Father ___, I receive as is Your good pleasure. Yes, My Son, you have been redeemed from the self will of man kind. My Son, though I Speak to you. In night visions even nightly. There is abundantly more to be made known unto you. Even the full order of all these latter day prophecies with identities & timings. As your personal path to the End. And ever so much more even to My All in All. Son, I beheld as you gave back to Nanna the $43.00 you were holding. That you received from her labor. As she fully expected you to use this & desire more. From her to accomplish the preparation. Son, I mark your stand, to stand firm in Myself. That you are most determined. Not to add not one iota to her burden. To cover all, that your income can not cover. Father, I but stand on Your Word. That You will not suffer her, any additional burden. Father, You know this is why I gave up my pursuit to finish this that You had me to prepare. And I stand now, & tomorrow even according to Your Speech. Nor will I allow this matter to invade my peace of mind. Now Father, You have ordered me to make preparations. That I receive as Your Will, for us to meet here. And I will do so of all my strength. And You My Father, will add to the rest. Well spoken My Son. For you always obey My Speech to your understanding. Son, I repeat, I will not allow you to strain, of body or mind. This means My Son, I will reveal unto others. My Will, & they will move accordingly. Son, I Said, as to what I Will do there, yes, naturally begins. Even, at the beginning, to make the necessary preparations. Did I not Say, you will now, never walk, even of My Faith? But, you shall walk, by your own eye sight. Son, this is what I Spoke of. Even, 40 plus years you have walked on & on. Without your understanding, but, that phase is now complete. For you now will walk your path, with full understanding of your eye sight. My Father, it is now very easy for me to lean on Your Peace for my understanding. And I move not, without it. My Son, even as I would have you to do. My Son, did I not tell you to watch & listen? Indeed, My Father. Son, I need not to Speak of any more, today. Son, I perceive your day to be very short. For yet you hear My Voice. And can hardly stand that not all My Speech should be recorded. To your now limited mind. My Son, I repeat for your writing. For you are some what concerned of Dan. For he did not call last night. And you reason that he is at battle in his own mind. Son, I Ask this simple question? Where can satan attack any of you, say for your mind? Even in physical pain or anguish. How does, it effect you, unless registered of your mind? So, I Speak what is a matter, problem, or question? Unless recorded to the knowledge of ones mind? Or to say, shall you, conjure up an image or problem, or adversary of your unknown? So, you can make satan oppose your mind, (worry)? Not that satan is not known to use such tactics. For he uses all he can imagine to oppose you. But, if none of these things, can be made to register to your mind. You have no problem, opposition, nor question. So, today I made you & yours more fully aware, of who you are, and to retain your peace. My Son, I keep Speaking to you of watching & listening. Let Me Say, this in other words. For what (ask Me nothing-& I will destroy your doubt)
John 16:23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
will you be watching & listening for? Son, I reason unto you. What do you hear now, but My Speech? What I AM Saying is your eyes, will justify or edify your hearing. For they will presently see even what your ears record. So, I Say, now your eyes will also record, even to the witness of your ears. Can I Say this any plainer? So, I Speak not of what your ears & eyes shall record, for these will speak their own witness. Or son, to Say, I now make you to your own witness. Of all that approaches your mind, for understanding. As you hear, you see. And this you then perceive to be a Fact. Done, history to the event witnessed. So son, this I Ask you, what am I training your mind for? Let this NR be recorded for all to see. Do I not Speak of all things, even your ears & eyes do witness? Or shall you believe some & reject others? What manner of speech is this, I Ask you? I Ask, will you oppose what these 2 (ears & eyes) do bare witness to your mind? For one to do this, he has lost control of his mind or identity. Would you not agree? Yes, Father! So, what I Am Saying My Son. And I Will Ask, does time alter the witness of these (2)? Only to say with time it appears to fade in your mind. This may cause you in effect to question. What is the Fact, that your mind recorded from your ears & eyes of time past? Tho you can question your recollection. That can not change, the Fact of what occurred. Correct Father! So I Say, to your understanding, My Son. With the renewing of your mind, by receiving My Own. I Say, for a Fact, no knowledge, thus recorded of your mind can fade. Hear Me! Tho the fact were past, present or future. Thus I Say, there is even as you hear, you write, does your eyes bare witness of your hearing? Nothing where by, to reason to time. So, to speak, time (with your New Mind) can not diminish any fact. Nor can it do any more than to give way to the present. So I Ask, can time forbid the present? By, no means is this so. Nor, shall time speak out, that it can control the future. For I Say, hear Me, what is time, but a matter that lives by the beat of its own heart, even second by second. I Say time lives, because I created it. Time can not relive a former time. As yesterday, nor any other day passed. This is only recorded by the Fact of your consciousness no more, no less. So I Ask, show Me the power of time? Does it not live because I Say live in this second? It can not live until the next second, unless I Say live. Nor of any second unless, I Will it for tomorrow. Or next year, or until I Say time, cease to live. This My Son, is who I AM. Now tell Me, what I AM not aware of? Even, tho time has not yet recorded it, to be a Fact? So you see time does not create any Fact. And has no power of any Fact. Regardless when it has or will occur. So, My Son, I Ask is your ears & eyes controlled by time? Now you see the perplexity, that when I Speak. It is complete as it exits My Mouth. For I Say time could not record, nor did it witness, My Speech. Before I Spoke, it into Creation. Nor does it control what you or I may Say this day or any other future day. Son, what I Am Saying to you is this. What will time offer to assist or to hinder to your ears & sight? Nothing I Say, what so ever. Only to try to impose a set date of future fact. I Say, nothing can be established what so ever. As a Fact (by timing) regardless how careful it’s planned or of who it is planned by. For time only lives second by second, of it’s own life. So, where is the life of time, for tomorrow or one hour from now? Or, son even one minute from now, given of Myself. Shall not it be Spoken, with proof to say? By Yahweh’s Will, shall I do anything? I have Said, all of that to Say. Now I Ask you, My Son? What matter does time, play? Tho My Speech is Spoken? And now with your New Mind, what I Ask you, does time make an offer to assist? Or resist any speech recorded of your ears. And is witnessed by your sight, and shall not be a Fact. Tho time, can do no more than to record it this instant. Regardless of any future day or date. So, I Say, you will now live, in spite of the relevance to a present time, this second? I Say, indeed you will. For time will chug along at its second by second existence of life. But, you will now presently live by the witness of your ears & eyes. Regardless to the future distance of this time, life is of this second. Now, I give you all a better understanding of what it is to live by Your New Mind. So, I Ask where is time? To the present face, or of any future life, or your witness there of? I Say, time does not exist where you will live. Can you hear Me, do you understand? So, time exists this second & none other. Son, what I Say, here is the process of your present mind. That is starting to, to convert into My Own Mind. The second passed can only be relived by the consciousness of your mind. Or I Say, prove to be, that it existed at all. Son, None Knows What Has Now Been Exposed to Your Understanding. Or to say what will now take place to your witness? My Father ___, what can I say to another day of Your witness? That You have allowed me the favor to record. Son, of the many times & many words. Now I Ask of you, what has been delivered of Myself to & for your understanding? Concerning the word time. You have now after all these years. You see & hear, & record by these 2 witnesses. You know the conclusion for time. Even as I gave time life even second by second. Outside of this your consciousness past. Time is full in its self this second. Son, think not that your mind has not expanded. To receive this very simple Truth. Son, of what Truth I have delivered unto you? Where I Ask, is My Speech found in complexity? Always once learned of your self. You can not conceive, how few are the words. Yet, I Ask, what do you know? Does not My All in All, still lie before you? I Say, My Son, I will continue to reveal Ours, both You & I’s Identities. As no one can discover these things. Tho they be ever so simple to discovering both Our Identities. I Say, this can not be done any other way. So all you learn, is only who You & I Are. So to a world that refuses to acknowledge My Existence. Can it yet learn these things? It can never be! My Son, what you are now discovering. Is life, you knew to never exist. And you can not yet imagine the fullness of that life. But, you are now on a very fast track to discover All in All. And for you to live in the identity of yet the person of yourself. That you have yet to discover. I Say, I bid you to the joy of Yahweh, come & see! 10:51 My Son, can you not get enough? My Father, unless You Speak of Your All in All. No! I can not get enough. Son, you yet heard My Voice, in answer to Dan. To Dan, My Son, I Speak. What would life be if you had no feeling of up or down of Your Spirit? If you did not experience these things. I Ask, would you be any more? Than a machine or a programmed robot? Behold the whole of One’s Life, is it not a journey to discovery? Indeed! How can one know happiness if they had never experienced sorrow? Or high in one’s spirit had he never been low in his spirit? All of this is experienced in life’s journey, maze or enviroment. That one may know & choose his, or her likes or dislikes. Or how could one experience the death of one’s flesh (not desirable at all)? Unto sin, if he never learned what sin was? And pray to tell Me, how any can have any hope to be reborn? Of My Spirit, if one never experiences death? I Say, is not all of these even natural experiences? But, death as it is appointed of every man to die even once. And I Speak of the repentive believer. He also must yet die or be transformed. That sin in his body must die. Or how can he live again? Forever with the Father & I? So My Son, Dan I Say, unto you even now. In sorrow of the pain unto your death, of the lust of sin. I Say rejoice, I Say greatly rejoice in My Promised Words for Your New Birth. Yet My Son __ __, testifies unto you that as one who is now dead to sin. And has been Reborn of My Spirit. Yes, Father, I Say the pain of death is horrible. And yet, you My Son Dan, I Say what life lies before you? I Say, that can not be told you? For you have no experience of this New Life, only the hope there of. I do not question do you believe Me, or Trust Me? No! But, how do you believe that the life I Speak of, is even yours? My Son, as all who will also pass this way after you to their death of sin. And to be Rebirthed of My Father, into the Family of Yahweh, even by His Spirit. You will also make testimony to them by the Word (Yahshua). And by the Promise of that Word. Even, by & thru that death of the sin of the flesh. I, even I AM, has walked beside you. I held your hand. I never left you, neither by day or night. And of your sorrow did I not feel in my fleshly body? When, I brought the message, to repent for the Kingdom of Yahweh is at hand. Yes, My Son Dan, I know your pain first hand. As I Am the very first fruit, of many, 144,000 more, first fruits. Of yet a great harvest of My fruit, gathered unto My Father. Gathered at My second coming. But, My Son, Dan, what does it mean to be among the Elective 144,000? Hear Me, these 144,000 ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO SHALL WALK THIS EARTH, EVEN AS PERFECTLY, AS I WALKED IT. Son, Dan, I Say you have no idea of what I Speak? For these will walk in the Glory of My Father Yahweh. Shall I Say, in His Sight, for you are sin free? So what Say I then? Shall, you? As no man at any time has seen My Father. I Ask you, will you see Him? I Ask, you again if you walk in the Glory of Yahweh? SHALL YOU NOT SEE HIM? Even, I AM Says, then what is the Glory of Yahweh? If it can not be seen? I Say, you will see My Father. As You Are Perfect, even as He is Perfect. Yet, who outside the number 144,000? Can say, I have seen Yahweh at any time? For even all the righteous in death or living. Will not see My Father until I redeem (Spirit Born) them at My soon coming. Is it not written even he that sees Yahshua? Has he not also seen Yahweh? Yet, another Mystery that will soon be opened up unto you. My Son, Dan you do not know the honor due this 144,000. For they shall be greeted of the Host, with praise! As all your brethren also. So I Ask you My Son Dan, what pain, what death, do I speak of? Hurry My Son, enjoy this Transformation. For in short order only remembered as a matter. To obtain, your New Spirit Birth. Will you remember this at all. All joy will be made full. When you look upon My Face. So I Say, unto you, take note. As to those who follow you. Will seek you out, to show them the way also. So, learn well that you may comfort these. Children, hear Me! Know you yet, which day & hour you live in? I Say, the count is nearing you. Children, I need not involve your time, nor space to enlighten you. Nor will I attempt to explain those things you will experience. In the few days set just before you. Yes, I indeed Am also very excited. For there has never been the likes of these days, to any ones, witness. I Say, there has never been (of any days) like this before. Now what do I Say to you? Will they not amass before you? To enquire of you these many things you speak? As what New Birth do you speak of? And where did you obtain this power, we witness? Children, do I Speak unto you, of these many fairy tales (lies)? Will you not be awakened by the voice of many men-saying, tell us the way also?
Mes. #105: 8-05-05 4:34 am. Fri.
Guard your mind son, satan is slick!
My Son, what is this? Do you chase sleep from your eyes? As if it were a dragon? Do you threaten to slay it? If it should dare approach your door? My Son, you make Me to laugh. Will I Ask, will you never change? For upon receiving My Word to make preparation. You mind begins to race. As to get the job done. And you toss & turn the night away, thinking to do this, & to do that. Yet, when the morning light arrives. You are spent, from your nights labor. And you are in much need of some rest. I know you worked many years on the night shifts. And you are more comfortable even today to do the same. My Son, I Spoke to you. I would have you to have no strain on your body or mind. My Son, hear Me! You have adequate time, as I Said the timing will be perfect. My Son, your enemy is very slick. Now consider, you guard your mind, to keep all cares away. Yet, at My Word to you to make preparation. I Ask, will you give up your peace to perform My Speech? Nay, My Son. Let this not be named of you. I know you are committed to My Speech, even with your life. Son, do not let this become a battle for your peace of mind. I Say, do not let worry, fear or concern approach your mind. But, dismiss it as any other care. Now My Son, take your rest. For We shall perform as I Will this day.
Mes. #106: 8-06-05 1:40 am. Sat.
Father, I truly want to thank You for Jerry’s fellowship. Son, can this be an accident? Son, to reason to do anyone thing. Is anything but an accident. And you know I have My reason. Son, even as I make both of you to marvel, by the terms. Tho very different by speech, yet both of you, have confirmation to what the other speaks. For by appearance it would seem that each of you speak of different matters. Now you know this is not so. Even, as Jerry says, unfolding, mapping & etc. Son, I have indeed Spoken unto you of Rhonda. And you have known this for many years. Has this changed? No! Yet, there has to be a great change in her. Son, you recognize this as a former thought. And I remind you of it now. You have looked on My Recorded Speech. As the Last Book of My Words, that must be recorded, for this last generation. Son, I Say these combined thoughts have been rammed together. This was no accident, this is of a very great importance. Son, of yourself you would like to be free of this. Yet, who would you trust? To capture everyone word to be printed. Of the Truth you perceive it to be? Father, I couldn’t rely on my own understanding. Without believing even You Father will be the Author of all Truth. My Son, you have not taken into consideration. The expansion of your own mind into My Perfection. Father, You have Said enough. I receive Your Will. As You Will, so will it be. Father, I will not ponder of this matter. By the complexity of my mind. Son, this can not long be spoken of to be the Truth. For I will soon Ask you, of what complexities do you speak? Son, I have just now expanded your imagination. For what flaw do you see? I Speak of in perfection? Now you have your answer. Tho the question was never spoken. Yet, you know My bidding. And when you again search My Speech. You will find your conformation, already recorded there. Of this as any matter, you will not force this on your peace (mind). Son, you will also note, Dan has spoken of this also. I Say, all of you shall marvel how I bring this about. But, believe Me when I Say this is not all I Speak of. For you can not imagine, that which is on top of you. Son, I will Speak more unto you. But, now I Say of you to rest. As you may meet the fellowship with freshness. 2:37 AM Yes, My Son, can anything any greater as the Revelations, of all Mysteries to be revealed? Will they go unrecorded? Never, for these Words Will also Stand Forever.
Rev.10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound,
the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
Rhonda is the Recorder. But how many are the authors? But, who will do the research? 9:06 AM And My Son, if there are other teams & individuals. I have placed also to discover My Truths. Will I also require that they should also write the last Words of My Speech to Stand Forever? And will, if this be so, that their versions will not clash with yours? Father, I have no answer to what You Ask. For I can scarcely attend to the matters You have delivered to my keep. My Son, but you will know these & all things. And as I have made mention. Of that, which time can not hide. Is now upon you, to be revealed. Father, I say, so be it, to Your Will. My Son, I would that you all compare, to one the other, of My Speech. For I delight to Teach accordingly. For as you gather I AM is in your midst. My Son, of which you testify. I do Teach by the minds that have gathered. My Son, I Will Ask you, how did the first body of believers (church) begin? Did it I Ask start of many scattered flames? I Spoke unto you of the Second Pentecost. Or to Say the Latter Rain. Will it start any differently than the former? Son, is it too heavy to receive? Father, I have no choice but to believe Your Speech now & ever. Then My Son you will receive it. For I expand your mind to receive these Words I Speak. I have in preparation many who hear & record My Speech. But, HAVE I LAIN THIS ON ANY OTHER PARTY? What I have now revealed to this party. Nor will there be a spontaneous combustion of the latter rain. But, in one location, and have I not already Spoken where? Oh, My Father, this is so very heavy. Son, I did tell you this was beyond what you could imagine even yesterday. But, did I not tell you of today it shall become common knowledge? I repeat if this amazes you. What lies before you on your tomorrow? Son, I Spoke of many others who are proceeding this path. But, hear Me! There are none more advanced than this chosen party. I have, and you will recheck My Word, always started with ONE! Now does the knowledge just revealed? Does it have even a life of its own? Yes, son, I Speak of the Written Words, I have had you to record, this party has received. This is the way that all will follow. For their proof, unto all Truth. Son, I have now delivered (2) more NR. Of ever so great in magnitude. As to be unimaginable to you yesterday. Son, you will marvel as to how I bring this My Words together to be published to this world. My Father, these things can not be reasoned of me. They are beyond my abilities & resources to reason. Son, that’s the reason this very small party has been chosen. Even, for that very reason. That none of you can see any means, to see this accomplished. I have always used the lowest, to create the greatest. For what would you Glory in, even, in your inability’s? If I gave this wisdom to the greatest of minds, in education. They would render My Speech, to be void. As they would pursue their own glory! So, there you have it. Even, in part, the impossible & the unimaginable to be carried forth by the most improbable. Son, therefore by resolution of your mind. So, I bring these things forward into view. Children, by no means, will you give way to doubt. Of this My Speech, nor shall you boast outside your ranks. For in this you have great joy. But, not yet can it be shared, with the unbelieving. For, of an assurety this will be made known. By My Own Power, will all be made in manifestations. Unquestioning, as proof of I AM. Even, with all power, none held as reserve. Will this go forth, of you into the whole earth. Now tell Me what is the magnitude of these Revelations? I Say on par, to reveal Myself to all? My Son, again I Speak of the T Speech. As you hear My Voice by day & by night. This can not continue to be recorded of you. Shall I not even make Quotation, to all that will be made recorded? As is to be revealed to the world of My Words? Indeed! I Will do this, taking any guessing, from your questioning minds. EVEN I HAVE SPOKEN THIS. There it is Children. To reveal God’s Spoken Words (quotations) already recorded.
Mes.#107: 8-07-05 2:09 am. Sun.
Jerry’s company - Aunt Ruby & Dan growth - many New Revelation this week - You labor
hard to make this book - Come out of Babylon! - I give you 7 years to come out of her,
systems of religion, money, learning & etc.- Come out of her or be destroyed with her. –
Sandy – Lee McNeely - a great lesson on money & wealth!
My Father, I bring unto You My praise for another day. Father, I’m tired but I’m willing to sacrifice Myself to hear of You. My Son, there is no matter that is pressing. That you can not take to you a rest. Son, this day has been full. And you have so very much enjoyed Jerry’s company. And you have delivered much more for Dan’s & Aunt Ruby’s growth. And you would call Sandy tomorrow. Thus fulfilling yet another week of your labor of love. Father, I bid You good night. 12:40 PM Sunday My Father, with this new sun rise. I give You thanks. My Father, my resolve of You is fixed with a new day. My Son, it was a very heavy past week of many New (NR) Revelations. Some as you describe as very heavy. Indeed, My Son, for some of these were beyond your conception. Father, by Your Words & Speech I abide. Father, by Your Words I react & do Your Workings, but by Your Peace I exist in tranquility. And My Son, by these (2) will you come to the full knowledge, of you & I. Father, I stand on Your Words transfixed to see all complete. Son, you know to not let any care to approach your mind. And so it will be so. So My Son, I Say, to forget yesterday & any attached cares. Father, none of these things move me. From under Your Peace, I remain. Father, I have no care or concern for the impossible. For they shall melt from existence as You approach. Son, you labor hard to the witness of My Words. To pass all knowledge to others. But, My Son, even this will become as child’s play. As My Power (Identity) becomes the more real with the passing of days. Son, did I not Speak of exhilaration? You see as these reports return to you, indeed, I Work My Works. My Son, now with the passing of each day. You will see My Words bloom with life, to alls eye sight. Even to erase doubt & faith from the minds of those who view. For can no one but believe what they see? Faith has served Me well of these many years. For I Ask, who shall not surrender his faith, to his eye sights witness? To what his faith has hoped for? I Speak, of the 144,000 of course. Of who’s course shall be complete, to look upon My Face. And to all others I will plead with you 7 times, (7 years). To 7 years leave religion, the synagogue of satan’s religion. Rev. 17&18 And to come & stand with Me. That where I AM, you may also be. My Son, continue to stand. For all that I AM does stand with you. My Son, I introduce no pressure upon you. For all that will be expected of you, shall be reinforced by My Power (My Identity). Regardless what comes to make of any demand of you. I Say, I Will have made you aware & prepared you accordingly. How can I not but yet Speak of the days that lie just before you? Shall I peek to see? Oh yes, they are those days that I & the earth have waited thus these 6,000 years! Yes, the End is now in sight! I Say, let all heaven & the earth rejoice. For now Yahshua shall mount His Throne in all Glory. I Say rejoice, you all, that have waited to see His Glory. For I Say, come into His Sabbath of rest, to keep it with Himself. I Say, to all that will, come to My Rest. 9:20 PM Sunday Father, I am back! My Son, I welcome you. Do I have anything that is not very heavy to reveal? Son, what is your care? Nothing I Say, for you have no care. My, did I not Teach Sandy? I Promised you I would do so? My Father, this blessing is sweeter than honey. For I have labored long to get her to see the Truth. My Son, I Say, those days are now history. For you will never know the likes of such labor again, ever. My Son, you have been most faithful, in My Speech always. Son, I would not have you to be in sorrow of Jerry. Because I have yet, another path for him to walk. He will always know where home is. So My Son, what does tomorrow hold for the likes of Mine? For that matter My Son, what could be revealed now? My Father, as all knowledge is with You. How could I answer? Very well said My Son. Son, let Me Speak of your tomorrow at Lee McNeely’s. Son, take no thought to plan your speech. For you have already touched this man’s heart. I repeat, to be yourself. Thank You Father. Son, many more things approach your mind. As to make a challenge of the Truth. Yet, all things that boast to be the Truth, do lie!. And you My Son, take no care to answer any of them. For you know all Truth, will be discovered with Myself. Even, as the Truth stands of itself. For there is no power in a lie to preserve it. For all lies & that makes a lie. Shall be cast forth from remembrance, to be no more. Children, surely it is a time, to check your hearts. To see if the Truth abides there. For will you harbor all that is not truth there? When these are all cast forth from you, to their rightful reward. Will your heart refuse to let these go? If so, will not that heart also suffer? To be cast out also, to the eternal punishment? Indeed! I Say, seek not to preserve your soul. By your riches, nor the works of your hands. For these will fail you when it appears you need them the most. So, what Say I, concerning your riches? I Say, to give thanks unto Your Father. And share with those who have nothing. And if you give not to your neighbor who stands in need. That you could ease his sufferings. Will I, not judge you unworthy? Of that which I Yahweh has given you. Will I not therefore render your riches from you? And if your heart is set on your riches. I Say thou fool, know you not that these as yourself shall be destroyed? A wise man, who’s heart will ponder upon his riches. Will cast these as far from him as a viper. That would rob him of his life. Therefore, Oh, one who would call himself rich. In many possessions, know you not, you are cursed? I Say, give unto the poor. And if you can not do this. I Say, unto you pray for My Mercy. Beg of Me to remove this curse from you. Or indeed, I Say, you & your treasure will perish, from My Sight. Children, please I plead, do not do this thing unto yourself. Or shall you bind Me? As to watch (by your free will) your suffering? As you have forbidden Me to help you. Let it be as you choose. Son, think not it is a blessing. To measure great your wealth. For if one refuses to give thanks, unto Yahweh. And refrain the cry of the needy (which cries enters My Hearing). I can not render you guiltless. So, if your wealth, has turned back to curse you. Depart from it quickly, (know, you not, you cuddle a cobra?) or it will consume you. You have been warned! I Say, come unto Me. And I will give unto you wealth untold, that shall never perish. My Son, I Speak unto you. I would that you sell, what you have no need of. What, you can not sell, give away. What no one will have, cast it from you. But, I Say unto you My Son __ __, lighten your load now! My Father, I delight to make You an answer. I will do this quickly. My Son, spread this before. To come & make bid of those things you have no need of. Make a date to end the bidding. And call them to come & get what they will. Thank You Father for Your Words. I will do as You Speak. Father, I know they will not believe, You Said this unto me. But, I have no care of anything.
Mes. #108: 8-08-05 6:05 am. Mon.
Children, I Say does not heaven also bare record? As it is also reveal in the earth? So, (NR) what I Ask is hearing & seeing? But, a recorded (witnessed) by your mind. But, even these (2) witnesses, by your mind. But, even witnessed of the third. Which is a complete witness. Therefore is it not sure? Even, as faith was to hearing. Even, as by sight, is realization. Is this not established as a Fact, by the mind? Otherwise how would one know? He has shed the death of sin of the flesh? And is Reborn of the Spirit to Everlasting Life with the Father. So, now you know why I have you to be complete to your knowing (mind). So, now as I Say, watch and listen. For by these three they are received of your mind as (Revelations). That you shall be established (renewing of your mind) into the Kingdom of God. By the witness of your hearing & sight. Of the Truth that is established forever. So, now you know the power of watching & listening. I have revealed unto your minds, the Truth (Fact). So, let the 144,000 know they shall be changed. By the Revelation of hearing & sight. To be witnessed (established) by your minds. That indeed you have passed from death, unto Rebirth of the Spirit. As a Child of the Living God, Yahweh! 1:51 PM My Son, My Son, you know not what in treasure you lay up before you. My Father, I have long desired to leave these things, behind. And for You to receive myself unto You. My Son, now you see. You are much to valuable to Myself. To allow you to come to Myself. I will now come & receive you, at My coming. For My Son, by your words & by your work. And the multiplication of your fruit, by your fruit. My Son, I Say, you will have secured a host, from the outer darkness. For these you lead, (fruit on fruit). Shall also do mighty works before Me. Son, did I not Say, of you (as I judge your heart) of long ago? By the words received of Nanna of Myself. That you shall be as bold as Paul, and as wise as John. Yet, that doesn’t describe who You Are. Son, I know your guns are your prize of this life. And started at age 14 when your father gave you, your first shotgun. My Son, this is a care, that you have. Yet, you reason how can I depart of that, that your father gave you? Believe Me he would understand now. And you have no further need of a weapon. For defense or survival, so let it go My Son, let it go. For I shall exchange, for these in the Eternal of Myself, many prizes. Son, do wait to give away until all bids are in. Lest some would take advantage of the situation. Son, your schedule is fine, to end the bidding by the first of September. Then get it out of here, even if you have to give it away. Father, I thank You for Your Instructions. And they shall be done of myself to the best of my knowledge. My Son, Perfect is Perfect, as Your Father Yahweh is. This last care had to go before you could be made Perfect. Now there is nothing that restrains you to be complete. My Father, do be praised. Son, I Spoke of the flower to bloom before all eyes. Now how many per day, until you look into My Face? Son I Say, All in All is before you. As Nanna’s Healing, as the Dam Breaking. Yet, what does this day yet offer? And what event & NR awaits your tomorrow? My Son, you do well to take these & get them appraised, guns. As they have value, & they were valuable to you. Son, take no thought of how or how much all these shall sell for. As you know, I directed you to make preparation. Now I have made that way, to make that preparation. Son, you never ask, but got your ruler & shovel & went to work, to prepare. You stopped before, because there were no funds. But, you never by any means. Not once ask Me how, shall I prepare without money? So, in doing this you have removed your last care, to now be made Perfect. So, I Ask what flower will bloom on your tomorrow? To make reality to be made a Fact? Come & see! Yes son, the hidden is now made to be seen, for all completion. My Son, do you not see each. That is effected to be a part of this small party. Do you not see that they are restless? And they are milling about as if unsettled? Yes, Father I sure do! Son, from Rhonda to Alycia to the Williams boys, & beyond. And how about Nanna, now she ponders is it really happening? Think not that she was not greatly affected by the plan I revealed unto you. But, parting from your guns? Son, she knows you have changed from anything but who you were. For that was truly unthinkable to her. Son, reason & do as you must. But, fight nothing, but dwell in My Peace. Son, I bid you goodnight. 12:11 AM Tuesday.
Mes. #109: 8-09-05 12:15 pm. Tues.
The most glorious hour to live! - Lesson, God’s great law of love will be Taught.- Well you
shall be known, as the blessed of the earth! - I Christen your New Rebirth of the Spirit – Lesson on cares –
you are the fulfillment of My Words (Speech) - a very great NR - a lesson the Father’s Faith! -
Yahshua Speaking,-” I will not control” - any man’s free will-
My Children hear Me! Why have I called you together unto the sound of My Voice? Behold the hour that you now live. For I have called you, to bare My Witness before the earth. Even the Gospel of My Kingdom. Which is approaching to save alive. And to destroy all sin from the earth. A most glories hour to live. For now all Truth will now flow from your hearts. And your eyes to purge the earth of all evil. Behold, I come to Teach the world the way of peace. And love of there neighbor, that all shall live in harmony. Children the mission is very great, and the time is very short. But, I Will arise you up of such power. That know one can refuse your witness. Have you no concern of any matter what so ever. For none can resist you. Nor bring any manner of harm unto you. Therefore you will walk in the Perfection of My Mind, to know all things. And to make revealed of all that is hidden. To the light before the whole earth. This I Say, is your mission. Am I not even this minute making you in preparation for this mission? Indeed, I Say, in Perfection, I make you. Children, I Say, unto you this matter. And all that you will be, is the Perfection of who I AM. This day is being taught to you, of none other but Myself. Well you shall be known, as the blessed of all the earth. For you shall destroy all evil, unto the light. And see the path for all, to see the Eternal as He is. The hope of your testimony, shall save all who desire to live with Myself everlasting. Yes, the greatest mission of any time. Is now yours to complete. To the salvation, to make a live, to all who choose to receive. Now, I have revealed as to your identity, and your calling. Be ye men & (women) of renown. For the earth begs & cries for redemption. As I prepare you to deliver this unto them. I Say, shake yourselves this is no dream. Hear Me! Can you refuse My Calling? Will you not see, these words? I Speak, are they not alive in your hearts? Stand up My Children, for this death of the sin of the flesh is complete, to your death. Now come forth, that I shall Christen you to your Spiritual Rebirth. I Say, now walk you no longer as if you had no hope. Nor, that I have not revealed unto you of your identities. Even as I reveal unto you My Own. Children I will receive your praise. For I Say, behold I Am giving you your New Mind (Awareness), of who you are. Now separate yourselves from any & all cares. And see if you are not made new in all things, even of Myself. Children, as the approach of each new day now approaches you. You will see more clearly, and mark your change. I Say, this is your identity being revealed unto you. Even, Your New Spirit Birth! I Say, rejoice! 2:49 PM Yes, My Son, you just saw the Truth. For if one had already depart from this life by his death. What would remain of any knowledge or care, for the possessions left behind? I Say, that there is no more any thought of these things. So, what is the witness that you have, even now dead to your flesh? Of a Truth, let it be told. You will not care any more of these things, what so ever. Hear Me! Your death is complete. When, You No Longer, Have Any Pleasure Nor Care Of Your Possessions. This is your proof that your death is complete. Now I Say, by what life you live, will become all New! I ask, how many rich men, will be numbered in the 144,000? For you have died out to the earthly. Of which your care is none, for the past life, what so ever. This is indeed also dead. And now, behold the newness of the Life that shall now arise to Your New Mind. For all the old things have passed away, died. And behold now, has all things become New. Is it not written, can you believe the Word? I Say, you are the fulfillment of the Word. Behold now you will Live. For no one can testify of these things. Unless he has experienced them. You shall be Born of the Father, perfect of understanding. When you look Me into My Eyes. You shall wholly be changed by the Rebirth of Your Spirit Being. To all things New, & Perfect. Children are not all these Words recorded? To your witness, in My Word? I repeat, you are the witness of these Words, completed! You have now become the Temple of My Speech (My Written Word Lives in You). You are My Word Alive, to the witness of the whole earth, this is Your Identity. My Word made Perfect in Your Temple. I Say, You Are the completion of My Word. Made Alive in the Spirit it was Spoken. Even, the same, as I AM. You no longer live by the will of man. But, by the Will of My Spirit, I AM. So, I repeat to your hearing once again. What is the death of the flesh? But, by your testimony, that the will of the flesh is dead. And the cares of this life, has lost all hold of you. All of your former is dead, as the desires there of is also dead. So, My Children, hear Me! I Speak, to your hearing. Why do you feel as you do? I Say, because these cares. And there desire is dying of you. This is not a Mystery that can no longer not be understood. This is what you feel, even, death is the withdrawal of what you have [FALSELY] called Life. Yet, it has always been death, waiting to be revealed unto the Living, New Spirit Birth. For how shall you know you have passed from death unto life? Is it not written? Because you love the brethren I Say, behold the new love that shall become Your Nature, New Life. My Children, the proof of this is in the days that approach you all. I Say, you will live of Myself. As all New, & a Perfect Creature in Myself, Us made ONE. By the Renewing of Your Mind. As behold all things will have become New, to your understanding. Have I not already Spoken this? My Son, what can be said? Did I not this minute deliver to you Alycia to hear these words? My Father, I seen yet another blooming flower of realization, to my perception. Even, as with Lee McNeely last night, & Nanna this afternoon. Yet, My Father I was most definitely pleased to Your Witness unto Shy. Father, I see & I believe, Your every Word. As the Truth is made known to my most limited mind. And yet Father, this day is not near complete, as finished. What remains to be seen of myself? 10:34 PM Tuesday I just got off the phone with Jerry. And we gloried in Our Lord’s Speech. Which we agreed this Speech, was greater than any other so far received. For our Promise to pass from death unto Life is now complete. No care or problems, will no more be recognized, as to be given any consideration to. For the flesh & cares are dead. We can only now live, by the Life of the Liberty of God’s Spirit. As the Sons of the Living God. There IS NO OTHER LIFE AVAILABLE TO US, NOR ANY OTHER DEATH! Father, I thank You of Your Witness to Lee McNeely. And to Nanna, Shy, Aunt Ruby, Dan, & Jerry. Father, I can no more imagine, any other Words, that You could Speak unto me. For any greater (NR), than what You shared with us today. Father, I’m not saying it can not be done. But, I have no understanding of any other words. That could be uttered, for a greater understanding of Revelation. But, My Father, regardless what You have for Us. I gladly receive of You. My Son, truly this matter before you of your death, and of the death of your cares. And your realization of your knowing for Your Spiritual Rebirth. We receive this of You My Father. Father, I await Your next move or Revelation. My Son, you will not wait long. My Son, I did Speak unto your spirit. That I did already Speak unto your spirit. That it was time to switch to the eye sight. That New Revelations will now come by eye sight. For My Son, what faith could I Speak of. That I should have any faith of Myself. For what could I hope for? Am I, uncertain of anything? So, how can it be said that I have faith of any matter? For what will I believe in? Or hope for, or to be unsure of? For what question is there? That I AM, in doubt of the answer? Or what is it to be, to believe, or hope for? For what force or what thing or person? Can deliver anything unto Me? That I should hope for? Or what shall I believe that should be delivered of what other source? So, where is My Faith? I Say, I have none of Myself, for Myself. But I, do bestow My Faith for mankind, for a better hope. But what do I have need of any faith? What shall I hang it on? As also what would I hope for? That I don’t know as a Fact? Or as to believe, in who, or what? From what source have I to believe in, but Myself? My children, I AM made complete. By your faith, your hope, your belief, that I AM. But, what have I hoped for even for an instant? Did I not fore know all things? Yet, by your free will of choice. Am I not made complete? Even, as I know ever man’s will to choose. And the choice he would make. Every man has that sovereign right to choose, Myself or reject Myself. Even, as I knew your choice before the earth was. Yes, this one thing of all creation. And all that is, & all I made, I swore of Myself I WOULD NOT CONTROL. There is not any other matter of My Creation. That one, even one instance, has been given independent control from under Myself. But, the will of man’s mind to choose to live with Me or (independent) without Me. Even, as I’ve always known what each man would do or to choose. Yet, he was born as a free agent to make that choice. But, am I not made complete? That any man has chosen to love Me of his own free will? And there by also has received the (Promised) Spirit of Truth. To become the Sons & Daughters of Yahweh. Therefore to make My Father whole & complete. By their free will of choice? Therefore all men of the earth, will hear My Voice. Each for yourselves, choose life or death. But, your choice will be honored of My Father for ever, & ever. 12:36 PM.
Mes. #110: 8-10-05 12:36 pm. Wed.
Children, I must inform you of another wolf in sheep skins. Has been discovered by the fruits of his speech. He is anti-christ, in so much as Jesus sacrifice was not complete for all sins. As Bill Hawkins is planning to resume animal sacrifice, for sins in Abilene Texas. Or he may call them Texas barbecue style. This man who claims to be one of the two end time witnesses, he is a liar & a false prophet & a deceiver. Tho Yahweh has used this man to deliver to us some great Truths. Son, he indeed did not bare witness unto you. Our Lord just confirm that speech on 6- 22- 2005 12:19 pm. Wed. Here in Yahweh has confirmed, to my understanding. Quote “Father, it appears that Your Worship does include the Sabbath, & perhaps the feast days, and the 10 Commandments. But, Your ordinance of 613 laws (given of Moses) sounds like, living under the law. Which no man could (live) or do. Father, my spirit doesn’t bare witness to this man. My Son, you will very soon know all Truth. My Father, I wait on.” There you have it children, even the Words of Yahweh. This man Bill Hawkins has judged himself, by the fruit of his own mouth. If you read anymore of his material, do so with great caution, for he is a deceiver. Father, I can no more turn back, by the fullness of all that I Am, as to who You Are. So, what I speak is also this struggle. That is trying to be broadcast. And explained by my flesh, this will be gone, also dead! Son, did I not Say, that all things shall become New? 2:53 PM Wednesday.
Mes. #111: 8-10-05 11:11 pm.
Father, I give You praise that I have been so blessed. Father, the burden of getting this Your Word out to each party has been heavy. But, My Father, I do my best for You, at all times. Well My Son, that will no longer be required of you but a few days. My Father, so be it to Your Will, this I will do. My Son, let Us take a day off from your recordings. Father, as You Will. My Father, I am driven to You of my brother’s pain. 12:40 And how can I take the day off? Would I celebrate his pain? Father, I understand Your Words Spoken unto me. That we are currently this instant, we are in the womb, to be delivered to Our Spirit Birth. And that the last of these cares is dying from my remembrance. Father, as Your Will is I receive it. But, Father unless You are yet Teaching Jerry something, for his understanding. I yet, receive Your Grace to cover his pain. Or as Your Will is, I receive his perfect peace for him. Father, I claim this by the Name Yahshua! My Son, because you have stepped in for your brothers pain. I Will deliver him from it. He shall testify to you of My Peace that he has received this hour. Father, that’s what I’m talking about. I claim his birth right as Your very Son. And he has been delivered to Your Peace this instant. Son, as You will, receive it, it is done! Nothing can now be hidden from your small party. As they ever draw nearer to My Face. So it is yours as theirs to claim. So, where does that put you My Son, with Nanna’s very high blood pressure? Father, have You not already Spoken on this. What more can I add? I claim Your Speech! It is already done! My Father, I will not wrestle with anything under the sun. For I am, today aware of my identity. And the power I will soon receive of Yourself. To go set free, to set right, that which is wrong. And to pull down all things, and persons that oppose Your Will. Son, none of you this day can imagine these things. Nor to that, that has not entered into your minds yet. I Say, if I Live, Will I not deliver for My Name sake? Shall My Name, be found among the liars? Son, I Say, this matter is done! I Say, to all of you, live & breath this day & tomorrow. For you now know your identities, even, as I have Promised. You will see every Promise fulfilled before your eyes. But, with your eyes, you will look upon Myself, the Promise of all your fulfillment. In yet a very short time. I Say, today as you live, you shall even now see My Hand at work. To deliver all My Speech to your eye sight. Think not that the Words I Speak, shall (“before another time”). That you should forget it was Spoken. For I Say, this day, today you shall see many flowers to bloom. As the realization of My Speech. You will see instantly with your eyes, I have Spoken this. Now rejoice in My Speech. Children, for all you this day that struggle, to understand or to deal with. Is no more, this is dying from your consciousness, as I Speak. Let none of these things into your mind. To contend with, for will you now oppose yourself? To contend with any matter? How can you consider this? As I, now have Spoken the Truth of this matter to your understand. I Say to you, but, claim My Words for this is your deliverance. Children do now claim your identity. And do practice the Truth of which you are. Even, as I have now made known what is the next major event. Now awaiting your eye sight, that is the evidence of My Words Spoken for Nanna’s Healing. And this is the lynch pin, to opening the dam of all things. But, do not pine this day, as if you had no life? For I repeat, you shall see multiple (Blooming Flowers) New Revelation (NR) before your eyes daily from here out. So rejoice, that I show to you your hope realized today. And tomorrow, until your perfection, by Your New Birth (Spirit Being). I Speak, My Peace is with you until We meet Face to Face. Even hold you one the other up by the Promise of My Speech. Yet, but a few days. Amen!
Mes. #112: 8-11-05 5:38 pm.
Children, I would Speak unto you all, as that you may witness My Words. To be the Truth before your eye sights. Have I not this day had you to become the fulfillment of Myself on this earth? What does now to your understanding, does Your Spirit Birth mean? I did Say, behold all things have now become New? What I Ask, does that mean to you? Children, give some consideration to what has already been Spoken unto you. I Say, with Your New Birth. You shall forever more be complete to My Identity. With all My Attributes, all My Power, all My Wisdom, & with all My Love. You each shall be complete to My Own Identity. As indeed, you were now My Identity. Which I Say, you will be, My Identity, as complete as I AM. Did I not Say, with this New Birth, You shall be Perfect? That can only mean one thing. All that was of the system of death, has died & is dead!! And is no longer any part of you. Shall you not then have as your own? A New Glorified Body of Perfection? Where is a stain of death to be found in it? It is fully immortal, not in any way accessible to aging, pain, disease or death. Who can make you afraid? Of what, I Ask? You know your first mission is to deliver the first gospel. Of the Kingdom of God unto the earth. Even, as you go about, to reveal all darkness of all sin. To the knowledge of the earth, (to all men). Then shall the debased of the men, of the earth. Shall arise in rebellion, & shall topple every man made system. To destroy its hold of the earth. Then My Children, as the Chief Cornerstone as I AM. Shall I, bestow on you? To start to rebuild again, first in the minds of men, the ways of Yahweh. And in preparation of His Sabbath, you shall establish men’s hearts. Let us not forget the new language, T Speech. That all righteous shall hear & speak. Will I not then convey by this Speech, the pure Will of Yahweh? To every ear, even the same Words? Have I not Said, I will raise you up yet this last time? With this Second Pentecost. Is this not Yahweh’s Family, made larger until it is complete? Did I not Say, you will taste of the latter rain? The out pouring of My Spirit without measure? Is this not even the same as the dam giving way? And I Ask, where is the measure to be counted in Your New Spirit Beings, (latter rain)? That is without measure, or no end. My Children, would you sit here today as if in a daze? As if you had no hope? With your new identity, what is but a few days to know My Own. Can you not but say, one unto the other, know you not of whom you are? At what time past has so much been known of men? And know you not, you now this instant live (by the seed of Yahweh Our Father)? And not by the faint hope of all men now past (dead). Who are you? But, the Children of Our Spiritual Father, Yahweh! 11:42 PM Thursday My Son, where people will not read, they will listen. My Son, start putting it on tape. And at first this will only be given to those I would direct it. Son, as written, audio or video this message. As delivered by the 144,000. And many other converts, this message will soon blanket the earth. As thought travel & by means not yet known unto you, this will be done. Son, this message shall descend in every hole & crevasse of ever rock on this planet. Son, what can be hidden when the earth shall be turned up side down & shaken? Who shall not know & who is not made aware? Behold all the earth shall come to see the Glory of Yahweh. For even now He reigneth, by His Own Children on this earth. Woe, to you the evil one. Shall they not make you alone? Shall they not ascend your throne & cast you off? Son, hear Me, I will show you how to do your recordings. As I, shall not have the evil one to edit or change My Speech into a lie. So, hear Me well before I release these. Copyright?? I do not know, what yet Our Lord Speaks of.
Mes. #113: 8-12-05 3;28 am. Fri.
My Father, my thoughts are many of my sleep. Of writing Your Words & James & John. And recording the Truth, & many other words. My Son, was it almost, as a war of words? Perhaps, Father, but I have no understanding as to what I saw & heard. My Son, this shall become very plain to you in your near future. For this is a very great Mystery, you were witness to. Father I’ll have to let that stand as I will not ask You anything. But, perhaps I did witness an argument between James & John, (Christ disciples) of what was the Truth. Father, I’m only guessing. Son, what would it matter to you, if there had occurred a struggle between these two for power or Truth? Father, I’m not sure at all this did occur. But, it as far as I know, has no bearing on myself. Unless, what has been written of Your Word was altered. This I can not believe You permitted if it affected, the Truth in any way. But, My Son, consider this, what was not written? Because, they could not agree. Father, that sounds like what I might have witnessed. Indeed My Son, & indeed you will finish it. Oh My Father, that is so very heavy. Is that so, My Son, even what you have even this far been made to witness? What if I told you, this was to have been (written) recorded of themselves. But, was never recorded because they could not agree. My Father, I would not question Your Speech, not One Word. My Son, that is what I will have you to yet write. My Father, I bow to Your Will. My Father, as Your Will is, I will obey. My Son, as I’ve Spoken unto you. I have, allowed your mind to go back to a time. When all of My Truth would have been recorded. Even, as I Said soon you may go back & examine anytime, now called history. But, My Son, do you see the reason it was not recorded? For the saints would not have withheld, to have taken My Kingdom long ago. This Truth has been known of you for sometime. But, My Son, this matter & more not yet revealed unto you. Existed as knowledge, in these (2) brothers minds. Father, what is it You have just made to my witness any more or less, than any other matter? Except the Truth to be revealed, I Believe Your Speech. Son, as all I have yet revealed unto you. I shall by 2 or 3 witnesses confirm every word, of My past Speech unto you. And most certainly what was not written of these two. Father, so be it for Your Glory, even forever. For You show me what to record. And by Your Grace, it will be recorded. Very soon My Son, very soon. Father, surely we have passed from death unto life. For this life You Speak of has never been witnessed of any other time. Unless You Speak of these (2) as Your Witnesses to this present life. And My Son, shall they not bare their own witness, unto you? That’s heavy Father. But, My Son, what is it for Me to make you faintly aware? Or to sit you at the table of these 2 to bare witness of their speech. Oh yes, My Son to Speak of My Quotations. Is this not the same? Father, I have no question, but I move at Your Speech. My Son, very well & very soon. 4:58 AM Friday (continue) As I believe I understood, James wanted to record something, & John would not agree. 1:32 PM Friday I have a matter recorded, just prior to, 11-13-04 3:03 AM Saturday. It was a dream I had. And this is what I saw ____/__. It would appear that this dream may have something to do with this dream of James & John. My Son, you now realize that this present dream has been going on nightly for sometime. And you are made very restless as you toss & turn. And you burst aloud in tongues that are forceful & rebuking. As many words are tossed about you. My Son, I have had you to witness an event that took place between James & John, that got quite heated. And went on for sometime. Before it was dropped of them, without being recorded. And yes, they then set this aside and continued on in peace. But, My Son, you know why it was not recorded. For it would have been contrary, to My Will for timing & completion. They indeed were not arguing over the Truth. For they understood what they had to be the Truth. But, James wanted to record it, & John forbidden of My Spirit to do so. So, it was dropped because they could not agree. Now Son, you shall return in your spirit to record their speech. For by this you shall bare their witness, to bring it to life today. As you will see John argued successfully, as seen in the scale. Of the dream, I gave you prior to 11-13-04. My Son, you are aware that they spoke in another tongue, than yours. You will make also the witness of this breach, of this barrier in your witness. My Son, I have already Spoken unto you, that all of you may visit any era of history passed. What amazing stories, you will soon be telling each the other. Not only, of the past, but the future. What can be said, of the life that now lives in all of you?
Mes. #114: 8-12-05 8:37 pm. Fri.
My Son, what further tale shall I deliver unto you this day? Son, think not that it takes any effort of Myself to relay these Truths unto you. And you know no pressure is on you to deliver yet some more unbelievable Truths. And you do have no care for this. As you have no care as to whether any believe your speech, or not. For you know it is My Words revealed unto you. And you control no other mind, as to what they may say or believe of these words. Only you do know, the Truth of these words can not at this time, be openly spoken. Unto others, than your small party. This is My Wisdom, that they should not be spoken. Until I, have prepared any ear to receive them. As I, will lead each of you to witness by the leading of My Spirit. Otherwise any you would approach, you will only push them away from yourselves. If you speak without My leading. But, even at this My Son, what more control do you have over any man’s witness? But, to have issued the warning? Son, I or no one else, can testify that you have received My Speech. Which is beyond the reason of any man. Unless I open his understanding, to hear it. So, what matter have I Spoken unto you, that you have any care there of? Even nothing, as to all who, hear to receive with gladness. Or with less than perfect knowledge. To what has been spoken, what care is this to you? Oh yes, everyone wants his speech to be received at all times, as honorable & trustworthy. But, son if any at any time, can not receive or understand your speech. You are correct to try to explain it unto them. But, if they still have any trouble with it. Turn them over to Myself, for their understanding. But, how can any (2) walk together if you can not agree? Son, this is not your job, but Mine. And I, will not fail at Mine. Now let us get down to the matter at hand. Son, what may that be? Father, I assure You, I have no idea. And Your Spirit is not Speaking anything for my knowledge. So My Son, is there nothing to be said? By no means Father, this is not so. Even, as I have no knowledge thereof. Son, what I Am doing here is demonstrating how I Speak unto you. For you now at this instant have no idea of what I may Speak. Now son, pause for one moment to hear. What I Will Speak unto you. Pause! Son, I will start with this matter that I Said, prepare or make preparations. You have dug your additional footing for this extra shed, to store the lawn mower & your larger tools. This is correct Father. Son, you have made a schedule & planning. True Father. There are still other things you can do without any funds. You have taken My Speech at My Word. And I, have Spoken unto you not to take any more of Nanna’s earnings. And My Father, I have no plans to do anything more or less than what You Speak. Son, I realize no one has come forward to offer any assistance. Son, let that stand for itself. For it is I, who shall see you to complete every Word of My Speech. Give this no more thought what so ever. Even, tho you have been approached. And this has been spoken unto you. That you can not accomplish what I Said, to do. Son, who do you believe? Father, there is no question, of who I shall obey. Son, it is done! I receive this Your Words My Father. Son, I have yet laid additional works for you to accomplish. Even, recordings of My Speech. Son, you will need very few copies. So, let this be no burden on you also. My Son, receive My Words. These will before My Witness, be shown to a very selective few, who will be in on the first wave. My Son, as it has not been revealed unto anyone. What you shall be after your (all of you prepared) Spirit Birth. My Son, receive My Words for this. What does or is not covered by behold all things will become New? Son, in those Words all shall be complete. But, yet not to your present understanding. Son, if you are made complete to perfection. Where I Ask again, is even a stain of sin (flesh living) is to be found in this New Body? If you are like Myself. And I Say, you will be. What need do you have, of oxygen, food, water & etc? You WILL NOT BE DEPENDENT OF ANYTHING OF THIS EARTH, SEEN OR UNSEEN. Do you hear Me? Do I Speak, as the one well drunken? And knows not what he speaks? Who would judge Me so? Tho all that you know shall be New, yet not revealed today of your mind. No! That does not mean just because you this day can not realize what all new is! This has no effect of what you will be shortly. Have you all gotten that? As you will at that instant of Your Birth, be totally dead of any former living in practice or deed. For your mind will no longer understand your past. And as you can this minute not understand your future, after Your Birth. Think on this, to get the feel of these words. Children, what today buffets you from all sides. You will after Your New Birth, not understand what buffeting is. You will know nothing but amazing joy, & living. Of which now, has no meaning unto you. Children, this is what’s coming, to all of you of such few short days. As to not be understood of you. Even, now as your mind is dying out to the only lifestyle you know. Shall also your body be born of totally new substance? That you today can not reason? Is this heavy? I Ask, how heavy do you want it? Don’t you for one minute think, I could put you to disbelieve, with My Words. For I could, very well do so. But, what profit would that reason for you or Me? For Me, to put you into a state of confusion? Never I Say! So, what will you boast, over any other living being? Seeing I could turn you aside at any moment with My Speech. So I Ask, you what manner should your behavior be? I Say, even to remain humble & JUDGE NO ONE!! Mat. 7:-2. 1. Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Lest you should make an occasion to offer your own offense, for your own fall. Now yes, I reveal that I have others that will also share with you in the first fruits. Even, in the very first fruits of the first born into the Father, Yahweh. Even, as you proceed after Yahshua, the very First Born of Your Father Yahweh. Children, when I Say this is so, Yet who are they? For at this time all known of you. Even Aunt Ruby, Nanna, Sandy, Jerry, Dan, My Son __ __, six. But, who shall also be added? Give this some thought? And your reasoning will give way. My Father, I believe You are Speaking of the #12. Does this not bring to you great joy? Shall I, not take this little group & set the world ablaze? And My Children, then you shall be led as I go, Myself to lead. And shall they not flock to you for this New Life? How shall this grow, no less unimaginable then any of My other Speech? Children after your new birth you will no longer depend upon My Son __ __, to deliver to you. What Sayeth, Our Lord. For all at that moment on will hear equally the same identical T Speech. Your days are few. You do well to set your eyes on Nanna, as My SIGN unto you, for your New Birth. For this is a sure sign, as you make your way. This is also your sign to approach any now with this Revelation. I Say, even today. Why? For all those who express, hope of this My Words, will be seeking the Truth. You may reveal unto them, as much as they ask for. For not only shall you reveal Nanna’s complete Healing. But, also Your New Birth to follow immediately. Now Children, check your lists. These & all My Spirit bids you to speak to, do so. Children, learn My Speech. And keep every Word of it. And I shall save alive before your own eyes! Do this! Now hear Me, be ye led of My Spirit, to make this witness. For know you whether they shall believe because of Nanna’s Healing? And or Your New Birth. Or because, of the signs of healings & miracles thus performed by you after YOUR NEW BIRTH ? What matter is this? Even, by a few days, this way or that. Yet, they believe unto the death of their bodies & to life in the Spirit One. So, I repeat, as you are led of your spirit. Make your witness today. Is this not, what you have been waiting on? Even, to do the works of Your Father. Children, be selective as My Spirit leads. But, then speak you as if you had witnessed both these, to have come to pass. My children, if you will be led, of Me. You will at that moment become so bold. That they can not refuse your witness. Now you may try your new wings. See not that you shall fly! I Say, do not forget one moment of who you are (your identity). As one who is in the womb, to be born a Spirit Being. As perfect as Your Father Yahweh is Perfect. Now where is your boldness found? But, in My Words. Do you fear to say these words? Then do not bother to speak them. For they shall see your fear. And believe not your speech. I believe I have made Myself clear. Now try on My Speech, and see, the size fits all. Who may be delivered from death, unto life? Will you also believe that which you shall make witness? Children, see if I AM not alive in you. Now My Son, this is what you thought I was going to Speak before. But, My Son, today is the correct time, to be led of My Spirit to make your witnesses. Bring your reports together to each others witness. For then, I will Speak to you the more, of you all. Children, which one among you shall question My blessings? Even, given on your very first Sabbath. Are you not all amazed of the route of your lives? After My Speech was obeyed of you. At your new understanding. I would that each of you make witness to the others. What has now occurred in your life. And yes, & is My number to be made complete. Do you not this day know your correct identity? Are you not complete in Myself, of Your Identity? Children, the world will soon know you, as I know you. EVEN, YOU ARE THE I AM. Son, would you take your rest? I thank You Father, for all Your Speech. 1:20 AM Saturday.
Mes. #115: 8-14-05 6:32 am. Sun.
Dream - going to meet our Lord!
I just awaken from a dream. That I’ve had several times. As I saw we were pitiful natives living pitiful lifes. We were a small tribe of people. But, the call went out. This was as if we suddenly heard the call, within each of us. To migrate, for we all heard the same call. Within us at the same time. That it was time to migrate. To meet the Great White Father. The journey was rough over land travel. And we set out quickly on foot to go meet Him. As I say, I have had this same dream several times. But, this time it was most vivid to me. But, My Son, I have called you. And you dropped all things. Even, all that you dropped had little value. And you have run unto Me, as quickly as you could get here. Forsaking all left behind of you. And have come to receive Me with just the clothes on your backs. You have come in haste, to receive Me unto yourself. And so My Son, have I not called you unto Myself? For is it not now that time? For your journey & struggle to meet Me. Is it not nearly, over to see Me? For do you not make your testimony, that you throw off these things of small value? To run quickly unto Me carrying nothing for your journey. Even, so My Children your journey is all but complete. Do what you do quickly. For I, come to meet you in your way. There it is children, even Our New Spirit Birth.
Mes. #116: 8-14-05 10:43 pm. Sun.
Son, get rid of your cares-
My Son, I know, I have nothing to prove to you. But, My Son, many saw today My Hand at work. I did set Jerry free, & he saw My Hand. So, powerful this day. My Son, of the many things done of Myself today. Shall now become your normal days witness. My Son, you see what I cleared out of your cares in one day. Even, the very next day, when all say it can not be done? My Son, you will not struggle even of one day. As you complete the removal of all your cares. As you make good the debt. And send Nanna on her trip. And still get done, all you have to do. To complete your preparations. My Father, I Trust You with all matters. To direct them to Your Will. Even, the one more matter, to make Jerry complete. My Son, this has already set its course to be completed. Even, as the RV, truck, & furniture will also follow. Now set your sight on making these Words to come to type. For to make witness, of those I would have to receive it.
Mes. #117: 8-15-05 10:12 pm. Mon.
Rhonda & typing - son you see Me moving on your cares.
My Son, what did you hear & see today? Yes you tried hard to set up yourself to type. And to get this set up to give to Sandy & Amy. Son, what of Rhonda? Was this not to your understanding? That the typing was hers to do? Father, that’s what I understood. Father, Your Word was to get it done. Father, if that is Your Will that she should do this. I would be most grateful. But Father, as Your Will is, so shall it be done. Son, are they not stepping forward as I Said they will? Have no care My Son. Son, even tho nothing went out from you today. What was the words you heard? Son, tomorrow you will know much more, for many things. Including the making of these Words, to be put out transportable. To those that are to receive it. My Son, have no great care for anything, for it is all complete to My Words Spoken. My Father, I have no care to believe otherwise. My Son, nothing can be said, but you saw Myself, move ever so mightily last Sunday. But, My Son, that shall pale to what you will see the rest of this week. I Say, by no means is this for you alone. For I have set this up that many will see My moving. Even, all your house hold, so watch! My Father, I most certainly will. But, my care is to see that Your Words directed to me to do, these are my concern. But, My Son, shared by who? Son, I told you, I will not load you up with many heavy burdens. No! No more as before, as you labored on & on. So, see My Son, what I do. Father, I receive Your Words as complete even now. Father, please receive my praise. Even, so My Son, it is done.
Mes. #118: 8-16-05 11:00 pm. Tues.
My Son, now you understand, what I desire of you to do now. That is in what shall be written, as to be understood, of those I Will have to read your written report. Son, I Spoke of those who have no knowledge of these things. But, their heart burns within them, to know the Truth. Did I not tell you, what it took 40 plus years for you to learn? That those who follow after you. Will discover over night, what it took you a life time to discover? Son, so it is. Yet, I called you to do this. With no talent known of you, to accomplish this. Yet, you will succeed to see it done. And I will raise up, all this is intended for.
Mes. #119: 8-19-05 11:17 pm. Fri.
My Father, it seems that its been a very long time since I last spoke with You. It is true that I have had little time. As I’m, trying to carry out Your Speech. Father, I’m trying to set the whole plan into motion. And there is very much to be done. My Son, all is well with your plans. As you will continue to see these things move out. My Father, I give You praise. My Son, you have again been tried, repeatedly. Son, this arrangement with Rhonda you know is of My making. But, naturally you are not doing things as all would see it done their way. But, who lifted a hand. Until I, gave you the plan? Son, yet but a few more days & this will be behind you. None, will approach you anymore, as to why this way or that. For I, will leave no doubt, Who’s Words you followed. Now about tomorrow, hear them out, then I Will Speak. Son, I know you are so tired of dragging people along. Trying to get them to move up. It would be so much easier to come & hide in My Peace. And let them find their own way. But, son I will repay, for all your faithfulness, in full. My Son, I know you have repeatedly tried to get them to set no judgment against no man. Yet, they persist, to receive My judgment on themselves. Now they will receive that, that they ask for. Son, I know you would like to walk away. But, I love them way to much, to allow you to do this. All will hear & all will understand. Son, My Peace is with you. Now to relate another story, for God’s Glory. I sold Darryl Williams, 4 long guns & 2 cases of ammo for $1100.00. Well he left the money at Aunt Ruby’s & he told her to put up the envelope for it has $1000.00 in it & it was for myself. Well I got it this last Sabbath, our 8th 8-20-05. And opened it, that night after I got home. I was quite surprised to count it, it was only $1000.00. So, I had Nanna to count it. She agreed it was 1000.00, of which I gave to her right then, for her week vacation at Bowling Green, Kentucky. So, I thought well I’ll call Darryl and then it occurred to me, that I wouldn’t be able to confirm there was only $1000.00 & not 1100.00 in the envelope. So, I said to myself. It’s not worth making him angry or making a scene. So, I called Aunt Ruby to tell her what had happened. Because I knew if Darryl remembered what he had done. He would call his mother first. So, Aunt Ruby confirmed that Darryl had told her there was $1000.00 in the envelope. So, I sensed God was at work in this matter. Because, Darryl Williams had also expressed to his mother that he was shocked with my speech. I have had to give this some serious thought as I didn’t know I was being that offensive. But, as I say, I knew instantly God was at work here with Darryl. And while I was on the phone with Dan & Aunt Ruby, God Spoke to my spirit. And He Said, son you will not touch that 100.00 when its offered unto you. As I told Dan, what Our Father had Said about that 100.00. Was to go to the neediest person Darryl knew. That’s when the Lord also Spoke of Aunt Ruby & Said thru myself, that He would Speak to her concerning the money. So Aunt Ruby got off the phone & the Lord Said, tell Dan what I told you. I said Dan, the Lord told me, That He will also tell Aunt Ruby not to touch that 100.00 either. For He was going to test Darryl with this. So, I figure it will be a week or 2, and God will bring this to Darryl’s mind, that he shorted me. God is going to most definitely use this to witness to Darryl. So, I have recorded it for the Glory of God. My Son, you have been most busy, but all is moving along very nicely & will continue until done. Yes, I have set a trap for Darryl, that he can not fail to see My Hand at work in his life. And My Son, what do you perceive of Jack? Even the same Father. My Son, you are making all who will hear you, the witness of Nanna’s very soon healing. And you witness to Sandy, Jim & others. Father, I try my best to comply to obey Your Speech unto myself. Son, all these things are in route to their completion. So, remain you faithful unto My Speech. My Son, this is no small thing that I now put before you to see it complete, even done. Now you are very tired, so take you up to rest. 8:10 My Son, I Ask you what is real, what is alive among you, but the sound of My Voice? Take that away & what is left? Even no hope & all is void. Son, as usual as you awaken you saw & you heard very much. But, My Son take recognition to the facts, known unto you. You are now interacting with these visions. For you now speak with tongues, as you know for a fact. Even, aloud in your sleep. And you also knew what was Spoken of the Spirit. For your ears heard also your known language at the precise timing with the unknown tongue. In other words, even at the sound of your voice in the unknown tongue, your mind received it precisely in timing to your understanding. Even, as if you had only spoken in your native tongue. Son, this is what I have been telling you. That indeed you are seeing & hearing from within My Own Mind. And as I Said, long ago (much too long for you) that you would become aware of your own presence there in My Mind. Not only as one, who has observed from the edges. But, is now interacting, to the environment of that which you find yourself to be in. Son, this last vision was very real unto you. Because, you remembered more of what you saw & heard. As I had Said, this shall keep expanding until Your Spirit Birth. Of which there after, you will always be conscious of My Mind. As more real than the life yet shared with men. For then as your (being) body is New. So, will your mind be fully New (aware) of Myself, even forever. Never one more second of separation, will ever be known of Us. As your awareness will over scope all that was real, while you walked in your flesh. Even, as if now you question what you witness in My Mind, of your mind. My Son, hear Me! This I Say, will continue to escalate to Your Spirit Birth. You will lose the desire & capacity to record this. But, until Your Birth & New Tongue, the T-speech. You will continue to record the high lights, so as to teach others. That are following you into the elective, called of Myself. My Son, think not that you will be totally done with your book, when you finish it currently. No! For then will yet follow many, many NR for your knowing & recording. That must also be shared with those who follow. Son, this will make them as complete as you are in your awareness. Son, I have taken you & those who assist you. And you marvel how could it have ever happened? For son, you consider yourself void of talent. Yet, who have I Chosen? But, the most improbable to do the most impossible. Do I delight to show this before the earth? This is who I AM. And My Son, beware of what is yet to come. For in My Speech, only is there Life to be found. And to all who refuse My Speech, where will you anchor yourself for life? Have you not turned your direction toward all that is void? Son, how sad is this, when they will choose death as their way, over Myself, even all Life? Son, what can be said? What can be done? Yes, intercessory prayer may be offered for these. Of which I shall appeal to them directly of Myself. Yet, they will choose, for themselves the path they will take. Even to go, from where I found Myself. But, their chosen trip will be without hope of any return. Yes Jerry, I Speak, to your understanding. As you are the only one I have thus far revealed this to. Yes, they as a part of Myself, that can not be destroyed. Have they chosen to go to the regress, from which I came? I Say, this is so. And let not their fate burden the living for it is as they have chosen. And, so be it. Amen! 10:31 AM My Son Dan, Says I can not understand, to what you speak. As if to understand My Origins is a matter that any can comprehend. But, know you not, is your own existence any less a Mystery unto any of you? When I Say, you are My Own Self & inseparable, to that fact, as the Source You Are. Are you not just as confused to understand My Origins? Even as yourself’s Identification. As is for you to know your own origins, of self identification? For you are no less, than the origins of Myself, as I AM. And you who say otherwise, I Say prove it. For you know not what you speak. For there is no proof, nor understanding, outside My Own Speech. For there is nothing outside My Speech. Yet, men boast as if they were independent of My Speech. For indeed, they are no more, nor less than My Speech. I give to this small party the origins, of yours & My Own Identities as the Truth. For I Speak, of the Source of My Own consciousness of My Identity. Will you throw up your hands & declare? I refuse this, to be a Fact (Truth), because you can not as now comprehend this My Speech. Have I, not revealed unto you My Own Identity, & you question, is this the I AM? Who Speaks, these things to your hearing? But, please understand if you refuse to accept My Identity. Then you have already refused your own. As I AM, the Source of Your Identity. And yet, will you say unto Me? What, why would I reject my own (your own) identity, when I know who I AM? Even my own self. Children, this is what I Speak, for your understanding. You never could have discovered your Identity & never no way have known Mine. For you are the very Source of My identity. As long as this is undiscovered unto you. You can never know Life, even Myself. So, what I Speak, is you are in the discovery to your own identity, to know My Identity or Your Spirit Birth. For without this knowledge you can never be made New, (Reborn of the Spirit). But, as many will continue their walk by faith. Will not know what you know, until their resurrection & My second coming. So, do I Speak, this as to your shame? Of course not but, this is what sets apart, as the Elect, from the saved by, faith. Saved from death unto Life. But, the Elect understand these things, as reality. Now as they await in the womb. For their birth (Reborn Spirit Beings), not by faith. But, by reality, as the Fact. That you are of the seed of I Am, even the same identically as Myself. Children, I have made this your identity complete. Even, in My Own Identity. Receive Me, for We Are One! And in less time than you can imagine. We will be Eye to Eye & Face to Face. So, Say I, the Lord Your God. 1:36 PM My Son, tho you are attacked day after day of your wife, family & others. What say you? Shall you appease these their threats, as to deny your own identity? You are called very evil, & uncaring. Bent to serve your own diluted mind, egotistic, bordering on schizophrenic. And you are attacking the sanity of your wife, trying to drive her mad. Son, I Ask you, what kind of a monster are you? As you claim to be free of all earths holding. And have the very nerve to say, you are a new creature in Myself Yahshua? Son, why do you torment these in this fashion? Will you continue to rave that you have more life & desire for living? Just to torment your wife’s sanity? Son, why don’t you curse Me & die? How can you remain this cruel & evil? My Son, may We laugh together as fools? Or do We rejoice the greater, for you have received the knowledge of Our United Identities? Son, I know it angers you of any one to question your integrity or sanity. Yet, you retreat to Myself that I may console you. For how well do you know, there is no life outside of Myself? This has been the sorrow of your life’s journey. Now who will give any question that you walked it? Do you not have it documented? How many people can say (you-I) have a written record of your life’s struggle, to find God? Now when you claim your success, where are those who rejoice with you? They say, if you are God then heal me also. That I should not suffer of this life. Son, they figure if you have met God, then they command that you show proof, by their healing! Is this not the least for you to offer, this as proof for their satisfaction? My Son, hear Me! The day drawns upon you, that they will want to gather at your feet to offer you worship. For they shall know that You Are the very Son of God, living among them. So My Son, ignore these their sayings for yet a few more days. For your personal speech in seeing NH is on you, on top of you. And all you desire to show of Myself unto her, she shall receive. I do not Ask you, to be faithful as a consideration for her healing. For since you made My discovery, you have been nothing but faithful. And this will never change. So do not be dumb founded of her speech, for she screams out in her pain, for relief. Behold I Will restore her to your side, even very quickly now! My Son, no one or thing can ever steal your identity, as I have repeated this to you. So, rest in My Peace, for nothing can touch you there.
Father, I was hoping to share this day with her, but I realize that whether Nanna is aware or not. She is seeking her relief in myself. Therefore I must give her, her healing, as nothing else is desired of her. Son, this is true, & she believes you lie of all these things. Because, you do not offer to her healing. Son, as if outside My Own Identity, you desire anything else in this life. But, I know you see My Son, why all this is recorded. Even, to edify many, yet in your future. So My Son, you already know your maze is over & your identity of rebirth draws near you. So, what are these matters, a concern unto you, as if you were discovering something new under the sun of the miseries of this life? So, abide still of My Peace.
Mes. #120: 8-24-05 2:00 am. Wed.
My Son, those thoughts that you were able to glean from your child Rhonda. They were most precious to you. For there is no greater understanding than to share ones heart. And you have long desired to have this talk with her. My Child Rhonda, I would Speak unto you. You are right in many of your aspects of perception. For all that occurs to any person, registers to your mind. Or you are totally unaware of it. So, regardless to Speak (as I do) to your mind, rather than your hearing. They both register to your thinking. But, you say this writing is only of Nanna’s Healing and Our shared Identities. Rhonda My Child, do you see no more value, than to prop up your father’s mind? My Child you are most correct that this book is written with these 2 main themes as the characters of this script. But, My Child Rhonda, consider even now as I have you to set this to type. Why, I Ask you? And I’m not Speaking of the money you earned. I Speak, you are My very witness that shall see these 2 matters to become complete. Why do I Say this? Because, as NH is to be complete, so is her & your fathers minds & bodies will become ever so New, just after her natural healing. And there will be no more to type, because there will be no more Said, in this present fashion. The story as you have witnessed, has ended. My Child Rhonda, many could read this story & not see the 2 items that were overly involved. My Child, your typing will soon end here. For the story is complete, & you will follow after your parents to share your identity, to Mine. My Child, I have held you in reserve for this day. You are as much of this story, as if you authored it. This was typed of you, to learn your identity & then My Own. I welcome yourself, unto Myself. 12:49 My Son, what is this that would worry your mind. Is this now not the time to take charge, by the Word of Creation? My Son, you are to fear nothing. Speak it by the word of your mouth. My Father, I am ashamed to fail to trust You. My Son, you have been harassed from every side, saying it can not be done. Now by the Birth Right as My Son, now claim this by your speech. Father, I claim these RV & truck, trailer & furniture, scooter to be gone, by the Name of Yahshua. And by the Will of Yahweh, these will be sold by 9-1-05. Father, I thank You.
Mes. #121: 8-25-05 5:05 am. Thurs.
My Son, you are being tried even so severely. For satan knows what’s going down in your life. Will bring him great sorrow. My Son, you done correctly today to take a deep breath & retain your peace. Son, as it stands today, you must deal with your family. Yet, there is no speech you can make that will appease them. So, remain as silent as possible. Son, it is true for so many of your years, for you to say, satan who? For you would never give any measure of attention unto him. But, now he is using your family & others united against you. Yet, you shall overcome all of them, even very shortly now. Son, once you stopped making answers & defending yourself. You got down to business to what is at hand. And to get back to My Plan, to extinguish your cares from you. You now have both well under control. With your posters, yard sale, & the typing of your book. And today you will get on line, to send it to Jack. To process it, to put it into a book form. For the sending of it to Sandy & Amy. Then I shall show you who else to give it too. Son, did I not Say, it would become so busy, as to be unbelievable? Yet, what do you now experience? Yet, as one, so far removed from all of this action. Has it not been as way more than one person should have been asked to perform? I Say, Indeed, this is so. And coupled with satan’s resistance. This could have been more than any could take. Even, if he (yourself) were used to a very busy life. Of which you have been totally removed from. Son, I Say, unto you, you have viewed by My Hand upon you, in a miracle of amazement. Yet, son you, have handled this massive assignment of yourself with care & affirmation. Son you are so accustomed to obeying My Speech. That you give no thought, that it can not be done. Even, as every one around you has said. My Son, you will now see both of these massive jobs completed, but very soon? Do not give way, as dates are approaching you. For as I’ve already Spoken unto you the timing is perfect. Son, I Say, by the Power of I AM these that have resisted you. Shall be dumb founded as to how this will be completed. Yes, you still have very much to do. But, this next few days will see most of your mission completed. Even, right before their eyes. I know you miss Our time together, to walk & talk. But, son soon We can not be ever apart again, even forever. For I will never be beyond your field of vision & Our Speech will go on as ever, as Face to Face. Son, satan now knows you are a most great threat to him & his. He can no longer win hands down. He will for his first time, be made defensive instead of offensive, as the ruler of this world. His authority, is even now being challenged for the very first time. Since he took his throne here as ruler of this earth. And he must now admit even the seed of Adam, did he cause to fall. Now by the Blood of the Lamb. And the Mysteries being opened to the believers, they are going after the evil one. And they shall prevail to take his kingdom from him (satan), & dethrone him, even to cast him down to the pit. Son, can it be We Speak of the end, as if it were today? I Say it is today. As time has revealed My Speech to be true, even Spoken before time was created. Rejoice ye the earth, for your salvation is sure, & the time is now.
Mes. #122: 8-26-05 2:47 pm. Fri.
A dream revealed NR- kissing & recreation
I just awaken from a nap. And this is what I experienced. The Father, was Speaking unto me. And I will write what I understood. He was Speaking about New Life. By, the desire of the heart unto creation. And by the Kiss of Life (to speak it into creation). I felt this new life struggling within me to come out or come forth. It seemed it was, my own life & life I wanted to create or share. Thats all the understanding I have of the matter. There was lots of faces of which I’m not sure if I knew their identities or not. As some appeared much younger. There was much kissing & hugging. This was a very close admonition (custom) of self expression. And again I was speaking much (even aloud of tongues). That’s all I can remember. The word kissing was spoken. And I understood it as spiritual inter- course. Which was to speak or transfer the Spirit into another, by kissing. Even to transform immediately from flesh & blood. To the Spirit Being, by Kissing or Spiritual Intercourse. But, I could hear, some sounds coming from within myself. And these sounds were (life or multiple life) that was wanting to come forth from my inter-self. And the Lord Said unto me. This is a NR coming, yet, to be understood.
Mes. #123: 8-27-05 3:31 pm. Sat.
I separated you from the organized Church long ago.- I shall now lead the body of believers, not ever again, will any man do so-
Come Out! Come Out! Of the harlot. - I am a jealous God! Lesson on free will choice-
My Son, can I Ask you? Is there any doubt that I have separated you from all systems called the organized church? Even, of many years past? Now you will not take up any fight to establish or uphold any of this (any church) today or any other day. For My Truth, shall be established in the hearts of men, who desire nothing else. And is not this job even of the 144,000? To reveal all Truth, yet some undiscovered (not yet revealed), to all faithful of heart. Not to a name, or doctrine of men. But, I have called, I have chosen & I shall lead My Own Body of Believers. This will never again be delivered, as if it were to any man. To turn it, to the lust of his own deceit. That one man shall wrestle another, for the control or title. I Say, I remove you, of wisdom, elderly & renown. As to have any more say, as I lead this body of believers. For I say, you don’t know Me! So, how can you do My bidding, if you neither know Me, or know My Voice? Your days to play god as leader of the pack, are now gone forever! For I have from the beginning established the 144,000. Of whom (not one) shall walk after the lust of the flesh of men. But, have received the son-ship, as My Own Children. Who (not one) desires to walk as to his own will. But, are Reborn of the Spirit, by the Will of Yahweh. And they will only execute Yahweh’s Will of Perfection. So I Say, of those that will walk with Myself. COME OUT! COME OUT! Of all the synagogues of satan. Rev.18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Walk no more as if you were of a dual mind. But, come as I call you of a pure heart, to follow Your God. To Everlasting Life, with the Father. I Say, DO NOT SPEAK TO ME ANY LONGER OF ANY SO CALLED CHURCH OF GOD! For I, have divorced them, for their sins & uncleanness. Children, this is the END! I Will now presently establish My Sabbath, in every heart. Who desires to walk holy before I AM. I repeat again. COME OUT OF ALL THE HARLOT (established religions) NOW TODAY. Pay no more homage of payments or subjection, to any never more. Do I have your attention? THEN HEAR ME! & OBEY! See if I Will not establish your heart before Me, in Perfection. For all that is required of you, is to keep My Word. And I Will come & commune, & sup with you as My Own. Be led of only Myself, I AM a jealous God. And I Say, take your filthy hands off My Own!! I will not any longer suffer you to rape & exploit My Own for your own lust of power & greed. Repent, I Say, or you will perish. If you disbelieve, I mean what I Say. Then I dare any to touch one of Mine! Who has set his heart to follow only Myself. I Will fast make this knowledge know unto all men. Then will you openly defy Me? I Say, do so, & be damn yourself, to the eternal separation. I have Spoken it, My Son, from this day forward you will no longer argue, to convince any man of any matter. For it is already done. They will receive eternal life or reject it. And your compassion will be removed from any who refuse salvation. Son, I have brought you all the way of Myself to the Truth. And even tho it breaks your heart to hear any refuse the Gift of Life. This is no longer a care, that concerns you. For that person of his own free will, said No! You will honor this, even as I do. Yes, My Son, you will put on a display of My Power that no sane man could refuse. But, you will abide their decision. Son, the Truth that is, it’s full measure. Is being revealed daily unto those that seek the same. You will soon see the day when Our Identities is complete, even Eye to Eye. Then as of that moment, all shall be New. And you will never from that moment know this life, any more of pain, limitation, want & or struggle of anything any more. By the Will of Yahweh, I have completed the first phase, of His Speech unto me. Let all who see or hear these Words. Give praise unto Yahweh. And to any person, who would think to change one word of this writing. I pronounce a curse of death, upon you. As Yahweh will
protect His Own.
As we prepare to make Yahshua’s Speech known unto the world. As to conclude from the earlier writings. I have endeavored, to obey My Father’s every Word. To help guide all who will come to His Peace. As the Father made us to be the first to mention the role of the 144,000-electives. Of which this is a guide to all who would seek the fullness of God’s Perfect worship. And the walk of the Elective. As I am one of these, even your brother in Christ. And to all who will continue to walk in grace, by faith. This is also our desire to encourage you, to abide of Yahshua’s Love. Striving to keep His Father’s Will. And commandments of even all Yahweh’s Speech, the Bible His Word. As the end, is with in our sight. Let us ever be most faithful, to the end I have done all I can to make the Mysteries and Revelations ever so clear. The Truth, as He has revealed it to me, of the Father. That was given unto my charge, to record and share, up to this point. With the world, of the events, and times, we now live in. I await, to meet you all in the clouds of His
Glory. At His very soon 2nd coming. And so shall we ever be with Our Lord. Amen!
Mes. #125: 8-30-05 1:42 pm. Tues.
We are now on the short stack, of the days to the Ending!- These Words will
go into all the earth. - Jerry message! - sin day, comes to an end –
Yahshua’s revealing of the end - times death!
My Son, I would converse with you. Let not the weight of My Speech (even these Words) be a concern unto you. For as you can see, time & space will have to deliver up what I command of it to reveal. For all is now boxed into a very limited space. And I Say, this can not, but to be revealed now. So, even as your cares leave you. And Nanna’s Healing is before your view. All so, shall these Words give birth before the earth. As it is time. So, to speak of these, as to make them known. What is this to you, but, to make obedience to My Speech? No, small task, as you are in evidence. But, there’s no quitting in this or any other thing, Spoken unto you of Myself. You will persevere to see it complete. You even refuse to give credit to the evil ones, efforts to block this. As heaven & earth stand. You know you will deliver this to it’s completion. Yes, son, I have confirmed to My Glory. That this would be jointly authored, of those I revealed unto you. So My Son, receive this of your brother Jerry. To enter it, as your spirit confirms this is the I AM. Revealed by your brother Jerry. As I, have Spoken of the shortness of the time left. Before this Speach will be complete to all. The 144,000 & all who carry My Name among men. For the instructions of My Will, to be realized upon the earth. The mission is, no less than to identify all evil. To produce it to the exposure of all men (living). That all will be known & destroyed. That is every man made system (of failure) & exploitation, of greed, & all sin will be revealed. And the First Gospel of My Kingdom, has been delivered to the hearing of the whole earth. Then shall all of this be complete. And I, will come & receive My Own. And destroy the a/c and false prophet. And the marriage of Our unity will be complete. And then, My Father’s reserved wrath of 45 days, will be emptied upon those left behind on the earth. Then I, shall lead you back to this earth. With your instructions received of Myself. You will teach My Ways, to those that are left upon the earth. And I declare, there will be Peace & Plenty. For this I Will of Myself. It is all done! My Chosen Children, fret not, as tho these things have no end. For the end of time as you currently know it, is so close to it’s own history of death. Even, tho your birth pains are many & severe, (not to be taken lightly). But, behold I Say to you. Look to My Spirit that indwells you. Listen for you will hear My Spirit. As the seconds tick down to it’s own ( times ) death. I Say, to all of you presently. You will all hear the very same utterance of My Spirit. Listen! For I Speak, of your New Birth. Shall you not be present? Shall you not know? As My Spirit Birth’s you, to your brand New understanding of Perfection. As of mind, even so of body. I Say, yet again, listen carefully. As My Spirit will deliver you into My Perfection. No, none of you have passed this way before. And you will never pass this way again. This is now your time of Rebirth! Heaven Rejoices! Oh earth, rejoice also! For your deliverance is at hand. So Say I, the great I AM.
Mes. #126: 9-3-05 Sat.
Jerry’s message - We are one!
(Jerry) Seeker, I have Said you have but one more awareness to become complete. Know We are together. You know who I AM. You know I am not a name. I AM, the Source of all things. You see Me. What is lacking? Only the awareness that this is fact. We are together. No, this is not a delusion. The void is filled, & no longer exist. This will cause a fundamental change in you & I. As you are being born, your awareness of this fact. Will grow to encompass the entire universe. Be still, because all movement in this stage is rejection of Truth. I Will deliver you into the New Realm complete. Your own personal void is being filled. In other words, you will know we are together in true physical & spiritual reality. Hope is realized. I AM –You Are, We Are, is your New Identity. No longer will you fill I AM. Because the old identity is no more. We Are! This is the last awareness. Now We Are – We desire, We purpose, We create, We love. Does this eliminate individuality? No! Your uniqueness, & Mine is based upon a shared Identity of We. We Are multiple beings, with One Identity. WE ARE!
Mes. #127: 9-04-05 11:04 am. Sun.
the 144,000? Yes! - It stays here! - My witness to Uncle Will Metz-
Son My son, now with the first stage of My Speech recorded, thus complete. I Say, well done, My Son. Now you may start the final stage. But, think not to publish it now. Son did I not, truly make Myself known to Jack & Geneva? Yes, you know I had you spend that time with them. As you proof read My Speech. Son, this as you well know was, no small undertaking to achieve. Yet, I did use Rhonda. And, I did Say unto you, to give it to Jack to make into a book form. Son, as I’ve Spoken, that My Words now heard. Will also be seen with your eyes to confirm My Speech. And so it is. Now son, even as you dedicated a large sum of your time. To bring about this My Speech, to a book form. But son, see what, I Spoke to make this into audio & video. For those who can not or will not read My Speech. What, has happened? Has this not been set into motion? And you lifted not a finger, to make this happen. I have called this one Jack, My Son. For this cause have I prepared him. Son, your natures are much alike. So you, see it is I who will Speak all Truth to Jack. For that is the only way that he will receive it. As his understanding grows. I Ask, will he not seek to be made perfect, before Me? Yes, I Speak of the number 144,000. So My Son, see that I have blessed you. And, I will bless Jack. As he will seek to walk before Me, in My Own Perfection. So, you can not guess what I have prepared of this one (Jack), for the Glory of My Kingdom. Son, you can not imagine this My Written Words. That you have recorded, to encompass the earth. But, if this amazes any of you. Watch, what lies before you all in the very near future. For as I Live, thus Saith the great I AM. Shall not everyone Word. That I Willed, not be completed on this earth? But, you are the first to see, to record, to make, or set into motion. My Speech, upon this very earth. For I Say, it all started here. You are My Witnesses of these many things. And now your eyes shall make the witness, to what is recorded. By your ears, & recorded of those who know these Words. Now son, I Will not have you to struggle any more. With yet this second massive job, I have given you, to shun your cares. And to make preparation for a place together. Son, it will be evident in this matter, as even the first. Yes son, make your final corrections. Then send this copy to Sandy. Son, abide My Will. For this is only the beginning of what you shall witness. Son your spirit jumped within you last night. When you heard Paul Williams. Speak of the matter of your Uncle Will Metz. Having bought the little outlet center next door to your Aunt Ruby. Son, I need not at all to Speak unto you. That, have I not thus made the way before you, to be shut of them. And, what bigger reason, have I placed before you? Go see My Son!
Mes. #128: 9-07-05 2:27 pm. Wed.
My Father, I give You Praise. For all that You have preformed here of late. I must give thanks for getting Your Speech Recorded. And I give You Thanks as this is complete. As also my cares being eliminated. Father, I now await to rest some, for Your next assignment. Even, the necessary changes to make preparations for this place, for us to meet You. My Son, as usual you have obeyed My Speech unto you, to the letter. And son, I Am very pleased. I know, you punished your body to make compliance to My Speech. Son, you take no thought of what you lay up before you in treasures. Father, who could I Trust to care for them, but You? Now My Son, We come to the main event of your calling, & purpose to be on the earth. Even, My Divine Will for your life. Son I, make no more Promises of any matter. For that is no longer necessary. As you consider My Speech to be, all the proof that you could ever want. Son, you are now aware of your identity. As the Son, of the Living God-Yahweh. And the coupling of Our Identities, is near before you. As you broadcast Nanna’s Healing to all you can reach, with that word. Even as I have bid you to do. Son, I have now confirmed to your spirit to let these Words of My Speech, to be read of Jack’s friend (Gilbert). Son, no small matters will come from this. As you have already had confirmed of your spirit. Son, what now awaits before you all? Can not be said of few words. So, continue to watch & listen. For you will miss nothing. As all matters now converge upon you. And of Nanna’s Healing, soon to be witnessed of very many. On to the breach of the dam. Shall not the flood of Myself, cover you all? Even in My Glory! Son, you have obeyed Me to see these writings completed, to this point. Of which you had no fore warning, to make preparation for. Yet, with great determination, you have seen this completed. Tho it took a massive amount of work to accomplish this. Now son, I bid you to rest. And watch as I make rid of your cares. So, as to make you to meet Nanna’s debt, & for her vacation. These shall be determined as I Speak. Even so, you do receive it to be complete this instance. Now My Son, stay with these, My Words. As I yet, will reveal many (New Revelations) for you all to see. But, this will never be the burden, as was the first stage. For you will not be surprised of yet the second stage. As, it is known of you. Son, this will continue to be revealed unto, the T Speech. As this, is for all to see & follow. But, the T- Speech will be advance training that only the 144,000 or the Elect will practice. As these will receive, as they shall know, as they are known. Yet, those that walk by faith, will not be a (direct) party to the many Mysteries that shall be revealed to the Elect. And I do repeat, I Will have none of these that walk by faith. To be in any way reduced as 2nd class, Children of My Father. For from this point on, it will be taught continuously, the Love of Brethren & of your neighbor. And to exist, side by side, with no judgment by any, to be spoken among you. This is truly Your Father’s Love, being taught you. And, it will start to be taught now, & learned of all in the Sabbath, 1000 year reign. Now son, once again I would Speak, as to what is unfolding. Before the eyes of all, who follow Myself. So, see & hear what the Spirit is now directing on the inhabitance of this world. For the changes, will be innumerable & far reaching, with no end in sight. So be, My Witnesses before the Fact. For these things are not hidden from the Elect. As nothing, what so ever can be hidden from the knowledge of the Elect. So My Son, take to you now a rest. I Will be Speaking much more, to make completion unto the T- Speech. As I’ve Said, only the Elect will witness the T- Speech. But, as I Say, there is very much to be revealed before this is enacted to the Elect.
Mes. #129: 9-08-05 10:50 p.m. Thurs.
My Father, I thank You that all has been spoken for now, but the RV. And I am depending on You, to be rid of it. Father, I’ve kept Your Words. I’ve sold what I could sell. Today, I gave away the pickup, trailer, scooter, & 3 lawn mowers. And, traded Jim (my mechanic), my last 3 guns. For work done on Nanna’s & my cars. Now I am down to be rid of the RV, for 3,000.oo, as this is taxes due on it. And my cares are no longer. My Son, I know you stand & watch as the money that you worked, so very hard for. Now rolls down your driveway. And then you have Nanna saying, have you lost your mind? But, son you are dead, to these things. For there is no more joy to be found in them. Yes, there is know doubt to those who watch you. As to question your sanity. But, what do you My Son, know, that these do not know? They did not hear My Voice to Say, to be rid of these things (cares). So, how can they know otherwise, that your actions are not silly? Now son, you will not feel pressed to be rid of the RV. And now which one, who has witnessed your actions, can measure your blessing, for your obedience to My Speech? Son, it was you, who made the book into existence, possible. It was you, who obeyed My Plan for the eradication of all your cares. As guns, boat, trailer, pickup, scooter, lawnmowers, furniture & yard sale items. Now all gone, at My request. As only the RV, now remains. But, I have Spoken unto you that this is also gone. Your eyes will soon verify this as a fact. Father, I know not how, nor do I doubt Your Words, by any means. Son, you have set again an example before many. What it is to obey My Speech, Spoken unto you. For you would not rest. Until you had brought My Speech to reality, or to be a fact. Son, let any measure your reward, if they can. For My Son, at no time have you made a measurement to Myself. And, never have you said, that’s all I will give You Father. Now son, let those that have witnessed this (your foolishness) from you, of a give away. Let them continue to watch. For now I Will give unto you, without measure. And you shall give this & much more away yet, to those of need. For My Son, I Will pour this abundance upon you. And, none can deny that this is the I AM, blessing you for your obedience. As I pass the basket of plenty before you, My Son. Take to your needs, & pass it on to the needy. My Son, it would appear I have passed back, into the shadows. As it appears things have slowed down. But, to this I Say, continue to watch & listen. For there is very much to break upon the scene to all’s viewing. There are yet some very great New Revelations that will come forth, very soon. Yes, even tho Nanna’s Healing, will take center stage, for all’s witness. For this I Say, that there will continue to be, many things opened up before her healing. For now the book will start opening eyes & understandings. This will start putting much excitement into the air of anticipation. So son, I meet with you all again, this Sabbath.
Mes. #130: 9-0-05 4:23 p.m. Sat.
A human nature flare up - preparation of the place - two massive jobs, your cares & the
book - are you silly?- Some are resting on there heels - did I not bless, because they
kept My Sabbath? - I will reward-
My Father, I for sure don’t know what’s going on. I don’t feel anything is right at this moment. Now I, refuse to leave Your Peace behind. Which at this very moment. Means I’ll be staying in my room, until something gives. Father, unless You tell me to go to Aunt Ruby's for worship, I’ll not be going. And I am done with the RV. It will sit there until You move it. I have given all I can give away. And I hope Dan gets rid of the furniture & etc. I can now start building the shed & making other preparations. Father, I need You. My Son, no nothing is out of control. My Son, get ready to make your preparations next week. For you will go no more there. I Said, they will come to you, and this is so. Son, the first phase is done, & you are done with it. And I Will move the RV. So, now I Ask you to concentrate on My place to meet. Son, regardless of what your family says. About you giving this stuff away. My Son, you have planted seed by your actions. That shall bring much Glory to My Name. Son, the time passes swiftly, until Nanna’s Healing. This shall not only bring you great joy. But, it will dissolve the bitterness directed against you. Son, you have pleased Me, very much. Now I Say, you have no place to worship. Make this also to happen My Son. For I Will not send you to an environment that you can not control. Son, you will marvel how this unfolds, here at your house. You have taken stock of the young people, I have run past you. Son, do as you will to get done, as you must. I Will send you lots of help, once you get started. Son, I Ask you not to believe of things, by faith. For, I did Say, I’ll bring your eyes to see the reality of My Speech. Your days now to struggle are now gone. I know that when you went to your Aunt's, you felt very alone. As do they have any desire to worship Myself? Have I not proven unto them? That I have blessed them, because, they had kept My Sabbath? Yes, moving & cleaning is unsettling & exhaustive work. But, will you not come to share My Sabbath, with ME? My Son, take one step back, & survey the scene. Then determine what is the proper move & in which direction. Take no more care of the 2 massive jobs I laid on you. For you have finished both of these. Even, so very quickly did you attend to these, to see them completed. This last mission shall be on going. Until I press it on the hearts, to see it done. So, make your start. I Will continually add to the volume of help. Until they have the desire to see it done. Son, I AM with you. Do not think you will struggle with this. For, I Will not allow it. Now be on your way to see it to start. Son, I know you never see sunshine. For there are few that care that you see any. Son, it appears you are quite silly in your judgement calls. And that is to honor & obey My Voice. But, My Son, you obeyed every Word I Spoke to you. Now see if I do not amazes, those that think you are not right in your head. I shall show them, who’s right. And who’s always right to obey My Speech. Son, you may withdraw into My Peace, as to remain quite. Just go on with what I have given you to do. Let, the other’s see if they miss you. Son, abide your time here. Near your house, to be busy to attend to this last mission. Son, I Will yet Speak unto you, with more New Revelations. But, do not go out of your way to be quite. But, unless I send them unto you. Guard what I give you. For I Will make them see, I visit you. Of which they have taken totally for granted. They may lay back on their heels, if they like. But, this steady diet of Words of Myself, shall these not wane from their hearing? Son, I told you that I Will not allow you to be taken for granted. Son, those that I have placed into your company. Have I not blessed them, of unspeakable? Yet, will they fall a sleep, because of My Words of comfort to them? My Son, I Say, be still & watch. For these will no longer ride your coat tail of ease. I Will put My hunger into their hearts, to seek Me. Instead of always coasting, as you push. Son, I Promise you, and you know that I Am Faithful. I Will not have you to struggle against the oars, as other sight see in ease. Father, I can not see that they are moving up to meet, Your unbelievable Speech for us. Son, even My Son, you have never lingered, nor relaxed. But, to push as hard as you could. Even all of your life, to Obey My Speech. You have never waited for others to join in, to push also. But, you have pushed against all odds. In what seemed like a useless effort. When all others would say, you are crazy. And so very stupid, and yet you never give up. But, My Son, I need not to Say unto you, (but the treasures you have lain up). For this is not what motivates you. As you give know thought for a reward. For you are still seeking to do well, & to be accepted, because of your efforts. Yet, this has never brought any satisfaction to you ever. But, I know what you seek. And I Will repay to the max, as you have earned it. And it shall be I who tells you, well done. Thank You Father for the pep talk, as I needed it.
Mes. #131: 9-12-05 10:20 p.m. Mon.
Father, I’m concerned with what is happening. I don’t care for this, not one iota. It appears I’m being attacked from the small party. I gave several 100.oo dollars of goods, unto them. And they did not say thank you. And, then I’m accused of passing off to them my problems & junk. And, then Aunt Ruby, raves on myself, these 3 times. Because they can not find the table leg. And, I ask You Father where it was at. And You Said, it is in the van. I told this to them on the phone. Paul, went to the van, & found the leg immediately. And, still no apology was offered. Father, I suspect the devil is in the wood pile. Son, not to worry, nor be upset. Son, I am revealing something’s to Aunt Ruby. As to where she needs to move up. Father, until I can see where this is going, I’m on hold! I will not go back into this kind of behavior, this church in fighting. I will go to my peace. And it is there that I shall remain. No! Father, I will not get involved with this human nature. Father, I can’t go back to this, for this is dead, of any existence what so ever with me. I will with draw into Your Peace. It’s bad enough to fight the unbelief of my own family. But, I will not be a party to this flair up, of uncontrolled human nature. Father, I will see Your Words realized. Or, I can go no further. Father, I have done everything that You Told me to do. Now, I will wait! I will not move! Father, this rings of failure. This is not for me. No way!
Mes. #132: 9-13-05 8:30 am. Tues.
Preparing to make preparations - my new power saw, stolen- dream - Son, I will reveal,
who took your saw - another dream, the Flaming Crown Jewels & this is it! - I will Speak to your Aunt Ruby - yet another dream, of the We Are!
Father, this day I planed, as I did to get up early. And to get started, in preparation to pour the floor (for tractor & tools). Only to discover that my brand new power saw, had been stolen.(a 125.oo loss) I was very disgusted already. With what had developed from Sundays give away. So, I sat down in my chair (I keep on the job sight). I was angry! Father, I said, someone has stolen my brand new saw. And, You know & will tell me who it was! I began to get still so I could hear His Speech. In just a couple of minutes, an image appeared before my eyes. And it was a man I did not know. But, it was the man that came with Jim (my mechanic) last Thursday night. As they got the pickup, trailer, scooter, & 3 lawnmowers. So, I got up and came into the house, to call Jim on his cell phone. I ask Jim, who the guy was that was with him. Then I told him my power saw was missing. I said Jim, he was right there, as he ask me to sell him my rods & reels. The saw, was right beside these in the garage. I gave Jim the name & model number. Now hear me, I’m not saying for certain that this man took my saw. As the Lord has not yet confirmed this to me. Jim told me to go to his house. As his cousin was rocking some walls for him. Jim called his cousin & told him to get his 2 saws out, as I would be by to get one. I thanked Jim, & went to pickup the saw. I then went to Rhonda’s, to use her truck to haul some rock & cement mix. She was not home, so I left her a note. I got home to see that Rhonda is at my house. Well by this time it was 1:00 PM, the hottest part of the day. So, I took a nap to wait out the heat. I awakened about 4:00 p.m. But, as I slept, I was still complaining to My Father, about the stolen saw. I remember, He Spoke these words to me. Son, as one would take from you. I will take from him. Then the Lord Said, Speak the Words. And, I spoke, and I said, so be the fire of God, to consume yours! As your payment, He will take all you have. This is what I remember after I awoke. And, I was amazed! And, then the Lord Said, I told you. That I will reveal every dark secrete, to come to the light. Father, I would & do have Your strength to get this done tomorrow. I plan to stay very close to the house. As I have a mountain of work (minis what I gave away) to yet accomplish. And Father, I will not ask of help, unless You instruct me to do so. But, Father, I will receive with gladness, all You may send to help me. To make preparations for Your gathering area, My Father. My Son, yes, you could not believe that some one had taken your new saw. Son, you had Me to show you, who did this deed. And, you know what you saw. Father, I can not approach this without proof, unless You desire me to do so. For I will not judge this man guilty, unless the proof is shown me. Father, if You Say he’s guilty, that’s fine. But, for me to say so, I must have proof. And then I will state the facts. I know for a fact that he was close enough, to lay hold of the saw. Son, this matter is not complete! I will be seen in this, as the one, who opened this up, for all to see. This is only the beginning, be sure, My Son. For I Said, all things, will be known unto you. Shall We not start, with a simple case of theft? Son, when I Say, My fear will be known. Watch, what I do. Son, I know you are ready to forgive, if it’s returned. But, will you also forgive if it is not returned? Father, I will have to, otherwise I’ll block Your forgiveness from myself. This is true My Son. Now, be sure it will be returned unto you. For it is I AM that Said so! Father, I can not dismiss Your Words. For, they shall forever stand. So My Son, you see Me in this now! But, you sure were angry earlier. Son, not that I had one to steal your saw. But, the opportunity was presented, & weakness, & greed set in. Son, be very sure I witnessed it, And I Will use this, for Jim & the written witness. Even for My Glory! Yes, Son even abide with My Peace, & be still before Me. For, I do many Works, that will soon be revealed, for all to see. My Peace, you have My Son. (time 1:11 a.m.) Son, write, this is none other than the Flaming Crown Jewels! This is what I heard in my sleep. And, I awoke, & now I write. My Lord kept repeating over, & over. This is it, this is it! You must of necessity believe Me. But, this went on & on, in my sleep. I find, that I am just as much involved, in my sleep, as if I were awake. Now I will pause to see if I can pick up on His continued Speech. (Pause) Son, I Speak, of New Revelations and Mysteries. ( I pause again.) Father, I can not recall any more. And, I know not what reference or metaphors of, what is meant by Flaming Crown Jewels, and this is it! My Son, return to sleep. Yes, My Father! By the way, there is nothing (to my understanding) greater to be known then His Own Identity. But, I know not what or if these words, I’ve recorded, are in reference to His Identity. Sign off 1:44 a.m. Awakened - time 1:57 a.m. Son, I Will Speak of your Aunt Ruby. She has yet to be rid of her human nature. Which is at times, vicious & vengeful. And this is not highly regarded or considered of her self. She is finding it very hard, to acknowledge her mistakes. And it is very hard for her to truly ask forgiveness, or apologize to any one. She does confess this to Me. Yes But, not to those that she offends, with her very quick tongue. Son, Dan & your Aunt Ruby have fallen asleep in Zion. You, plainly see they have ceased to press, for the higher calling. Son, be not concerned. Even tho, when her speech was directed at you, and this is hard to ignore. Son, she does hurt many people. Of which, when considered of herself, she is sorry. But, she can not bring herself, to ask (any but Myself) anyone to forgive her. Son, this is starting to register with her. And this can be easily defeated. But, it is I that shall break her pride. Son, continue to stay unto yourself. I will send them unto you! Son, your Aunt can not see, (yet plainly) this duel nature. And, this is defeating any witness she makes of Myself. Son, again I repeat, take to you no real concern. For I will reveal this unto her. And, then she shall be healed of this her flaw. For, then she shall retrace her mind, to all she has offended. And, will ask each in order to forgive her. This will make her complete in Myself. Son, as I Say, this is not your mission, this is Mine! Son, this quiet time, will cause her to do some soul searching. But, now son, you see her boys, did also get this rude & crude gift of pride from her. To run over people, & not look back to see how badly any were hurt. Son, I AM God! And, this is but one of My Specialties, even to repair a sick nature. Son, would you rest? Father, I will see if I can. (sign off 2:49 a.m. Wednesday) I awakened – time 6:19 a.m. Wednesday. Let this be understood, for I make this known. For this I Say, to be the Truth. I AM, the same as We Are. You are the same, as I AM. Children, there is no difference. For, one is the same as the other. Or, to Say the two of us is the same, as We Are. This Is It! This Is It! Even the Truth. So, what is the Truth? Even that We Are, the same as My Father. This had gone on all night, until just now. As it was Spoken then, so that I could understand it. And, this was demonstrated unto me. As I seen a hand grasp a stock (this was smooth & hand size) of a plant. And, as the hand slide down the stock. I heard the words Spoken. I AM, the same as You Are. Then, the hand slide back up the stock. And, I heard the Words Spoken. I AM, You Are, the same, as We Are! This was demonstrated several times as I watched the hand slide up & down, in time to the Words Spoken. We Are, a continuation of each the other. Even, One Spirit! And, tho We be many, yet WE ARE! The Flaming, (the Glory can not be hidden). Crown (Royal- continuous circle, complete). Jewels (Family- One of many). A New Revelation of the ultra Truth. Even as WE ARE!
Jerry, there’s your conformation. (sign off 7:29 AM.)
Mes. #133: 9-15-05 2:57a.m. Thurs.
Father, that was a very rough day, yesterday. Surely I am not beyond Your Will. Father, as I see it with concrete, roofing, & paint. I’ll eliminate the lawn mower, cabinets, & tools, with this move. Father, this is preparation to me. Son, surely it was hard on you. And, you had no help. Son, this whole move is as always plural in purpose. You are in need of organization for sure. As you had given up, on life. This as you know will add value to your property. And this will, complete a place together. I realize you have an eye on your billfold. As life is very expensive, to maintain or build. Son, Will I let you down, by not getting rid of the RV? Father, I should hope not. For as I can see this is where the money to make the preparations will be coming from. And I don’t see this money making due for what I see needs to be done. And Father, I have very little more to sell, to gain more money. And when what little I have is gone, things will come to a very fast stop. Son, I know you Trust Me. Or you wouldn’t be doing this any way. Father, I can only do, what You make possible. Father, I’m most ready to live in Your Reality, or there is no life. So Father, I thank You very much for Your Words unto me in comfort. Father, I seek Your Will, or there is no meaning to this miserable life. And I move accordingly to what You provided me. Father, only let not any more, what so ever. That Nanna will have to provide anything what so ever. To make any of these preparations to be complete. Father, as also her covered debt & vacation. I depend, of Your Spoken Words. Son, things presently, do not look the best. As you have your Aunt’s wrath upon you. And you have very limited funds. And no sign of help. Father, outside Your Words to make preparations. I would wonder for whom do I prepare? Father, You Will also have to provide the guests. They most certainly don’t seem concern now! Father, as I say. I can do no more than attempt to follow Your Speech. This is what I’ve always done. And to this point, it all seems very wasted. But, Father, regardless what other possible path, can I walk? If I don’t comply to Your Words. I care not of anything what so ever. So, I care to do nothing at all. Which is most evident, as to the condition of this place. Father, I can win no favor with Nanna, regardless what I do or do not do. And outside Yourself & her, I care for nothing. Father, being Your Will, I’ll press yet another day, to comply to Your Speech. There is nothing else for me what so ever. Son, you can not sleep, for making corrections on My Writings. And the morning light, only holds. A very hard day of labor for you. Which you are in serious doubt, as to funds to continue. Or the value, of that labor, for what reason? Father, that is correct. And no amount of Promises, will make me see it any differently. So, Father, I put my head down, & continue to push as hard as I can. So be it, I pray for Your Glory.
Mes. #134: 9-15-05 10:47 pm. Thurs.
The house selling - Son, you are the recorder & guardian of My Written Speech.-
tempo will pick up - after NH - the joy that is before you - Father, let the reality begin!- Yahshua’s Humor-
My Son, you again heard My Speech & awakened to record it. And My Speech, was preceded by Nanna saying unto you. Gary they came by today, to buy our lot. My Son, then you heard Me, as to asking you. Why, upon you going to sleep. You, are then made conscious of you. Yourself is editing, as it were to My Speech. So, as to be read by the mechanical voice of Mike. My Son, I’ll Ask again. Why, are you vividly aware, every time you nap or sleep at night? That you are making these adjustments. Father, I can not say. But, You are most correct, that this is happening. And also My Son, you inter- ject, by speaking very forceful in tongues. This is also true My Father. But, I have know idea as to why, I’m doing this. But, son is it not very important, that you are guardian of My Written Speech? And this will never be turned over to another to inter- ject their will. Nor to read as to make a recording of it. None, of it, I Say! Son, now you see it was I AM that had Jack, to buy Mike’s voice. But, now I Speak, there will be no one. That shall attempt this, as of any man. I would rather have it to be heard in a mono-tone voice. As it were to express My feelings or manner. So, I Speak in Words for, My Correct Will. And any changes will be made by, your hand only. This will never be left, even one syllable, or speech marking, to any other. Than to yourself, have I made this clear enough? Father, very much so! My Son, I Spoke this Speech to You. Therefore you are the Guardian of this My Speech. Son, hear Me! The messages is My Speech. When, I express anger or laughter. It is already Spoken of Myself. Let it be! Son, you may use a comma to make Mike’s speech to be more clearly heard. But, do not inter-ject, My Speech, My manner, or My purpose. Son, you have heard enough of this being read of Mike. To be greatly moved by the Words. Again, I Say, leave it be !! Son, do see what you can do to make it clearer. Outside of this, leave it be! Yes, son you may believe, that as I provide. You, may go to another voice. But, son this is your responsibility. And you will never delegate this to any other. For this is My Speech, written by your hand. So therefore, let there be no more talk of adding or taking away of anything! Jack, My Son, I have chosen you, because. You will follow My Voice, to the T-TEE. This will be your blessing. And, this will bless all who have a heart to hear it. So Say, I AM the Lord Your God! Jack, My Son, you can have no idea, what a reward you will receive. As to what assistance, & the know how I’ve gifted you with. To this My Son Jack, I Your Father, Say well done. For your reward is great. Now, My Son, you will no longer experience this (editing) as your eyes close for sleep. For, it is done, of My Own desire. Now My Son, I had these to visit today, to buy the RV. Son, be not troubled, it is done. Son, as you meet your commitments of Alycia & Nanna. And your tempo picks up to make your preparations. For selling your house & the soon gathering that will be taking place there. Son, I already have Spoken of your Aunt. Leave it all be! I’ll do the inter-jecting of her spirit. Son, you can not believe it’s possible, to send people there, as it were to worship. Or to (as your desire is ) have inter-acting fellowship with Myself. Son, you have yet to see any hearts this hungry. To come to meet Myself. But, is only now a chore of, I must keep the Sabbath. Instead of coming to meet with Myself. Will I not Teach all? Will I not bless all, who so desire? Son, I Say, the tempo will pick up. As the days will not be many as to when many, will so desire a closer walk to Myself. They will come at all hours, of all days. I Say, hear Me! I Speak not in vain, as the days approach Nanna’s Healing. Watch out! You will be swamped there after. I Will cause you to minister day & night. Son as I Say, the tempo will pick up to get all preparations done to receive them. And, again I have Spoken. Son, I Said, you will start out alone. But, watch as I start impressing the hearts, for the funds & labor. Son, this will be no less a miracle unto your eyes. But, after Nanna’s Healing, watch what happens. As many signs, & wonders, & healings, & miracles of all descriptions will take place. Son, if you could see any of this today. How you would work with gladness. My Son, I Speak of the joy that is before you. I know you make answer to Me. Father, that will all take care in my future. But, today is the reality of this day. Yes My Son, until you are transformed, only then will your joy be complete. As to day, they are but, yet one more Promise. To yet awaiting to become a fact. Personable My Father, as I stumble forward (exhausted) at times to see these things complete. I have no hope, & I have no faith. Father, I have Your Written Words, as my guarantee, to all these facts. Father, when the RV is gone & the money is in my hand. To make Nanna & Alycia happy for a few days. Then I suppose as long as what money is left. I’ll be some what happy to make a more honest effort to make all preparations. As I possible can, as long as the money last. Son, you have given (sold & given away until it so called hurt). Son, you made a very great sacrifice. Now, you will never struggle again, nor contemplate taking any money from Nanna. Son, even as her labor will then be by your side. Now Father, You are talking my blessings, even my blessings. Son, you have your private domain. But, the basement & garage, shall be for your guests. And Our shared fellowship. As you can see son, as you expect them early next year to buy you out. I Speak a full menu & diet of many events & workings. Son, yes I Speak, of reality to be sure. Yes son, I have put into your mind a place to prepare meals. Son, are we not speaking many great changes? Father, let the reality begin. Son, you can not believe (as you are faithless) it is already started. Son, see how I have brought your family closer to you. It is true, that none, even as the Williams family & your own. Know not what is in store, on this place, I shall open unto the world. Even the Second Pentecost. Son, yes I Speak of your near future. Did I not Speak that behold all things shall become New? Can I Say, My Son, even one bag of cement mix at a time. Yes, I Speak of humor. Son, even that which you can not see today. Will on your near tomorrow, have your heart set ablaze. Let, there be know doubt of this, for I have Spoken all of it into existence. NOW!
Mes. #135: 9-16-05 11:30 pm. Fri.
them to you- You can not believe what is going to happen here! - The joy of life! -
Son, I just showed you, how I would have this made into a video.
My Son, I Say unto you. Many be the things that are now at there set appointed time, to occur. Son, another accident? Betty, getting hold of you. And you making Nanna’s Healing known to her. I Speak, of a few things. Kyle Kate, will you make contact? Gilbert, now reading My Speech. Jerry, being with you. Rhonda & kids with you . RV? And, what My Son is in store for your tomorrow? The small party on hold. Son, believe Me, when I Say this. Now as each day arrives. Can the reality of My Speech remain hidden, to be revealed as (Truth) Fact? Even, Nanna’s Healing, help & funding, to assist your preparations? Son, now you have given all I Said to give. Shall, I not send those to expand your electric capacity? A refrigerator, electric stove, microwave, kitchen sink, heaters, floor coverings, bathroom fixtures & etc. etc. Even every need you could ask for. See if I do not do this! And help, shall they get in each the others way? Son, this is not your party, you hold. This is My very Speech realized as complete. I offer to all, come & see if I Will not bless you, as to give much away. For this is My calling, and you will be made to run over with abundance. I Say, make your selections & pass it on. But, son I Speak, not only of the natural. For, what New Revelations & Mysteries, will I present to this expanding party? Shall you not continue to receive all the Truth? That is not present any where else! Shall, it be known here? How far is it now to Nanna’s Healing? And who can restrain what will follow? Have I, not put many before you, to witness too? Shall they not see the light, and come running? Shall they not make this a very great witness, even as to what they shall witness? Son, again I Say, what part shall each tomorrow have to offer to the whole? Son, I Say, until they send for you, to please come. To share this with us also. Son, I Say, I Will send them to come, for you to share this witness, of the Power of Yehweh. Even, unto all the earth! This Son, is what presses nearer & nearer to your witness. And nothing what so ever can restrain this. As My Glory, Will be made manifested here! And, shall branch out to cover the whole earth. Now, shall We fast forward, to put every doubt to the void? I Say, soon enough this will be. Son, can I Say, that you will soon greet each day? As another day to make My Witness to many? Son, I Say with joy & eagerness you have never known. And even much more is all, just before you. Yes, to be made ALIVE! Son, see if I do not mean for each days affairs to become lighter & lighter. And, soon what you know to struggle, can’t be found, at all in your lives. And, there after to only share, My Witness to all who seek. What, problem, what care, what set back, or as I Say, what can now approach you? Shall, you not set it to flight? By, the Word of your mouth! Shall, you not only joy in the newness of life, for all healing, all learning, & teachings. Even, for all needs, of any that come before you. Indeed this is, the joy of the life I set before you, of which I have Spoken of! But, to occur many times over & over. So son, what do I Speak to labor, to do anyone thing. As to mix your next bag of cement & to pour it. Even, these days to do this type of labor, finishes very fast. For I desire that you only, be in the labor of My shared love. So My Son, will you yet approach tomorrow with caution & concern? Son, not long now! For, as I’ve Spoken, with such limited time left. As time can no longer refrain. As to, keep hidden the reality (as to be seen by sight) to become the Truth, or Fact. I repeat, it can not be hidden any more!! Not only to your eyes, but, to all who care to witness these as Facts. Go & see, My Son! By God’s will, I will go see Jack & Geneva, on the tomorrow. Time 1:43 a.m. Saturday. Son, I just showed you how I would have this to be made into a video. I Say, with the same non- flair of simplicity. Scroll or under line a small portion, as it is being read of Mike. Nothing, but My Spoken Speech, will be seen of the whole recording.
Mes. #136: 9-19-05 9:52 pm. Mon.
Just got off the phone with Sandy. And, she’s sending the writings to Amy. Praise God! Father, I see I’ll be staying very close to the house now. As I will not make another useless try, for Paul’s help. If they come & help me. It will be because they come of their own free will. I will not ask them any more, for help. Father, I’m at the point that (if none care, so what). I’ll do what I can do, & I’ll not worry as to how the rest, shall be done. Father as I see it, (as the I don’t care, of the unbelievers) what’s the rush, on these preparations? For as I see it, there is no desire to help or attend. Father, none of these things move me. Even, if it is I alone, that is moved by the vision of Your Speech. I will remain faithful, to Your calling. I will never stop, but I shall work on. I will see it finished, to Your command, even against all odds. My Son, you don’t see anything to jump up & down about. But, I know what’s in your heart. And, there is nothing that can keep you from doing all in your power to complete this to the letter, of My Speech. Even of all I give you to do. And, son what you have in your mind, is also My Will. So, what can be said? Could it be any better? Only son, if I Willed it, to be so. So, what you are doing, day & nights to abide My Speech, is excellent to My Will. Son, of all I’ve Spoken is your guarantee of the Facts, yet to be enacted. So, is not all perfect to My Will? No, I do not make excuse to those that, do not care. For who can restrain My Will? And shall not My Will, forever, remain Perfect? Son, abide as you are, for this is Perfection, to My Speech. Son, do not fight anything. Just Trust Me, that as I Will, so is being done day by day. Yes, son there is a host of things to be done. Address the present day, by the order there of. For you are not alone, for I Am there present with you. And, in this take to you no other thought. For, the measure of each day, will be completed. Son, when I Say, I Am there with you. Yes, We are talking the realization of Facts. Son, keep by you pen & paper. For, I Will show you, that I Am there with you. Son, We are going to have some fun. Yes, you have avoided writing this 2 other times. Shall I repeat this now that, you are inclined to write this? Son, We are going to have some very special times. You & I, even starting this week. For I’m going to reveal Myself unto you in reality. Now, how much help do you want around to distract this? Son, when I Say, We Are One, I kid you not. You will not have to look or search for Me. Son, I Am here! Son, I would that you vanquish the thought. That you are some what perplexed. Because, you can not guess what is in the minds of Dan & Paul. You just can’t figure what they are presently hanging their hats on. Yes, I Speak of their minds. You wonder what’s going on, if anything. How can they justify, with the lack of desire to close the gap to Myself? Son, at this very present time this, is no concern to you. For their desire is obviously not with you, nor your cares. Now, I have Said, to forget the matter. For you will cease your visits to them. And, until I Send them to you. You are free of them at this time. No! I Say, for sure you will not chase after them, to feed them My Words. They will come when they hunger enough. Now, your mind is more clear. Son, can any resist running if they hear, the pot of gold is here or there? And, so I Say it will be. Son, blessings come in many shapes & sizes. And to this, you may give thanks for. That you do not live with 7 sisters & you need into the bathroom.
Mes. #137: 9-20-05 11:08 pm. Tues.
Father, I took my pen & paper. But, I did not feel the Spirit to direct me to them. Father, I didn’t get much done, that is to be seen, any way. And, then my plumbing stopped (urinate) working. And, I was aware my knees were hurting all day, also. So, Father, I can’t say that watching me wandering around, moving like a snail. This maybe very funny to watch. I just couldn’t say. But Father, You Said all week, so perhaps I’ll get down in the yard and roll yet. Father, I know that I’m moving more deliberately these days. For, had You not commissioned me to make these preparations. I probably would not be moving, about at all. And, I most differently, see no need to rush. As I don’t see anyone coming here to make fellowship, with You. Father, I refuse to fight anything, or to make any question of it, at all. Father, we shall see what tomorrow holds. I do wait on any reality, You care to share with me. Father, I’ll see You at light.
Mes. #138: 9-14-05 12:12 pm. Wed.
is my cause - the joy of Life! - I’m telling it like it is, this is the present life -
I desire to share with all who seek hope for those who’s hearts burn for the Truth- hear the mad one speak -
see reality as it is! - My mission, no you can’t come home-
Father, yes another day. And, yes I’ve made an appointment with a doctor, as to make water. Father, if the darkest hour is yet before me, and is still in my future. As You Said, as of 40 years past. That as we arrive at Nanna’s Healing. It would come at the cheeriest moment, or the darkest hour. So, if my health were to be involved in that darkest hour. Then, by all means, lets get to it. I do not care of the things of this life, as this living death exist. So, pain, loneliness, desperation, loss of hope, name it, for none of these things move me. What, do I not know of these things? They are indeed the death, of all of this so called lie, of life. These are the matters of fact, this is the reality of what men experience as life. Can, we joy to think that this life is ready to pass from us? There’s true joy, my friends! Yes, escaping from this life, is true joy. Now, I am among men that are familiar to these My Father Words. That, true life can only be found & enjoyed. By, becoming One, joined Spirit to Spirit with the Father. Or, any & all else called life, outside this reunion is nothing, BUT DEATH. I know I sound like a mad man. But, thru 40 years plus. I’ve proven all I say, to be the Truth. But, to all who don’t have a clue as to why I think & speak in these terms. I have been divinely directed, of my whole life. That is why I can speak as I do, this minute. For this is none other than a written statement of my entire life. Yes, this is a recording of my life, that I wish to share with you. Yet, today, I’m in this flesh, & I make war with this flesh. But, as my desire is, and soon shall be, I shall live, by the Spirit of My Father. Yet, a few more days, & I welcome your observation! As I shall soon be transformed to the newness of His Identity. Then & only then I SHALL LIVE! And, this mad man that all see me to be today. This will be forgotten of you. When you are the witness to this Life in My Father. Shall, you then approach me. And say, how may we also receive this Life? Father, You are my witness. I rebel in Yourself. I desire You, &Your presents, above all I know. I do, very much desire to share my lives story to all who seek hope. And who searches for the Truth? But, yet Father, who can receive my report? Until, Your signs mark my life, before the world. Who, can believe me? Who would desire to follow such a terrible path? Yet, what hope (false hope) do you cling to, because you are unaware? That there is yet another life, altogether separate of this miserable fleshly life, we endure. Not by choice, do we live this life. For, which person ask to be born? And, even just now, we are finding we have a true choice. That there is yet another life, that can be experienced, by Our heavenly Father. No! I do not speak of hope in the by & by. But, as all of us, have been led to believe. That this joy of life can only be obtained. When Yahshua (Jesus) comes in the clouds to receive those repented. Who have repented of their sins. No! Go you back to the Word ( Jesus made flesh, the Bible). It’s written right there before your eyes, even 2000 years ago. Yet, would you receive this Truth? That has only been revealed by, the Spirit of Truth. Hear me, the mad one! I know this Truth! And, I only abide my days, to receive this Truth, with it’s New Body, & Mind, & Nature. Now you know, I’m crazy, right? Do hear me, if you dare. My Nanna’s Healing is only days in my near future. Then I shall receive, My Father’s Promise to be even as He is, Perfect. Some of you, are now rolling with laughter. But, most of you are just as human as I presently am. You struggle every day, with the cares, to obtain an acceptable degree of these (substances to sustain) life, for another day. As, you wait for the next moment, of life shattering disasters, to strike you. Yes, to you or someone dear to you. Even, the reality of pain, sickness, accident & finally death. Yes, I’m speaking of the reality of this, so called life. That, all of us fear, but manage to ignore, until fate is pressed upon us, in it’s raw reality. But, then as it surely will come, old age sets upon us. As our days of youth & happiness swiftly pass us by. And the reality of the best of life, is now spent. What then? Yes, your golden years, filled with pain & sorrow, & your thoughts now long gone. What, I ask, with your very limited set income, what do you now wait on? Yes, even death begins to look much more desirable. Then your now miserable failing existence, & this very limited life style. Now you realize all you have labored for. It’s decaying before your eyes. For you can no longer do the repairs, nor afford to hire them to be done. And you wonder who is worthy to receive, ( and what kind of fight will there be) of what you leave behind, at your death. That is, what the government won’t steal. Now do you see, why I speak of the bitterness of this present life? That, you have labored faithfully for. And now you look around you, & you ask why? Yes, what little you managed to acquire, from those of greed & exploitation, even left you. Yes, even what they did not steal from you. Father, bare my witness before these, who hear me. My Son, surely you speak the Truth. And I Say, your words will stand forever, to your witness. Yes, My Son, you yet deal with life, on this your today. And, My Son, you had already given up of any hope of this present life. And you prayed in ernest, that I should receive your spirit, thur you fleshly death. Yet, My Son, I have Said unto you, I can not do this. Why? Because I have you as, a mighty & a very great witness of the life I offer. Even, yet in this present life. And, tho you put in your day, with nearly total indifference. As, you only endure each day, by the Promise, I have lain upon you. So you wait for, that Promised Life. That I AM, shall deliver to you & the whole earth. So My Son, you try to keep your complaints to the minimum. And endure your time, until I heal Nanna, and give you, your New Body & Mind. Thank You Father, as I yet abide. Father, I realize these up & downs, & cares that present themselves unto me. They are only for Your Own Witness, to some heart in the future. That, their life is also nearly unbearable. And yet You, My Father, are providing them hope, by these words, they now read. Father, I speak the words to stay the bitterness, of this life. Let now Your Words, Father, open unto them the abundance of life, found only in Yourself. Who ever you are, dare to reach out, for God’s Hand. Even, make one step toward God, with a repentive & seeking heart. And, He will finish the space between you in a heart beat. Please, come to (Jesus) Yahshua. As the time is very short. And the days of fear & heartache are upon us. Cry, forth His, Name. Now! And He will give you an instant answer. And will guide you to His Peace & Everlasting Joy of Life, with His Father.
Mes.#139: 9-26-05 10:20 am. Mon.
My Father, today is to my liking, as I’m home alone. With the peace, I receive from Your presents. I Ask Father, that You keep Nanna safe, as she visits her sister. Father, I have settled down to see the realization of Your Spoken Words. And, in this I wait with the patients, You have taught me. For Your Promises are many, to be seen with Your realization. I’m guarding the money You have given me. In selling my cares (guns & etc.) And, I’m at rest from pushing myself on Dan & Aunt Ruby. And, I’m before You to hear Your Speech. My Son, as I have directed you. So have you moved in compliance’s, to My Words? Of My Speech, you have observed a reduction in the volume. And, this always gets your attention immediately. As you are always in tune to hear My Voice. And any deviation, you notice immediately. Son, as you well know, everything is to My Will. I Say, complete to this moment. Even, tho you are always watching & listening, to receive more from Myself. Son, as you know My timing is Perfect. Yet, you face many Promises that are very near you. Of which, I Said, you will no longer wait to see. And, this makes you slide forward in your seat, with great anticipation. As to be ever alert, to catch every word & deed. And, thus you are this very moment. Even ready to pounce on any word. That peeks your interest. So son, is this word, for you to wait, & back off? This, you can never any more except, as viable. Son, as the timing of the 7 year peace treaty, & Nanna’s Healing. Most precious to your interest, this is now at hand. Yet, you will not push at Me, for disclosure. And, yet you wait in a great hurry. This puts you in a most precarious position. Yet, you know My Nature, even quite well. Even as I have Taught you. So Son, what you are now here before Me, to receive. Is for yet, more knowledge, to advance you, into My Will & Identity. And, even as you are very careful to weigh My Speech. Ever looking for that next New Revelation, or another Mystery. So, you stand, before Myself. Yes son, I repeat My Promises, to reveal all unto you. You would not have Me to repeat them, by name. As you have the list before you. Son, you are waiting & you are searching My Spirit. For any advance warning of any information to come. I even now show those. Who are reading & listening to these Words, as revealed unto you. Son, I’m making this much more aware, to your own mind. That, this is for those that follow you, this is for them. As they can now see. You are before Me, to receive, as I would give unto you. You do not, have a free hand, together the Words of Myself, even to suit yourself. This I show them. For can they not see, I AM, My Own Self? And, indeed you gather before My Presents, to learn as I Teach you. As I Yahshua, I AM the Author, of these Words. And they are not reasoned, of or by your own thinking. In other words, I Speak, to you, & you record it for, their hearing & seeing. As I now Teach many, by your hand of obedience unto Myself. Now having said that. Let, Me (and still you can gather nothing by your spirit) now reason with you. To even Teach the more. Father, Your Spirit offers me no clue. I am here, please Speak on to Your Will. Son, I have Spoken that all things will now become New. And, My Son, still you wait, to hear the Spirit to Speak unto you. Son, hear Me! This usually means a flag will go up, that Yahshua, is getting my attention. Yes, Father here am I. Son, I have never, in all our communications. Spoken before you, to make you aware. That I AM only transferring My Speech, by your hand. To the eyes & ears of others. This is very new, to your understanding. For you have never received My Words, in this fashion. Even knowingly, in preparation for others. But, son your private life, is very near over. As I Will have them to soon, to be seeking you out, even day & night. Even, to learn more, of My Yahshua’s Identity. Oh yes, son contrary to what, you see today, of the spirit of lethargy. For, the Words has not yet reached their eyes & ears. When, it does, & this is in your near future. As every day you are making preparations. To indeed get these My Words, ready to their introduction. Son, just now you see where, My Spirit, was directing you. Even, tho you could not recognize it, to your mind, until this instant. Those who look on. I Say, Yahshua Your Saviour, Says look on, & understand. For, I Will be Speaking, to many, many soon, even in this same fashion. And, My Son, you will demonstrate this to many. Even, as you have to Dan & Aunt Ruby. For children I desire greatly that you learn My Voice. And learn the Path to My Identity. My Son, how was that for a back door approach? I kept you in the dark (spirit wise) until the last minute. But, as I Say, I AM, but demonstrating, this to many others. Who eagerly await the knowledge, of all Truth. Children of Mine, come & see & hear. For I reveal that way, unto your understanding now. As My Son, was waiting & seeking, by My Spirit. What Saith, the Lord Your God? Yet, I have approached him (My Son) in a very new way. That he’d never readily ever experienced before. And, I did this, to Speak unto you. Presently, who read or hear. I AM, the Lord Your God! And, I have Taught My Son. Alone in the desert of his youth, for 40 years-plus. What I have to his patience, Taught him. (As I mark the time), until these last days. But, I have Taught him well. And he knows Me, as few on this earth does. And, now it is the Set Time. I have reserved him & appointed unto him, (from his beginning) to now share with all the earth. Yet, I start with a handful. But, you who now see & hear this, is now beyond that mere handful. That I, first delivered this, My Wisdom too. So hear Me now! And learn as much as your heart is content to receive. Even to some, as the Elect, I Teach, My All in All. I Say, this is My Words, Yahshua, has Spoken today to you.
Mes. #140: 9-28-05 12:33 am. Wed.
My Son, this is I AM. And, I know where you are at. Even, you are camped at My door of reality. And you will not move, to make any retreat. For, where shall you go? You know where you are at, and why you are here. Even tho you contend with your emotions. As to what, will I see? Even the reality now! For is this not the Set Time, I have told you of? Son, yes you have suffered, what, you refer to as set backs. Father! I’m Your Son! And, I Say, there shall be no more, so called set backs. My mind, has settled that I am, My Identity is___ ___, the Son of My Father, & the Spirit of Yahweh!! Father, I was shocked by these words, that I’ve just written. But, I will not retreat, not one iota from them. I’ve given up this first death, the living death. As also the second death of the void. By choice, & of necessity as shown me, even my own identity. Now I claim it before the world. Hear me! I AM, the Son of Yahshua, & of His Father Yahweh! I shall walk in the reality of Their Identities! Even, the Source of all that is. The time, chosen before time was created. It is now, this present season. That, They (God Head) have chosen to reveal Their Own Identities to the inhabitants of this earth. For, we are in the very last days, before Yahweh’s Willed Sabbath (1000 years) is at hand. And, I know, who I AM, & why I AM here. And, that is to reveal all sin, & to minister the First Gospel of the Kingdom of God. And, to assist to usher in Yahweh’s Sabbath. This is my Identity, this is my goal, as directed to me of Yahshua. And, I shall with great joy. Perform every Word Spoken, unto myself __ __. Father I resist any fear, that I speak a lie! Father, yes, I’m camped at Your door. To see first & first hand, YOUR GLORY! That is set, as Your Time Appointed, to now be reveal to all the earth. And, I wait with patients & with purpose. For, I know I’ll be one of the very first to be witness of this, YOUR GLORY! I have already turned my back on this world. I refuse any & everything of this. That’s (satan) established power of this living death. All that you are, & do is less then vain! NOTHING! For there is no life in you. Hear me children! You will except the only life, realized in Yahweh. Or, you will be a permanent guest of the void, the second death. Now, what part do I need or want of your death? Your first, or second death. Your nothingness, what meaning is there to you, (satan) you fallen has been. When Yahshua has come to show me, My Own Identity. That can only be found, in His Own Yahshua’s Identity & that of His Father Yahweh! My own identity, of which I now possess, and Theirs, (God Head) is just before me to witness. I await with great gladness. Father, I’ve spoken the Truth. For I have the reality of this, even this minute! That You are the sum total, of all Life. And, all the world is now controlled by the first death. But, not for very much longer, be sure! Son, the days close you in. Even all reality approaches you where you are camped. Be still & watch the salvation of Your God! I shall make you great, before the earth! Time 3:33 a.m. Son, I repeat, save these Words Alive! As they are the Words, to the road of righteousness. Guard them! save them! keep them! For I have given them unto you, for your keep. Father, as to my understanding, I will comply to Your obedience. My Father, has truly repeated these words unto me. For upon awakening this time, & the prior. I was seeing a highway & the lines in the highway. And, I heard these Words Spoken unto me. And as they were repeated unto me again, I have recorded them. But, as I awakened, I still can not remember, all that was Spoken unto me, even twice now. Father, let Your Will be done. I return to sleep. Time 4;00 A.M. Father, I have only given out Your Words to those You Said to give them too. Yes son, that is correct. Son, this is the reason, I have put on hold the audio. And you will not do this, until I release it. For, it will quickly pass beyond your control, as to who hears it. This son, is the reason it’s been delayed. Yes, I could have Spoken this before, & saved you many hours of labor. Son, you know I have My reasons. And nothing you do is in vain. And, now with these Words, you now know. Father, I will do nothing until, I hear from You. Son, remember, I Said, for any to read or hear My Words. I must prepare their hearts, to receive them. I Will not allow these My Words, to push any away, as yet. My Son, as you are gathering this information in your mind. You, reason I have a Plan or My Will. Most defiantly, son, and, I Will not have it altered. Father, until I know Your Plan or Will. I’ll do nothing to release Your Words. Son, you will soon see My reasoning. Son, as you have My Son, Jack, most anxious to assist you. Be sure, I Am Speaking unto him, now! As I am involving him, very much. And I want him to see this. For this is a very great mission! That, I shall see done to My Perfection! I repeat to My Perfection! Son, you already have the manner, I’ve directed you to make this audio. But, the timing is paramount, to My Will. For you, My Son Jack, & the world will soon see, My reasoning. So, My Sons, leave it be, until I Speak the more. For, as in all things, the timing will be perfect.
Mes. #141: 9-28-05 7:32 pm. Wed.
The Lord had Spoken unto me yesterday to make the demonstration, of recording God’s Speech. So the following is the account of that demonstration. My Son, this thing I would that all My Children, would possess. As I dearly desire to Speak unto them. And be sure Jack & Geneva. My Son, My Daughter, I do, & will continue to Speak to you. And, what I shall open unto you, shall even amaze you both. For I have chosen you both, for the Elect 144,000. And these all shall know Me, as I AM. And these shall walk before Me in perfection, in body & mind. As both of these shall be renewed, unto you of Myself. Children do not be afraid, to do this thing. For, I want you to know Me, as I AM. In all My Glory! As I delight to share it with both of you. And, as I Say, all that will come unto Me. I repeat do not be frighten, as you will hear the Words from Myself. And I assure you they are not your thoughts or words. And I Will prove this unto you many times. Until, you are comfortable with My Speech. Children, My love is so deep, that you can not perceive it. Yet, as even in these writings, I Will manifest that love to you. And as I Say, I Will prove to you both. That it is My Speech you will be receiving. Children, you are greatly blessed. For there are few who, know how to communicate with Myself. Children, I have thus Spoken to your witness, even unto you. Now, I desire that you also will approach Me, to hear My Voice. Children, I abide with you. This was a demonstration to Jack and Geneva. Concerning the pen and paper, and receiving Yahshua’s Speech.
Mes. #142: 9-29-05 11:30 pm. Thurs.
The first preparation of the shed is nearing completion. - there’s much more to do,
bathrooms & etc. - getting rid of my cares - the world is getting ready to be turned upside
down - And, you My Son, remain calm - the string of pearls - Son, all is set to My Divine &
Perfect Will-
Father, I wish to thank You for another day behind me. I'm a little tired of the attacks here at the house. I know things & people are getting ready to change. And this I await for. And, I thank You, that the shed is nearing completion. And I plan to paint the porch & gable end trim next. And to move out the plumbing & all wood & etc, out from under the porch. I need to sell the plumbing & windows. So, as to buy metal to close in the back & top of the garage. And, then get started on the bathrooms. So, Father in my preparations, I have very, very much yet to do. My Son, you have made great strides in getting rid of your cares. And now making preparations. Son, there is before you, very near your eye sight that, that which will take full control of your life. And, change your life & much more, for a beginning. Son, this is so very near you. Even, all that you have desired, all your life. Yet, you still see no movement, of clues, by My Spirit. But son, you have now taken hold of your Identity. You, do not, as yet know what reality, you are now locked into. For, you are now well on your path to the, All in All. And, as I Say, this is all now just before your open eyes. Son, you are calm. Even tho, you see no proof of any movement, what so ever. Son, the 7 year peace treaty is now only days away. Even, as Nanna’s Healing, and the New Spirit Birth. And, then without any further delay. All the conclusion (dam breaking) of My Will, for these last days. And, with all this on your door step. Yet, you are so very calm. Even, the world getting ready to be turned upside down. Yet you wait, as if you could care one way or the other. Father, until Your Spirit reveals, anything to my eye sight. I must remain as I am. For, this is I, guarding to avoid any fear or doubt, from my mind. And, these I refuse to entertain in any form or fashion. Son, you have arrived at that point, I’ve always desired of you. As it is now the appointed time, for all these things, to come to be manifested. Even Mosely Adams, Paul Livingston, Kyle Kate & etc. And, all I’ve Spoken, to now become a fact, as to your witness. Son, you will soon be more busy, than you reason possible. And I Will send them to assist you. As the time for the preparations drawls nigh. And the harmony of My Love, shall radiate from all those around you. Son, this you must have & will have. For, I Will not allow, you again to contend, with human nature. That, is contrary & resist all that you do. But, I have Said, you will be more than an over comer, & these things I Will repel from your mist. For from this body, I Will build & doubt shall be absent from all. Son, you have one more day, of this month to yet pass. Then, I Say My Son, watch & listen, as you never have before. For My Spirit shall bring a warning to you prior to each event! And, they shall come as a string of pearls, even one after the other, continuous. Son, enjoy, for I make you to Live! And I Say, you will be warned for you shall, record it all, for those who follow. Even, step by step, they shall also be My witnesses. Son, all is set to My divine, & perfect Will. Now, see it, & record it, as a Fact!
Mes. #143: 10-01-05 5:50 pm. Sat.
Who has read your report?- I would have broken my neck to seek the Truth. - Son,
this is Our secret! - son you will deliver all Truth. - The great Plan, revealed-
My Son, seeing you have received this full measure of My Speech. Where, would you proceed to find the more? Who has read your report? And who has believed your report? For are they at your door to discover the more? Yet, My Son, the Truth thous far, I have had you to share with just a handful. Is their hearts thus stirred, to believe, to seek, even the fulfillment of that Speech? Do you blame them? No, Father I blame no one, as I neither know, their minds or hearts. But, Father I will say this. If, at any time in my existences I had heard of one, who receives the Truth from God. I would have broken my neck, to be found at that persons feet. For, I would have stopped at nothing to gain this Your Speech. Son, I caused you to answer this My Question, in this manner. For, I know you speak the Truth. Yet, this bothers you, for you can not help from thinking. What, is the desires of men’s hearts. As you are actively, ready with pen & paper to receive every Word I would Speak unto you. Father, I know not, what makes the difference with men. What, motivates them, I can only guess. But, I know, I would pay any price, (as I have given my all) to advance into Your, All in All. And, there is nothing I possess, that I wouldn’t give it now, including my life. Son, this is Our Secret. And, I Will soon make it known unto you. But, My Son, with these advents just before you. They, I Say, once they view these things, as proof of the reality of My Speech. Watch! What will happen. I guarantee you will never feel lonely, nor unexcepted again. Son, by My Plan or Will, have I placed you here, at this time to receive. Even, My Perfect Will? For the men of this present generation. And, I shall reveal the full knowledge of My Mind, the All in All, unto you. And, to who so ever desires, what of Myself, whatever the measure. It shall be given at your hand to all who desire it. Now, My Son, I have comforted your heart with, My Speech. Even, this could not have been revealed to you, of an earlier time. For, the burden would have been crushing. But, now My Son, with My Words out to just a few. What has been the review? What? review, you ask? For, none have made any statement, what so ever. So, is it a so what review? Son, who contends for My feelings? Father, forgive me! I’m truly sorry, I get so caught up in my wants & desires, that I forget Yours. But, I keep thinking You are God. And, what does, God need? Father, I know that is the reason for, the great PLAN, Your Will. And, by this plan, You are producing Sons & Daughters into Your Family. And, this they shall inter-act with ( Your Own loneliness) You. Even, to supply the one thing You could not create. And, that is love, given unto Yourself, by ones own free will. But, now Father, as You devised this Plan, & now it is complete. So, now are You complete! And, therefore, will I also be made to be complete. As even every soul that is with You, for eternity!
Mes. #144: 10-02-05 8:30 pm. Sun.
Yes My Son, plan your day. Then as you start your day. I would have you to speak, that days assignments done. Be realistic, map out what you intend to accomplish, & speak it into existences. Son, believe Me, I AM much more than, just amusing you. Son, I Said, I Will be present to assist you. But, this is about much more than your work you do. Yes son, I AM now making you aware, of the Power of Your Speech. This, is much more than giving you a positive out look, on life. Son, I Said, I would be moving & I AM. Yes, I have mentioned this to you, now some few times. Son, I Am introducing you to, Your Power to create, by Your Speech. Son, you will see the difference, in your out put. Which, has been painfully very slow. I Say, you will be amazed of what you start turning out. My Father, as You Will, I will obey. Father, of what I see, as envisioned, that needs to be done. Is truly a very large job. Father, I welcome Your help, & I give thanks for it. And the fact I haven’t hurt myself. Son, I will show you reality, Now! Father, I have been so very tired & my body hurts. But, I will do as You instruct me to do. My Son, you have always worked alone. And you, always find a way to do the job. Not as neat as you would like. But, quite honestly, that doesn’t much matter to you any more. To get it accomplished, is your goal now. As neatness goes, you have found this living death, completely hopeless, & have no desire to be apart of it. But, you are now moving, because I instructed you to do these preparations. No, you haven’t found, some lost & unused up passion, to see it done. You are, without question, doing this. Because, I Ask you too. And for no other reason. And quite frankly, you don’t see the need, nor the urgency, nor the benefit of what you are doing. You, only move, because, I Ask you to. Yes, Father, this is very true. I have no pride to put, into it. I have very little energy. And Father, except for Your Speech, to do it, & that You have a very great reason. This is true, I could care less, if the place falls down. And, it was well on it’s way. For, I had lost all desire, to be apart of this death system. Son, know & realize that, I know, you are not a willing participant of this currant life of hopelessness. But, Son, yes your age & all is going to be transformed, in short days from now. I AM but, Teaching, you of the source of unlimited power, that is now over taking you. You, have no idea this minute, of what I Speak. Father, if You Speak of reality, I’m all ears. And my preference is to be all eyes. Son, be sure, this is not a joke. I AM, showing you reality, to be seen of you . But, son the lesson, has to start at the beginning. And, here is where we shall begin. Even, right here today, as you live & breathe. And seek to do My Will, to your understanding. Father, with all, that is left of me, I’m Yours. Do as You Will. And Father, I will record it, be sure.
Mes. #145: 10-05-05 12:37 am. Wed.
Another theft - I will not get upset - where can I go but, to You, My Father?
Father, another theft has occurred. My change of nearly $50.oo is gone. It appears it is time, for some reality. Son, are you up set because of a few hundred dollars? When, you have given thousands away & you are getting ready to give some more away. Son, I’m not making light of your loss. But, giving & stealing are two entirely different matters. Have you been looking at the wrong person? Who took your saw? Father, for sure You know. Son, as in all matters, I shall work My way. But, son this is showing Alycia, the real way of life. Father, as Your Will is, but it does make me angry. Son, as the saw, so this will be made, to come unto the light. Father, You do as Your Will is. What, more can I do or say? Shall I know these things very shortly? Even, the All in All! Father, this is not the reality I have been looking for. There has to be closure on these matters, even as all matters. Father, I await, as I didn’t like how I was treated, by Aunt Ruby. And, I’m sure, she’s puffed up, at me. And, as I am unaware as to why. But, Father, I have already spoken, I will not ever return to this life style, even ever again. I prefer death, as to be absent from Your Peace. I will not return to this. Father, I don’t like even being up set over these thefts. But, if Alycia, is bringing these elements here to us. We don’t need this. Father, I realize as You Are. That, any matter under the sun, can & is used for Your Own purpose. So, I can’t get that up set, as to Aunt Ruby, Alycia, or thefts, or any other matter. For I realize all is always under Your control, and at all times. As You may be using this to get to some ones mind, that they need You. Son, I know that you are aware of this. And, even what was meant to harm you. Shall really bring a blessing instead. Father, as I say, let Your Will (even unknown to us ) be done. But, this tells me we are much to open here. So, what kind of troubles are we inviting on ourselves? By, having meetings here? Father, I do not know, but You will be my security. For what judgement am I capable of? Father, to be taken advantage of, is like being raped. As one is personally violated. And, naturally we appose this. Father, I look forward to any & all reality, and in any form we can get it. For Father, I seek the Truth, where ever it leads. But, why would I consider a couple of hundred dollars losses? When, my Nanna’s Healing is at the very door. As the 7 year peace treaty is at hand. Father, I can’t hide from the Truth. I wait for it to bring me to the fullness of this Life. The reality of the facts of all Your Promises. This is what I understand to be in a very few more days in our immediate future. So, again Father, I abide my time. But, I am listening & watching, as You have Spoken unto me. Father, I have been turned back so many times, in my anticipations of blessings. Yet, as I’ve said, where can I go ? What, else is left for me? But to lean, my full weight on Your Spoken Words. And, thus I do. I remind my self, who am I. And, I Your Son, do abide in Your Peace. Amen!
Mes. #146: 10-06-05 10:14 pm. Thurs.
Promies - My Son, I know you are spent - Father, I retain Your Peace.
My Son, and so another day, in the living death. Yes, Father, it had no meaningful reason for me. Even, tho You took me to the door rail. And, I Thank You. And I do thank You, Father. That I got the porch painted. Even, tho it took all I had to give, to get it done. Son, you are still alone, as far as help goes. And, as you see what needs to be done, it is way beyond you. Father, as You know I gave out today. As, I couldn't convince my body, to work today. Was worthy of me driving this very, very tired & hurting body. As I don’t have any faith, or hope, nor the future fore sight. To see the need to punish my body any more. Father, I indeed await to hear from You in reality. Of what I suppose to be the cheeriest day of my advancing age. Father, as I said I, thank You for the sliding door rail. This, was reality, of how many years, my hand, nor my eyes had not beheld it. And, You led me straight to it. Son, even tho you can’t get up, for it. You know as to My Speech, what these days, hold as Revelations. As to the many Promises, already fulfilled of the past. And, the untold amount still in your future. Father, I can’t say as to why I wait, As I‘m void of any hope, as to there forth coming. But, to Your Speech of Promises, I do yet wait. And now, by the Spirit I sense nothing. So, I can say no more than here I am, to know Your Will. Father, I was looking for Your Speech tonight. But, I feel no leading. And I will not reach out beyond Your Peace. Father, it’s not that I can not bare yet another day, of the living death. Without justifiable reality to make me seek the more. Father, it is that I’m so very tired, so I’ll take my peace, and leave it for another day. Father, I have said it as simple, as I know how. I do thank You for the door rail. But, Father without the fulfillment, of all Your Speech & the continuous Face to Face fellowship. This, is all as useless to me, as the reality of the living death. Father, You know, I speak the Truth. I have no known joy, in this very tired body, as to see tomorrow’s sun rise. As I’ve said, to wait only means the enduring of another day of the living death. And, the only response that I can offer. Is, if I can ignore my body, to do so. Is to arise yet another day. And try to comply to Your known Speech, unto myself. Father, it has not taken long for the reality of my flesh. That is rebelling, & screaming, why & for what reason, are you pushing this tired body? That, has no known desires, what so ever. And, I must convince, this very tired mind & body, of hurting flesh. That, it must move, to accommodate Your Speech, to make preparations. Father, I am not trying to be a pain, or even to seek an out. At, least not yet. But, Father I am pressing the very limits of my known abilities. Not only the body resisting, for any logic. But, I’m fighting my mind also. Father, I am nearing all the limits of my sane mind. Without saying show me why, I’m doing this? Outside only to make Your obedience. Son, is it not enough, to obey, without reason? Father, please forgive me my weakness, as this is no excuse. But, my mind is so numb, that I can’t reason. For, as I see it, I don’t see it at all. As, hope & faith are now dead. I only have Your Speech to yet inspire me. Yet, both mind & body are resisting this. And it appears that if I don’t get some serious reality, to confirm Your Speech, for my obedience. I’m nearing a total shut down. As all that I am is gone, spent. And, if it takes effort to wait, then all that I am must be applied to this effort. Nothing is left to obey with, or for. Father, as I say, I am nearing the place that I’d have to say. My mind can no longer, compute to organized obedience. Father, I know that (unless You intercede for me) is to give me a refreshing. That I can not continue to keep this work ethic, up much longer. As Father, I am nearing. Father, I reality hate to say this (but I can’t lie) . But, I can not continue to work like this, as to comply to Your known Speech unto me. And, Father, I would rather die as to fail You. But, I can’t see how I can complete this in-surmountable job, as to get it done. Father, perhaps a few days of rest. To see if I can regain any energy. And, then I risk, losing this ridicules notion that, I can continue to fool my mind. That, even what I'm doing has a purpose. When all my mind wants is a reality, of reasoning or proof as to what & why I'm attempting to do this. My son, I know where you are at. And, I am aware of how thoroughly you are spent. So, would I Say unto you, that you do not dare to stop working, nor make any delay? Does not My Will, take into consideration your body? Did I not know this was going to be your lot? Son, truly you can’t see any reason under the sun, to be doing, what you are doing. Except, that, with the last bit of your strength. You are trying to obey My Words. Son, I make, no demands on you, even what so ever. REST! Even as long as you would like. Can, any say I did not see this coming? AH- Therefore there must have been a reason, for this! My Son, can there be any doubt? Son, you do not question Me, as usual. But, you try to comply to ever Word I Speak unto you. Son, without your knowledge, you went forward, as far as you could go. But, this is really what you believe. And this is it, that it has nearly finished you off. And, that is you have no hope, that anything, will occur this month. This, is what has drained your mind & body, until hopeless. Not, that the work you have preformed, was not over whelming. Father, this can not continue, as it is trying to eat into my peace. As, I am at the breaking point of disobeying Your Speech. What can I do, or say? Oh! How I desire death, to release me from this living death. Father, You know there is nothing left. You will now also furnish the desire, to make Your obedience to You. Because, I don't, & can’t continue to work like this. I can’t make myself do it any more. Father, I know, I’m nearing my very limits to keep on functioning. I dare not risk leaving Your Peace.
Mes. #147: 10-08-05 12:00 pm. Sat.
I just awakened from a dream. And what I saw & heard, was to organize my thoughts. For my course & direction with understanding. So, let me do the best I can. I’ve already spoken about, how I got to where I’m at now. But, let me briefly go over it. I spoke of how Our Father. Began to Speak unto Anna, my wife in the year of 1964. And Spoke through her that I must become One with God. Now remember this recording of God’s Speech. Started with Our Father Speaking unto Anna, my wife, now 41 years ago. Now today, she doesn’t believe, in God’s Speech. And as she has suffered so very many years (12), of very bad health. She, now wonders if God does exist. And if He does, why her life of long suffering? Now, you know according to the words you have read. As, I understand, we are now in the season of God Our Father, Healing Nanna (Anna) 100%. And restoring her faith in God. This is so very important to me. I’ve tried to share this with Nanna. But, she refuses to hear these words. Or to read them for herself. She, does know, that her healing is coming. As I have told her so of the last few years. But, if any, she believes, it has to be of little hope. As she will not speak of it. But, by most part, she thinks I’m crazy, for continuing to believe she will be healed. And, she is very bitter with God & me. So, you see, My Trust in the Father’s Spoken Words for her healing. Means, more unto me, than my own life. As I would gladly give my life, to see her healed. Now as I say, as I understand Yahshua’s Speech unto me. If I understand, her healing could come this very month of October. And, I’m trying to be very careful, not to entertain any doubt that this is so. I assure you this is no small task. Okay, let me return to this just a little latter. As, I would like to go back to when Yahshua was Speaking unto Anna. As I said, Yahshua told Anna that. I was to become one with Himself. Well, I equated this as sort of like a marriage. As, Nanna & I are one, by marriage. So, Yahshua, for several years repeated this message unto myself, that we must become One as recorded in the Bible.
Galatians 3:28, John 10:30, 17: 11 Ephesians 2:12,22, 4. As of many years latter, Yahshua, started to Speak unto me directly as He had with Nanna. And, this was so very glorious to me. Then, Yahshua, Spoke to me, that, I must die. This, is also recorded in the Word of God. Bible! St. John 12: 23-27, I Corinthians 15-chapter 15 : 56 , Roman 6 ,8 ch. The sting of death is sin. Believe me of the 10 years it took to complete this death. I now hate this world, & the living death, that we now experience. There are a very few who know of what I speak. But, very soon there will be 144,000, presently living. Who will know of what death (living death) I speak of. And then we will go on to the 3rd phase of Yahshua’s Speech unto me. That, I must enter the AH-Struck Mode. I gave this experience this name. As, it was self evident. Which, some years latter, Yahshua told me, what this experience was. And most importantly, what it was for. I learned by His Speech, that this was I, my person (my own mind), entering into His Mind. As, He called it the Information Center of the Universe. Where, Yahshua, Said I would enter. And, that I would enter ( His) Yahshua’s Mind, just before Nanna’s Healing. Well, this has happened, as is recorded in Message # 85 7-19-2005. Yahshua, confirmed that to me, that I had entered His Mind. I want you to then take notice of the many, many New Revelations, & Mysteries that were then revealed, there after unto me. Now, before we move on. Lets see what the Word-Bible, has to say about our Lord’s Mind. Philippians 2:5 Quote” Let this mind be in you , which was also in Christ Jesus”
Roman 11:33-36, I Corinthians 2:16, Philippians 2: 1-13, I Peter 3:8. WE are told to be one, as Jesus, is with His- Father Yahweh. Even, of the same Mind, as the same Spirit. Now as Our Lord has Taught me thru & by Herbert Armstrong, of the 10 lost tribes of Israel. And onto the Revelation of the 144,000. And these do represent, the first harvest (smaller of the two), seasonal harvests. And, at the first harvest, you start counting to 50, or the day of the first Pentecost. Now, being One with Himself, is now history. Dying out to the death of sin, is now history. And, entering into Yahshua’s Mind, is now history. So, what is next? As I understand by Yahshua’s Speech, that there are many more Revelations & Mysteries, to yet be revealed. He will make known unto me, as I understand. Before the Elect go to the T-Speech (telepathic), not heard. But, the very next major sign, is Nanna’s Healing. And, as you read in the first phase. And, as you probably remember. How Yahshua sent My (dad) father, to give me what He called a Coded Message. It was spoken unto me, of my Father, as a bus schedule, of 10 to two. As we were discussing this one Sabbath, at Aunt Ruby’s. Aunt Ruby, said unto me. What day again was this message, of your dad received? I looked it up & I said, the date was October the 22nd. Aunt Ruby said that’s the same as your dad said. And, I looked, & it was so. So, the question immediately arose (in our minds) is this 1 year, from this date, when the Coded Message was received? As, today‘s date is the 8th. I’m in ah, as to whether this could be the date of Nanna’s Healing. If this were truly a fact. I would be one of the happiest men alive. Would you wait with me? Could you also be Yahshua’s witness? Am I also this close to Nanna’s Healing? No! this is not the end of the story. I have been burned, on dates before. As Yahshua, Said He would not Speak to me in the realm of time. As He doesn’t observe it, as to keep time, but we shall see. But, what did Yahshua Speak, as was to follow Nanna’s Healing? I must share this with you also. For as Nanna has suffered long & a very hard life. Yahshua has Spoken, that after Nanna‘s Healing. She, shall possess a massive amount of power for healing & miracles to give to many, many others. And they will come from far & near, to have Nanna to minister to them, of their needs. Does that sound exciting ? I say more, then you could ever know. No! that’s also not the end of the story. For, upon Nanna receiving her healing. The Dam will break, & God Will manifest Himself before this whole earth. And, the Elect of God the 144,000, will take on their New Bodies & Minds. As, these having died out to the sins of this world. These can never again experience any other death. These will all be living, when Jesus returns in the clouds of His Glory at His second coming. And, the mission of these, is to reveal every sin, & every lie. And, to force satan, off the throne of the earth. In preparation to Jesus’s coming, to reign (rule) for 1,000 years, in the Kingdom of His Father. Now, even tho there will be, this world turned upside down. Yes, as we near the end of the era of the reign of man & satan, on the earth. It will soon be over. We look for, the signing of the 7 year peace treaty. And the man of sin (anti - christ) being revealed. All the way to dooms day. The day there will be a nuclear (exchange) war. And, then & only until then, will Jesus come to redeem His Own unto Himself. We will then go into the heaven’s for 45 days, (as the wrath of God is poured out on this earth.) And, we shall go into the Marriage Supper of Christ, as the believers. And, then after God’s 45 days of wrath is finished. We shall return to Jerusalem with Yahshua, to reign with Him for 1,000 years, in Peace & Plenty. Folks I’m trying to tell you. Indeed, we are this close to the end. As also our enemy, the death of time, will also be history. Is this a time to be most excited? Well sure! That is if you believe, any of this, my report. Otherwise, you must believe I’m very mad (crazy). But, this is what Yahshua has thus far revealed unto myself. And, when the dam breaks, I’ll move to the understanding, of Yahshua’s All in All. I, as one of the Elect, will have full consent to the knowledge of all things. Found in the Mind of Yahshua, or complete in Himself. I know this very well. That after Nanna is Healed. She, shall quite work, & shall stand at my side. As I now make preparations for a meeting place. Here in my basement & garage. To meet, to fellowship, to learn & to teach. And onto the Second Pentecost. And the ministering in all Yahshua’s Power. To minister the message of the First Gospel of the Kingdom of God, coming unto the earth. So, that’s what I’ll be doing tomorrow, as today is the Sabbath unto the Lord. Tomorrow, we shall resume to make preparations, to meet here & to make preparations for the Second Pentecost. Oh yes, I have plenty to do. As, my body had given up on me as I worked these 3 weeks. Of very hard manual labor, as to start making these preparations. And, I will work on, as I have the energy to do so. I wait for Nanna’s Healing & all that is to follow. And, I will not be side tracked from Your Words, My Father. Father, I await Your full Will & for me to know Your Will. My Son, you have again moved to the urging of Myself, to make this recorded. And, you have done so. As, you are becoming much more aware, of what I’m instructing you to do these days. And that is to reveal the Path, (make it plain ), of how as to follow you. Of, all that so desire, even to the Path chosen of the 144,000. As you are more mindful, My Son, as to lay it all out before all. That who so ever should wish to follow, may do so. Son, as you well know, most will not be able to understand. As to how to go all the way, to be one of the Electives. But, to the many who continue to live & exist, by My faith. By the redemption received, by My Blood. So, be it, until the number of these is full, then the end will come. Then all will be finished. And, unto this end, you will work tirelessly. To see the last one saved, unto Eternal Life. Then I shall come and receive you all unto Myself. That, where I AM, there you will forever be, with Me. Son, on this Word you will be very watchful of all that is coming. NOW! Yes, until Our Identities shall become One. You await, you watch & you listen. And you are ready to record it all. For those that yet follow after you. So Son, I Say, I Am in control. Amen! Time finished 5:41 p.m.
Mes. #148: 10-10-05 12:56 Mon.
word, year upon year!-
Yes, My Son, I would Speak with you. My Son, what secrete do I Speak of? None, other than those who’s hearts burn to know Me. Are they not predestinated, before the earth was created, to walk with Me? And I Say, not only predestinated, but also chosen, as an Elect. Son, remember, I Spoke unto you of many years past. That, you were Chosen of Myself. Yes, Father I remember. Well son, I could have Said, you were of the Elective! And, I would have been saying the same thing. But, how many years did, it take for you to have this understanding? Yes Son, all the Words I've Spoken unto you. Are they not one continuous linking story? And, is of the Truth, Myself. So, I answer you, tho you are void of hope or faith. Yet, you lean on My Words of Promises. That’s your known goal, is to live. Even on this system of the living death. Not, only to co-exist with it. But, surely to destroy it. As it must be replaced with the peaceful reign of Myself, for 1,000 years. Is this not known to you? Is this not your goal? Shall you not live, in My Own Identity? Even, now presently upon this corruptible earth? Is this now the fulfillment of your existence? Is this not why, I called you? Is this not why, I have prepared you? Is it not all but complete, to your understanding? Son, after Nanna’s Healing, you will see it all so very plainly. And, even as you have viewed it these many years. But, what shall make it all real? Is not the sharing of My Identity, as real as it gets? And, not any longer viewed behind a vail, thus hidden. But, you shall see My Face, continuously forever more. Then which I Ask, is the real matter? The earth, where you exist. Or of the Spirit of Life of Your Father Yehweh. Which I Ask, will be real? And which shall you be in doubt of? Has, not the table turned, & now the feast is now before you? Son, you await, & mark the days as complete. Yet, My Spirit is silent before you. And, you refuse to get upset, or unsettled of any matter. Tho, your spirit is blind to see what is now going on. Yet, you reason, as you pour over My former Speech, that all is even going, as I Said it would. And above all you refuse to yield to any doubt or fear. That’s what you await on, and would pass you by. Without, your viewing the Promises I’ve revealed unto you. As you reason, there is no way under the sun. You, could have directed all the many times of speech. To correspond & (not contradict), but form a one continuous story. That, makes sense & is provable! As the conclusion in the fulfillment is only days in your future. There is no way this could have happened of your own understanding. When, most of the time, when any Word was given you. You did not understand or have any reasoning, as to what these Words meant. So, is not the whole of this Speech, really but one continuous story? And you are now, after all these years. It is now that you begin, to have understanding of all these Words, that is coming to your realization? Son, this is I, this has always been Myself. Directing you to the fullness of your identity, as My Own. Are they now, this very minute understood of you? Yes, more at this hour, than your whole life. Are these Words drawling to their own conclusion? Even, with your understanding? Are you not the witness of these volumes of Words? And, have you not been faithful to record them, even when they made absolutely no sense at all? Yet, do you not have them, for your witness even this very day? Son, these Words are so swiftly nearing there completion, as being useful unto yourself. But, you know not the hearts that shall burst, with excitement. As many, shall for the first time in their entire lives. Will make, the discovery of this proof, that indeed I do exist. And this is the recorded Path unto Myself. Oh- Yes, Son there are yet many out there. That, shall cry forth My Praises. Because, there is a Path that is now known, unto men. To follow, to discover all that I AM. Son, that is the reason, I have had you to record it. Even, as most of the time you did not understand the Words you recorded. As, these read, they will see this plainly. And, also experience this Path, to discover unto themselves, to all who search after you. Son, what greater gift, could I have given you? Which, at the time were (many, many years ) of confusion, unto you. Does this prove that I AM? Does this mean one can walk, as blindly as you did? Yet, it was I Myself guiding you always to the light of Myself. How impossible was this walk (Path) when you walked it? Without your understanding, as you had know Idea where it was going, nor the purpose of this confusion. Yet, today you stand on the thresh hold of the, All in All. Father, You are due more praise, than I have understanding, to give today. Yet, I wait these few days. To be complete in Your Own Identity. And with the fullness of Your Mind- in perfect understanding. And in this I shall be complete. And I shall know the abundance of the Spirit of Life, from My Father Yahweh. I rejoice in Your Name & in Your Presents. And I await very carefully to hear & see Your final witness, even of Nanna’s Healing. And all that will follow. That will be to, my complete understanding, of Your All in All. Even, in this I will witness faithfully unto the whole earth. For, I am greatly blessed of the Lord My God! Father, as I know the final proof, is in Nanna’s Healing. And I await upon it, as my own life. For, I yet have know known life. As I yet, must discover Your Identity, & Your Mind, the All in All. Then, I shall live, & none can fore go this Life from me. Nothing, can then restrain me from living, with purpose & desire, to Your Own Will. AMEN! Son, even as all My Words, is still not My Identity. But, do they not issue from within Myself? How, then, how close are you to know Me, as I AM ? Yes, it was My Speech that has led you, Word upon Word, years upon years. But, do I now dare Say? That, your eyes, ( faith realized) will now look upon My Face. And, have I not, by these many Words, Promised that at that very moment? You shall be changed in an instant, of the twinkling of an eye. As Perfect in Body, in Mind & in Nature, as even, My Father Yahweh. Son, then I Ask you, what is living? For this is still unknown unto you. You, can not guess, you can’t reason, What that Life is. But, again I Say, with Nanna’s Healing, this is before you. And can never be withdrawn from you . Son, as of that moment, you will forget your past cares, as if you had doubt, you ever lived them. Son, as the known, is today real. Even as that, that is Promised unto you. You wonder can these things be? But, once realized, tell Me what of the past is now real. But, is only a faded memory. So Say, I AM.
Mes. #149: 10-11-05 9:52 am. Tues.
not fail, even from the beginning - the Divinely Crafted Plan - the control of man, has
now run It’s course - the 144,000, will see to it - do, as you will - God, nor I will stop
you! - But, will you set judgement on God? - Who’s the present god of this world?- Ah,
-use your free will - for this you will give an answer to-
Father, I am made aware that there would appear, unto me. Of such a great large endeavor to yet be done. Father, take for instance, Your Promises. I try to keep track of them. As to watch as for there (fulfillment), a bench mark, or mile marker. Yet, how many are these Promises? How many hundreds of them, do I have recorded? How could I possibly remember them all? Yet tho, I fail to remember even one of these. Does this mean that they will not come to pass, because I failed to recall them? Father, that’s what, we have learned, as You Taught myself. And, that is, once any Word uttered as Your Own Speech. As You have instructed Me. It’s completely done, fulfilled that instance. As, time has (NONE) no control, of not one Word, of Your Speech. Yet, with our present minds, this we can not comprehend. So, there is no such thing of You forgetting to fulfill any Word or matter. As, it is totally & absolutely complete, as it exists, as Your Speech. This, is also, so far removed from our present understanding. Yet, why should it be? Was not the heavens & the earth created in this very same fashion? Are we not a witness to there existences? So, Children what is to be feared as default, to even One of God’s Spoken Words? Yet, will any still ask, does God exist? I’ll respond, if God did not create heaven & earth, which are in evidence to our eyes? If we question those things which we see. How, much more will be the question of God’s existence, whom we can not see? Children, bare with me. Even, as He has revealed this His very Own Nature unto us. This, is in a very real since, even His Own Identity. We, by these writings are becoming conscious of these facts. For, believe it, or not. God is offering us proof of His existences! How so? The proof has always been right there in the Word (Bible). Yet, it is only now that Yahshua, has approached our understanding. As to receive the Word, as a Fact or the Truth. For the marked time is here. And, that time being the (end time), was Spoken of Himself, before yet time was yet created. We are now being enlightened of Himself to know. These many things, that have been hidden, until this very hour of time. For indeed, this is our proof that we are approaching the ending of days. And, thus all of these things must come to pass. Even as Yahweh, Willed it long ago. This is your proof, of God’s existences. That not one Word Spoken of Himself will fail to come to pass. And, do please remember why this is so. And you will be taking a giant step, toward the discovery of His known Identity. Yes, even His Nature is revealed unto us. This is so very important in our discovery to His true Identity. Do remember this very great Truth. Every Word uttered of God (& there is a world of them). Is, final, conclusive the instant He Speaks it! You, must realize this to discover His Identity. The very first Truth of God, is God’s unlimited power is released at every Word He Speaks. Thus it is as sure as heaven & earth. Which (let me repeat) was created of Himself, in this exact manner. So, at His Spoken Words, they came from His Mind, into the created form we see today. I say, no less than, by His Speech! These Truths have been with us as long as the Word-Bible has them recorded. Why? This children is His known Identity revealed, unto us. Yet, we read the Words of in the beginning. But, His Identity passes over our heads, undiscovered. So, what is the difference? As it is true, that God Spoke all into existences, at the beginning. By, the Power of His Spoken Will. So, what is the difference of today? None! For God is the same yesterday, as He is this very day, or the beginning. So, why is God’s known Identity, even now coming to our very limited understanding? Well, we all understand the beginning, as apose to the ending. We, well understand this concept. But, the very real difference, in learning God’s Identity. Was, Spoken of Himself, before the beginning. Ah- so, the beginning is a long ago ancient history. But, was recorded of men, as directed of God. And yet, that same Words stands as His (God's) Witness to all men. As, to what His known Will is, for mankind even this very day. We are living in the end time days, as recorded in the Bible. You, may ask what proof can be offered? I say, would you know that God, left with us a Plan? Yes, His Own divine Will or Plan. Has been held as a Mystery until this very hour, to be revealed. And, His Will has been put into a divinely crafted Plan. So, what is that Plan, Spoken of Himself long ago? Ah- even, what He is sending to us to record this day. What is that? Let this get your attention! Man, under the sway & control of satan has ruled this earth for the last 6,000 years. But, the Plan of God, is now going to eradicate sin from the earth, & before His eyes. Yes, the control of man has now run it’s coarse. Yes, man has made the earth to be. His domain of greed, exploitation, killing, pain, poverty, want, decease, wars, & control of the masses, by just a few. This, my dear friends is what we bring a newborn baby into, what we call our world. But, it was man, not God who made life so hopeless, as it is today. Now, I continue to speak of the Proof of God’s existences. By what He Said, would occur in the last days. What last days, you may say? I speak of the day that He Himself. Said He, would appear as a witness. Unto all, the peoples of the earth. Yes, I speak that He Will descend unto the clouds of the earth. And, every eye shall see His Identity. Yes, at that point it will be too late to confess your sins. Now the Plan of God, is to raise up 144,000, born again believers. That, shall walk before the Lord Our God, in Perfection. And, their mission is to reveal all sin, wickedness, and the ploy of men. As to enslave all the earth, to the rule of a few, who would rule everything, as god’s of this earth. This is what God is getting ready to reveal. That is the first step of God’s Plan. The second is these same 144,000 will, give witness to Jesus‘s return. Unto the earth to Reign (as King), over the entire earth, forever. This, by name is called the First Gospel of the Kingdom of God. This, shall be preached unto all the earth, with great signs. Now just how interested are you in knowing the Truth? Have you just a passing interest? Or is there a real fright, of uneasiness, that you are unprepared to see God's Identity? You see it is all recorded, of various men in the Bible. But, you see the question is in the timing. Will you believe now, & be saved from the wrath of God to come? Or, shall you wait to see the proof of God‘s Identity. And thus, be too late to make a decision to have life forever, with God? But, do remember, as to care for your eternal soul. That, regardless of who or what any man believes. You, will most differently stand (alone) to give answer (before God). To the decisions that you make in this present life. And, having cleared my conscious, in making to you this warning. Do, as you will! I, nor God will stop you. If this is your conscious desire. But, I have written this, expressly for this reason. To cause you to reason, to consider the affairs of your soul, & your options. So, if your desire is to follow God, (& I hope this is so). Then, stop to consider how you treat His Speech. Please! Do not question His Integrity! And, until you can beyond doubt prove to yourself. With (Eternal Life) as excepted or knowingly reject, as this has been met to your satisfaction. That do I, or do I not, except these Words to be God’s Speech. Please, if you are truly in search of the Truth. God, who judges the intent of the heart, will not let you believe a lie. If indeed, it is your heart to know the Truth. Remember who is the deceiver, the god, of this present world. Yes, the liar shall soon be dethrone, (by the 144,000) as the god of this earth. My Father, I have recorded, as You have dictated to my (spirit) mind. My Son, I call on you, of the time of day or night. And, you rise, as to stand erect, to receive this My Spoken Speech, unto yourself. Son, regard this now, as I have you to write. I Will, but very soon, bring every Word recorded of you, to stand also upright & erect. For all to see as My Love & My Path (revealed), that I have exposed, by this the hand of My servant. In days from now, this will begin to be fulfilled every Word. And, I will prove this to the most harden skeptic. Yet, will any bow? But, so is their choice. And, will be honored of Myself. But, of the signs & wonders to fall on the earth, by the hands of the Elective, the 144,000. Can not, be denied of any that shall behold their works. Yet, can any be deceived? Only, by their own choice, to believe the lie. Son, when I Say, it can not be measured as the signs, the wonders, the healings, the miracles, the dead raised, the endless wonders, these shall perform, on the earth. And, to speak (reveal) of their, untold Revelations of all that has been hidden, as sins. And yet, will there be any, which refuse to believe? Son, just remain faithful to deliver all I give you. No, more, is required of you. Let, every man, make his own bed, as he will decide where to lay.
Mes. #150: 10-13-05 9:19 am. Tues.
I was awakened by My Father Speech - Again I am cautioned to guard His Speech,
I was awakened by the Words, I heard My Lord Speak. Son, you will be most careful to consider every word of My prepared Speech. Father, I perceive that You would have me to oversee the changes, to edit the first phase. To be made in Your Speech. My Son, have I not already made this very plain unto you? Father, I will see to it, as soon as possible. Father, I also thank You very much. For confirming Your Speech unto me. That the catholic church (pope) would come out & declare, Sunday as the day of Your Worship, for the catholic church. As soon as You showed me, Your real day of the Sabbath. As Your only day of Worship as, the Sabbath, Saturday. I knew that moment, that the battle lines had been drawn, & the war was on. I knew in my spirit, that as You showed me. That the pope would come out & confirm satan’s day, as the day of worship. And, You also Said, this unto me at that time, that this in part was the mark of the beast. And, I was certain the pope would confirm this doctrine, as the stand of the catholic church. And, behold he (the pope) has confirmed this as early as May, after taking office. Father, this is the reality, I seek of Your Speech. Son, indeed this matter is very grave. To those who continue to bow to his (pope’s) authority. And, Son this you see is very true. And, this is a very major sign of the anti-christ. Son, everything is coming together, as you see the thunder clouds gathering, of the catholic & the muslim faiths. That, they are running, as to collide together. And My Son, you wonder, where is My faithful, that will stand & resist even these clouds? Where are they at? You, see no one as yet interested in My Speech. That I have had you to record. My Son, that is one of the reasons that I wouldn’t release the audio or the video, as yet. I must prove these Words, to be alive, by My Spirit. Before I Will allow My Speech, to be broadcast widely. Son, they will soon see & hear the proof of My Speech. Then, they will come to you, to see what, thus Sayth the Lord. My Son, you are very short of days, from seeing My Promises. To the reality of your own eyes, & with your understanding. Father, I am ready to receive Your Words, by the leading of Your Spirit. And, again I Say, My Son, you will not wait long. For, it is time for your knowledge to be made complete. And, to turn a side all the questions of your mind. To be replaced with (facts) or Truths of every matter known or unknown to man. Son, this is the only force that can cause you to live. And, I have Said it many times. And, now this is on your horizon, of completion. For, I shall transform you to My reality, to know My Identity. Son, I know you are very weary & you have waited a life time to see this day. And, I Say, behold it is upon you. Father, guide me to Nanna’s healing, & I shall know all is nearing completion. Father, the mass of the Words recorded as Promises, is unbelievable. Yet, I shall see every Word fulfilled. Yes, My Son, so will everyone else also see! Then, they will come for My Speech, & to have you to guide them to Myself. Father, so be it to Your Glory. AMEN! My Son, you can’t guess or reason, what is on top of you. And My Son, you will no longer push & pull these, as to spoon feed them, any more. For they will finally see, what you see. That, does motivate you, & now themselves. As to work day & night, to get the message out to the whole world. No longer, shall they sloth about, & shuffle their feet, as to be uncertain as to where & why they step. Son, remain alert, to My Spirit. Yes, Father, I watch & listen.
Mes. #151: 10-15-05 2:16 pm. Sat.
My Father, tis a most beautiful day outdoors. And, I thank You, for it. As, well as the selling of the windows, & editing the first phase, hopefully for the last time. And, also that Jack traded me some treated wood. That, I’m using to face the outside of the steps & the back porch with. Father, I guess I may not be totally dead to any enjoyment, of this life. Because, what I’ve done so far, looks nice (like a cottage on a lake) & refreshing. Father, I’ve gotten very much done, in making preparations. But, as to what still needs to yet be done. Only, a fraction has been completed. Father, I do also want to thank You. As You Said, You would re-supply my need of money. As, this day I spent my last on roofing, stain, screws & etc. The money for the sale of the windows, came the same day, that I spent my last money. As, this was a Promise, that You assured me, I would not run out of funds. And, for this I give thanks. And, that I’m quickly finishing those things that need to be done outside, before cold weather, sets in. Father, that brings things to Your reality, of this months blessings. Father I can’t blame people, because they aren’t reading Your first phase, of Your Speech. For, Father, even tho there are countless Promises recorded there. They, as I, want to see the reality of these Promises fulfilled. And, no less, as Myself also. Father, I’m sorry that we even measure Your Speech. But, Father even as You have had me to record, these many Promises, of Your Speech. It was for this very reason, so as to draw attention, to Your very Speech. Father, as You know I made the last few changes. To edit Your Speech, of the first phase, this very day. But, now all awaits the signing of the 7 year peace treaty & Nanna's Healing. And, then the breaking of the dam. And, Father, as I understand these first two, could take place even this month. And, the others to follow very quickly. Father, yet this day, I’m not alert to any visitation of Your Spirit. To see any thing revealed. My Son, it is true, that none read the first phase. Not, with any excitement or anticipation of seeing these Promises to come to pass. And, Son that as you know, was why I stopped the audio from being created. Son, I will do this thing as Promised unto you. And, many will see & hear of these things. Then, My Son, all that has been prepared for this season. Will burst forth, for all to see & reason about. Son, you do wait without fear & doubt. As, you strive to keep these in check. But, you are some what anxious of these things. Could any blame you, of a life time & 12 years of waiting. Son, yet you are very much in ready to hear by your spirit. Any action what so ever. My Son, as you reason the coded message, is for this October 22nd. And, the signing about the same period of time. This only leaves a week or less to see these completed. Father, as my understanding is far from perfect. Yes, this is what I understand. But, yet I feel, nor see nothing, to lead me to believe any thing is happening. Nothing of My Spirit is alerting me, of anything. Son, even as I Promised, I would do so. Father, there can be no more reality, for my life. Or at least the start of that life. Then what is now Your Promised Speech, unto me. As, I say, as I reason this is the season, to see these things completed. Father, You know, I’m totally helpless to do any thing, except to wait. And, I hope I can continue to do this, by Your Grace. Yes, Son, this is very big & very important for you. Son, continue, as you are.
Mes. #152: 10-18-05 10:07 am. Tues.
I promised Nanna, a vacation - a lesson on life, & the liviing death - Yes, you are now,
a subject to the Will of Your Father - life, is found in the presents of the living of it –
Live! I Say Live!-
My Father, receive my praise. My Son, indeed I do, by your life you lead. My Son, yes, I had Sandy to call you, for conformation. Concerning when the dam would break, as to your understanding. Father, I have been very attentive of Your Spirit. To give me any forewarning or clue, of any matter. So far, You have been very quite. But, if You have sent to alert me concerning October 31st, as of the breaking of the dam. We may have a problem! As this can’t occur until after Nanna’s Healing. The, timing You may be confirming, as to be near the time. But, the dam‘s breaking, as I understand can’t occur, until after Nanna’s Healing. So we wait for conformation, that must be, & then I will record it. My Son, nothing what so ever has changed of My Will. And, you would like to see the RV. To sell as Nanna could have a cool vacation. Son, as all matters, that I purpose for your lives. The timing will be perfect. As, your present car, needs to be replaced. But, you have not sought of myself to replace it. And, yet I Will do so. Son, what I’d determine of My Will for your lives, from here after. I can Say to you, will be unbelievable. Shall, I Say, you shall now walk in the reality of My Speech? Not weeks, nor months from when it was Spoken. But, even synonymous with My Speech. As seen as reality with your eyes, as recorded as Fact, by your mind. This is where you have desired to walk with Myself. Even in the presents of all reality. And, this I Say, is what you now are near, as even to see it. Son, you know this as living, & to experience this life of reality is all you desire of this life. Otherwise, as far as you are concerned, you are only subjected to the living death. Son, I have taught you well, & you know what you speak. And, your desire is none other than the Truth revealed, of My Own Identity. And, as long as you are devoid of this, yes, only the living death exist to you. This is your true coarse, of any life you now experience. And, this coarse of life you have already conquered, as you have died out to all cares of this life. As there is no more desire left in you, to contend with this life of sin, unto death. Now son, it is time to give True Life? Of My Father, unto all who are dying out, to this present living death. Oh- the joy, I Say, is unspeakable for you. As, now you shall receive your identity of mind, & body, as of My Father. This Life be sure, is free from all the cares of the living death. Therefore it has no more any control, nor are you subjected to it, any more. No, you are not any longer a subject unto sin. But, a subject to the Will of Your Father. Of Eternal Life, unspeakable unto Myself & Our Father. Shall I Say, you shall walk in the Glory of the Father? And, no form of separation is ever possible again. From His constant fellowship, even for ever. Make no mistake about this, & you already know this very well. Outside this fellowship is only the living death, of this present life. Children, as if I had to tell you, to get ready to receive this Life. Of course you are looking to receive this Life. Of course you are looking, & unto all others. They no not what you speak of. But, soon I shall open their eyes, as they view your freedom in My Spirit. And, many shall desire, the only true Life. Son, guide them in, unto My rest, & only Life. This, I have called you My first chosen to do. Son, stay prepared to record these advents, for those that follow you to Life. For, as I Live, shall you not also Live? Even, with the same Identity of Life? Indeed, for this was the Will of the Father from the beginning. And, it is here. NOW! Yes, come together & rejoice of your joy, of your identities. For this Life is now, all but found of you, very soon now. Yes, My Son, you do see it correctly. For you will record these as they happen. Son, I understand you, be sure. I know that any Word Spoken of Myself. Yet, is another Promise on top of very many Promises. But, these have been good, & severed there need of the past. But, that is not what any of your future will consist of. No! Only the (facts) or Truth of the reality seen & witnessed will be your future Life. The life you now live, not of hope or faith of another time. Which to you is dead, has no meaning any more, what so ever. But, Life is found in the presents of it's LIVING. Not, to dream of a time to live, for another time. But, I Say presently, this instant of Life. And not only Lived, but shared in fellowship, in constant Joy of Myself to be complete? How could you be complete, with anything less? Is not Life found in togetherness of sharing all? Even, in endeavors & fun & laughter. Now, I Speak of the Life, you most differently died for. And, it could never be produced from this living death. But, only the freedom from it. Sons, of mine! There is no more to be Spoken of or for. For these will also only be Promises. Which, can not ease your anticipation of the True Life. Son, be sure you are nearly done, making this recording . I will soon Say, enough! And, you will also put this to a book form, 2nd phase. But, the Words will be complete to guide any believer, or as yet a non- believer. To the full amount of My Own Identity. As they shall desire, & purpose of their own free will. Son, and this your mission of a life long struggle, will be complete & recorded. For, I Say, it is the Path, I have chosen to guide all. That, so desire to know Me, even My Identity. Children, get ready to Live! For, the allotted time (Spoken before time was created) is now upon you. LIVE! I Say Live!
Mes. #153: 10-21-05 6:14 am. Fri.
Dream - You are taking me, to where I’ve never been - it’s on top of you ! - Dream,
Yahshua was taking me to show me, His Identity - Father, so be it, to Your Will-
My son, you are hearing & seeing. Even making contact with Myself. And, you can’t reason, what it means. Yet, it has persisted, so you now record it. This, is what I was dreaming. And, I woke up, but I didn’t record anything. And, when I went back to sleep it was right there again. So, now I have recorded what, I was dreaming. And, I remember, the Lord Saying, what is this? For we are not strangers, & we have never been separated. Father, I do not know the reason for this. Son, this is, a new understanding. What, you were hearing & seeing, was to make contact with My Identity, even as I AM. The completion of Myself. Father, I’m aware of what I heard & seen. But, I still can't reason. Because You are taking me, to where I’ve never been before, with my understanding. Father, lead on to Your Own Will. Even so, My Son, this is coming & is on top of you. Father, I’m here, & I await, You to complete my understanding. Of You, Your Personal Identity. Son, this has always been your goal. Even, to know Me, as I AM. And, it is here, as you dreamed. I was coming & taking you, with Myself. To see Me as the I AM. And, that is when you awakened again. Son, did I not Say, as the event, you would be warned, & to record it? But, why? Am I Speaking of this event, out of sequence? As, you understand Nanna’s Healing is first to come, & you know this to be true. Father, I do not question You, as I desire Your Perfect Will. What, can I learn, that I have not waited a life time, to discover? Father, I know I’m at the door of the, All in All. Yet, I will not panic, as if to question You of anything. For, I Trust You for all. My Son, you have grown, & you are ready, as you are near your completion. And, still you will not leap upon Me (as a dog in your lap). Son, I see, your respect for My Identity. And you do not want to charge Myself, as if to take it away from Me. You, know this is most important. And, you also want to present yourself (identity) in your own control, before Myself. In respect of My Own Identity. And, son I do appreciate this jester from you. And I receive this yourself (your identity), as to thus meet Myself (known Identity). Son, I Say We are complete. As it has now been forewarned & recorded. Now, We will meet. Father, then my joy of living, will be known of myself. Son, this is more true, than you have understanding for. Father, so be it to Your Divine Will. I’m Yours!
Mes. #154: 10-22-05 12:00 pm. Sat.
the night before - Yahshua’s humor - Paul Livingston?
I confess, I ‘m a fool for Yahshua-
I take paper & pen into hand. As, I feel directed of My Spirit to do so. And, I can’t reason as to why? As, today to my understanding? Is Nanna to be fully healed body & spirit? And of faith or hope, which are dead to my understanding. Yet, I wait upon the Spirit & the Speech of My Father. As, my knowledge, has been led to believe, Nanna’s Healing could very well be for today. If, this were a horse race. I’d put my money on the dead horse, as a no show. But, this is my wife & my life, I speak of. Yet, without faith, or hope. What do I seek? Yes, this is what I seek! I would seek that my understanding of My Father Speech. Would be known of myself with perfect knowledge, of His Intent. Outside of this, I’m totally void of any understanding. Yet, My Father, You Said for me to tell, all I meet that Nanna is going to be healed. I have tried to do this, as I try to please Him in all I do, even as He Ask of me. So I did tell everyone I met that Nanna would soon be healed. And, some would believe it was todays date. Now, as to any other possibility, what say do I have? As to whether this will be or not, is beyond me. Except, the Spirit just Spoke to me. And Said, you have not obeyed My Spoken Word, to Speak it into existences. So I, (pause) & I Say, this minute of this day I Speak Nanna’s Healing into existences. 10- 22- 2005 12:15 p.m. Saturday. As the Lord My God, has directed me. I speak this matter of Nanna’s Healing into existences. You are now my witness. On this I have no more to say. As my understanding is complete, as instructed of My Father. It is done, as He bids me to speak this. There are very few souls, that know what this means, unto me. But, now as I have obeyed His Voice, so is His Will to be done. Now, I have yet, another matter to address. Of which I’m equally in the (dark) as to my own understanding. As My Father, had Spoken many things unto me in a dream, yesterday. I now remember about some of those things. I now remember about this many subjected dream. I remember as, I believe, Yahshua was pushing me on a 2 wheel hand cart. I, did, not recognize my own, nor His Identity. Even, tho I seen 2 figures in this dream. But, I reason it was Yahshua, who was pushing me on this hand truck. As, He pointed to the right side tire, & said, you have made My tire to go flat. It, was I who was on the cart. As, I hopped off, & looked at the tire, He was pointing too. And, then I exclaimed, to Him, who was pushing the cart. That, the tires were of solid hard rubber. And, then it went to another subject. As I understand. There, was a man, carrying a new born baby in a white, trimmed in pink blanket. He approached me, I heard the baby cry out, it was truly a new born. Then, he held the baby very close to my face. To, my surprise it had the face of a 3 or 4 year old girl. With long brown finger curls, that extended to the bottom of her face. And, she was most beautiful, with very large brown eyes. Then, this was also gone. I seen many different scenes there after, but no more comes to me now. And, as it appeared the dream was leaving me. I heard the date 10 –27- 2005 Spoken unto me. Then, I heard the number 47 Spoken unto me. And, this is the reason I was compelled to record this today. As, I heard, was this not the same number. That was Spoken unto me with the name Paul Livingston? I will look this up to see. I, keep feeling this has something to do with football. Father, I reason You are Speaking unto me. Of the number #47 & Paul Livingston. Father, is this even one of the pearls, You Speak of? I’m open to all & any of Your Speech, as You can see. I’ll record anything, that I believe, the Father is Speaking unto me. Because this was His Commandment unto me, to obey His Speech. Be sure that I’m only following directions from My Father. And, as most of His Speech, I do not understand. Yet, you are my witness that I do write these things. And, if I didn’t believe they were from My Father. You, wouldn’t ever see or be a witness to these words. That’s all I can possibly, say now to my own understanding. Perhaps, this will in the immediate future, enlighten all of us. Who, now makes these words to be witnessed? Children, if there’s anything to be learned of all My Father’s Speech. I can’t ignore it as nothing. And, I would just as soon record words that make no appeal to my understanding. As, to miss even one of My Father’s Words unto me. As, I see it. I have lost nothing, if I write anything of no value. Except, the scorn of those who do not believe. And, of what importance is this to me? “Now we are speaking of useless chatter!” For, as my understanding (tho very limited) I will continue to record Words, that I believe My Father is directing to my attention. That’s the whole of the matter, judge as you will. But, this changes nothing of my desire to seek, & record My Father's Identity. As even all He has Promised unto me. I had, no idea where this writing was going to go. Except to record what I could recall of this dream, that was revealed unto me of yesterday. Now, I have done so. And, I have obeyed, as I felt of my spirit to record these Words. I just looked up the Paul Livingston matter. Recorded 11- 30- 2004 7:49 p.m. Tuesday. Message # 40. And, I beg your pardon, the number given with his name was 41. Not, as I supposed #47. So, as usual I’m that much more in the dark, as to what this current speech means. But, if you have the patients to wait with me, please do so. And, as to me calling you children. This, is what, I mean that I speak, not as to degrade anyone. I, speak as we are all, by faith, the Children of Our Father God. Now, I proceed to watch & listen, for any word of Nanna's Healing. And, in this I offer praise unto the Father, of all the begotten of sons & daughters unto Our Heavenly Father. Time 1:42 p.m. Saturday October 22, 2005. Let, this one matter, bare its own witness. Either I’m silly (mad), or I will know, My Father’s Identity. Or, you will, by my own hand revealed unto you, my true identity. That, I have proven unto you, that I am a fool. For, believing all these years these countless number of words, I have recorded. I, will face them & I will not deny them, not a word. As, I say, be my guest, to believe as you will. I, didn’t record a word of these writings in regard to any person alive or dead, of myself. I hold my judgment, of any’s opinion of any or all these words. As, what you consider of them pro or con, has no baring to me what so ever. As, I have only, My Father, to give any answer unto. And, I do not speak these words, as to have any maliciousness, as to word or deed. As, to any person, of their rightful opinion of these recorded words. If they bless you, so, I seek the more. If they are a hindrance, to any. Ignore them, the best you can. Yet, I can’t say, to forgive me. For, I will not appoligize for not one word. For, I hold these as my life, as prize of the Truth. My Father, is my witness. Can any say, only a fool would bare his soul, before all men? I say, see if I have anything what so ever to hide, from any person. speak, my true identity. This is who I am. I’m either being used of My Father. In a capacity, well beyond my reasoning to question why? Or I’m that fool, that believes, God Spoke these Words unto me to record. And, so I believe. 2:36 pm
Mes. #155: 10-24-05 8:51 pm. Mon
Father, I’m close to a melt down here - Have, I failed you My Son? – Forgive me Father, if I anger you-
Father, I would be surprised to hear from You. But, since Saturday, this has been a most eventful week. And, yes my peace has been tried. My understanding also fails me. And the constant problem of cars is ever present. Yet, where else can I go? And where can I find the present answers? To any who may ask of Nanna’s Healing? Father, I’m very close to my lock down mode. As, I have no answers to any of this. Yet, You Tell me of the joy of unspeakable, is on top of me. I’m sorry that does not compute. Father, if it were possible I would hear Your Speech. My Son, has all failed you? Have I failed you? Father, where is Nanna’s Healing? I would please that You Speak to me in the reality of where is Nanna’s Promised Healing? Father, I do not know what the coded message means- not a clue! All I know is that I need to see her healing - Now Today! Father, I said unto as many as I could reach. What You Told me to tell them. Now, what do You want me to tell them now? Father, I have know where else to turn. No place else to seek. You are the Sum Total of all. Yet, I need You very much to Heal my Nanna. Do, I ask amiss? Do, I ask in vain? Father, I’m not the enemy am I? Father, do I not ask because I love her & want her suffering to stop? And, would I not bring Praise to Your Name, unto all I can reach? Father, is it to much to ask? Would I not trade my life for her healing? Father, what is there here for me to yet understand? How many times has her healing been Promised unto me? And, yet after all these years, still I wait. As, if I was no closer. Please forgive me, if I’ve angered, or upset You.
Mes. #156: 10-25-05 3:49 pm. Tues.
Father, I stand here, in the fog. And, I will not move! Alycia totals Nanna’s cadillac!
Today the reality of the living death, is much in evidence. As, I awaken to a most very thick fog. As, my radar of faith has long been broken. I, find myself, with the abilities of a blind man. As this fog is so very thick, I can’t see my feet. And, I declare as this is my life, before God, as my witness. I will not move from this point, as I stand. Until the fog gives way to a new day. That, I can live in the reality of My Eternal Loving Father! For He will reveal Himself unto me .He will rescue me, from this fog of the living death. I will not move one step, beyond this spot of His Peace, I now occupy. As I have no desire to venture one more step into the unknown. Yet, the very real living death, is present with me. For all that I am, I have duly spent in the pursuit of the location of my quest to know God. And here is where it will end or begin to His Will. But, my earthly struggle is over, where I stand. He, will provide, any & all life in the Reality of His Own Identity. Where I now stand! Or leave me to my end. As, I‘m but one step above, not caring one way or the other. And, if it were not for the Promise of Nanna’s Healing. There would be no earthly care what so ever unto me. I would be free to turn off all cares of this life. As eternally a loss. And my account would be complete. To stand at the time appointed before My Father, without any plea. P.S. Alycia totaled Nanna’s Cadillac yesterday. Nanna was talking, leaving this life by her own hand. As, she said she would work today. And then quit all her jobs. This is the fog I speak of, And the terms, that I will deal with it. As, I have spoken, the only way this fog can lift. Is for me to see Yahshua, in the Identity of reality. There is no other trade off.
Mes. #157: 10-29-05 8:59 pm. Sat.
A New Day, a New Beginning - Father, I do not except the void, the living death - the only Path to Your Identity - Father this speech fails to Introduce Your Identity - What happens when your reasoning fails you?- Have you gone mad? - Son, this was the only way to reveal yourself - the lesson ( blank) to entering His Mind - I show you the limits of your mind - this is very deep reasoning here, be sure - This is all for the unmeasured Truth of the discovery of My Identity - Son, this is not known of any other person, as yet.- Be selective in what you record,
Hello, My Father. And greetings to you My Son. Yes son, it is a new day. Even a new beginning. As to you the old, is now dead, gone. Father, I do not wish to be any pain to You. Yes Father, as I see it. You Will now Speak unto me in reality. And Father, it must start with this endless Promises of Nanna’s Healing. Father, I will see it, or I’m on hold –waiting. And I’m indifferent to any & all other, except Your Identity. Otherwise, as I see it, We have nothing more to speak of. For my senses are dead, to all other matters entirely. I have no interest to speak, or entertain anything else. These are anti- matter & I have no space or time to consider them. Father, I’m so very sorry if I offend You, by any means. For this has never been my wish to do so. Father, I can say yes, I lost contact with You, because of my bitterness. As I was looking for the reality, of Nanna’s Healing. And, nothing will not change from that. As I say, Father, all else except Your Identity. Has nothing but the living death, for reality. Father, I can’t wait under any other pretence. For all else is dead of understanding. Father, I have to except this ordeal as directed of Yourself. To bring me to this present understanding. I don’t any longer wait, except. I wait, for the reality of Nanna’s Healing & Your Identity, & nothing else. The 7 year peace treaty & any, hundreds or thousands of other Promises. They are all equally, a part of the living death. This is none other unto me, then the void. Of, which I will never agree to any part or portion. That I’ll ever, entertain again willingly. And, I refuse to have any dealings with or without a willing mind. To ever entertain any of this again. Father, as I see it, this is anti- god, to all You Are & stand for. Therefore, I resist it all, by this same principle. I will also not have any more to do with any portion of it. Father, I can’t see past this. There for I don’t know how Our Relation will develop. But, I must, & I do reason of myself. That, it was You, thru this occasion that brought this to my attention. And, I thank You. And, now I wait only as I say. With the purpose of Nanna’s Healing & Your Identity, & nothing else. And, I can’t be a party of the living death, any more. I can’t, & I will not consider it. Father, I condemn not Your Speech. But, I see it as the fulfillment of Your Speech. Father, call it what ever You like, the T Speech or what ever. But, from here out I wait for reality or nothing at all. As nothing else, is but only the promise of the living death. Father, far be it from me. To set the boundaries, or the capacity, or content, of Our communications. But, now I see it has no meaning of reason, but, death. And, death has no part in Your Identity. So, I will not entertain it any more. Father, as I can see it, I’m speaking the Truth. And, I’m not a hard nose, nor am I beyond reason. For, as I see it, there is no reason what so ever to be considered, of anything else. For, it has zero (%) value, for Life. Father, I see this as growth. Or going in the right direction. As to realize Your Identity. In other words there is no other way to make Your Identity, real to reality. For there is no way or process to develop You, Your Identity. As, You are unsupported by anything, speech, or actions, or matter seen or unseen. Now rather, I do not say, I have arrived. Nor, that I have discovered Your Identity. But, I believe You have but lead me to the only Path of Your Identity. Even, as I see all Your 40 + years of Speech. This can’t, & doesn’t, contain, support, or disclose, any measure of Your Identity. Even, tho it was Your Chosen Path, to Your Identity. But, now we are talking history of that fact. But, now we can only Speak Face to Face, in the reality of Your Identity. As, I say, all past (Your) Speech, has been a wonderful treasure. I hold & highly value, Your Speech. But, now that is also obsolete to Your reality- for me personally. Only to those who follow, will this now help. This, kind of recordings of on & on, without end. Of this is & was the Path. But, this is now also history to me. It has delivered me, to the last step into the direction of Your Identity. It is also spent, gone, done, & complete, to it’s intended purpose. Now, I can’t say, of what is now before me. For we as men have never been here before. I, can only give You thanks, My Father, for this Path. Tho traveled as in the living death, it is now complete - OVER! I now see the limitations of this present Speech to deliver any man to Your Identity, of reality. This Speech, can’t introduce You! For this Speech can’t tell who You are. Father, I’m starting to reach out. For this Speech & my understanding of this Speech, are starting to fail me. For any words to continue, with any reasoning. Father, I sense that we are seeing the closure of this present phase. And at this present time, I fail to see any more into the future. And, now I await Your reality. I’m void of any further understanding. And, I await Your Will. Son, it can not appear unto you by any other understanding. Of which this also fails you. But, yes son, this Speech has served to the very last step. That’s all it can deliver unto you. Son, nothing sets you off (concerning Myself) quicker than to realize your understanding has failed you. Thus crushing the desires of your heart, that you expected to be delivered unto you. When, your mind gives out (of capacity) to reason, to understand. Of those things you desire. But, can’t be seen, nor can you have any knowledge, or witness of these things. It’s then, you (but, nothing like you use to do) go off! Because, you have run out of capacity to further reason. So, you start reasoning with great bitterness, as the only path of logic. And that is to level the blame, to Myself. That it has to be My fault - because nothing is hidden from Myself. So, you set to blame, that it is I Myself that is to blame, for the lack of your understanding, has now failed you. And, thus I should not have allowed you to experience this failure of your understanding. But, Son even as much as it hurts you, as a fact, you are made to be very bitter. As, you feel immediate betrayal of Me (Myself) fore abandoning you. There, never was any other way to bring you to the knowledge of the Truth of My Identity. The one thing you can’t abide, is (to reason) of the failure of your own understanding. As you reason, no one can reason beyond the capacity of one’s own mind. What do you do? When your mind gives way to a blank, & ceases to reason, or understand? Panic, sets in! As, this removes your identity of further control. Of the lost capacity of your mind to comprehend. For at that given moment you have a great fear (of the unknown). And, that you may never regain control of your thinking. And, this cast immediate doubt. That perhaps all your past thinking is also in danger of being in error. Son, I have let you see the very edge (the limit) of your present identity. And, this is to say, at the least, a very great source of stress unto you. But, son think on this! How would you discover Myself? If you did not know, the known limitations of your own present identity & your capacity of thought? How could you continue to seek, if you knew it was impossible to achieve? A (New Revelation) ! Son, this I reveal is a very great Truth! As that, I have now made known unto you. You are your own witness, to the present limitations of your currant capacity of mind. How many times have you faced this? Now, I Say, for the first time in your life. I have revealed the why, of the Pine Knot, Kentucky to your understanding. This, is a very great healing unto yourself. For, I had to guide you unawares, to show you the limits of your present identity. I could not allow you at any time, to gain the reason. Was this cruel of Me? It would most certainly appear so, if administered without warning. But, if you had been warned. You, I Say, could never have come to the realization of the Truth. Son, that’s the reason the Path of your maze (of life). This was for your development & learning of your unique identity. This, had to be done in this fashion. Or you still would not understand who I AM! As My Identity is separate of yours. And you do not possess the ability (as yet). As to know how to locate this My Identity. That’s the reason you have given all that you are in that search. Yet, you have failed, as it never was in any way obtainable, of which you now know. For, My Identity has always lay out side the realm of the limits of your identity to locate Myself. Now, I have shown you this. Does the church world have any idea- Who I AM? Son, you have reasoned to call these times as set backs, or going backwards. Son, nothing you could have said or reasoned. Could have been any further from the Truth. If you recall, (& I know you do). I have referred to these as (so called) set backs, by your own description. Son, now you see why, I called them, so called set backs. This, My Son, could never have been any further from the real Truth. Son, by going thur these (unwarned) & coming out the other side (even as a crushing defeat). Without loosing the permanent capacity of your mind to reason. Was & is the greatest of any blessings you have ever known. This was all for the unmeasured Truth, of the discovery of My Identity. For without this knowledge. And I do add as Jerry is there again at your side. That without this knowledge (though gained by crushing defeat), neither of you would this day. Have to your possession this measure of unbelievable Truth. Now, where does this elevate your minds? And, what (expansion) has now occurred to your present capacity to understand? Do, I suggest there are more of these (the same) for your futures? How can this be? As you would say – the cat is now out of the bag! And, can I Say, today you have no Idea where your understanding is now going to go? Neither as to what has been delivered to you –NOW! Sons, I Speak, as I have shown you the outer (present) limits of your minds. Has, your knowledge & capacity to comprehend. Has, it not now been greatly expanded? Be, sure they have! And, with this, yes I Say. With this unknown, yet the greatest shocks (ever revealed) to your identities, that you have ever experienced. And, this has now been explained ( of yes) My Identity, directly to your identity. And made to become reality, to your present knowledge, as to make perfect, your understanding. Sons, this is greater than you can now reason. This, has been made known unto no other persons, as yet! And only, your own present identities, will prove the limitless value. Of what you have now discovered, as the Truth. For this day you see the reality of My Identity, as none had ever discovered before! For today I have revealed unto you, what could never have been gained by any man (yourselves included). See, if I have not approached you this day in reality! Now, shall I return to the boundless & endless measure of My Speech, of Words? I think not! “For, now you reason beyond My given Speech!” For, now I have given you a taste of Life! That, none have ever witnessed before! No! We shall not go back. To what, you call the system of the living death. No Sons! Be sure from hence forth I Promise you nothing. For, I have delivered to your understanding. The gift of joy, of Life Everlasting. And, you will never settle for anything less. I do not sign off! For it is now, I who will approach you, by Your Minds directly. With all the reality of My Own Identity. I Will no longer be limited to this manner of Speech. Son, from here on, you will become selective of what you record. And, that will also very soon cease to be. For, you are very rapidly approaching –“to perform”, rather than preparing, as to do so.
Mes. #158: 10-31-05 10:25 pm. Mon.
My Son, you bask in the glow of My Revelation, of My Identity. And the complete healing of the total void. Of the most crushing experience of your life, (Pine Knot, Ky.) Son, I have shown you the outer limits of your mind. And you found My Identity was not in the limits of your identity. To reason (to discover Myself). Son, you would not allow yourself to think on the Pine Knot situation. As, any reasoning only assured you of the fact. That there was to your understanding, only void to any reasoning. And, you put it so far back in your mind. As, you were confident that you never would know a reason. You, would never know the reason or the why. But, now son I have forced you to look at it. And, you see, Pine Knot was harboring a world of doubt. You, know doubt can’t approach Me! As, it is now the time to meet Me. This, doubt had to be brought to the surface, & be destroyed from your mind. As, I Say, We have never been strangers. Yet, now will I not invite you to My abode for tea? How about, a over night, stay over? Oh-Yes Son, I AM quite serious of My Speech. What, son do I wish to hide from you? The Truth is, & I wish to reveal many, many things unto you. For, I also have waited, for this appointed time. That, I could once again have fellowship & to walk with My Own Sons & Daughters. To share all that I AM. Identity to Identity, Face to Face, & Heart to Heart. What I’ve always desired, & known to make Myself complete. Is, now a fact to men also. Now what would I have you to wait any longer for? As also to prove to you to be a fact. That, you should also be complete. To know Me as I AM. Because, how can We be (We Are) One if indeed you do not know I AM.? Does this not also have to be revealed unto your mind? So how are We to be the same? If, I do not show, Myself unto you? Would you still not remain in doubt, of My Identity? Yes, My Son, there will be a transformation, of your mind, body, & nature. As, We will be One of a kind, & of One Family. Do not give any reasoning that any of this is still in your long future. Now son, you have come to reason. The religious world does not know Me. This, is a very freighting thought. And, it greatly saddens you. But, sons, if I Say, no man, has stood where you stand today. Is that not as real as it gets? For, where you are? That there was no man there to greet you. Father, yes again I hear Your Words, but my mind fails me to understand. For, as You Say, these 2 brothers are in the possession of knowledge, the world does not know. Father, I find that frightening. And, by all reasoning (of my understanding) this says this won’t last long. No, My Son, it will not. But, every person of the 144,000 will follow you. “Yes Son, Write It”! You will share the map (Path way) soon with the whole world. And you will soon have much company where you are at. But, no you will not wait on no one, as to join you. As I Say, the map (path) will be all they need. But, sons, you will move on yet. For, you are only at the door of My Identity. I Will not have you to wait without, on those that yet follow you. No! For, it is I, who does now greet & invite you in. You, perhaps do not yet understand, but you are now with Me. Even where I abide. Behold, now as I have Promised so many be the times. Behold all, is to be new unto you. Son, you know why, I’m still Speaking to you in this fashion. You will continue to put the finishing touches on the map (the Path ) for all who follow. And, until the way is discoverable, to those that seek it. Then, My Son, these writings will cease. Father, what of the James & John witness? Yes son, very soon. It will all be very soon complete, for those that seek. Now Sons, what will I bother to now Promise you? You will realize soon enough (there are no more) Promises. For, you are at the source of where the Promises are made. Now, only the reality will do for you. Yes, come to Me, the Source & you will find all Promises, are already complete. I Will show you the reality of all My Promises.
Mes. #159: 11-01-05 4:01 pm. Tues.
Come, cross that bridge - I record the dictations of Yahshua’s Speech. - The burning
hearts (seeking the Truth) will cross the bridge - did satan trick you?- The lie of the rapture -
there will be in progress, an all out nuclear war, going on when Yahshua’s 2nd coming is Revealed - prepare your hearts for His coming.
And today once again I pick up pen & paper. Not, to confirm the reasoning of my mind. For, that now is known of myself. There is no more that can be written, to make any more advancement into God’s known Identity. That, by Perfect Design, He has already revealed unto me. And, was not recorded, with my advance knowledge, of that of my own understanding. Of what, nor why, as the words (even recorded) made no reasoning for my understanding. As, I now understand, there is no more I can record, that can advance me into God’s known Identity. For, this will be directly inputted into my mind, by the T Speech. It will not be learned as from any speech. But, of complete thoughts learned in a instant. As recorded of the Living Spirit of God. Directly to our own identity of mind. But, to those who read, I can say there will yet be for your guidance. Yet, several things that will enhance your bid (encourage you) to discover God’s Path. For once you discover your own identity, this will forever allow you to abandon the cares of this present living death. And to also cross that bridge, in search of the only Life. And, no one will have to tell you, when you come to this point, in your life. For, as you realize, you have crossed that bridge. That could take you back to the living death. You, will turn immediately in your mind & burn that bridge. Effectively cutting all contact to this, the Path of these Words. As these can’t lead you one more step further, into God’s Identity. For at that moment you will wholly be dependent. But, without fear of God communicating to your mind in the form of the T Speech. Not any longer Words, but, in thought form. But, by fact, you are there!! And, can’t ever suffer any retreat from His presents. This, is where I speak, to you (from) also. That, from that point, you will be lead directly mind to mind, by the T Speech, To the very Face of Yahshua. But, let us yet speak to you more the proof to you, as to the correct Path. These now future Revelations are not, nor was it ever intended for myself. But, this is for your unique inspirational proof. The man Paul Livingston, Mosely Adams, the 7 year peace treaty, the James & John witness, & possibly more I have forgotten or is yet to be revealed. I see plainly, these were never meant for my personal inspiration, for myself. These, are for you who follow. As, you search, for God’s Identity, with this map in your hand. I tell you, you will witness the Voice of the Living God. That I now record, as the dictations of His Speech, in this written form. And, I assure you, even if you are alone, in the desert. As to commune with no living person. You, by the intent of your burning heart (if it burns to know the only Living God). You, will also, very quickly, cross the bridge leading away from this living death. I’m sure of what I speak, & none as I say. Will have to offer any other proof to you. You, will also have arrived at God’s door step. With no path of return. Remember, I speak of the Elective of God, the 144,000. As, the larger majority, will continue their path by faith. Only in the hope of the second coming of Christ. And, what do I have to say to this large majority? God bless you, my loving brothers & sisters. Make, your path sure, as you also follow the Path to the Identity of God. Your lot maybe to suffer & even see death, as for your testimony. But, remain faithful, for His Promises of Life Everlasting is sure. And, whether you remain alive or you sleep in death. We all shall see His second coming, very soon now! And, please do not be fooled by the great lie, from satan. As, there is zero truth ( no hope) to be found in it. And, yes I speak of the so called secrete rapture. This is the great lie! But, at any rate we shall soon see the end, very soon. I will have more to say about this a little later. About the timing of the end. But, let not even your hearts, to be made afraid. As just before Jesus will appear. There, will be in progress an all out nuclear war, going on when Jesus comes. I can say, with all certainty that I have no idea of how much more, will be recorded. As I receive of God’s dictations. But, I assure you I will remain faithful to see it all into print, for your hope (faith realized) & guidance. Even, to record, all God would reveal of these last days. I’m, also your humble servant, as to go to clear your Path (as best as I can) before you. My, true prayer to all, is you find God’s Peace, & never stray from it. As I see it, the Father has now, mostly completed the Path of the journey of the 144,000. Yet there will be revealed for them, yet other Revelations for proof of inspiration. But, I sense by the Spirit. I’ll have much more to say & reveal for those. Who walk by grace, of faith (seen & unseen) proofs to enlighten your Path. And, I‘m no less committed to receive God’s Speech. Even, (as much as possible) what ever He Will’s to bring (lead) you also to His Identity. Even, eye to eye, at His second coming. But, this I will assure you, you who remain alive today. Will soon see, by proof of your own eye sight. Every sign, as untold miracles, & healings, and, the dead raised. You, will be soon enjoined (to all those who desire) to witness the Second Pentecost. And, as I say, God will not leave you comfortless to His witness, nor His unbelievable power. As it shall be poured out upon this earth. So, think not that by no means was these writings exclusive for the Elective, 144,000. For, where they will abandon (at that point) these writings. As, they will gather personally before God’s presents. Yes, I Speak of this present life. As, I say, where they no longer have any need for these Words. You, who abide by faith, these writings shall become a treasure to you, who are justified by faith. Who, am I? That, I should record such writings? And, even accuse God of being the Author. I have no reason to be verified, nor justified, as to the ego of my identity. For, I care not, to receive God’s Glory, by no means. I have my reward, as doth every man. This is well satisfactory to me. Let, God be ever praised now & forever. Amen!
Mes. #160: 11-02-05 11:33 am. Wed.
Good morning My Father. My Son, good morning unto you. Son, have you not been surprised because you feel a tinge of joy? Father, it’s hard for me to describe. But, yes, I feel lighter, & just a little alive. And, the anticipation of reality. And yes, even a little giddiesh of joy or laughter. My Son, this is but a mere proof that you have entered into My Rest (environment). And, that the last hidden leaven is now removed from your life. From the Pine Knot era. Son, you are perfect before Me. And, now I will show you, My Identity, & the All in All. Son, no more Promises. But, even as I see your car situation. And that, the money you intended to use for preparations is now spoken for. Will I not yet supply that & every need? Father, I will do what I can without money. And, that’s all I can say. As, every thing else is in Your Hands (to control) & to deliver as to Your Own Will. But, I can say, I’m some what excited to see what reality You will send my way. As, Nanna’s Healing & etc. But, Father I thank You so very much for Your Will. You have worked in my life. As, I now look forward to very much more reality. Than I’ve ever known before. Father, again I see no need to ask You for any one thing, as for a need or blessing. For this is sure, as You know every thought of my mind. And, every desire of my heart. And, to this I give advance praise! Now as to what strength, or any other measure that I am. It is Yours, for Your Glory. My Sweet Savior! Father, as You intend for me to live or exist. I yield to Your Perfect Will. For, now I Live, of the Life You have provided me with. And, Father, if I am ever to have a will again. I ask, that it will always coincide with Your Own!
Mes. #161: 11-04-05 3:52 am. Fri.
Jerry’s phone call awakened me from sleep - what does 724 mean, yes another dream?-
It was the day of Jerry & I’s reunion - confirm Truth, from 1960 - “ The True Worship
is the Sabbath”- the coming war over the Sabbath - Can one retain his salvation, without obeying God’s Commandments? -
A repeat, of Yahshua’s grave warning - do you keep Yahshua’s Commandments? - Please read this message very, very carefully –I can not tell
you how important this is.
Last night I was awakened from sleep, by a phone call from Jerry. I had finished the construction of the addition on the shed, that goes under the steps. As I was very tired. I ate supper at 4:00 p.m., I retired to bed. When I was awakened to speak to Jerry. I ask him what time it was. He said about 7:20. As we talked, I was telling Jerry I must have the reality. Of I AM’s Identity, as I was nearly void of any more health, strength, or desire. To continue making the preparations, as God Spoke to me to do. I suddenly realized that I had been dreaming, when I was awakened. All I could remember was the number 724 & something about completion & the ending. So, I told Jerry, that if the I AM was Speaking unto me, this dream would return. Well it’s now 4:00 AM., & I ‘ve just awaken, from this same dream. And, then the Lord Spoke unto my spirit. To turn to the date of 7- 24- 2005. So, I immediately turned to it. And, then it occurred unto me this was reality, as I was not aware there would be anything recorded (message) for this date of 7- 24 –2005. There was not one message for this date. But, there was 2 messages. I looked quickly to see if the previous message received on (7- 23- 2005) would give me any reference. I recognized it as when God Told me to get pen & paper to make a demonstration of receiving His Speech, to Dan, & Aunt Ruby. And now I enter a Quote “Son, none of you can imagine what events. Your obedience has triggered for many lives. Nor the faith that was released. And they will not fail to see this & offer My praise. I Say, for one simple act, of your swift obedience. Has set into motion of actions, that will see no end. Let this be a lesson unto you all & those to follow. I Say, again none of you could believe the volume of these blessings. This one simple act has released. Let this be witnessed for the duration of time. It is so!“ Unquote. I now realize the I AM was making contact to my spirit, by dream. To confirm His Speech of reality past & yet future. I now make these statements of 4 matters. # 1 This same day 7- 24 –2005 Sunday, Jerry & I had a most precious reunion. As God visited with us and Spoke to us of many, many wonderful Revelations. Jerry, had come back into our lives on 5- 15- 2005. # 2 The Lord has just Spoken unto me about a question, I was seeking the answer, since 1960. About worshiping God in Spirit & the Truth. He just now confirmed the Truth. I had been seeking all my life. It is the SABBATH! THIS IS THE TRUE WORSHIP! And I assure you, you will HEAR, NO END TO THIS STRUGGLE OVER THE SABBATH!! As, it will be the 144,000, who will establish this Truth! And, it will be forever known & established! If, you ever heard me, HEAR ME NOW!! Because, I speak this warning unto you. For, it will, as a matter of Fact. This will hinge on whether they (any will stand or fall). Manys salvation, will hinge on whether they will keep God’s Commandments, as to keep the Sabbath!
“Matthew 7:21-23 21. Not everyone that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the Will (Commandments) of My Father which is in heaven.
Verse 22. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?
Verse 23. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you :
“depart from me, ye that work inquity“
John 14:15. If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Now, there’s no way I can say this, as to have any more importance! YOU BEST HEAR ME!!! “ If this doesn’t jar you awake. Then I have a great fear for you. And again I can’t stress how (eternally life threatening) much, this will effect every living person! Please Hear Me! As, any who continues to BOW, to the pope & the anti-christ. As, to observe Sunday, as the day to worship. If, you don’t think it’s most important to keep God’s 10 Commandments. Then my friend you are in Very Grave Danger. Hear me!! This is not presently, a sin to the religious world, as they currently do not know the Truth. But, this will soon be (world widely known) as the driving force, & (the dividing line), of the Second Pentecost! Do not believe, that you are now guiltless, as you have now heard the Truth? For at this point, when any hear the Truth, of how we must keep the Sabbath! You, as I are no longer guiltless, of the known Truth! I now feel the Power of God on my being. As He confirms this to be the Truth. Hear me! At this point, when (any) person hears of keeping the Sabbath, of Saturday. And, they study this, & find it to be the Truth. And all most every Child of God, already knows this is the Truth. We have just ignored this Truth! As we all know God rested on the 7th day.”
Deuteronomy 5:6-21. 6. I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
7. Thou shalt have none other gods before me.
8. Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:
9. Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,
10. And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.
11. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
12. Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee.
13. Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work:
14. But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou.
15. And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.
16. Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
17. Thou shalt not kill.
18. Neither shalt thou commit adultery.
19. Neither shalt thou steal.
20. Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour.
21. Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour's.
Then, if this is resisted of them, this is SIN!! Unto them.
Matthew 7:23. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. This is spoken of in messages # 79 to 84. # 3 As, you may have gathered we had just started to keep the Sabbath. That is Aunt Ruby, Dan & myself, as God dealt with us to do so. Now read the blessing, given of God, for doing so in message # 79. All, of my life, from time to time I have wondered about the value of keeping God’s 10 Commandments, as this (does) include keeping the Sabbath. But, as any can see this is not spoken of the religious community as a whole. WHY? Thou shall not steal! So, I was never taught this, unbelievable Truth. WHY? Thou shall not kill! As, hardly any other person, has heard of this also. WHY? Thou shall not commit adultery! Because all have been deceived! Why? Exodus 20:8-17 Verse 8. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Verse 9. 6 days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: Verse 10. But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: Verse 11. For in 6 days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea , and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: where –fore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Verse 12. Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Verse 13. Thou shalt not kill. Verse 14. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Verse 15. Thou shalt not steal. Verse 16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Verse 17. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbour’s. This was the great falling away! Stop! something does not compute here! This, is if you can believe this, this is the very move of God, to reveal the Mysteries of THE END! That’s Why it’s now so VERY IMPORTANT! This, in it’s self is the proof of that ending! Friend’s this is more important, to you than you could ever imagine. For at sometime in your near future, (I Speak this of every person) as this will determine your salvation as to YOUR OBEDIENCE, OR YOUR JUDGEMENT! Does that mean that since you have read this, you will at some point have to act on this information? Yes! Absolutely! And, don’t bet your soul otherwise! For, as I say, at some future date, your salvation will depend on what you do with this information. Now, to those that continues to BOW to the order of the pope to worship on Sunday. God, Speaks a curse unto you, found in message # 80. As truly this in part is the mark, of the beast. Remember, any who excepts the mark, WILL NEVER SEE ETERNAL LIFE WITH THE FATHER!! Is this serious? Is this a game? I don’t care how long you have been a professed believer of God. You Will Keep His 4th Commandment, Or You Will Die In Your Sins! You will keep this His Commandments, or you shall never see life with the Father. Does this still seem unimportant to you? Do you think I’m playing games? Just because the whole world keeps satan’s sabbath. Does that make it excusable, before God? As, to which day you will keep unto the God Almighty? I’ll, repeat this one more time, as to try to get your attention. Will you continue to BOW to satan? As to give him worship of his day of worship, Sunday? Remember God’s Word Say’s, to bow to no other gods! As, many will lose their eternal salvation, because they will refuse to obey, & keep God’s Commandments. As, to worship Himself only, as to Worship HIM on the day that HE SET ASIDE, AS HIS DAY OF WORSHIP (rest). At, any rate, barring your sudden death. You have yet 7 more years to keep His Commandments. And then we shall see the end! And, again I say this can not be over stressed. For you see the great falling away has already occurred, as spoken of in the Bible. 2nd Thess. 2:3-4
3. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
What, was that falling away? I say, none other than to call God a liar, that none have to Keep His Commandments! Yes, I speak it as it is, if you don’t keep God’s Sabbath. You are directly calling Him a liar. Of, course this was most likely, not known of you (maybe faintly). Now you are guilty, as the Truth is now known of you. Children, I am greatly moved of God. As, I know for a fact there will be many who will not, BOW to God’s Authority, to keep His Commandments. And, my spirit weeps for these, not much longer will God allow me to weep. As all will choose there own path. And the Father, Says they have every right to do so, by their own free wills. And, He Says weep no more for these. # 4 In message # 85, I entered into Yahshua Mind! I would ask you, to then take note of the great volume. Of the great Mysteries & Revelations Yahshua has brought to my mind to record. As, this also includes the 144,000, Electives as God’s witnesses. How, could I not see His reality, He has bestowed upon me? And, what further realities are yet to come? As, Nanna’s Healing, my own healing, the 7 year peace treaty, and the dam breaking, only to name a few. So, what can be said? As, of the break through, that Jerry & I experienced, as we sat & talked for hours on the dam at Doe Run Lake. Because that very night 10- 29- 2005. 8:59 P.M. Saturday. As recorded in message #157. God Spoke unto me of the New Day & the New Beginning. As, Jerry & I could see, we had made the journey (commitment) from this the living death. To cross the bridge to His Own reality of Identity. Of which we promptly burned that bridge. As, to be ever separated from the living death. And, that is why I write this very minute. As, now the only life we can ever know. As, there is no life, but found in the Father. As, all else is but the living death. And, hear me! As, the Spirit just Spoke unto me. We are ready to pass into the era of the ( this is a New Revelation) Counting of the Days, Spoken of in the book of Daniel
Dan. 8:13-14, 13. Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?
14. And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
Dan.12:11-12. 11. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
12. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.
Rev.11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
As, this is up to the day, of the coming of Our Christ’s second coming. Even, His coming to gather us unto Himself. Now I return to we shall know Yahshua’s Identity & His knowledge of the All in All! This, is now our life, & our future. And, even as this dream was to show me His reality. This will increase daily until we see Him Face to Face. Of, which my old body & mind, will give way to the New. What, I’m speaking here is the irrefutable, (undeniable), unspeakable, workings of God Almighty. That, shall not only be visible in our lives, to see as the reality. But, also this is the beginning of God’s witness of His Power & Workings. That, the entire world will be the witness too. This folks is our future & our immediate future, that will escalate into, His Own reality. This is what this dream was sent for! As, to make it now recorded, of what Yahshua is about to reveal! You are thus also now His Witnesses. Son, I Will continue to bring reality in the form of a question, unto you. To allow your minds to contemplate & to expand.
Mes. #162: 11-14-05 1:37 am. Mon.
Eternal, so as to choose the void? - “Great Mystery revealed”- lesson on free will – a
lesson on your will-
How can any one (tho well intended) give an answer to reason? Of a place, or thing, or knowledge. If one has never seen, been there, read about it, or dreamed of it, as it has never been revealed. As, at the further end of the scale. It has in no way come to your knowledge or reasoning. As it has by no means ever entered into the possession of ones mind. And yet, My Son, We Speak of My Identity! That’s the reason all Words, can not discover nor deliver who I AM. Even, tho how many countless volumes has been written of Myself? And to which one, can it be said? I can point out His location, & or I can make His recognizable Identity? Son, as I have now unquestionably shown you. That it has never been, in the (grasp) reach of any man. For, I have shown you, that man lacks the (present) capacity of mind, to make this discovery. Yet, all that has been written (even as of yourself) has been, to enlighten man, to My Identity. So, is there no hope, of My Identity to discovery? No! Absolutely not! As, I Say, not of men, they can not do this! Yet, My Son, will this deter you? As, this has been your life search to make to your discovery, My Identity. Indeed My Father, my search is done! And, this is so My Son. As, you to your own endeavors, you have now ceased to press. For, My Speech is real unto you. As, you now know this is a total waste of your time & energy. As, it is very clear unto you, as I Said, it could not be done of any man. But, with much thanksgiving & even joy. You are made to believe it is now the Pre-Set Time. And, who or what, can restrain this from becoming reality? So, has all been lost as, to all the writings, efforts, & desires? Why, of course not, even tho, it could have never occurred, until this now Pre-Set Time. Has, not all efforts, all Revelations, & all desires. Has, this not made men to grow? Even, in the explanation of the capacity of men’s minds? All in the preparation of this Pre- Set (present) day? Son, as you now know & realize this My Speech is true to your understanding. But, all (the maze) of each their individual identity. Has, by the growth of time & events, (of each their environment). Has this not prepared each of you, yes, to your own personal unique Identity? As, you can now see, the Truth of My Speech. That, until you discovered your own Identity. Yes, I Speak of your travels (thru the maze) to make your discoveries. That, indeed the purpose of your being, was to share Eternity (does not compute). To My Own Identity (not discoverable). As, uniquely the Sons & Daughters, of My kind- God! As, this, was the plan from the beginning. This, was even not discoverable- by the mind of men. As, this was revealed to man’s mind, of Myself. As, so shall the completion of Our Identities, as also will be revealed, of Myself. So, what man, what faith, what sect, what combined efforts. Of all, can take credit of this discovery of My Identity? I Say, this is utterly laughable! As, no man, has had, the capacity of mind power to reach My location, or My Identity. Yet, are they not yet puffed up in themselves? As, if they held Me in captivity? Son, I Speak, even as I approach your Identity. As, yes, you have most recently discovered you are presently, My Son. Even, made in My Image, of Myself. For, the eventual (pre-set time) Revelation of your known Identity of Myself. This, is still only a limited acknowledgement unto you. For, if you are to proceed, to the full knowledge of your personal Identity. The, earth would quake, & bow before you. Oh Yes! I Speak, of the Attributes of My Identity. As, even you are of the same Identity. I do Speak Correctly! You are very limited, even in the concepts of your own real Identity. Now, if you can- not imagine this to be so. Even, tho I Say, it is so! I Say again, which man, will step forward, to recognize My Identity, as Face to Face? When none has discovered his own face. As, to Identify it, as the Son or Daughter of Myself. Does this sound foolish? Of, man’s discovery, I do Speak of foolishness. But, does not, many say they know Me? How, is it they know Me? When they are totally unaware as to their own Identity! Children, none ever, shall have reason to boast, of their own knowledge & abilities. As, to which man has to his own endeavors, has made the discovery of the Truth? Yes, the Truth, is who I AM. And, which man has come forward to introduce himself, unto Me? Yes, I Speak of foolishness. Yet, even until this Fact is revealed unto man. He can not ever discover this small Truth. Even, the beginning, of his own wisdom! Son, are there not those, who would push you aside. And, say you know nothing! Let me, educate your thinking to reality. As, to what manner (of a poor prospect) you are. To think, any would believe this non-sense, you teach! No son, you do not think, to this realization. As, you are sealed out from the cares or considerations, of any man. If, you ever contemplated this, you would run & hide. For, you know, it was no man, who ever, at any time. Who was Your Mentor, as to receive the knowledge you now possess today. And, you could be no freer, as to give any, to an answer, of any matter. As, concerning your walk with Myself. And, to this you would not bow, to any man. As, to title, degree, name, position, or pedigree. For, you were most differentially, not taught of any man. Nor, do you feel obliged to make any an answer. As you are quiet aware, you will not make, to any an answer. Only of Myself- even, unto Myself. And, in this, I have made you as I desired. Totally free from, every man, institution, & teaching. As, you are in the discovery (to My Revelations) of your Identity. There fore, not of men, nor as answerable to any man. Do, I Speak, as if you were a God? I Speak, you were Taught & Trained as My Son, in the Order of God! Yes, I Speak of the 144,000. That, follow you, of this revealed knowledge, I have led you too. No! Son, I puff neither you, nor any other up. As, you are still only very limited, of your awareness, of your own Identity. For, even this will never be fully realized, until you look upon My Face. So, where will any man ever boast? Now, My Son, you had absolutely no idea, I was prepared to Speak unto you. Yet, as the question became aware, in your mind. You, were reminded that, I would now approach you as to reality. Did, I not Say, by question? This registered to you, that I was prepared to Speak to you. Did, you learn, great Mysteries? Not, as you perceive them. But, the pure Truth, has been reconfirmed, in it’s simplicity, to the average man. That’s why, I Speak. Now time wise, to Promises. Ah- You say, have I not learned, that God, keeps no time? So, do not speak to You, of time. As, to any hour or dates. For, as you now well know. Time, nor words, nor by device, or of logic of reasoning, this will never happen. I & I alone, will make, My preparation to the discovery of men. But, yet, as I purposed a Pre-Set Time. By, My Own Will (this barely computes) I’ll do this, without any man’s conjecture. As, this was predetermined, & so was it finished, that instant, of My Speech. As, it is now for your witness. And, to My Will, what effect has this to any man? None! As, man played no part. Yet, was all prepared, (for the benefit of man), even before your spirits departed, from Me. As, into your fleshly bodies. And, even this has, only been recently been revealed unto you. Yes, as I give answer to why creation? I Say, green slime & all! Oh, you of such great minds, how far I Ask, shall you be brought so low? But, Children, do you see? As, I know longer, Speak unto you in a hidden parables, & metaphors, of dark Speech. As, all clamor to see, the god, who is responsible for the conditions of this present earth. No! I do not Speak of Myself. And, soon this will be made to it’s discovery. As, I shall step forward in the Introduction of My Identity. That, none shall fail to realize, who I AM. And No! I Am not the present god of this world. But, the world will soon discover, My Own Sons & Daughters. That will very soon take claim of the Kingdom of My Father. From, this existing god of this earth. Then we shall see you to howl! For, you will in no wise be ready to except Me & My rightful position as the creator of all. Even, tho, I shall shortly, show you it is neither in your interest. To refute My Claim, or of to question, the Power of My Identity. Yet, when the Truth is revealed unto you, (of Myself). Shall, you not yet desire the vanity of your (own ways), the system of death? Will, you receive the Truth? Or will you oppose the Truth? As, your allotted time, is now spent. And the Truth, will be imposed, with or without, your willing participation. Does, this mean, you will not receive My Identity, with joy? But, even you will disdain My Identity. And, wish with all that you are, to yet once more, to be totally free of My appearance? (tho you can never forget Myself). That, can & will be arranged, (of Myself), even as to what you wish. And, yet will you apologize, as to what you set to My blame? Even, the present conditions of this earth? NO! You can’t do this, as that is to take the responsibility for your own failures. Yes, you may go else where, to do your bidding. And, I shall see you off. Has not the ages of the generations of pleas, of My Children. Is it not, now the Pre- Set Time, to give them their answer? And, shall they receive any less, than the shared haven of the Prince of Peace? Do, I not Say, all Mysteries are presently coming, forth to Reveal All? Even Myself, to the inhabitance of this world, past, present, & future! Amen! So, Say I, let every man, be happy in his choosing. For, it is a permanent choice. But, the earth, & it’s neighbors the universe, is Mine! And, to all who oppose, My Rule. You, will have to move on. But, you will have to carve out your own space, in the void. Oh- You howl, this is not fair! But, did I not do the same, & I desired to share with all, this present existence. But, yet you won't hear of it, as you refuse! What, is more fair, I Ask? Yet, Children I Will Speak a Mystery to your understanding. I Ask you! What, is the Source of Life? And, what does it consist of? Let, Me make, an answer. As, you know well, that I AM the Source of All Life. As, it came, from Me, as a portion of Myself. Even, to all, who have Life. So, what is Life? “ Self- Awareness!” This, Truth I Speak to you. Life is proof, by the awareness there of! Yet, not even Life can remain, unless that awareness, remains stimulated. And, Get This! For once the I Am goes out of the awareness. Then, sets in permanent sleep- called the second death! Or, the extinguishing of the awareness of ones Identity. And then this small portion of Life, tho given of Myself, unto another. This, portion of Life, will then return unto Myself. Even, the Source of all Life! Therefore, known as your awareness! The, same as your own Identity. Now, do you see really how inseparable we, really are? Yes, I Speak of the WE-ARE! AH- Do you see? So, unless you become, aware of My, All in All! Yes, I Speak of the unlimited measurement of the capacity of My Mind. This, by no other name! Is meant the term. “Eternal Life!” Or to say, any one who possess My, All in All. Can, never die, that is to ever lose your awareness, of your own Identity. As, that possibility of death (upon receiving My Mind), has permanently been removed. Am I not edging, you closer to your Identity, even as My Own? 5:17 am. All, that you are, & ever will be. I Say, it will take place in your awareness. Yes, Children there is very much to be learned of ones awareness. 5:28 am. Son, now My Son, you see the duel purpose of your Aunt Ruby’s actions. As, I Will use this for her healing, & as her growth. But, son, it has just now come into your mind. That, this was also, for you, even to reveal a Truth unto you. Not, that these were by intent, (Dan & Aunt Ruby’s intent), of themselves, that these were holding you back. But, you just now saw it, as to what you feel. Even as your responsibility. You, My Son, you have been enslaved, to this thought. Bound, by this idea, that, you were responsible for the welfare of other souls. Son, you now see, even as much love, as I have for all men. As, Creator & Protector of their souls. If, given to Me, of their own free will. My Son, I Speak of a great Mystery, that’s now been revealed unto you. Ah- Yes, I Speak of your own exceptance. NO! Not as on a scale of righteousness or Truth. That, you have taken mistakenly to mean, it’s your responsibility to bring to light, to every soul you encountered. As, to try to bring them to the acceptable Truth, of what’s right. Yes, for their good & protection, from walking astray. As, you conceived to be contrary to what I (Myself) would desire as the way. Son, as you now know, you are, only answerable, for your own awareness, & the obedience of My understood Speech for you. And, nothing else, is required of you, but an acceptable pleasant nature. Now, you will continue to speak the Truth to all, & you will teach that Truth. But, you will cease to be a mother or a father. As, to feel responsibility, for any others choice, or actions. As, now you know it is impossible to speak for any other. As, that has now returned to you. As, you have always sought approval & acceptances of others. Now, you realize they don’t owe you any more, than you owe them. NO! I do not Speak as, whether we will walk together in harmony. And in fellowship of sharing. But, I Speak of the burden, you carried, that is not rightfully yours to carry. Son, even as I Say, who loves more, than I? Yet, will I smother them? As, to My desire to mold them, as I know Perfection? What, happened to their free will? And, the unique Identity of their own awareness? Even, a child must learn from his mistakes. Or, shall if not permitted to fail. Will, he never learn the Truth, as he can perceive it? Yes, son I Speak of your new found freedom- enjoy! You, will from hence forth leave others to their own judgement call, as they see it. Oh-Yes! You will tell them the Truth, but then you, will leave it to their discretion, as to what they will do with it. Son, you care ever so much, even as I do. Yet, this is not your call. NO! Others must be allowed to make mistakes. Without you feeling a personal failure for their decisions. So, leave Dan & Aunt Ruby to Myself. You have delivered your soul. Now, give them room to breathe, & to fail. For that is not your responsibility, nor is it your call. Leave this be! As, I Say, I never intended to have robots for Children. Son, stop trying to program them. My ever, watchful eye, will see that as all men will reach their intent of their heart’s, & this will be realized. Yeal! That’s My Job! Oh, My Son, you do see the cares of this, (currant living death) is being pealed away from you. Yes, this is I making you to Live! 6:19 am. Now about wills, Yes every one has one. Even, as it pertains to others. For would you also suffer any to perish? Of course not! Even, as I Myself. So, what is the good of our will? Son, let Me describe it to you, of this fashion. Your will as Mine is a unseen force. So, how is this force to be used? My Son, if you had a place of height. And, it was dangerous to approach it. Even as a dangerous curve in a roadway. The will is to be used, & I Speak, in the keeping in mind of alls free will. But, this your will is to become, a barrier, or beacon, or warning sign. And, My Son, these are not to be taken lightly, or as little of nothing. For, no man of many years. Could not count, there effectiveness, as these are unseen, and mostly unknown. But, Son your will can be a very effective tool. No! Not as a stop all! But, indeed a very effective deterrent. As, one might say a very effective guardian. Say, as the prayers of parents, that is uttered in the night, to guard their young from harm. Can, one even say to dispatching of angles? Indeed, I Say. So, regardless how any may experience loneliness, none are truly alone. Yet, I AM just as careful with treatment of any souls free will. As, now you are learning to back off & not to smother.
Mes. #163: 11-16-05. 4:16 pm. Wed.
Son, why would I repeatedly show you the scenes of your life? Or any others, as you know, you are looking at the living death? This I just wrote, as I awakened from a reoccurring dream. And, I know not why? Yes son, I approach you. By the question of what can be revealed to your knowledge of the living death? Son, I know you are tired of these recordings. Of the unlimited measure of My Speech. As, you know longer seek words, but, the reality of your eye sight. Of the innumerable numbers of past Promises, that you have received from Myself. This, & the discovery of more Mysteries & Revelations, as to what you now seek. For Son, of words, you have books full. Yet, are you not ready to learn something new? And, Father, I ask & what might that be? Son, of here of late, I have uttered many Words, for you to record. As you mark the Path way, unto Myself. Even, to guide others to the Truth. That I have revealed unto you. Yes Father, here am I, even to record the more, if this be Your Will. Yes Father, I am tired of the lot of this living death. But, if You Say to record, then I shall record. Father, You know what I would rather record. But, I am Yours, here am I. Son, as time can no longer hide the events now at hand. Son, for any soul to be complete. It must be totally filled with Myself. This makes perfect sense Father. And, I perceive that You Speak, of the All in All. As, this is the full sum of Your Identity, even Your Own Mind. And, any man with this capacity will be fulfilled & be Perfect. And, Father I am well aware that I am not complete, for I have many longings & desires of You.
Mes. #164: 11-20-05 7:14 am. Sun.
My Son, as you plainly see there is no time. Other than My Own Set Time. There is no place, but, My Own Will. Yet, as I Say, would I not desire that you should fellowship together? But, you say, Father, why the continual encounters with the affairs of the living death? As, if we needed to be reminded of them? Son, I was with you, & yet for reasons you now do not know the why. I sent you on this trip. And, son the compassion you felt for this woman’s financial difficulties. This you felt, & this was quite real unto you. Yet, you say, of what use was this to you or her? Son, as you know I use all matters, as an avenue to insert Myself into the affair. By, the invitation of My Own, that was directed, of yourself. By your Spirit, that Interceded in her behalf. Ah- You say! So, easy, yet what does it edify? Son, I Say, unto you this is the real Life you have desired. Not, of so & so! But, of purpose, to intervention & relief. As, this will be needed, in this hour (very greatly), for many peoples. Yet, would I turn My back on these, as if to say? What, would you have of Me, as the Living God, to do? As, I Say, should I turn aside, & leave any without hope? Or to rescue them from their heavy burdens? Son, do not think, I could not still use you, to intercede for another? This was My visitation, to your witness while you were in much evidence, of the presents of My Spirit. No, son this was in no wise a home of your (to buy) choosing. As a house for you & Nanna for your future, work for Myself. And, to you, My Son, this is not necessary. That you should chase Nanna’s unfulfilled dream. Yet, of the occasion, I used, as to be the interacting of closeness & fellowship, even with Jerry. Whom, both of you consider to be your son. Yet, son, I Say unto you. I Will lead you to the dwelling (of perfection) of you both. And, son as all things, this will be made known untoYour Spirit. Before, you ever set eyes upon it. As you ask, what did this edify, to any? I Say, see son if I do not edify, your future home. Unto you even ever before you see it! Yes, the reality you will know (that you have always) & desired. Will, shall I Say, be as real as your own awareness. Son, I do not Speak of anything short of your soon future Life. This day was in most certainly in preparation, of that Life. Yes, but what role does the pot-hole & the expense of a new tire, play in this? Son, you reject this as evidence of the living death. Yet, this was not so much for you, as it was for Nanna. And you were pleasantly surprised of her reaction. Of calmness, as she would usually be the one to panic. Son, you may well believe, she is searching for purpose. And, in the shelter of your gathering, as a family (the 3 of you) this she realizes is the best, nearly she could ask for. The togetherness of sharing the moment. She, now sees this as to what, it really is. Tho, very limited, this is the joy of Life! As all of your Spirits, were made lighter, for one day. This, is the essences of the Path, to that Life. And, was realized, & shared by the 3 of you. Yet, as I Say, this is only a mere indicator of what your future begs for. And, on this occasion it was the trip its self. That was made to be the source or the reason to share. That (tho it be small) the Joy of Life. Children, I Will no longer allow you to wander about in search. Thru the darkness, of this present living death. For, I shall so inter-act of Myself (the Sum of Life). To your selves, as with great purpose to see another sun rise. Not, as I Say to the drudgery, of the struggle of survival. But, in true radiant, vibrant, joyous Life. And this means not to try to co-exist with death. But, literally to take dominion, & control, by sharing real Life to all you meet. This, is the only real form of Life. All else is as you very well know is of the decay of death. Now, where is this Life to be found, of you? Yes, you say as evidence, in Nanna’s Healing. Which, son embitters you, if time is spoken. Yet, the Pre-Set Time is, as I have Spoken, is on top of you, even all about you. Yet without this realization, there is no real Life, to be known of you. Son, I Will Say it, you have from the moment, I Said to Speak her healing, into existence. You have (witnessed) seen, a pronounced change, in her nature. As, Yes it is her healing of her body, & the restoration of her Spirit, as knowingly to Myself. Son, I know you no longer desire an endless flow of words. But, the Promised reality of My Words already Spoken. And, I Say, you have already begun to see this. And, this is ready to escalate to consume your present existence of & to all reality of joyous Life. I Speak, not of promises, but, to the Fact, as to your eyes sight-realized! Even Life!
Mes. #165: 11-27-05 5:42 pm. Sun.
Oh My Father, Oh how I felt Your presents, ever most wonderful this day. As I typed message #161 into the second phase. And, I can not but think You desired to Speak with me. My Son, could the Truth be spelled out any more clearly, or undeniably? My Son, you are learning well. Of what I Said unto you. That you could not take any responsibility for any others (free will choice). Has, this not set you, at great liberty? As, you have always carried this burden, that was not yours, to carry. Son, yes it is I, who has shown this unto you. As, this, & the Pine Knot, cares have been opened, & dealt with. And are now history, as any other cares unto you. Son, this is I Am, making you to be complete, as Perfect, as My Father is Perfect. My Son, you are freer this day, than you have ever known of your life. Son, to remove this your guilt, because any one, would dare to not heed your dying plea. You, could hardly live with this. But, now you are absolutely, & completely free. Of any thought that, you some how, had failed them, in your endeavors to warn them. Son, you are free, & will remain forever so. For, you will never fail to speak the Truth, to all. And, there your obligation, is absolutely done. Son, as I Say, the burdens you have carried, would have killed any person, with a lesser constitution. I Speak, this of any man. But, My Son, has not that same Truth, you have delivered, & proclaimed, relentlessly, even all of your life. Has, it (the Truth) not now returned unto you, even to also set you free? Even, of all your guilt. Yes, the Word, is a Live to the same degree of the utter most to save. My Son, you have never (remotely) been, the person, that you are this very day. Do you realize this? Do you realize that you are changing? Yes! You can see it! And, this amazes you, more than you can believe. For, of yourself, this was never ever possible, to find yourself this day. And, what there fore can be spoken of? Even, for the unknown of tomorrow? Son, you now know My reality! And this is your witness that even as the Word. Has revealed these Words, this is indeed Myself. Son, you are ready to erupt, of joy! Even the joy, you have never known. Even, as Spoken of Myself unto you, In the innumerable times Promised, of Myself. And, My Son, this is no less, than what your life shall witness, even forever! Yes, son you are most thankful, that you have been forced again to be alone, with Myself. Even you feel, more comfortable here with Me. Then, with any human. My Son, yes, you crossed that bridge, by your own choice. As to turn your back on this whole world, so as to know Me, as I AM! And, I Say, you are now & shall ever remain, in My presents, forever! As daily you learn your True Identity. Son, you have no care. Not, even for Nanna’s Healing. Son, what is this?? YES! To know Myself, is to know that she is already made to be whole, & in need of nothing! Even, as you now find yourself to be. This My Son, you now know. The Why? Because, for no other reason. You are learning who you are, as to who I AM!. Son, be sure, as to who I AM! You have learned, almost nothing. Yes, this is Life, I Speak of, that is now just before you. Son, you will but soon, see & understand. That, when I Speak, & Say, it is now on top of you. I still Speak of the unbelievable, that’s to become reality. Son, & so it is! Yes son, I see you, that you are puzzled. How do you approach what you don’t understand. And how do you understand, what you can not reason? Your mind is probing for something, but you do not know what it is. Son, what is it? Father, I do not know. Son, NATURE! That’s the word you are searching for. For, you are trying to determine how it is possible to experience My presents. As, you have witnessed for the last few hours, as you typed. As, this was joy, vibrant joy, even as to quiver all over with excitement. Then, how quickly, this feeling, & it’s memory can be so miss placed. Son, this is what you were searching for. As, you can hardly even, as best you can try. You can not regenerate it to your mind. Why, is this, My Son? Son, it is My Nature you have experienced! Yet, how quickly you are only aware of the hopelessness of the living death. Yes, son you are much more inept of what I Speak of the bodies & minds. But, what of Nature? The only nature that you are, familiar with is the human nature, of the living death. Son, this is a New Revelation! Son, this is I, & I offer to you, proof of My Existences! And, how is that? Son, you neither bring on this joyous feeling on yourself. Nor can you, control it as to, retain it of yourself. Nor can you recall it after it is gone. Son, I Speak of Myself, this is who I AM, this is none other than My Nature! This is the Life you know! Yes, I Speak, of your awareness! I have just shown you this is not, of your control. And therefore it is most certainly a force you recognize. Yet, tho it can inter –act with you, it most certainly is separate of you. As, I Say, you have no control, what so ever. Oh Yes, My Son, you have never seen it of this fashion. Yet, you are well aware, of the influence of My Nature. As, oppose to, not being able to experience it. Yes Son, I do Speak of Life. For, is not the ultra end of human nature, is it nothing, but death? No! I have never addressed this, unto you until just this moment. Yet, less than an hour later, where did it go? Son, this is what, you have been wrestling with, to control. As, you called it your emotions. Yes, son your emotions, are most effected. As, you tried to keep them high. As, not to allow your mind to dwell on any problem. As, I Say, this is not the cause, but, it is most differently the awareness of the effect. Son, now you know it is your nature, you are fighting. But, how can one fight, the root, of his own awareness? That was created by ones own environment? Oh! You say that’s the problem! Yes son, that’s the problem, & the reason you must, personally be exposed to My Nature. For otherwise you will never really know any joy. Son, do you see, I hold out to you the proof of My existence? For when, you finally know ever lasting joy. It will be because, I have Instilled, My Nature in you. The, fact any man, can experience any real measure of joy. This as you know, only comes from Myself. This, to man kind was also lost, because it was lost, with Adam & Eve. And, yes this was, very much apart of them, as body & mind. But, was lost after sin set in to destroy the capacity of their brains. And, so went, the nature I had instilled in them, from their creation. And, was replaced, yes, with the nature. You call human nature. Son, I know the growth of your mind (brain) as I reveal the more unto you. Yes, you say, this is scary (not easily understood) as you even now understand more every day now. And, you are very much aware of this. Son, the course is set, there will never be any more regression. Son, I Say, never! And, as I Say, it is set. There fore, it has been determined of Myself. And, no other can restrain, nor slow it down. Son, this is what I’ve been Saying unto you. Time, can no longer effectively hide, what is (I’ll Say it again) . Of what is on top of you. Son, the demonstrations of My Spirit is undeniable. And, the wisdom, you gain every day, is also undeniable. But, not that long ago, you did not have the capacity, even of your present thoughts. Son, as you mentioned, to Jerry, you said, I believe, I believe! And, son only a fool, could say otherwise. For, you shall very shortly, pass that statement off, as total disbelief. To what, you will soon, know for reality. Yes son, it has been a long time in the making. But, who will be in denial of his own eye sight? Son, I AM, that I AM, is with you. Yes, you will soon know the WE ARE!
Mes. #166: 11-30-05 2:27 am. Wed.
discover the Truth of the Sabbath along time ago - Son, only I can make you to see the Truth - I could not let you discover this Truth, for it was not the time. - your 2 battles –Son, can any man be convinced , that black is white? -Yes son, I have been Your
Mentor, from your cradle -There is that Word Nature again - I Yahshua, will show you Who Babylon is - the system of Babylon is coming down-
Son, how is it, that none (very few) have grasp the reality of the Truth. Of the keeping of the Sabbath? When they have no concept of their Identity, nor My Own? So, what I Ask, are they worshiping? Is it a name, a symbol of a cross, a idea, a story, a myth, a fable, a legend,? What or who do they worship? As, son I have proven unto you, there is not one, not one- who knows Me! No son, I do not question, (the few) of pure intent of heart to know Me, but none do. Son, you now see this Truth of keeping My Commandments, of the Sabbath. Son, you are totally over whelmed, because you never saw this Truth! Yes, you did enquirer of Me about this Truth. Son, I hold you of non- accountable. As, this was hidden from you, (as all men), until this time of the End. Son, you see that Truth is not discoverable. Until I, opened it to any’s understanding. But, yet you never seen this Truth in all of your years of walking with Myself. Even, tho you were always searching for it. Now, you realize, for any one to deny keeping the Sabbath. Is really also denying My Identity. Yes Father, as it appears what many see of God, is nothing more than poetry blown on the wind. Yell! God is the wind, some times very angry, but, most often only a gentle breeze. Appeased! Father, I‘m (astonished speechless) that even tho I knew it was written. I still did not realize the Truth, until now. And Father, beyond any doubt, had You not revealed this to me. I would never have discovered this most wonderful & undeniable Truth. And, to You Father, all praise is due. And, yet Father as this Truth, was there, right before any who’s mind, was able to reason of it. And still as apparent as this Truth is, why did I not see it? And, why does not the religious world see it? For, it is most obvious that You Father, self appointed this day, as Your Own Proclamation of this, as the Day of Rest. Now I see the Truth, as it is recorded in Your Word. Father, under what pretense could I offer as an excuse? As, to I, as the world has ignored this Truth. Father, right now if I didn’t believe this, as to be the very Truth of God. I would take my Bible and throw it in the flames. And, I would then declare there is no God! And therefore what fear is there of any punishment, of any sin. Father, this is the only way I can explain, as to my understanding, as how strongly I believe this!. As to how I could ever again ignore the Truth, You have revealed unto me. Son, now you see plainly, it was I, Myself, who made you no answer. To your request of 1960, & only now do you see, the reasoning for this. Son, in all reality it would have been most cruel of me, to have answered you. Why? For Son, as all you have suffered, as to learn your Identity, & Mine. This My Son, would have altered your path, from so very far, as to who you are this day. No, Son you would not be the same person you are now. Yes, had I confirmed the Truth you were seeking, as a young man. You would not be close to filling My Will, for your life. Son, I need not to make any further exclamation for you. And, My Father, I do agree. No, son I could not have had you harping on this for the last 50 years. Son, they could not hear you then, any more than they will hear you now. So, what makes the difference or is there none? Son, yes, it’s in the timing, & you know this. Son, as now when you make your witness of this keeping the Sabbath. I Say, My Son, you shall be dully empowered with the power of the later rain (unlimited). Son, this is the difference. Son, there will be no greater issue to be witnessed. Except, the preaching of the Kingdom of God coming to rule upon the earth, now! These 2 are the battle. Son, these shall be met with the all out furry of hell! As, to make resistance of these Truths. Son, as I Say, I could not have allowed this battle to have been joined 50 years ago. No! For, now is the time of the END! Son, you see this, as it is. The enemy has deceived (the great falling away), has already happened. Even, now that man should now question My Authority- directly, to My Face. Father, to what measure will they go as to deny, or excuse themselves of this, - only You know! But, Father, I can see this as something many, will never yield too! Because this has been hidden, so very long from the believers. It’s as if they have been hypnotized, & can not see reality. Father, I have never seen anything so blinding in all my life. As, to how any can question it, or ignore it, or as to disbelieve it! Father, this blows me away, from my understanding. Son, this is as real as it gets! Can any man, be convinced, that white is black? That, day is really, night? How, My Son, could any have any doubt, as to ( I meant) what I Said? Yes, the proof is in the recorded Word, that indeed, “I Said it, to keep the Sabbath!” Now, I Ask, by what reasoning can it be said or explained – that I didn’t mean, what I Said? Or, by what reasoning it is now nullified or made thus meaningless? Son, just how many ways are there, to explain away My Words of the Truth? Son, this is a very great lie satan has sold man kind. Father, I see, & I know that absolutely, if You didn’t show a person this Truth. He will never be free from this lie. Son, you see it correctly. As, the god of this world has set up, to have worship on his day, that he has set up. And, son, this is the reason, I Say, none know who they worship. Or they would never keep satan’s commandments, & ignore My Own. Yes, Father, this is true, as they can pass this off with every lie under the sun. And, still not see, what they are doing. Father, even tho this was answered of You, these many years later. And, for the obvious reason, it was not the pre-set time, of Your Will. Yet, My Father as one who has sought the Truth all of my life. But, even as You Father have explained this unto me. As, this is now the correct time. Then You Father Told me right away. Father, this proof, on top of proof, that You now make this real unto myself. As, You have always lead me from even my cradle. Father, this whole thing of all Truth & Our Identities, has been proven unto myself. And, Father, I give You thanks, for Your Will, that has governed my entire life. And, I am starting to see the plain evidence of Yourself, as Your Identity, undeniable of myself. Father, I have tried to imagine how this would all come about. But, it was always way beyond my understanding. Father, that now reminds me, of the dream I was telling Jerry about. I was very much in search of a Word. And, some how it was kept moving about, & was trying to be covered up by the earth. And, I kept searching, & trying to remove the soil that kept covering this word. So that, I was not able to identify what that word was. And, My Father, it was You who just revealed this unto me, as to what that word was. Even, as You have now explained this Word to be, NATURE, Your Nature. Even as Your Awareness! And therefore Life (all Life) is in Your Self. Thank You Father! Father, for the first time in my life. I feel free, & even bordering on being happy. Son, there will be no delay, in much more to yet come. Son, can you hear My Children, as they worship Me, from their alter of Baal? And, them saying, Father count it no sin unto us. That we may win those who worship Baal. Son, I laugh! For, what has changed of man kind, since the first sinned? Oh- They cry, Father don’t hold it against me, for I am so weak, & why have You not protected me? As You knew I was weak. Now, I have to inter-act with the children of Baal- or risk to be thrown off, as an outcast, for my very life. In business, & life, therefore to suffer very much. As to be cast away from the whole of the earth. Son, did I not Tell you I laugh? Children, I God, would Ask you what god will you worship? But, Myself? Yet, you hide the idols of Baal in your dwellings, & in your hearts! And, then you would Ask of Me? What, would You Father hold against us? No, they say, but let us only appease them. Even, as we worship with them, even at the alter of Baal (Babylon). Even, on the day chosen of Baal (Babylon) to worship. But, really we worship the true God! Son, of what answer am I to give them? Shall I Say, that’s okay (for I understand) if you break My Will- Commandments. For, surely you do so, as to keep peace (that’s an honorable reason). And also you will tell Me that you may also win them, the lost of Baal (Babylon), unto Myself. As, we must be in the mist of these, as to make Your Witness. Son, you already know, what answer, I have already given unto them. As, it is written, and recorded of My Word. (Bible)
Revelation 18:4. “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, come out of her, (Babylon) my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Son, this same scene has played out, on each generation. But, this has now come to it’s END. As the end of satan’s & Babylon’s rule, is now finished, as we are at the ending of time. So, son what answer should I expect to hear from My Children? As, upon Me Telling them to come out of her Babylon? Son, they will give answer – have we not forever witnessed the false alarms? As, they have been present, in every generation. So, what proof would You God offer us that we may believe You? And, that it is not just another false alarm. As, nothing has ever changed, through the many generations, of this living side, by side with the inhabitance of Babylon. Why would we seek to offend them, for what reward is this? Why, should we risk our peace, & prosperity? As, all will remain the same, since the beginning, even all generation. Is not there a better understanding for peace, then at any other time? Why, make trouble? Son, My answer is, yes all things has remained the same from the beginning, except one thing. And that’s the ENDING. For, I Say, even the Lord God Almighty. That this is the hour (I have pre-set) that I shall now judge Babylon. And, I shall judge her Babylon with fire. As, I shall remove the great city Rome (Babylon) from the face of the earth in an instant of judgment-by an atomic blast!! As with your wealth (monetary system). And your false worship, education, and the pride of your pomp of society. I shall destroy you utterly from the earth. Yet, you Children & the seed of men. Do you see any need to separate your selves from her (the whore) Babylon? Son, this is the hour I have revealed this Truth unto you. As this is the hour the 144,000 shall take this warning to every ear on the planet. Yes, I God Say, you (the seed of men) will keep My Commandment of the Sabbath. But, the system of Babylon of which you have lived. I Say, as God, that I now END, this system of satan & men. And it will be replaced with My Own Kingdom! And, not generations down the road, but with this present lying generation. Come test My Will, if you dare! The time of man, to do this (his own worship of himself) it is finished! Now, those you have oppressed, of every generation, that would dare to be different. Even, to make worship of Myself. These, will now rule the earth! Do, you hear Me? They shall govern the whole earth! Choose you men of the earth, shall you live or die? My terms are non- negotiable. Live with them, or die without them, but, you will choose! Children, in this present generation. Is it any less a partaker of idols and false worship? As when, Israel, was in the Promised land? No, you not, we are of the seed of Joseph, & Manasseh. America is that Promise of God to Abraham. Yes, America is that blessing, given of the seed of Manasseh. Read the US and Britain in Prophecy. www.pcog.org 1-800-772-8577 the book is free.
Mes. #167: 12-01-05 12:44 am. Thur.
My Son, I would Speak with you. As you find at times, your directions are different. And, was it not that obvious? I had separated you for a time. As, to Teach you both. But, sons the goal is the same. Now sons, you will even more realize that your understandings. Do not, nor will not, have to agree on your approach onto Myself. As, I Say, your goals are the same, to know Me, as I AM. And, of course these will be realized. As, you My Son Jerry get up to meet your day (as to sustain you) to exist, to do your duties for that day to meet the obligations, to exist. As, no more is currently, expected of you. As you My Son, you arise to meet your day. Of, your obligations to make preparations or record the Path. And My Son, this is your duties as you see them. And this is a mission, given of Myself. And, this will be done by (at this time) your hand. And, yes it has become a chore, as it is on going. But, son outside of these, you have no currant responsibilities. Now, son you can see that both of you are some what troubled. As, neither of you can clearly see (or understand ) what the others daily, nor near future role really is. Father, I could say, nor is my understanding perfectly clear as to my own role. Yet, Father I’m following Your Speech, as closely, as I know how. Very well, My Son. But, do not concern yourselves to any great degree of the others currant role. For, as you can see, both of you are determined of mind. To carry on to the level of your currant understandings. And, this is very good! And, by no means does this depend, or determine, as to what the others role is. I Say, leave these be! As, they are no real concern, to either of you. And, you son, say well of course I want to know You Father, as You Are! But, I must have meaning to occupy this time, as I would seek Your Will, to do so. Yes, Son, as you arise, you desire My Will to make reason, for the existence, of that day. Or to make known unto yourself, how to spend the time of that day. Or, as you would reason, the reason for existence. And, if you could, see no reason to exist. Then, you would be asking Me, to release you of the burden to live. That’s right! Father, as I have begged many times. So, My Son, in this you will continue to proceed, even day after day. Now My Son, you have excepted, this role I have imposed upon you. Even, as My Son Jerry, has done the same. Tho, not entirely understood of you, or as the other. But, sons dwell on this no more. Now Sons, as you both were toying with the idea of play acting. Or, in other words, the acting out of My Will. I Will now reveal to you a New Revelation of understanding. As, both of you reason, this play acting, at some point, has to cease. For, if not, you will be no more than puppets dancing to My Will. I Say, indeed this is so. Let, Me explain it to you, of your understanding. Son, children do grow up. And, when they do, what do they become? Yes, they leave the nest, & strike out on their own adventure. To experience life, all of life, & even it’s demands. But, this is all new, & unknown, & perhaps adventurous, & maybe exciting to make discoveries, & decisions. Children, My Son, I know this makes sense unto you. I have as Creator, Father, Educator, Provider, & Protector. I have & will continue to care for you. But, how will I care for you? Haphazardly? Of, course not! No, for I shall care for your every need, you could ever have. And, by what means? And, I Tell you, by a pre-thought out Plan, called, My Will. Yes, I know as I have planned out absolutely everything about your youth & growth of your lives. But, believe it or not, you will at some point reach your maturity. And, you will be off on your own. And, to do what? Your Will- of course! So sons, you now know the answer to your question. Yes, I have had a pre- thought out Plan, as you know as My Will. And, this will be followed to the letter (as you would say it). Until each of you as My Child grows & reaches maturity. As, each comes to this state of awareness. You, will no longer, (as you call it) be a puppet to My Will! So, to satisfy your questioning. Yes, there is a perfect, as it was constructed, of Myself. There is, a pre-planed program, designed before any creation was enacted. And, I made that Plan, to birth Sons & Daughters into My Own Family! As, I Say by a Perfect, Plan & executed Perfectly, by My Own reasoning, of My Will. And, as I Say, this plan was crafted before the advent of time. And has extended the full length of the whole time table. And will extend into early eternity. As, it is then My Children will also be ready to leave the nest. And, all that I had Pre-Planed to see each child to maturity. And will not fail or be altered, to it’s full execution of completeness. Of each child’s full growth of complete awareness. Then, & only then will you, become independent of My Will. Or as you would say it, The strings are cut, as to control you no more, as a puppet. Yes, children, this is My Will, & to the completion of My Will. And, you will from that point never again be on auto pilot, as to be controlled of My Will. But, you then will be on manual control-self determination. Equal, as children, in status & desire, & of maturity, knowledge gained. Son, when you called the Word (Bible) the program. This is indeed, My Will, as coupled with history & recorded time. As it also entails, a detailed description of the end. And, all the way, in detail, back to the return of eternity. This was, & is the program, of My designated designed Will. Understood, or not! Thanks Father! For this New Revelation. And Father, since You haven’t predetermined, what is to be there after. I’ll wait to see, to explore for myself. I know You could still Speak in generalities. But, I now understand there is a closure to the ending of Your Pre-determined Will. Thanks Father again- for Your Wisdom revealed!
Mes. #168: 12-01-05 9:52 pm. Thur.
My Son, are you not amazed? Of, all I am Teaching you, as to make the recordings of the Path. Son, as you were speaking unto Sandy. Son, yes you see that I am Teaching Sandy. As, it is frustrating to you, as you try to reason to her. But, Son remember that there is no more, what so ever, expected of you. Then to (deliver), to speak the Truth. And, did I not Say, I would take over, then? And, take those Words of Truth, that they heard of you. And, it is then I Myself, that shall bring that Word alive, into their understandings? And, are you not, in much evidence to this? As, in the person of Sandy Williams. Father, it is so very true & yes, I realize that Truth, has set myself free. Of, that old religion, of that I had to do it, of failure. And, yes I’ve finally realized. That, people have a free will, as to contend with. And, that my will (to save, to guide) them, was inferior to theirs. As, my will can not over ride their free will. Yes, this was hard for me to learn, but, now I got it loud & clear! Oh Father, how I thank You, that You have indeed, set me free. From sincere thinking, but, incorrect thinking. Yes, son your labor, is to speak the Truth. And, the Truth (Myself), shall set all free, who so desire. My Son, as you was speaking to Sandy, it occurred to you. Again, what you could not capture, nor understand, as to regenerate, nor contain. And, I Speak of the great measure of jubilant, vibrant, joy of life, you experienced. As, you were typing message #161. And, then how quickly it dissipated. And, as hard as you might imagine. You can not recall, nor generate this unbelievable abundance of the feeling of life, that you had witnessed. Son, now I reveal this, as a New Revelation. You, are very aware of this in the Written Word (Bible). Of, the story told of Myself, about.
Matthew 9: 17. Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.
That the new wine, has to be put into new skins (bottles). Or, it can not retain the wine (Spirit of Life). Now, this became real to you, as you were speaking to Sandy. That, that is exactly what you was trying to discover. Or, as the case is, trying to recapture, what went through your being, that very day. Now, you know beyond any doubt, We are Speaking, Life! The, wine of the Spirit of Life, can not beheld of the old skin. Even, your body, that is still subjected to the living death. Is that old skin, (bottle), is the living death. Son, yes we are talking the expansion, of the mind power. And, the transformation of converting from the old mind, body, & nature, to the new. And this indeed, can retain that new wine (Spirit of Life). Oh, My Son, as you are but growing daily to your new understanding? Son, of you, I Said, it will now also be apparent to the eye sight. As proof of your hearing. And lodging in your mind as a great fact –Truth! This, you are now My Witness, & it is recorded of you. And, I Said, it would be, instantaneously proven! And, My Son, so it is! So, where, is all of this taking you? Even, in a great rush! Absolutely, you are every day now discovering your identity. Thus, as the one who is receiving, this My Spoken Words. And, so you are making (tho limited), the discover of My Own Identity. Now, My Son, common sense tells you. That, you can not continue to, mount such an attack of you, of your old existences. That, something has to give way. As, to make room for the new, that is now arriving daily. Something, indeed has to give. Either it has, to be enlarged or changed to accommodate the new. And, We are talking both! As, you can plainly see, it has to be changed. As, it can not retain this Spirit of Life (wine). As it very quickly exists the body & there fore can not be retained. Something, will indeed have to be changed, to accommodate this New Spirit Life force. And, as you have already witnessed your mind is enlarging daily. To retain, the knowledge that, it is also receiving daily, to the source of your mind. As, I have already revealed unto you, there are now portions of your brain previously, never used. Is, now awaking to Life-awareness! And, your awareness, is growing by leaps & bounds. So, it’s the body! Yes, it will at some point-start changing, yes the structure of the body. Wow! Father, I see that now clearer, much clearer. Yes, son as this capacity of the mind continues to expand. Yes, son, you are going to indeed return to who Adam, was created to be! Indeed, even as to what, he lost upon sinning. Son, you will believe, as Adam did witness, the instant death, that he suffered. Yes, his mind literally died, as he had to witness it, of this terrible death. Son, you talk about depression, no one else will ever know, what Adam & Eve, suffered. As, they went from, never ever to know any pain. To, an earth shattering head-ache, of universal proportions. Oh, Father this is a New Revelation. And, I could have never dreamed of their pain & sorrow. Yet, how obvious is this in the recorded Word-Bible? Son, let his longevity of life, be an indicator of his shrinking mind capacity. As, his heirs also. Son, for sure, it was not instantaneous death, but was the known living death this is very much of what he was aware of. Yet, son how did he bare the pain, that it did not kill him out right? Oh Father, I can not imagine! Yes, son this instant taste of death, was felt in a heart beat. Son, as his mind began instantly a deterioration of memory. Son, how long was it, that he didn’t even remember the garden? Nor, as to remember who he was before sin? Nor, to speak as talking & walking with Myself. Father, You have given me much food for thought. Son, just be sure as to what Adam lost, is now presently, being resurrected in you. Yes, son remember, Adam lost the capacity that no man has known since. And, the 144,000, one at a time, shall now receive it of themselves, of Myself. Yes, son Adam, died, & yet lived in the living death, for 930 years, & died daily. Yes, son the living death consumed his glorified body. And, 95% of his mind capacity he lost. And, son think on this. Yes, My Nature, was also removed from him. Son, this went first, & this went instantly! Now son, you have some history, of My Nature, as with mankind. As, the instant Adam’s body deteriorated until the Spirit (wine) gushed out, & all ran out. He was changed to a mortal man. Yes to flesh & blood, dying, decaying, to the living death. Yes, son I am yet Speaking of the Life, your Life to be rejuvenated, to the full capacity, that Adam was created to be. Children, all I’ve Spoken unto you. Yet, this can not be conveyed, to your present minds. As, to be understood in this manner of speech or tongue. For, it can not tell of My Life Force. Yes, I am Speaking of more Life than you can possibly retain, to your understanding, at this time. And, I repeat again, this is on top of you! Now son, Who are you? But, the Son of I AM! And, what does now your future hold? Even the unexplainable. What, I Speak of is obviously a transformation, of Godly proportions. I Say indeed! Son, the (wine) Spirit of Life, will be felt much more often of you. And My Son, I am, going to offer proof of this My Nature, & My Existence. This, is also a New Revelation. I am, going to form a pocket in your new growth (new body) that shall retain this My Nature, (tho small), & this shall permanently retain this My Nature, even of this Spirit of Life. And, you will continue to grow, until the transformation will be made complete, upon viewing My Face. Children, I have describe the Life, that is coming, to your present capacity of mind. And, now I Tell you, you will soon tell the whole world! Children, how much more evidence of proof, will you need as proof positive? That, you are My Children, & you are made alive of Myself? Spirit of Life!
And, again I Ask. Who, is your Identity?
Mes. #169: 12-06-05 5:10 pm. Tues.
My Father, I wish to speak to You. As Father, all You have revealed unto me. Of, my total existence, of absolute knowledge & wisdom. I did not receive any of this of myself. Nor, have I yet heard it spoken of any man. And Father, this brings me to this realization. As, I recorded Your Words, for others to witness. And, I am astonished, that not one of Your Words, has been uttered to my hearing, from any man. As, it appears if any has read Your Words. That You had me to record, I am not made aware of it. As, to if any has considered it, I know of none. Father, this amazes me! As, I continue everyday to make Your Witness, to any who will hear me. Not as I use to do. But, I now use a much more subtle speech now. Yet Father, I see what I call, no response. Father, I know Your Word- Bible, Says this will not return void. But, Father as I see it, for me to speak of anything to anyone. Seems very void, as I never get a response. Father, as of this day. I have decided to limit my contact, & speech to anyone. As Father, all I’ve recorded, & as You have made Promise of. Father, this is not my job! To record it, Yes, as You Speak this to me, is my job. And, in this Father, I have done my job, & I will continue, as to Your Will. But, Father, as to whether any acknowledge, or even care to read it at all. This, is not my responsibility. As, I have given Your Words to all, You have directed me to give them too. And, there is nothing but silence, as a response. Father, I have to, & I do except this. Now as You have revealed this unto me. As I control not one more other mind. But, as I say, this brings me to reality. As I say, I plan to make less contact, & to have much less to say. For, it is not mine, to deal with. For, I am tired of carrying this responsibility. That now Father, You have revealed unto myself. That this never was, at any time my responsibility. Father, at this point, I have a very limited care, as to what people do, or say. For, as I now see it, this is not my job, to care. And, as I have done my job, to record Your Words. As for Your future Witness. But, that is where my duties end. As Father, this is Your Speech. And, it is there fore in Your control, to make it unto reality. Even, as to when You so desire, to do so. And, of this, tho I am most interested. I have no more control, of what is to be said, or done. As it is only in Your Will, to control. Father, tho I understand, much of Your Speech. And, I except Your Speech, even as I have a limited knowledge of Your Identity. Yet, I have no more control of Your Speech, then to record it. So, Father, I will get as comfortable, as I can to await. For, You to reveal all Your Words, & even to reveal Your Identity. As, this is, to Your Own Will. And, of this I am free. My Son, since I revealed this your freedom. This freedom is now known of you in it’s limits, even as to the inter-acting with Myself. Son, did I not Say, I have Healed Your Spirit? Even, of this dreadful decease that had incased your spirit. Son, as unto My Will, that I have already Spoken unto you. As, this has already been made perfect, to your understanding? So son, what can be said, as to this conclusion, you have arrived at? Son, this is My Will, for you. As, you are removing every known thing, from you as would disturb your peace. Father, as I understand how You have freed my mind. Father, what I find in my thinking, is I no longer care. As to what their choice maybe. Father, this is some what frighenting unto me. As, if I had lost compassion, for the well being of others. Son, take notice of your healing, it is on going! For, son what you have discovered, is the difference. Son, as between making My Witness, unto others, as opposed to taking the blame for their decisions. And, now I make your understanding to be made complete. Son, this is, as far as you can go, as to walk with any other man. And, this is also true of Myself. For, you can not infringe upon any others free will. So, son you will always speak the Truth, or lay My Written Words into their hands. And, this My Son, is as presented of yourself, unto them. Then this is as far as you can dictate. It is then their minds, that shall determine as to what they shall do with this information. But, son at that point, until or unless. I Speak to you, as to deal any more, with any man, you are done. Son, this is as complete, as if that person were to suddenly die! So, yes My Son, you are only becoming this more aware. As to what, your job description really is. And, son as this has now been revealed unto you. You can scarcely believe, as to how free you now find yourself. Even, so much so, that you have questions. Are you shirking any of your responsibilities? Son, I Say, never so. You have only found the freedom that is the gift of every son or daughter. So, My Son, this is I, making you ever more complete. Than you ever imagined you could possibly be. So, as you have reasoned, to remain unto yourself. And, speak as little to any one, as possible. Son, so be it to, My Will. Now, son it is so very true, you have done your job. And, you have done it well. And, there is absolutely nothing further required of you. Until, I Speak to you the more. Son, it is now, My time to bring all about, as I Promised. As all is to become reality, to the sight of men. But, son you know they will also receive this, as so & so. But, that is not your, nor My responsibility. As, to lend Our Minds, for their own reasoning. For, son all will choose his own lot. For, I have forced nothing on any man. And, all will give answer to his choice. Can, it be any more simple? And, son you know it could not, have been designed, any more fairly. So, My Son, will you grieve because, none reason, as you see the Truth? Son, they will tell you in a heart beat, that it is none of your business. And, son outside of delivering this My Truth, & intercessory prayer for them. They are right, in what they claim. Father, I have never seen it this clearly, ever before. Son, that is the reason it was, with held from you. Did, you not ask, for your healing, to be delayed until after Nanna received her healing? Now, what do you see, but the starting of your healing now also? Son, what does this say unto you? Yes, this is evidence that Nanna is now presently being healed. Son, you had to experience it all, by the life you have lived. But, now you will measure this, by the Truth, of My Spoken Words. And, son you will see the Truth, never fails, not ever. As, the standard is the Truth. And every soul, will be measured, by it equally. Son, as I Say, I AM making My Words, to now be made into reality. Until I then reveal of Myself, as to when I will justify My Words. They are as good as nothing, as to make reproof. Or, as to prove My Own Identity, or Plan, for existence & creation. Son, once I reveal, that is to make known My Words, as recorded of you. My Son, it is then, they shall stand to give answer to the witness of My Speech. Even, as they shall, of My Word, the Bible. So My Son, until the weather breaks, or I Speak unto you to record, My Speech. You, may with My full blessing, continue as you have determined. For this is My Perfect Will, concerning you. Son, as to whether any heart, desires your speech, or reads Mine. This never ever will become a concern unto you. And, nor unto anyone else, until reward, or judgment is given. Then, will there be an answer made.
Mes. #170: SUMMARY 12- 07 05
This is a summary of Yahshua’s movements - a sequence of events-
A SUMMARY. This is not a message, but a summary of what Our Father is doing, as to what He has already done.
It starts with the long (awaited) Promise of myself entering into Yahshua Mind. Message # 85, 7- 19- 2005. This was achieved on this date. As, I had been told Nanna would never receive her healing , until I entered His (Yahshua) Mind.
Found In message #142: 9- 29- 2005. The Father, Spoke of a string of events to take place. He, referred to these as a string of pearls. One event to follow right after the other. Now I believe we can see these happening as the Father Spoke.
Found in message #154: 10- 22- 2005 On this very day Yahshua Told me to speak Nanna’s Healing into existences. And, you can read the account, as I obeyed Him.
Found in message #157: 10- 29- 2005. Jerry & I were setting on the dam of Doe Run Lake. We talked many hours about the living death. That, very evening at 8: 59 PM. Saturday. God Spoke unto me. That we had indeed crossed over, the expanse, the gap, by a bridge, that now we were separated from the living death. As, by commitment! And, the Father Said, you now stand on My door step. The Father Said, where we now stood, no man had ever stepped before. We then burned that bridge in our minds. Children, this is a very great Revelation.
Found in message #158: 10- 31- 2005. The Father Healed me of the most crushing defeat of my living for Him. This was known as the Pine Knot, Ky. affair. This forever destroyed my faith. This was always meant for this time of a very, very great healing for myself. And, now that has taken place. This has removed the last bit of doubt from my life.
Found in message #162: 11- 14- 2005. The Father set another healing upon me. As He showed me. It was not, nor never was it my responsibility to take the blame for any others, free will decisions. Yes, all these years, I thought it was my failure. I’m now free from this, also. I’m more free today than I’ve ever known in my entire life.
Found in message #164: 11- 20- 2005. Yes, My Son, I Will Say it. From the moment I Spoke to you, to speak Nanna’s Healing into existences on 10- 22- 2005. You, have witnessed a remarkable change in her nature. Yes, son this is her healing that was set into motion that instant. I would make this notice. The Father, started both our healings with our nature, Spirits.
Found in message # 165: 11- 27- 2005. Son, you are changing, as you now know My reality, as real. Son, you are now without a care. Not even for Nanna’s Healing, do you have a care. Children, as my healing goes, I’ve never been so care free in my life, as this very day. And, also the Father has given us a lesson in nature. And, in this phase, has He Spoken. “See now, what is on top of you!”
Found in message # 166: 11- 30- 2005. This is a confirmed lesson on the Sabbath. And, there are 2 great issues, The Sabbath, & the preaching of the First Gospel of the Kingdom of God coming unto the earth. And, I am so very free, healed. And, this is to also to remind us of the very great volume of New Revelations. And, the many Truths revealed for the recording of the Path, (map). I make mention of these few things to show the great movement, that is unquestionably taking place in our lives presently, & daily. This is moving us, toward the breaking of the dam. Which is the next major event to occur in our lives. Soon, & ever so soon, those who have stood by in doubt, of the wonderful workings of God. They will see God in action, undeniably so. Stay tuned-it has, already started. And, when the dam breaks, it will be very visible to any eye, who would desire to see it! The Lord has reminded me 2 times that, after this year of 2005. Our lives, will never be the same, I will remain faithful, to record every event.
Mes. # 171: 12-09-05 1:01 am. Fri.
Vision - what is the pocket sensation?
This is what, I heard as I was awaken this morning. I heard the Words Spoken over & over, to take the earth. For, it is My Will that you do so. Take the sphere! (later that same day) Son, what do I mean by this? As, you can not this minute, express what living is. No! no it is much more than eating, sleeping, & working. Son, is there something missing? Yes! It’s the joy of living, that is absent. Even, tho you continue to live, eat, sleep, & work. And do your daily chores. There is absent the purpose, for doing these things. I Speak, much more than habit or duty. I reason of purpose, with joy. A robot can be programmed, even as you perform, what you call, as life. But, a robot can not express, to equate to known joy. Son, it is in the nature, that you seek true life. Son, this is what, all of you now approach. It is called Life! Even, as what is currently equated to be called life. As the going thru the motions of what is now called living. Yet, it is the joy of purpose, that is absent. Son, this is that very thing, that you have known all of your walk with Myself. Known to you, as the holy chills. Or a sense of joy, that is ever so quickly felt, then it is gone. As, best you can this can not be assimilated to be experienced, but only known as a memory. For the sensation is gone. And, Oh how you wish it could be recaptured or brought to your control, upon demand. For, if you could control this sensation. You would never again be without it. Yes, Son, We are Speaking of the substance, of My Identity, called Life. This, is even who- I AM! This is indeed, not an expression of speech, of Myself. This is not, a congealing the right measurements of chemicals, or any substance, that can be determined, by time, by effort, or by desire. This, is My Identity We are Speaking of. Son, this is why day, after day, in all your living. All you will ever feel, believe, see or as to experience, as to call living. Is only the realization, of the living death. And, that’s all you ever will feel. And, son this would remain so, forever without purpose, of joy, or intent. And, that is because Life is absent, from your living. I AM that Life! Yes, I AM the joy, the purpose, the intent. And, that can only be known, by the sensation! That, is introduced by making contact, of the substance of Myself. Life! Son, I Told you. I will prove unto you, that you will Live, because I Live! Yes, you know your Identity, because you can experience, My Identity, by the sensation called Life. Son, this is what, We now approach. No! no longer the drudgery, of facing endless days. Of, being alone without the sensation of Life, being ever present with you. Even, to the greeting of your eyes opening, to another day. Son, while you know this type of living, as the living death. And, nothing in all the heavens or the earth, will ever convince you, of any difference. For, no one what so ever. Has to inform you as to when you feel the substance of Life. On your body, & the joy known of your mind. Son, I know you see, of what I am telling you, you well understand. And, you know this is true. And, nothing could make you to ever doubt it. As, long as My presents is felt of you. Son, I have Spoken of this many, many times, unto you, through the many years. Yet, you still face the same old living death, even daily. Son, I Spoke unto you. As your body goes thru the process of the transformation. I Will form a pocket, in this New Body. And, in this pocket I shall install, even forever, the substance of Myself. Yes, this is the evidence of My presents in your life. And, until your transformation is totally complete. Of which at the completion, your whole body shall become this very substance of My Life. And, this shall bubble out, & over flow. And, Oh yes, it shall also touch others, with the very same sensation, you knew from the beginning of your walk with Myself. Yes son, We are talking Life here! Son, I have Said it! And, son this small pocket, could appear any day. And, when it does, the living death, can no longer be felt of you. Son, can I Say this any plainer? Will not then your known Identity? Then, known as My Identity, it has become apart of you ? No, you know well there is no denying this. And, son I declare this, this present sensation of the living death. Will never, to any degree, ever be felt of you again. Yes, son you will then know, that My Identity. Has become joined unto your Identity. Yes, We are Talking of Life, the joy, the vibrant joy, of purpose, to be alive! Myself! But, once joined, we shall be the WE ARE!
Mes. #172: 12-10-05 2:02AM. Sat.
My Son, I Will Speak with you. Son, as I Spoke unto you of the pocket sensation, of the substance of Life. My Awareness, Myself! I could have Said it this way, unto your understanding. Yes, I could have Said, you will experience, this sensation. Of being Born Again, of My Spirit! Yes, son this is what I meant, as all is New, & a New Beginning! Son, for at that very instant, you shall be created anew, with all New understanding. Thus, as I have Spoken of the living death. This, will never again, be known of your mind. As, to ever again fall back under it’s influence, of despair of death, of hopelessness. No, this indeed will be gone from you, as to ever hold any control over you again. Yes, at this very instant, you have become Born Again of My Life Source! Son, this caught you by surprise! But, I have a matter to prove here. Son, you are not dictating, these Words. This, I show you & I reveal unto all others. No, My Son, you are not up at nights, trying to figure the next move. So, you can record it. For, I use Words, you would not use. Why? Because, you go ahead & record them. Not really knowing what you have recorded. Son, this is I! And, Son know you not, that at that very instant? The Kingdom of God, will have appeared upon the earth! Heavy! But true. Son, it’s all in the calling forth of the 144,000. These indeed are the representation of My Kingdom, present on this earth. And, what is confusing, to the so called church. That, will be looking on this scene. They will say, where is the resurrection? Where, was Jesus second coming? But, this now has been opened. Yet. Son not so far, widely known, but only of the few with you, have I revealed this. Son, as you well, know, I have Taught you to hate. The system of this present world, known unto you as the living death. You, have utterly died out to any further participation. And, totally rejected the rule of men & satan, from you. Son, so totally have you disavowed this system. Even, as if you were dead, void of fleshly life. This, is your death unto sin! This, is the only way to absolutely, qualify to being Born Again. And, your New Birth will arrive any day. As, you know I had been quiet on this subject, of late. So, much so, that it caught you by total surprise. When, I Spoke of it as the pocket sensation. You, did not link the two together. Now, son that which I Spoke much about, was the All in All. Son, that could not have taken place until, your New Birth, occurring any day now. And, that you shall learn My Ways of My Spirit. Even, more rapidly, than you can Imagine. And, yes, I Speak of My Power, & My Attributes of My Identity. As, I Say, these shall increase of you daily, after your New Birth. Yes, son this is going to be very exciting, even beyond description. And, then you shall be taught by the T Speech- of the unbelievable. Son, the completions of Nanna & your healings, are finished, even as I Say so. And, yes now you approach the breaking of the dam. Son, so far, as you could never imagine how these things would come about. Yet, son take notice they are so far, very low keyed. This, has not yet even lifted an eye brow. But, son when the dam breaks. It will not, nor can it be hidden any more. So, you wonder, how these will now all come together. That is the dam breaking, your preparations, & the second Pentecost taking place. Son, I yet will Ask you, to yet be patient. For, I have My reasons. You, are doing well, to stay abreast of My Speech. Son, this is very Important! For coupled with your works. This shall go out into all the earth. Son, you can not imagine, what you will soon find, you have gotten into. Son, this is earth shaking! Son, stay on top of this, these writings. I know this is very demanding on you. And, son I Will see to it, My Son Jack, does not become weary, of this also. Sons, I Say, stay faithful, because this is nearly complete. Son, all is on perfect stride, for timing. Son, just remain faithful. Son remember what I Said, about receiving My All in All. For at that instant, you shall be totally changed into a Spirit Being! Identical as Myself, in every way! 4:28 Am.
I now conclude the recording of this first book. That I have received of My Father. Jack and I have been working on this for 11 mo. Now this writing has been explained of myself, for your reading. As, the very best I can offer you of my abilities. I trust this will bless every heart, who chances to read it. I hope you can see the Revelations, entrusted unto me, of Our Father. This, is truly, the opening up, of the very ending of mans & satan’s rule of this earth. Now, with the completion of this book. Now, Yahshua will make these many Revelations. To now, start fulfilling them for the witness unto the earth. I have been most honored of My Father, to be used of Himself, in this endeavor. As, I understand Yahshua, to Say unto me. There will be a second book. It will be titled. TRUTH, TO SET MEN FREE. As I understand Yahshua the Truth will be revealed, in its entirety. The Spirit does Speak!