We must be willing and ready to humble ourselves before GOD in the spirit of Philippians 2:3-11. Yes, we must humble ourselves before HIM in order for HIM to even be present to receive our worship. We all to often, find ourselves in the condition just like the “Laodicean Church” of Revelation 3:14-22. In verse 20, we hear JESUS saying that HE is outside -- knocking on the door -- offering to come in and fellowship with whoever will open the door. GOD (FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT) are all to often excluded from the worship service! Too often, the “performance” of the music, the organist, the choir, the drama group, or the “preacher” take center stage. After a beautiful song we often applaud. Who are we applauding? Are we give our “praise” to GOD or to “man.” If we are engaging only in a “form of worship” then GOD will not be present! Remember, GOD tells us in II Chronicles 7:14 that HE will “hear” if we humble ourselves, pray, seek HIS face, and turn from our wicked ways.
Oh, how difficult it is for us to confess! Our sin of pride keeps us from recognizing and admitting our many sins. Our pride keeps us from humbling ourselves before GOD, and confessing our sins to HIM! It’s VITAL THAT WE HUMBLE OURSELVES BEFORE A JUST AND ALMIGHTY GOD! TRUE CONFESSION CANNOT AND WILL NOT OCCUR WITHOUT OUR FIRST HUMBLING OURSELVES! We must confess our sin of pride and our ever-present sin of unconcern before we can truly enter into effective prayer. And we must confess our sin of selfishness. We are steeped in a “self-centered-what’s-in-it-for-me” culture that has permeated the “Church.” Our focus is on ourselves, on what we need, on what we want and what we don’t have. Our focus must change to be on GOD -- FATHER, SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT. We must confess our many gross sins as individuals! We must also confess our many sins within THE CHURCH (THE BODY) OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Finally, WE MUST REPENT of these many sins! We must have a “Godly Sorrow” for our sins and we must turn from them to GOD. Notice that “turning” from our sin is only half the way! We must then turn to GOD, asking HIM to cleanse us of all sin and to fill us with HIMSELF (RIGHTEOUSNESS). Let us pray for GOD in HIS MERCY to grant us a spirit of GODLY SORROW FOR OUR SINS!
Let us pray for ourselves --
for THE HOLY SPIRIT to convict us of our many sins,
for us to “recognize” our many sins as SIN,
for us to be willing to “own” our sins,
for us to be willing to “admit” our sins
for us to be willing to “confess” our sins,
and finally, for a “GODLY SORROW” to be given to us by THE HOLY SPIRIT so that we will truly humble ourselves, pray, seek HIS face, and repent of our sin II Ch 7:14.
Have you noticed the four requirements. They should not be strange to us, for we have heard them so often. In summary these requirements are that we come to GOD our FATHER
(1) truly seeking HIM in Prayer,
(2) genuinely humbling ourselves before HIM,
(3) honestly confessing our sins to HIM, and
(4) sincerely repenting of these sins in HIS presence.
We see these requirements set forth in the very familiar scripture in II Chronicles 7:14. GOD’S promise to us is that HE will then hear us, forgive our sin, and heal our land. If and when we approach the “worship service” with this kind of attitude, we will meet GOD and we will experience “true PRAYER -- TRUE COMMUNION WITH GOD!”
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Pastor J. Gilbert Hammond